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课本P782b中文大意: 亲爱的劳拉:

谢谢你的来信.是的,我在法国(in France)的交换生生活过得很愉快.我到这里来之前有点儿紧张,但那时没有理由的.我的寄宿家庭确实很友好.他们格外努力做到(go out of one’s way)使我感到宾至如归(make...feel at home).(该家庭的)奶奶知道我非常思念中国菜,所以她竟然要学习如何做中国菜!她也有一个与我年龄差不多的十几岁的(teenage)孙女,她非常友好.她总是用法语(French)跟我说话来帮助我操练法语.你简直想不到就因为这样我的法语提高有多快.我现在说法语感到轻松自如(comfortable).虽然我仍然犯许多失误,但是它不像过去那样困扰(worry)着我了.

我最大的挑战(Challenge)就是学习如何在餐桌上举止得体.正如你想象的那样(as you can imagine),这里的很多事情和在国内是截然不同的(be very different from).例如,你不应当把面包放在盘子里,你应该放在桌面上!起初(at first),我认为那很奇怪的,但现在我习惯了.另一个例子就是除了面包以外,你不应该用手(by hand)拿着任何东西吃,甚至连水果也不行.另一件事情是你说吃饱了是不礼貌的.如果你不想再要食物了,你应该只说;”太好吃了.”而且你也不应该把肘子放在桌子上.我不得不说,我发现记住所有的事情是很难的.但我正在逐渐地(gradually)习惯这些事情.我不再觉得法国的风俗习惯(custom)是那样奇怪了.

我会尽快写信告诉你更多关于我在法国的生活.希望你这个学年过得愉快. 你的朋友, 林悦 课文重难点讲解:

I.manner 是 “礼貌”的意思,常以复数形式出现。 e.g. It’s bad manner to talk with a full mouth. Different countries have different table manners. 还可以表示 “风俗;习惯”时,也常以复数

形式出现。如:The manner of the ancient Egyptians 古埃及的风俗习惯 II. behave 动词,意思是 “行为举止; 举止” The boy behaved very well last night.

The teacher encouraged the children to behave well in school. Please behave yourself. 请礼貌点儿.

III.a bit 和a little作程度副词修饰形容词、副词、动词或比较级时,意义相同,为“一点儿, 有些”。

He walked a bit / a little slowly.他走路有点慢。 二者都可以作名词词组, 做主语或宾语。如: A little / bit is enough for me.我有一点儿就够了。

I know only a little / a bit about her.我对她的情况只了解一点。 a little可直接修饰名词;而a bit后须加of才可以。如: There is a little water in the bottle. = There is a bit of water in the bottle.

否定形式 not a little 作状语,相当于very / quite, “很, 非常”;作定语和宾语时,相当于much, 意为 “许多”。而not a bit 作状语时,相当于not at all, 意为“一点也不”,作宾语时则相当于not much。如: He is not a little (= very) hungry.他饿极了。

He is not a bit (= not at all) hungry.他一点也不饿。 IV.exchange用作名词,交换 An exchange of ideas is helpful.

V.There was/is no reason to do sth.没有理由做某事 e.g.There is no reason to be late for school.

VI.go out of one’s way意为“特地,格外努力”

He went out of his way to make delicious food for his children. They go out of their way to help her.

VII.make...feel at home 使某人宾至如归.

The people who are working in the hotel make tourists feel at home.

The people of the host family make their way to make Lin Yue feel at home. VIII.clean...off“把...擦掉”

He cleans the chalk off the blackboard.


E.g.All students can’t work out the physics problem except Li Ping. We go to school every day except Saturdays and Sundays. Tom does everything around the house except cook. He could do nothing except watching TV.

After school you shouldn’t play football in the hallways and classrooms except on the playground.

X.gradually副词 逐渐地= little by little = step by step He improves his English gradually.

The boy gradually gets/is gradually used to getting up early.

