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Units 11~12 Key to success



1.________ back,she congratulated herself on making such a choice.

A.Looking B.Looked C.To look D.Look 解析:现在分词作时间状语。 答案:A

2.Sports teams are made up of a certain number of players,________ common goal is to work

together to win a match.

A.whose B.where C.which D.of them

解析:“球员的目标是团结协作去赢得比赛的胜利”,用whose引导定语从句。 答案:A

3.As the years went by,she worked in many places,gradually ________ more and more experience.

A.got B.to get C.having got D.getting 解析:现在分词作结果状语。 答案:D

4.Suppose you write with your opposite hand,________ you do not usually use for writing.

A.that B.one C.the one D.what

解析:the one代指前面的your opposite hand,是特指。 答案:C

5.________ by following your own interests will you ensure that you arrive at the best possible

station in life.

A.Only B.Simply C.Even D.Rather

解析:“only+介词短语”置于句首,句子用倒装结构。 答案:A

6.This example shows that we can be really good at something when we follow ________ feels


A.that B.what C.we D.it



7.They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled potatoes ________ fried them.

A.instead of B.without C.rather than D.other than

解析:rather than“而不是”,在此连接served raw vegetables和fried them两个动词短语。 答案:C

8.Mr.Brown was so kind that he ________ dozens of homeless people who survived the


A.turned in B.got in C.called in D.took in 解析:take in“收容;接纳”。 答案:D

9.It has been ________ that 12% of the young females worldwide will still be unable to read and write by 2015.

A.worked out B.turned out C.carried out D.held out

解析:work out“计算出;弄清楚”;turn out“被证明;结果是”,不可用被动语态。 答案:A

10.________ experts have many ideas and categories of learning,it is evident that people learn in

three basic styles.

A.Since B.When C.Although D.As

解析:“虽然专家们有很多建议并讲了学习的类别,但显然人们有三种基本的学习方 式。” 答案:C Ⅱ.完形填空

When I was 6 years old,my parents got me a used __1__ for Christmas.A year or so later,I badly wanted a Sting-Ray,a tricked-out bike that was __2__ in the 1960s.So my father took my old bike,slapped a new coat of paint on it,and __3__ it with a banana seat,monkey handlebars and a sissy bar.

__4__ didn’t matter to me that some friends had new Sting-Rays straight from the Schwinn

factory.Or even that my dad put the sissy bar (保护杠)on backward,__5__ exposed me to some teasing before we __6__ it.I loved that bike. So it was for my __7__.We weren’t poor.But we always had modest Christmases.And I __8__ to do the same when I got married 27 years ago.

My wife,Clarissa,had different __9__.She,too,had some __10__ Christmases growing up.She vividly remembers when she was 14 or 15 years old and her father lost his __11__ in the construction industry.She overheard her __12__ talking about how __13__ they were. So when her parents asked her what she wanted that year,she said,‘Nothing.’ When her mother insisted she had to get __14__,Clarissa asked for socks.’I felt very good about myself afterward,’ she recalls.

But as her family’s finances __15__,Christmas went back to being a __16__ bigger production.By the time I arrived on the scene,the __17__ family—more than 20 people—would gather at her grandmother’s house in Mexicali,Mexico,on Christmas Eve.Around 10 p.m.,Santa (my future brother-in-law in a costume) showed up with an enormous bag of __18__ and stepped into a roomful of children crying with __19__. “It was all about the children,” says Clarissa,who thought the experience was __20__.And she has spent hundreds of dollars on presents every year to duplicate(重温)it.

本文记叙的是作者和妻子以前圣诞节和现在圣诞节的不同经历,全文充满了作者对过去生活的怀念和对未来生活的憧憬。 1.A.car B.bike C.book D.coat

解析:从下文可知父亲给他买的自行车。 答案:B

2.A.popular B.common C.ordinary D.regular

解析:作者非常渴望得到,所以应该是很时髦的车型而ordinary 是普通的,common 常 见的。 答案:B

3.A.add B.equipped C.placed D.supplied

解析:父亲给安装了一个细长而后部翘起的车座、一个直把,座位后面还装了一根保护 杠。supply是提供 add和to搭配。 答案:B

4.A.That B.This C.It D.What

解析:it 做形式主语代替后面的that 从句,而 this,that 都不能做形式主语。 答案:C

5.A.so B.thus C.Which D.it

解析:从结构上可知此处是非限制性定语从句故用which。 答案:C

6.A.bought B.placed C.fixed D.changed

解析:父亲把保护杠装反了,在重新装过之前我还受到了一些取笑。fix安装,修理。 答案:C

7.A.childhood B.life C.children D.youth

解析:我童年就是这样子。前两段说的是小时侯的事情,所以用childhood。 答案:A

8.A.imagined B.expected C.suggested D.supposed

解析:27年前我结婚的时候,我想以后也照此行事。expect to do 期望做某事,其他几

个词后不接不定式。 答案:B

9.A.ideas B.life C.childhood D.Christmas

解析:从下文看,作者的妻子虽然和他有共同的经历,但是想法却是不同的。 答案:A

10.A.unforgettable B.modest C.happy D.wonderful

解析:上文But we always had modest Christmases,下文说她也是,而且从她父亲的失 业也可知应过节俭的圣诞节。 答案:B

11.A.life B.job C.interest D.present

解析:她父亲失业,所以过简单的圣诞节。 答案:B

12.A.friends B.mother C.father D.parents

解析:无意中听到父母的谈话。 答案:D

13.A.broke B.rich C.wealthy D.well-off

解析:排除法,另外三个词均是富裕的,有钱的。 答案:A

14.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything

解析:因为知道家庭拮据,所以她不要礼物。但母亲坚持她要点什么做为礼物。 答案:B

15.A.improved B.caught C.reduced D.decreased

解析:后来过圣诞节排场大了,所以此处应是家庭状况好转了。 答案:A

16.A.very B.more C.less D.much

解析:much可以修饰比较级,其他词语法上不对。 答案:D

17.A.all B.big C.small D.entire

解析:从下文可看出此处指所有家庭成员,而不是指家庭的大小;all 应放在the 前。 答案:D

18.A.bikes B.food C.presents D.books



19.A.surprise B.joy C.fear D.satisfaction

解析:看到圣诞老人拿来礼物,孩子们应该是快乐尖叫。 答案:B

20.A.wasteful B.valueless C.priceless D.useful

解析:从文章可知妻子认为这种经历是无价之宝。每年她都要花数百美元买礼物重温这 种经历。 答案:C Ⅲ.阅读理解

Many visitors find the fast pace at which American people move very troubling.One’s first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush.City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief moment.

At first,this may seem unfriendly to you.But drivers will rush you;storekeepers will be in a hurry as they serve you;people will push past you as they walk along the street.You_will_miss_smiles and conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home.Do not think that because Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly.Often,life is much slower outside the big cities,as is true in other countries as well.

Americans who live in cities such as New York,Chicago,or Los Angeles,often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done;they expect others to “push back”,just as city people do in Tokyo,Singapore or Paris,for example.But when they discover that you are a stranger,most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you.Many of them once came to the city as strangers and they remember how frightening a new city can be.If you need help or want to ask a question,choose a friendly-looking person and say,“I am a stranger here.Can you

help me?”

Most Americans enjoy helping a stranger.Most people will stop,smile at you,and help you find your way or answer your questions.But you must let them know that you need help.Otherwise they are likely to pass you by,not noticing that you are new to the city and in need of help. 1.Many people who first visit the United States will find that ________.

A.the country is developing very fast

B.American people always seem to be in a rush C.the fast pace in American life often causes trouble D.Americans are impatient and unreasonable people

解析:细节题。从第一段“One’s first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush.”可得出答案。 答案:B

2.“You will miss smiles” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A.you will notice that Americans are pleasant people

B.you will think that Americans don’t live a happy life C.you will feel that Americans do not seem very friendly D.you will find that Americans have little sense of humor

解析:逻辑推理题。从第二段中第一句话“At first,this may seem unfriendly to you.”可 以推断出答案。 答案:C

3.The last two paragraphs seem to suggest that ________.

A.life in New York is faster than that in any other city B.people living outside big cities are lazy and slow C.most American people enjoy living in big cities D.the busy city people are not as unfriendly as they appear

解析:总结概括题。最后两段主要论述了行色匆匆的美国人对外地人的友善和帮助,因 此可以概括出作者意图是阐明匆忙的城市人并非看起来那么不友好。 答案:D

4.The author mentions Tokyo,Singapore and Paris because ________.

A.they are different from American cities B.they are among the world’s biggest cities C.city people worldwide have much in common D.they are as well-known as New York City

解析:逻辑分析题。从第一段中“City people always appear to be hurrying...”和第二段 中“Often,life is much slower outside the big cities,as is true in other countries as well.” 可知此处作者举例是为说明全球大城市中的人们生活节奏十分相似。 答案:C

