Lesson 3 Good Food,Good Health

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实验学校初中二期课改 英语学科Lesson 3 Good Food ,Good Health

冀教版九年级英语孙冬青 九年级(三)班

Self-study(自学)一、Can you find out the following phrases?1.由……制造 be made of… 2.在……方面充足 3.帮助某人做某事 help sb. do… 4.保持健康 5.均衡的饮食 well--balanced dietbe rich in… stay\keep healthy

二、Answer the following questions. 1.How many food groups does the book tell us? What are they?Four groups. Grains, fruits and vegetables, protein foods and calcium foods

2.What do you eat in your daily diet?

Read the lesson and complete the chart. Food groupGrainsFruits and vegetables Protein foods

What food


bread, noodles, rice, vitamins, minerals, fibre cereal

fruit, vegetableschicken, meat, fish, eggs, beans, tofu, soy milk milk, cheese, yogurt

vitamins, minerals, fibre, calcium protein

Calcium foods


New words grain n. 谷物;粮食 mineral n. 矿物质 corn n. 玉米 bean n. 豆子 soy n. 大豆 bone n. 骨头 contain v. 包含 diet n. 日常饮食 vitamin n. 维生素 fibre n.(食物中的)纤维素 protein n. 蛋白质 Asian n. 亚洲人 calcium n. 钙 yogurt n. 酸奶 balanced adj. 均衡的

The four main groups are :四、含钙食品 Calcium foods 三、含蛋白质食品 二、水果蔬菜 Fruits and Vegetables 一、谷物 Protein foods





What is grain?

Grain means gu wu in Chinese.

What do we get from grain? Vitamins ,minerals and fibre.

Can you say some foods from grain?

Do you know the following foods we often eat from grain? 1.rice 2. noodle 3.steamed bread 4. buckwheat

5.dumpings 7. cereal


Group2. Fruits and vegetablesPlease answer the following questionsYes . Is fruit different from vegetables ? What do we get from fruit and vegetables?

Vitamins, minerals and fibre too.

Do you know salad?

It means sha la in Chinese.

What is salad made of ? Fresh fruit and vegetables.

salad from vegetables

salad from fruits

Salad is made of fresh fruits and vegetables. What does fresh mean ?Not cooked.

Group3 protein foodegg



What does protein mean ? Protein means dan baizhi in Chinese.Can you say some foods full of protein? Pork, beef, chicken , mutton , fish, nuts, eggs, beans, tofu and bean products.

Why do we need protein food?It is full of protein. Protein helps our body grow and stay strong.

Group4 Calcium foods




What is calcium? It means gai in Chinese. Why do we need calcium? It makes our bones and teeth strong.

Green vegetables also have a lot of calcium.

We often hear someone says he likes or dislikes eating something. Is he right?How do we eat?If you have a chance to be a kind of fruit or vegetable, what will you want to be? Why do you want to be that? And tell us the importance that you bring to us…

Put them into the correct basket!


noodles salads

rice bread G


eggs beans fish tofu chicken Protein foods

milk vegetables cheese Calcium foods

Fruits and vegetables

Think about itPlease think and discuss how to keep healthy. You can use the following words and phrases: 1. good eating habits , 2. eat three meals a day, 3. a balanced diet , 4. do some sports , 5. lose weight , 6. no smoking …

