上海版牛津英语6A 七单元笔记背诵与练习

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M2 U7 Notes

We must keep quiet.

We must not walk on the grass.

We can find it on a road.

Which escalator must we use?

1. 情态动词


否定式构成是在情态动词后加 not



can(能), could(can的过去式),

may(可以), might(may的过去式), need(需要),

ought to(应该)

2. Must的用法





Yes, … must. No, … needn’t.

-- 我们现在必须过马路。

-- 你们明天必须等我们。

-- 刚才他们必须进入那个黑漆漆的屋子。

must 必须,应该,一定,准是,表示说话人认为有必要做某事,命令,要求别人做某事以及对事物的推测.

must 用来指一般现在时和一般将来时,

过去式可以用have to 的过去式代替.

must和have to 的区别:


have to表示客观需要.

1. We must obey the class rules.

2. My boy friend invited me to see a film with him tonight, but I have to look after my baby brother.

2. can的用法

can 表示说话人能,可以,同意,准许,以及客观条件许可, could为过去式.



-- 你们的父母亲能理解你吗?


Yes, … can. No, … can’t.








-- Mr. Clerk, 请不要说的这么快。

1. We must wait for the green man. (否定句)

2. They must enter here.(一般疑问句)



3. 划线提问)

She can climb the tree. (一般疑问句)

5. Jill can’t 划线提问)

6. Jump and run. (否定句)

7. Listen to the music. (反意疑问句)

8. Let’s use the one on the right. (反意疑问句)

rules round us

round (prep.) = around 在……周围

(adj.) 圆的 a round face

5. in the classroom/ library/ park

on the road

on the left/ right 在左边/ 右边

in the middle 在中间

draw on the desk

be late for class

walk on the grass

. keep quiet = be quiet 保持安静

** keep + adj. 保持……(样的状态)

keep + sb./ sth. + adj. 保持某人(某物)……的状态

Eg. 让我们保持环境整洁。


7. quiet (adj.) 安静的

quite (adv.) 十分,很

quietly (adv.) 安静地

Eg. 我刚才悄悄地走进老师办公室。

wait (v.) 等待

waiter (n.)男服务生 waitress (n.)女服务生

** wait for sb./sth. 等待某人/ 某物

Eg. 你必须等她。



cross (v.)

across (prep.)

** cross the road = walk across the road

10 pick the flower 摘花

pick up rubbish 捡垃圾

pick up my son 接我儿子

11 enter (v.) = walk/go into 进入

entrance (n.)入口

exit 出口

12 loudly (adv.) 大声地

loud (adj.) 大声的

** talk loudly 大声讨论

a loud noise 一个很大的噪声

**比较级 more loudly更大声地

louder 更大声的

13 run (v.)

runner (n.) 跑步运动员

14 mean (v.)

meaning (n.)意思

** the meaning of …

Eg. Do you know the meaning of this new word?

16 obey the rules 遵守规章制度

break the rules违反规章制度

*17 chase = run after 追逐

18 be late for

Eg. 你上学迟到了。




19 This sign means



means “”Don’t shout”.

1.They _____ speak Chinese in a Chinese class.( can, must)

2.A: Must we open the window now?

B: I’m afraid you _________.(must, needn’t)

3. Students _______eat or drink in class. (mustn’t, don’t)

4.Jerry, _____ walk on the grass. (can’t ,don’t)

5.Please bring me some bread tomorrow.

______________.(Yes, I must; Yes ,I will)

6 Betty likes __delicious food. (cooks, cook, cooking, to cooking)

7 We have to keep ___in the library. (quiet, quite)

8 Nancy __a cat now. (chases, chasing, is chasing)

9 Jill sometimes ___his elder brother at the gate. (waits, waits for, wait for, wait)

10 The puppy __right is my favourite. (on, on the, at, at the)

11 11.Climb the trees.(改成否定句)

12 ________ _________ the trees.

13 对划线部分提问) 14 ________ _________ we find that sign?

15 对划线部分提问)

16 ________ lift_______ Peter take?

17 对划线部分进行提问) 18 ________ ________ the little boy making?

19 15. Cross the road. (保持原句不变)

20 ________ ________ the road.

