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1.harmful adj. 有害的;伤害的

harm n.&vt. 损伤;伤害

harmless adj. 无害的

harmlessness n. 无害

be harmful to 对??有害

do sb. harm/do harm to sb. 对某人有害

do more harm than good 弊大于利

There is (no) harm in (sb.‘s) doing sth.(某人)做某事有(无)害处。

It does (no) harm (for sb.) to do sth. (对于某人来说)做某事有(无)害处。

mean no harm 没有恶意


(1)Fruit juice can ______ __________ ______ children‘s teeth.果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。

(2)What he did _________ his reputation.他所做的损害了他的名声。

答案:be harmful to;harmed

(3)He may look fierce, but he _________ ______ ______.他可能看上去很凶,但并无恶意。

(4)The court case will ______ ______ ______ ______ my business.这起诉讼案件将严重损害我的生意。

答案:means no harm;do serious harm to

2.exist vi. 存在;生存;维持生活

existent adj. 存在的,现存的 existence n. 存在,生存

There exists/existed....某地有??,存在??

exist in 存在于??之中

exist on 靠??为生

exist by 靠??生存

come into existence 开始存在;成立

bring into existence 使发生,产生


(1)________ always ________ a force of attraction between two bodies. 两物体间总是存在着吸引力。

(2)They ______ ______ very little food.他们靠极少的食物来生存。

(3)That word doesn‘t ______ in English. 英语中没有这个词。

答案:There exists;exist on;exist

(4)Fish can't ______ ______ ______ ______. 鱼离开水就不能生存。

(5)When did the world ______ ______ ______________?世界是什么时候开始产生的?

答案:exist;out of water;come into existence

3.puzzle vt. 使困惑;使糊涂 n. 难题;谜

puzzling adj. 令人困惑的

puzzled adj. 感到困惑的

puzzle about/over sth. 苦苦思索;仔细琢磨

puzzle sth. out 琢磨出??的答案;开动脑筋

be in a puzzle about sth. 对某事迷惑不解

set a puzzle for sb.(=set sb. a puzzle) 出个谜语叫某人猜

be puzzled by 被??迷惑


(1)It's quite ______ ______ ______ us why he did that.他为何做那样的事,我们完全搞不懂。

(2)This sentence _________ me. 这个句子令我困惑。

(3)I ______ ________ how to solve the problem.我不知道怎样解决这个问题。

(4)The question is ________ to me. 这个问题令我困惑。

答案:a puzzle to;puzzles;was puzzled;puzzling

4.in one’s turn轮到某人;接着

in turn依次;轮流;转而;反过来

by turns轮流;交替

take one’s turn轮到某人做??了

take turns依次;轮班,轮流

on the turn正在转变,正在变化

out of turn不合时宜地,鲁莽地


(1)The girls called out their names ______ ______.那些女孩儿逐一报出了自己的名字。

(2)We make every effort to make more films, and ______ ______ this creates further environmental pollution.我们在竭力生产出更多的电影,反过来这又造成了进一步的环境污染。

答案:in turn;in turn

(3)We kept watch ______ ______.=We ______ ______ to keep watch.我们轮流守望。

答案:by turns;took turns

5.prevent...from 阻止;制止

stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

protect sb. from...保护某人不受??侵袭,挡住,防御

keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事


(1)What can we do to ___________________ this disease ______ ___________?我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢?

(2)Don't ______ others ________ for long.不要让别人等太久。

答案:prevent/stop/keep from spreading;keep waiting

提示:(1)在被动句中 from 均不能省略。如:We were

stopped/prevented/kept from going out by the heavy rain.大雨使我们无法外出。

(2)protect...from...中 from后接能带来伤害或损害之事物。如:They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind. 他们挤在一起,免受风吹。

6.cheer up 感到高兴;感到振奋

cheer sb. up 使某人高兴;使某人振奋

cheer on 为??加油

cheer sb. 为某人喝彩

with good cheer 欣然地

Cheers! 干杯!祝你健康!(用于祝酒)


(1)______ ______! The news isn't too bad.振作一点吧!也不是什么太坏的消息。

(2)Every time an English runner won a race, the crowd _________.每次英国选手赢得赛跑冠军,观众就欢呼。

(3)The crowd __________ their favourite horse ______.观众都替他们看好的马加油。

答案:Cheer up;cheered;cheered on

7.break out (战争、灾难、瘟疫等)突发;爆发(无被动语态)

①The Second World War broke out in September 1939.“二战”是1939年9月爆发的。

②A fire broke out in the neighborhood last night.昨晚居民区里发生了火灾。

拓展:break away from 脱离(政党等);打破(陈套等)

break down 出故障,抛锚;(计划等)失败;(身体、精神等)垮掉;打倒,砸破;(化合物等)分解

break in 破门而入;闯入;打断(话语等)

break into 破门而入,突然??起来

break off 折断;突然中止,断绝,结束

break through 突破

break up 打碎,拆散;散开,解散;(学校)期末放假,(集会)结束

break into pieces 成为碎片



(1)She started to speak, then broke ______ while a waitress served us with coffee.

(2)He lost his job and his marriage broke ______.

(3)Her health broke ________ under the pressure of work.


(4)Should another world war break ______, what would become of human beings?

(5)Firemen had to break the door ______ to reach the people trapped inside.

(6)The meeting broke ______ at eleven o'clock.


8.watch out 注意;当心

watch out(for)= look out (for)密切注意;留神

take care 留神,注意

be careful 仔细,留神

watch it 当心,小心

watch over 照看;看守

keep a close watch/eye on 密切注视


(1)______ ______! There is a car coming!当心!有车来了!

(2)______ ______ ______ cars while crossing the road.过马路时要当心车辆。

(3)______ ______ not to catch a cold.=______ ______ not to catch a cold. 当心别着凉。

答案:Watch out;Watch out for;Be careful;Take care

易 错 点 拨


1. unlike/dislike/alike/likely

(1)unlike prep.不同;不像

(2)dislike vt. 不喜欢

(3)alike adj. 相似的,同样的

(4)likely adj. 很可能发生的,有希望的

解析:now that 引导原因状语从句,相当于 since,意为:既然。



用 unlike, dislike, alike, likely的适当形式填空:

(1)The twins look very much ______.

(2)________ his brother, he ________ playing football.

(3)We all think he is ______ to win.


2. pull/drag/draw




[应用2] (1)She _________a truck out from under the bed.

(2)______ the door open. Don’t push it.

(3)______ your chair up to the table.

(4)The ants are _________ pieces of corn.


3. in time/at a time/at one time/on time/in no time/at times/at no time

in time及时;总有一天;终于

on time按时

at one time曾经,一度

at a time一次,同时

at times有时

at no time决不,在任何时候都不

in no time立刻,马上

[应用3] (1)This kind of social phenomenon could exist only for a few months, but it will disappear __________.

(2)_____________ she wanted to be a nurse, but the thought of working at night put her off.

(3)They ran all the way to the corner just ________ to catch the bus.

答案:in no time;At one time;in time

(4)My honey, life is very difficult and cruel _________. Wipe your tears.

(5)Deal with your questions separately, one ______.

(6)Be sure to be _________. The meeting is very important.

(7)___________ will we give up.

答案:at times;at a time;on time;At no time



1.He was interested in a__________________ and always stayed up at night to watch the stars.

2.Not long ago a v___________ earthquake occurred off the coast of Indonesia.

3.Computer hackers have broken down security s____________,raising questions about the safety of information.

4.Too much sugar can be h________ to children's teeth.


5.The three-star hotel offers a friendly a______________________ and personal service.

6.China has sent up another ______ (人造卫星) into space.

7.There is a lot of rubbish ___________(漂浮) on the surface of the river.

8._____________ (理论) is based on practice.

9.The__________ (气候) is different from place to place.

10. 6 _______________ (乘) by 5 is 30.


Ⅱ .单项选择

1.—I‘m thinking of the test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can‘t pass this time.

—______! I’m sure you‘ll make it.

A.Go ahead B.Good luck

C.No problem D.Cheer up


解析:考查交际用语。cheer up 用于鼓励别人:振奋起来,别灰心。

2.(2010?湖北百校联考)With the words, he ______ a wide mouth jar from his pocket and set it on the table in front of him.

A.pulled out B.checked out

C.stuck out D.dropped out


解析:考查动词短语。语意表示他从口袋里拿出一个广口瓶,用pull out表示“抽,从??中抽出来”。check out“结帐离去,办妥手续离去”;stick out“坚持,突出,伸出”;drop out“退出,退学”。

3.As the busiest woman in Norton, she made ______ her duty to look after all the other people‘s affairs in that town.

A.this B.that

C.one D.it

解析:考查 it做形式宾语,真正宾语为不定式短语 to look after...。


4.Completely lost in the exciting ______ of the football match, Tom didn‘t feel his pocket picked.

A.scene B.view

C.atmosphere D.sight


解析:考查名词辨析。atmosphere 在此指“气氛;氛围”。

5.Many Europeans ______ the continent of Africa in the 19th century.

A.exploded B.exposed

C.explored D.expanded



6.It’s ______ for the Shenzhou Ⅶ spaceship that every Chinese feels cheerful and proud.

A.so a successful flight

B.so successful a flight

C.such successful a flight

D.a such successful flight



7.He has ______ letters to answer and has to work from morning to night.

A.much B.a great deal of

C.masses of D.the number of


解析:考查修饰名词表“大量”的词的辨析。masses of相当于plenty of,意为“许多;大量”。A、B两项用于修饰不可数名词;the number of意为“??的数目”,与题意不符。

8.(2010?陕西西安质检)We were scared to death when the fire ______. Fortunately, it was put out before it caused much damage.

A.broke out B.came out

C.gave out D.turned out


解析:考查动词短语辨析。break out表示“(战争、打斗等不愉快事件)突然发生”;come out表示“出发,发芽”;give out表示“分发,用完”;turn out表示“结果是,生产”。语意:突如其来的大火把我们吓得要死,幸好被扑灭了,没有造成很大损失。A项符合语意。

9.At the ______ news, there was a ______ expression on his face.

A.puzzled; puzzling B.puzzling; puzzle

C.puzzling; puzzled D.puzzled; puzzle


解析:第一空用 puzzling “令人迷惑的”修饰 news;第二空指“迷惑的表情”用 puzzled。

10.Do you think ______ life on Mars?

A.it exists B.there exists

C.it is existed D.there is existed


解析:考查There exists ...句式,意为“某地存在某物”。exist v. 存在。

11.All possible means ______. However, nothing can ______ him dying of lung cancer.

A.has tried; stop

B.have tried; keep

C.has been tried; prevent

D.have been tried; stop


解析:第一空主语 means 是单复数同形的名词,有 all修饰,谓语用复数,且为被动语态;第二空 stop和 prevent 都对,但 keep...from中 from不能省略。

12.______, I lost heart in English learning, but my teacher often said to me, “Keep on working hard, and you‘ll succeed______.”

A.At a time; in time B.At a time; on time

C.At one time; in time D.At one time; on time


解析:第一空填 at one time “曾经有一段时间”,第二空填 in time “迟早”。at a time “一次”;on time “按时”。

13.(2010?北京东城期末)Water, which seems so simple and common, is ______ makes life possible.

A.what B.that

C.which D.how


解析:考查表语从句。名词性从句的解题原则是“缺什么补什么”,此处表语从句“______ makes life possible”中缺少“主语”,同时“主语”不表示


14.______you‘ve passed the final exam, you can prepare for the coming holiday.

A.Now that B.As soon as

C.Although D.If


解析:考查状语从句。now that 可引导原因状语从句,意为“既然”。

15.Some parts in South China have experienced ______this year as they did last year.

A.twice as much rain B.rain twice as much

C.as twice much rain D.twice rain as much


解析:考查倍数比较 twice as much ...as。

