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2018届江苏高考英语一轮复习精品资料●模块二 Unit 1



1.The idea of traveling abroad really appeals to a lot of Chinese people. That’s why every year _______ more people applying for passports.

A. promise 【答案】C



2.As its economy is maturing, China’s _______ a greater role in critical issues like climate and development.

A. defining 【答案】B

B. assuming

C. guaranteeing

D. assuring

B. expect

C. witnesses

D. instruct

3.If any of these symptoms _______ while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately.

A. knocks 【答案】B



4.The mayor _______ the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.

A. rewarded 【答案】B



5.Almost all the buildings nearby were pulled down by the _______ of the explosion in a gas station.

A. force

B. strength

C. energy

D. power

B. awarded

C. credited

D. prized

B. occurs

C. reaches

D. applies


【解析】句意:附近的房屋几乎都被一家加油站爆炸的力量给震倒了。force 此处指“作用力,逼迫力”,

符合句意。strength 指人体的“力量,力气”;energy“能量,能源,活力”;power“能力,权力”。

6.To my joy, I have _______ my parents to allow me to travel abroad alone in the coming summer holidays.

A. convinced B. reminded 【答案】A


convince使确信,说服;remind提醒;arrange安排;require需要,要求。convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事,这里指说服父母。

7.A New York couple have been killed in a car crash on their way to hospital,but the unborn baby _______ the accident.

A. experienced 【答案】B

B. survived

C. escaped

D. fled

C. arranged D. required

8.They’re expecting contributions from the charity dinner to _______ thousands.

A. look into 【答案】C

【解析】look into调查;break into破门而入;run into撞上;slip into不知不觉中陷入。句意:


9.Soubry, UK’s former business minister indicated that it was time for women to _______ to “clear up the mess

created by the men”. A. break up 【答案】C

【解析】step up加紧,加强,促进,加快,走上前台句意:索布里指出,是时候让女性们走到台前,


10.Do you know why John didn’t _______ at the party yesterday evening?

A. show off 【答案】C

【解析】句意:你知道昨晚约翰为什么没有来参加聚会吗?show up在此表示“出现,露面”。show off

B. show around

C. show up

D. show in

B. step back

C. step up

D. fold up

B. break into

C. run into

D. slip into

炫耀;show sb. around带领某人参观??;show in领进来。

11.—How do you think I can _______ with Tom?

—Put aside where you disagree and try to find what you have in common. A. keep up 【答案】C

【解析】make up和解。句意:“你认为我怎么才能和汤姆和解呢?”“搁置争议,求同存异。” 12.The boy, though afraid of being blamed, _______ courage and asked Mrs. Brook how come she thought his behavior unacceptable.

A. kept up up 【答案】B

【解析】pick up恢复??的精神,振作(精神),鼓起(勇气),捡起,获得,收拾,不费力地学会;keep

up保持,继续,不低落,不落后;step up加紧,加快,增加;turn up出现,发生,开大,发现,卷起,使仰卧。句意:尽管担心被责备,这个男孩还是鼓起勇气问布莱克夫人为什么她认为他的行为不能接受。

13.In order to find the witness _______ the murder, the police visited a great many citizens.

A. on 【答案】C

【解析】the witness to是??的目击证人。句意:为了找到这起谋杀案的目击证人,警察走访了很多


14.Their _______ that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.

A. multiplication 【答案】C



15.It suddenly occurred to him _______ he had left his keys in the office. A. whether 【答案】D

B. where

C. which

D. that

B. emotion

C. assumption

D. emission

B. of

C. to

D. for

B. picked up

C. stepped up

D. turned

B. take up

C. make up

D. catch up

16.He was given $8000 as a(an) _______ for his brave performance in saving the child’s life.

A. attitude 【答案】D

B. altitude

C. award

D. reward



17.In order to cooperate better with them, we must _______ our ties with them.

A. provide 【答案】B


18.The acting is so _______ that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals that he has ever tasted.

A. enthusiastic B. convinced 【答案】C


convinced(人的心理感受)确信的;深信的;convincing(事物所具有的特征)使人信服的, D. optimistic乐观的。根据翻译故选C。

19.When Chinese people come to the United States, they fight for _______ first, and then desperately make money after they are recognized by others.

A. survival 【答案】A



20.The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery _______ quickly.

A. shuts up 【答案】C

【解析】句意:这位摄影师每天都需要给数码相机充电,因为电池很快就用完了。run out“用完,用


21.In time of social reform, people’s state of mind tends to keep _______ with the rapid changes of society.

A. touch 【答案】B

【解析】keep in touch with 和??保持联系;keep pace with跟上;keep step with与??步调一


B. pace

C. step

D. progress

B. ends up

C. runs out

D. turns out

B. remainder C. existence

D. material

C. convincing D. optimistic

B. strengthen

C. fix

D. negotiate

22.Mothers who like to _______ their children are always talking about the progress their kids have made.

A. take off 【答案】D

B. turn off

C. cut off

D. show off

23.Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantage of the ancient Chinese wisdom to _______ the drawbacks of Westerners’ philosophy.

A. make use of 【答案】B


up for弥补,符合题意。make use of利用;make out辨认出;make sense有道理,讲得通。

24.There were so many people in the hall then that I could hardly _______ my sister.

A. bring out 【答案】C

【解析】bring out使??显露;turn out结果是;pick out辨认;call out大声叫喊。句意:当时


25.I am glad to find that on top of the mountain _______ from the time of the Roman Empire.

A. lies ancient ruins

B. lie ancient ruins D. do ancient ruins lie

B. turn out

C. pick out

D. call out

B. make up for

C. make out

D. make sense

C. does ancient ruins lie 【答案】B

【解析】地点状语“on top of the mountain”放在句首,句子要完全倒装。句意:我很高兴在山顶上


26.We express the hope that a climate beneficial to a negotiated settlement would be created soon, _______ there may no longer be the need for the armed struggle.

A. in case 【答案】C


要进行武装斗争了。in case以防,万一;even though即使;so that以便(引导结果状语从句);as long as只要。

27._______ it is true that a student’s most important goal is to do well in his or her studies, it does not need to be the only goal.

A. 【答案】A


B. Whether

C. As

D. Before

B. even though

C. so that

D. as long as

28.He is said _______ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.

A. to have been badly treated C. being badly treated 【答案】A

【解析】句意:据说昨天他在超市购物时服务员对他的态度不好。这里是固定句式it is said to do,


29.—I ordered Pizza for dinner. It should be here any minute now.

—Pizza again? We _______ Pizza every night for a week now! A. had 【答案】C


都在吃比萨了!”结合时间状语every night for a week可知,是从过去一直持续到现在并且还没有停止,故本题的时态为现在完成进行时。

30.I _______ my close friend three times today but her line was always busy. A. have phoned 【答案】A



31.—Will you regret your final decision to work in a rural community?

—No, I _______ it over. A. had thought 【答案】C



32.—I have got a headache.

—No wonder. You _______ in front of the computer too long.

A. work

B. are working

C. worked

D. have been working

B. have been thinking C. have thought

D. would think

B. had phoned

C. was phoning

D. have been phoning

B. were having

C. have been having D. will be having

B. treating badly D. to be treated badly



提供的情景“I have got a headache.”可判断出,由于在电脑前连续工作而造成了头痛,故选C项。句意:“我头疼。”“不足为奇。你在电脑前连续工作的时间太长啦!”。 33.—Shall Tom go and play football? —Not unless he _______ his homework. A. has finished 【答案】A



34.People _______ financial aid since they lost their homes, jobs and businesses to the storm last month.

A. have been receiving B. are receiving 【答案】A

C. had received

D. received

B. finished

C. is to finish

D. would finish

35.—Look! How long ______like this?

—Three weeks! It’s not unusual here that the rain _______ without stopping these days of the year.

A. has it been raining; pours C. is it raining; is pouring 【答案】A




I met my true fate as I lay on a soccer field, holding on desperately to my consciousness. Finally, I 1

and came into a world of darkness, leaving people struggling to help an 2 girl who, just hours ago, had been in perfect 3 .

B. has it rained; poured

D. does it rain; pours

Later I spent most of my time in bed. No doctors knew what was wrong with me. Most of my friends had become 4 . Every day became more and more frustrating. Eventually I returned to school on a part-time

5 . Instead of getting the 6 I expected, I received dirty 7 and harsh rumors about how it was “all in my head.”

8 my dreams of being a soccer player was ruined, I joined the drum band instead. I held the belief that things would get better. 9 , I lost consciousness at nearly every band practice and people were constantly

10 always having to take care of me. Some people even tried to get me 11 off the drum band. Thus, I continued to be bullied and labeled me as an “attention-seeker.”

As I struggled through my health problems and 12 , I continued to keep promising myself that things would get better, and eventually they did. I made friends with a few members of the drum band, who 13 by my side and knew how desperately I needed somewhere to 14 .

Unfortunately, my health 15 worse. My doctor decided to send me to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in

16 that the doctors there would be able to solve the 17 that had puzzled every other doctor I’d seen. The Mayo doctors diagnosed me with a problem called POTS. They were certain that the unconsciousness that I’d been 18 was not “in my head”.

I am extremely happy to have kept promising myself that things would get better. 19 it hadn’t been for others’ help and my 20 , I’d still be wondering if my problem really was “in my head.” And, most importantly, I’ve learned to never lose hope because I believe that the only disability in life is a bad attitude.

语篇解读:本文讲诉了作者患了一种经常会突然间失去知觉,昏倒在地的病(后来确诊为“POTS体位性心 动过速综合征”)。她的大多数朋友都觉得她的病是“大脑问题”。可是作者,面对逆境,心里总是怀着


(held the belief that things would get better),最终度过了难关。文章告诉我们:生命中仅有的


生活态度。坚信美好,才会美好! 1.A. stayed up 【答案】B

B. let go

C. gave away D. showed up

【解析】let go意思是“松手;放弃”与上文中的“hold on(坚持)”的意义相反。作者holding on

desperately to my consciousness. Finally,还是放弃了,昏倒在地。

2.A. independent 【答案】D

【解析】根据上文“Finally, I let go and came into a world of darkness,”可以推断这里是:


3.A. order 【答案】B

B. health

C. terror

D. danger

B. frightened

C. puzzled D. unconscious

4.A. annoyed 【答案】D

B. convinced C. enthusiastic D. distant

【解析】distant“疏远的,冷漠的,冷淡的”。根据上文“Later I spent most of my time in bed(绝

大部分时间都躺在床上)”和下文“Every day became more and more frustrating(每一天的日子都越来越让人沮丧)”可知答案。

5.A. move 【答案】C

【解析】basis“基准;方式”和on搭配,on a part-time basis。最后,我回到了学校,不过是以兼


6.A. award 【答案】D

【解析】sympathy“同情”, 根据下一句可知,作者想获得“同情”,但是,得到的只有白眼和尖刻的


7.A. eyes 【答案】D

【解析】dirty looks“白眼,充满敌意”,通过后半句and harsh rumor(尖刻的谣言)的并列关系可知


8.A. Unless 【答案】C



9.A. Altogether 【答案】B

B. Nevertheless

C. Otherwise

D. Therefore

B. While

C. Since

D. Before

B. work

C. joke

D. looks

B. reward

C. strength

D. sympathy

B. respect

C. basis

D. regard



10.A. insisting on concentrating on 【答案】C

【解析】complaining about本段依然在讲作者遇到的困难。根据上下文,可以判断,本句意思“因为


11.A. kicked 【答案】A

【解析】根据本句中的“even甚至”可以判断“甚至有些人试图把我撵出乐队。”kick off踢出,撵出。 12.A. loneliness 【答案】A

【解析】loneliness和problem是并列关系。根据上下文可知,作者是在身理疾病和心理孤独之中挣扎。 13.A. looked 【答案】D

【解析】stick by one’s side是固定搭配“站在某人一边,支持某人,帮助某人”。上文说“我在鼓


14.A. follow 【答案】C

B. rest

C. belong

D. recover

B. waited

C. wandered D. stuck

B. confusion C. shame

D. sickness

B. scared

C. seized

D. discouraged

B. worrying about

C. complaining about D.

15.A. came 【答案】B

B. went C. fell D. stayed

【解析】went是系动词,往往和贬义词连用。Unfortunately, my health went worse不幸的是,我的


16.A. purposes 【答案】B

【解析】in hopes that意思是“希望”。 17.A. case 【答案】A



B. deal

C. wonder

D. mystery

B. hopes

C. wishes

D. needs

18.A. looking into 【答案】D

B. pushing for C. surviving from D. suffering from

【解析】suffering from“受折磨”,根据文章意思,可知作者一直“受失去知觉的折磨”。梅奥医院医


19.A. When 【答案】C

【解析】该句是虚拟语气,用if引导虚拟条件句。 20.A. coincidence B. perseverance 【答案】B

C. possibility D. consciousness

B. Assuming

C. If

D. Providing

18.A. looking into 【答案】D

B. pushing for C. surviving from D. suffering from

【解析】suffering from“受折磨”,根据文章意思,可知作者一直“受失去知觉的折磨”。梅奥医院医


19.A. When 【答案】C

【解析】该句是虚拟语气,用if引导虚拟条件句。 20.A. coincidence B. perseverance 【答案】B

C. possibility D. consciousness

B. Assuming

C. If

D. Providing

