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第一卷(共68分) 第一部分 听力


二、听问题,选择最佳答案,每个问题读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共2.5分) 5. A I am in the park.

B. Tell me. I’ll help you. C. No. I can’t go to the party.

6. A. Yes, I’m planning for my future.

B. Yes, Eric is my father.

C. Yes, she’s Amy. She’s from India.

7. A. Yes, we live in a beautiful country.

B. We grow apples and peaches. C. No, I don’t want to walk there.

8. A. She’s very tall with long hair.

B. She’s friendly and considerate. C. She lives near our school.

9. A. It is a scary movie.

三、听对话和问题,选择正确的答案,每段对话读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共2.5分) 10. A. Yes, there is a problem at a work.

B. No, I get up early every day. C. No, I am finally eating dinner. B. Yes, Annie is my friend. C. Let’s make a reservation first.

11. A. The man will do the dishes.

B. The man will wash his clothes. C. The woman will wash the dishes.

12. A. In the front of the store.

B. In the back of the store. C. In a different store.

13. A. He thinks she is outgoing.

B. He thinks she is bossy. C. He thinks she is a good leader.

14. A. She is good at math.

四、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分,共6分) 请听一段对话,完成第15至第17小题。 15. The store sells sweaters in ________.

A. yellow and black

B. all kinds of colors

C. red, white and blue

B. She knows the answer. C. She can’t solve this problem.

16. The red sweater is ________.

A. 80 dollars B. 100 dollars C. 200 dollars

17. Mrs. Clark will take _________.

A. the read sweater

B. the blue sweater

C. the white sweater

请听一段独白,完成第18至第20小题。 18. What does Bob like?

A. Reading.

B. Sports.

C. Singing.

19. Where does he have breakfast?

A. At school

B. At home.

C. Eggs.

20. What does he have for supper?

第二部分 笔试


21. The students of Class Five _________on the playground.

A. be

B. am

C. is

D. are

A. Meat, French fries and chicken. B. Hamburgers, apples and eggs. C. Carrots, tomatoes and hamburgers.

22. There is not _________bread in the plate. Can you pass me one piece?

A. some

B. any

C. a

D. many

23. —_________are you in?

—I am in Grade 7.

A. What grade

B. Which grades

C. How class

D. What class

24. —Do you have _________milk?

—No. But I have _________tins of coke.

A. any, any

B. some, any

C. any, some

D. some, some

25. —_________is the library?

—It’s near the science lab.

A. Where

B. What

C. When

D. Which

26. Look at the boy beside the teacher’s desk. _________is a handsome boy. _________name is


A. Her, She

B. He, Her

C. He, His

D. She, he’s

27. —Can you speak Japanese?

—No, I _________, but I can learn from my uncle.

A. can’t

B. can’t

C. don’t

D. am not

28. —How many carrots _________in the fridge?

—There is none left. Maybe we can make tomato soup.

A. there are

B. are there

C. is there

D. there is

29. I can speak Russian, ________I can’t speak Arabic.

A. and

B. so

C. but

D. or

30. —What is _________telephone number?

—My phone number is 82134560.

A. his

B. her

C. my

D. your

31. _________Saturday morning, Mary arrived_________ Guangzhou.

A. On, in

B. In, at

C. On, at

D. In, to

32. I have got a new volleyball, but my sister _________one.

A. has

B. don’t have

C. hasn’t got

D. haven’t got

33. The big garden with many trees is _________the classroom building _________the lab building.

A. next, to

B. behind, to

C. besides, and

D. between, and

34. At three o’clock this morning I was _________.

A. on bed

B. in bed

C. in bad

D. in the bed

35. —_________?

—Yes, please. I want the uniform bear(校服熊)of our school.



Dear Amy,

A. Can you help me? C. Can I help you?

B. What do you want to buy? D. What things do you need?

Thanks you for your letter. I am happy that you are my pen pal.

an artist. I don’t like math. I’’s cooking. It’s great! My evening. That’

B. movie B. happy B. class B. like B. your

C. subject C. sad C. hotel C. watch C. his

D. school D. bad D. city D. know D. her

36. A. teacher 37. A. good 38. A. family 39. A. help 40. A. my


Mrs. Black is a teacher in a big school of a city in America. She has boys and girls in

and she always likes because they are very quick, and they “People in a lot of countries in Asia(亚洲)wear white clothes when a person dies in a family, but people in America and in Europe(欧洲)wear white clothes when they’re happy. What does a woman wear in America when she marries(结婚), Mary?”

Mary said, “she’s happy.”

“That’s good, Mary,” Mrs. Black said, “You’’s


But then one of the boys in the class put his hand up.

“Yes,” Mrs. Black said, “do you want to ask something, Dick?”

“Yes, please, Miss,” Dick said, “Miss?” 41. A. my 42. A. spelling 43. A. think 44. A. boys

B. your B. teaching B. talk B. girls

C. her C. showing C. call C. children

D. his D. helping D. write D. women

45. A. White 46. A. wrong 47. A. people

B. Black B. right B. children

C. Green C. happy C. women

D. Red D. great D. men



My grandparents have two sons and one daughter. My father is Thomas. He is forty-five. He

is a worker. My mother is a doctor. My uncle Sam is thirty-two. He is a manager. He has a son and a daughter. My aunt, Linda is a teacher. She can speak English and Chinese. She is only twenty-eight. She teaches English in No.8 Middle School. Her students like her. I have a sister Helen. She is only four. On Sundays, I play the piano with my cousins. I’m happy because I have a happy family.

48. My sister is __________years old.

A. six

B. five

C. four D. three

49. My uncle has __________children.

A. one

B. two

C. no

D. three

50. My aunt is a __________and my uncle is a __________.

A. teacher, teacher B. manager, doctor C. teacher, manager D. worker, doctor

51. My cousins and I like __________.

A. English

B. art

C. sports D. music

52. There are __________people in this family.


Welcome to Our Town Library Library Service(服务)

A. eight B. seven C. nine D. ten

From Monday to Friday(Except Tuesday) Tuesday

Open 8:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m. Open 8:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m. Open 8:00 a.m.—7:30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday

Do’s and Don’ts

53. What is this text(文章)about?

A. The school library service. B. The town library service.

C. What you can do and what you can’t do in the reading-room.

54. What time is the library closed?

A. Saturday and Sunday.

B. Saturday afternoon.

C. Tuesday afternoon.

55. What can’t you do in the reading-room?

A. Read magazines and newspapers. B. Take notes. C. Talk to your friends.

56. How long can you keep a book?

A. A week.

B. Two weeks.


C. Three weeks.

The leaves fluttered(飘扬)over John’s heard. He liked to watch the colors of the trees shine

through the sunlight. It was the same color as his trumpet. John smiled when he thought of the music the leaves made. He looked at his watch; his father would meet him in a few minutes for their first practice in the park.

John and his family lived in an apartment building. He began playing his trumpet in his own

living room two weeks ago. Then the family next door had a new baby. To keep from waking up the baby, John was going to spend his practice time in the park. Although he enjoyed visiting the park, he didn’t want to practice his music there.

John was afraid that he would embarrass himself if he played the wrong notes. And he

imagined his cheeks looking like a red, blown-up balloon. He didn’t want people to watch him as he practiced his music. Unluckily, his father couldn’t possibly understand how embarrassing it would be!

“John, are you ready?” pulling him out of his daydream, his father sat down and began to

play his trumpet.

John looked up at a golden tree. The leaves seemed to be dancing with the tune. He felt

excited as he watched the people walking by and smiling at his father. He wanted to play like that! Immediately, John placed his trumpet to the mouth and blew. Soon, John was having such a great time playing with his father that he didn’t care if he had played a few bad notes.

The golden tree was dancing while John was still playing. Now he and his neighbors could

both be happy.

57. To keep from waking up the baby, John practiced his trumpet_______.

A. in the building

B. in the street

C. in the park

D. in the room

58. John didn’t want to practice his music outside because ___________.

A. his next door neighbor had a new baby B. his father didn’t play together with him C. he didn’t enjoy going to the public park D. he was afraid to play come wrong notes

59. How did John feel when his father was playing?

A. Interested.

B. Excited.

C. Afraid.

D. Bored.

60. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. John was sorry to wait for his father to come. B. John was wiling to be watched by many people. C. John experienced true happiness brought by music. D. John refused his father’s invitation to play the trumpet.


八、翻译句子。(每空0.5分,共7分) 1. 我父亲是北京一所大学的英语教师。

My father is an English teacher in _______ _______ in Beijing.

2. 我有一个姑姑。我没有叔叔,也没有兄弟姐妹。

I’ve got an _______. I _______ got any uncles, or brothers and sisters.

3. 体育馆在教师办公楼的前边。

The _______ is in front of the _______ office building.

4. 面条和米饭是健康食物。

_______ and rice are _______ food.

5. 欢迎来到北京国际学校。现在这所学校有19个班级。

Welcome to Beijing _______ School. There are _______ classes now.

6. 冰箱里有一个洋葱和五个土豆。

There is an _______ and five _______ in the fridge.

7. 课桌上有几本字典?


1. I don’t like lemon _________. How about you? 2. Who is that man _________the window?

3. Jennifer doesn’t like _________. They’re too sweet for her. 4. The bank is _________our school and you can see it.

How many _______ are there on the _______?

5. There _________one rose and two carnations(康乃馨)in the vase. 6. Write your name at the _________of the page. 7. Ten _________ten is twenty.

8. Tom wears _________to keep his hands warm.

9. In the _________hall there is food and you can help yourself. 10. What are your parents’ _________?


There are all kinds of trains in the world. There are trains to carry people, trains to carry

animals or carry things. There are fast trains and slow ones. Some trains go through hills.

In big cities, the streets are usually very busy. So you can find trains under the ground and

trains on a rail(轨道)above the streets. They carry people quickly in and out of the city.

Can a train run over water? Yes, it can. There are many bridges(桥)over the rivers. The trains

can easily run over the water. But it is not easy to build the bridges. Today’s trains have dining-rooms for people. You may eat something in them on the way if you are hungry. Trains are useful to men, women and children. Many children have model trains. With the model trains they can build their own rails and enjoy the wonderful world of trains. 1. Are there trains that can go through hills?

2. How many kinds of trains in big cities are mentioned(提到)in the passage?

3. If you are hungry, where can you go to have something to eat when you are traveling by train?

4. Why can a train run over water?

5. How can children enjoy the wonderful world of trains?




My Friend

What’s your friend’s name? How old is she/he?

What can she/he do?

What’s her/his favourite food and drink? Is the food or drink healthy or not? Has she/he got a big family?

How many people are there in her/his family?


第一卷(68分) 第一部分 听力

一、听对话,看问题,选择恰当的图片,每段对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共4分) 1~4 CCCB

二、听问题,选择最佳答案,每个问题读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共2.5分) 5~9 BCBBC

三、听对话和问题,选择正确的答案,每段对话读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共2.5分) 10~14 BACBC

四、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项,每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分,共6分) 15~17 CCC

第二部分 笔试

五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) 21~25 DBACA

六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共12分) 36~40 CADBB


18~20 BBC

26~30 CABCD 31~35 ACDBC


48~52 CBCDC

53~56 BCCB 57~60 CDBC


八、翻译句子。(每空0.5分,共7分) 1. a, university

2. aunt, haven’t

3. gym, teachers’

6. onion, potatoes

4. Noodles, healthy 5. International, nineteen 7. dictionaries, desk

九、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空0.5分,共5分) 1. juice 6. top

十、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分) 1. Yes. 2. 2

3. You can go to the dining-rooms.

4. Because there are many bridges over the rivers. 5. By building their own model trains.


My friend’s name is Lucy. She is 12 years old. She can play table tennis and play the piano

2. by 7. plus

3. doughnuts 8. gloves

4. opposite 9. dining

5. is 10. jobs

but she can’t swim. Her favourtie food is fish and she likes orange juice, too. She thinks they are very healthy. She has got a big family. There are seven people in her family-her mother and father, her two grandparents, her two aunts and her. They live in a big house near Qian’men Street. They live a happy life together. 录音原稿 一、

1. M: Linda, have we got any milk in the fridge?

W: Yes, dad. We’ve got some.

2. M: Mary, what subject do you like best?

W: English, of course!

3. M: Is there a TV set in your classroom?

W: Yes, there is one. And there is a computer, too.

4. M: Alice, what does your father do? 二、

5. I have a problem.(10/4)

A. I am in the park. B. Tell me. I’ll help you. C. No, I can’t go to the party. W: He is a doctor.

6. Do you know that female foreigner?(10/5,6)

A. Yes, I’m planning for my future. B. Yes, Eric is my father.

C. Yes, she’s Amy. She’s from India.

7. What do you have in your garden?(10/19,20)

A. Yes, we live in a beautiful country. B. We grow apples and peaches. C. No, I don’t want to walk there.

8. Tell me about the personality of your teacher. (10/26,27)

A. She’s very tall with long hair. B. She’s friendly and considerate. C. She lives near our school.

9. We plan to eat at a fancy restaurant this Saturday.(10/14,15)

A. It is a scary movie. B. Yes, Annie is my friend. C. Let’s make a reservation first.


10. (10/1)

W: I’m so tired!

M: Did you get enough sleep? Q: What might the woman say next? A. Yes, there is a problem at work. B. No, I get up early every day. C. No, I am finally eating dinner.

11. (10/12,13)

W: I don’t have any energy to wash dishes. M: Just leave them for tomorrow. W: But I wish the kitchen was clean. M: OK, I’ll help you. I’ll wash the dishes. Q: What might happen next? A. The man will do the dishes. B. The man will wash his clothes. C. The woman will wash the dishes.

12. (10/18)

M: Excuse me, where can I find the Sprite?

W: Oh, we don’t have Sprite anymore. Do you like other sodas? Q: Where will the man look for Sprite? A. In the front of the store. B. In the back of the store. C. In a different store.

13. (10/26,27)

W: I’m looking forward to meeting your sister. M: She’s very bossy.

W: Maybe she is just outgoing.

M: No, that’s her personality. She always tells people what to do. Q: What does the man think about his sister?

B. He thinks she is bossy. C. He thinks she is a good leader.

14. (10/8)

M: Are you good at math?

W: Well, I take a math class every day. M: I need your help. What is 5 times 3? W: That is hard. Ask another classmate. Q: What does the girl mean? A. She is good at math. B. She knows the answer. C. She can’t solve this problem. 四、


A: Can I help you, Mrs. Clark?

B. Yes, please. I want to buy a yellow sweater.

A: Sorry. We haven’t got any yellow sweaters, but we have many red, white and blue ones. B: OK. Let me look at the red sweater. How much is it? A: 200 dollars. B: It’s too expensive.

A: What about the blue sweater? It’s only one hundred dollars. B: But it is too short.

A: Look at the white sweater. It’s long and it’s only 80 dollars. B: OK. I’ll take it.


Bob likes sports very much. He is a good runner and he eats well every day. He needs lots of

healthy food.

He has breakfast at home. He eats two eggs and two apples in the morning. He has lunch at

school. He likes to eat meat, chicken, French fires for lunch, and some ice cream for dessert. For supper, he has two hamburgers, some carrots and some tomatoes.

He’s very tall. He eats well and runs fast. We think he’s a running star in our school.

