原创英语情景剧 - - 适合6人出演
更新时间:2024-03-27 03:57:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
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小组成员:杨瑞洁 李淑琴 韩正宇
梁含玉 王凤婷 田立芸
大:It’s December 21st 2012.The scientists had predicted that it’s the end of the world.Everybody becomes very afraid and nervous about it except some heroes who have special powers.They decide to save the world.(12
双怡:At the same time,an ET from another planet comes to help them .She comes here by UFO(指着六)(与此同时,来自另一个星球的ET来
.六:“Hello,everyone,I want to use my UFO to take people away from the earth.”
朗:The four heroes have different kinds of abilities.Now,let’s know about them.
苏:“Hi,my name is Susan ,I can fly.It’s cool,I think.”
燕:“I’m Niki ,maybe you won’t believe that I have amazing powers to make what I want appear by my side or appear around the one I think about .”
大:“Good afternoon,call me Claire.I’m able to stop the time and travel the space.”
双怡:“The last one is me,Molly.I can read others’ minds.So do not lie to
六:But in the world,not everyone will use what they can to help people.Here is one,Landy .
朗:“I’m a bad guy .I have supernatural power to destroy all of this they(指着那四个人) want to protect. I can make things bomb.I’m proud of this.( 笑)”
Situation one
Susan and Niki are walking along the street.
“Look,there are many peole there .What happened?I’m curious about it.Let me have a look.”Susan said.(飞走状)
At the same time,Niki found a strange thing around the cover.She walked there.(蹲下来看)“Oh my god,what’s this?So huge,so excellent?”She doubted.(思索中??)
A girl walked out from it and said,“Nice to meet you,(招手)my dear friend,I’m from another planet named HOPE.My name is Happy.This is my flymachine,usually you call it UFO. ” she smiled.
“So you are an ET?Why are you here?The earth is going to die.”Niki said.
“I’m here to help you all.Most people on earth are kind and clever.I want to take them away from this disaster.I can take them to the HOPE.”Happy
“Thank you very much.I want to save the world with my friends,too.When we prepare all things,we’ll come to find you ,OK?” Niki asked.
“Of course.I’m always here waiting for you.”Happy said.
Then Susan came back.She said,“Niki,the people there are very poor,they are hungry,thisty,sick.Would you like to use your power to help them.Bring them some food,drink and medicine.Just from the nearest supermarket.It’s special times.Nobody will be shamed to you. ” “Certainly.Wait a minute.”(一袋子东西出现在眼前)“Bring these to them.I wish they can help.”Niki said with a sad mood.
Situation two
大:A tall building in the central of the city.
朗:“Oh,so many people here.God helps me.I will make the building bomb.These people will go to the Heaven together.They will thank me.It’s me that saves their souls.”Landy said.
燕:Then the building becomes hot and begins to shine. “What’s up?Why is the temperature here so high?”Claire said.
“Let’s go to find the truth.If this condition continues,everyone here will die.”Molly said.
They two walked deep to the building.
“Do you hear someone saying?”Molly said. “It’s silent here.I can’t hear anyone.”Claire said.
“haha,it’s so powerful.I believe that nobody will survive after the fire.”Landy thinked.
“I knew.I can read others’ minds.”Molly said. “Read minds?What do you mean?”Claire asked.
“It means I can hear what others think,their true thoughts,clearly.”Molly answered.
“you have powers,too?”Claire asked.
“yeah,how do you know?aren’t you surprised?”Molly’s words.
“because we are the same kind of person.I have powers too.”Claire’s words.
“what kind of power do you have?”Molly asked. “I can stop the time and travel the space.”Claire answered.
“wonderful!so we can save these people here.”Molly becomes very happy.
“we can come back to the past and stop the bad guy.”Claire suggested. “Good idea,we should bring Susan and Niki together.both of them can help.”Molly said. “Let’s go.
Situation three
六:It was half an hour ago.The four heroes had come back to the past to stop the bad guy,who Molly heared her thoughts.Niki also asked Happy,the ET together with them.
“Where do we find the bad guy?the building is such a big place.”Susan asked.
“I have an idea.”Happy said. “what?”the four heroes asked together.
“Susan,you can fly,you could fly to the sky and look aroud the building.if there is sth wrong,you should come to make us clear as soon as possible,understand?”
“I know.then when you find her,let me informed.”she flew away. “you,niki,use your powers now.put a letter in front of the bad guy.it says‘we can help you to destroy the world.please meet with us. ’it can make her confused.”Happy said. “No problem.I can do it.”Niki said. “what should I do then?”asked Claire. “and me ?”also Molly.
“Molly,you continue to listen carefully aroud and try to find her.and you Claire,if the condition that after we find the bad guy is out of contral,you must stop the time to prevent it immediately.”Happy said. Another part of the building.
Landy picked up a piece of paper from the floor,read it.“We know what
you want to do,we can help you.shall we have a date?”she read the words on the paper.“who are you?how do you know my plan?are you special,too?”she said to herself.
“I heard her.she’s around the corner.”Molly said. They walked there.
Landy was very surprised.“who are you?what do you want to do ?oh,I remembered,this(拿起那张纸) is yours.you came to help me,right?” “No!we came to stop you!”Susan said. “Yeah,we can stop you .”Claire said.
“you?you can’t.in 5 minutes ,the building will bomb,everyone here will die,including you five.”landy said.
“no,we won’t.they will be safe,and you.”Molly said,“I heard your thought.you are a good person,you’re just worried about the prediction.don’t worry,look,this is Happy,she’s from another planet named HOPE.she’ll help us and we can help ourselves,too.”
“she’s right.you can use your power to help the people and save the world.”Susan said.
“help people?my power is to make things on fire and bomb,maybe I’ll make a big explosion.I can just destroy things.”landy said.
“you can.your power should be used when we take people away from the earth.you can remove the barriers and help people make fire.”Happy said. “yes,so you can help others.”Claire said.
“ok.I trust you once.what should we do now? ”landy asked. “In my opinion,we should first put off the fire.”Niki said. 双怡:so Claire stops the time and they had put off the fire. “Everything is ready.let’s go to help people.”Happy said.
“we will do our best.the earth won’t disappeare.”they said together
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