
更新时间:2023-04-15 10:26:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


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He was driving home one evening, on a two-lane country road. Work, in this small Midwestern community, was almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac,1 but he never quit looking. Ever since the factory closed, he’d been unemployed, and with winter raging on, the chill had finally hit home2.


It was a lonely road. Not many people had a reason to be on it, unless they were leaving. Most of his friends had already left. They had families to feed and dreams to fulfill, but he stayed on. After all, this was where he buried his mother and father. He was born here and knew the country.


He could go down this road blind,3 and tell you what was on either side, and with his headlights not working, that came in handy. It was starting to get dark and light snow flurries were coming down. He’d better get a move on.








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rage on 狂怒 hit home击中 after all 毕竟 come in handy派上用场pull up 拉起来 stand out站出来 by the way顺便说一下

roll down滚下来 think twice三思 pay back偿还

be on one’s feet站 help out帮帮忙







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2. In addition to success in music and acting, Duff has herself as a shrewd

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3. He has attempted to a method that can reduce the inefficient process. 3。他试图能够减少低效的方法。

4. Please be about where you would like the goods left if you are out when we deliver.


5. Little by little the man his strength, and was seen to have recovered more or less fully.


6. His presentation at the meeting has the recent debate on climate change. 6。在会上他表示对气候变化的争论。

7. We have handled various jobs ranging from the simple, to the highly tasks. 7。我们处理各种工作围从简单到高度的任务。

8. He felt when he read the letter. Tears rolled down his cheeks, but he did not say a single word to his son.


9. After dinner they wished each other good night and went to their rooms. 9。晚饭后他们互祝晚安,去他们的房间。

10. As time went on, hopes started to of finding Shannon alive


separate from 与..隔开的 fall apart崩溃 to make matters worse使事情更糟

give up放弃 launch into进入 abide by遵守 make the best of 做最好的

by heart靠记忆 leave behind 留下的 complain about抱怨

engage in从事 take shape形成

1. If you think the price is reasonable I doubt you will find anything to


2. When you are in another country you have to their rules.


3. A multi-million pound college redevelopment is beginning to after six months of intensive building work.


4. On occasions he gazed up to the sun, he was slightly blinded by its glare and he was annoyed that he his sunglasses in the dressing room.


5. In 1977 she finally travelling and settled in California. 5。1977她最后旅行和定居在加利福尼亚。

6. , whenever I talk to his friends on MSN, they don’t reply to me.

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7. Photo Materials was organized to the business of importing and exporting, buying and selling goods, specifically photographic equipment. 7。照相材料被组织的进出口业务,购买和出售的商品,特别是摄影器材。

8. To the right is a wall my room the house next door.


9. To my surprise, he immediately a verbal attack on me for keeping him waiting! 9。使我吃惊的是,他立刻对我进行口头攻击让他久等!

10. According to her friends, Vivien was decidedly unhappy after Olivier left, but she it, courageous as always.



1、According to a recent study, most people view the Internet as a place to extend, support, and relationships and communities.

根据最近的一项调查,大多数人认为互联网作为一个地方扩展,支持,和的关系社区。2. As the dream of working from home becomes a reality, we are no longer forced

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to into the office every day.


3. If you have any regarding the site, please contact the Internet



4. Working from home offers but it also requires self-discipline and organisation.


5. We believe that these sites are ideal for the shy and introvert people who feel and lonely.


6. Some online services can do the necessary administration to the information

and paperwork for you, which saves a lot of time and hassle too.


7.Our advice is to make your far in advance in order to be sure of having

the best possible choice from among the various hotels.


8. They have found on the Internet they can voice their opinions, with others of

similar interests and share their new findings.


9. Remember, if you decide to change the supplier there is no hurry to sign a


10.Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter can be excellent

sources of new

and meeting people and generating relationships online.


give birth to生育 figure out找出 cater to 适应 hook up连接

toss out丢弃,扔掉 dig up 挖掘 slow down慢下来 roll in滚滚而来;拥有大量

log on登录 save from拯救 in a matter of大约只不过在…之 thanks to多亏

1. At this particular site, you can find technology being put to the best use. You

just need to enter your details and you will get specific results in few




2. You won’t get bored in the train, car, or plane any more, the fun Flash games.


3. At the end of 1997 I got to the Internet and discovered the international

cycling newsgroups, which I soon found was a wonderful community.


4. The survey shows that nearly two million women today to browse or

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buy from more than 200 leading labels on the website.


5. Google has launched a new translation service for English tourists, which may them making embarrassing mistakes in foreign countries.


6.Some companies like Dell are more likely to students and self- employed business people who need good quality affordable laptops.


7.The two moms, who each a daughter on the same day,

poke for the first time on the phone on Wednesday.


8. The injury has me in terms of my reactions when I am asked

to perform sudden movements.


9. We most of our old furniture when we moved to a new house.


10. His advice to us is “You don’t have to love your boss, but you’d better a

way to get along with him.”


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What I heard was the rhythmic music of it all, and the stories became easy to recite.

I would carefully examine the color illustrations in the old

falling-apart-at-the-seams book8. Most of all, I would soak up all the attention

I got during those reading times

when closeness, imagination, curiosity and love of learning were forged.




Books cost money and money was scarce in those Depression days in the 1930s and

1940s. The one small bookcase in the hallway of our home contained some worn copies

of fairy tales, a few volumes of classic authors, like Charles Dickens9 and Oscar

Wilde10, and an encyclopedia. The single encyclopedia volume our family had went

from A to B.




字母为A 和B 的词条。

1. In this country, getting caught driving without a means handcuffs,

a trip down to the local jail, and having your car towed to the pound.


2. As a young man he went off to Africa with his two brothers, looking for


3. In a small class teaching environment, there is greaterbetween teachers and

students, and teachers tend to spend longer hours on the job.



4. Ana ’s grandparents grew up in wartime when food and material goods were


5. In order to make a(n) decision we have to have the knowledge

of past, present and future events and trends that may answer some of your


5。为了使一个(N )的决定,我们必须了解过去,现在和未来的事件和趋势,可能回答一些


6. The 6cc997a9473610661ed9ad51f01dc281e43a5623 newsletter is provided free of charge, and you are under no

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to buy anything.


7. Music was Claire’s great , from the time she was a tiny girl making up songs and belting them out.


8. The purpose of the reading club is simple: to the love of reading and the joy of book ownership among New York City’s inner- city children.


9. With the rapid increase of urban population, there’s a(n) demand for affordable housing.


10. The whole nation was with excitement and joy when Beijing succeeded in bidding for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.


on the side在一边 give in放弃 come to life表现生动;惟妙惟肖出现

hold dear珍惜 soak up吸收 free of charge免费 look up 查找

smile from ear to ear笑逐颜开 hang on坚持 pass on传递

then and now那时和现在 beyond one’s wildest dreams出乎意料

1、We offer different training courses and all our courses are __________, but numbers are limited so booking is essential.


2. He is a remarkable and unforgettable character who overcame immense difficulties, creating hope from nothing and success in life



3. If you don’t know the meaning of the word you can it in my dictionary.


4. It is only natural that as parents we want to the values that we have to our children as a guide for the way they live and grow up to be responsible young adults.



5. When I was young I would play-act for my family members to as much attention as

I could.


6. I am working as a photojournalist now at my third newspaper and do some freelance work


7. The characters in the book seemed to take on a life of their own, and the descriptions were so wonderful that the characters in my mind.


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8. The advice the professor gave me when I left college is something I’ve to me to this day.


9. When she heard the news, she jumped up with joy and as if she just won a contest. 9。当她听到这个消息时,她高兴地跳了起来,如果她刚刚赢得比赛。

10. The government agreed to an 11 percent raise, and the steel workers and accepted

a productivity agreement that closed some old, inefficient plants.


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1. In my view, the new law will employers to be more cautious when making decisions that affect employees.

1。在我看来,新的法律将雇主更加谨慎 制定影响员工的决定时。。

2. The conclusion from this study is that most teenagers have close and supportive relationships with their and older family members.


3. Whereas in the past women were frequently spectators in sporting activities, today ’s tobacco advertisements women actively participating in sports.

3。而在过去的妇女经常在体育观众 活动,今天的烟草广告,女性积极参与体育。

4. In the US, there is a growing for what might be called “organic music ”, made by serious, professional musicians, playing “real ” songs on “real ” instruments.

4。在美国,有一个不断增长的对所谓的“有机音乐”,严重的,专业的音乐家演奏的歌曲,“真正的” “真实”的仪器。

5. If the country effectively had a much larger domestic market with no exchange rate uncertainty, it would investment as firms adapted to take full advantage of new opportunities.

5。如果国家有效地有一个更大的国市场没有 汇率的不确定性,它将投资作为企业适应 充分利用新的机会。

6. When she recalled her childhood, she said it was spent between her mother and father.

6。当她想起她的童年,她说这是花 她的母亲和父亲之间。

7. English may suffer from a relatively poor international reputation when compared to that of French


8. When the results came in, there were of joy as students and teachers celebrated their success and reflected on results that ranked the school as one of the best in the country.


9. Many members of the Essick family lived around Moultrie, and I meeting them

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at family reunions when I was a child.


10. It seems that her love of smoking, drinking and partying has the ageing process.


a thing or twol略知一二 roll one’s eyes翻白眼 as if 犹如

play out逐渐发生;展开;结束;使精疲力竭rely on依靠 along with伴随着

apart from除了 poke fun at取笑 in fairness公平的

immerse in沉浸在 turn off 关掉 change one’s mind改变主意

1. Some of the kids were Judy because of the way she was dressed. 1。一些孩子因为她是朱迪的方式打扮。

2. Do you think the book will help you about the opinions you have of old people?


3. It is natural for each new generation to want to establish a unique identity their parents.


4. Germans are not known for their cuisine, although, , long lunches enjoyed with wine are a concept that extends throughout Europe.


5. My editor, Hilary Ross, at my dumb questions and said,“I think you need some advice.”


6. The blackbird came and sat on the vacant chair beside me to say it wanted to sunbathe as well.


7. The museums can take visitors on a tour of modern art, them technological innovation, and offer a window into Native American culture.


8. After spending six months cycling in Mexico I know about her street food and to date this small stand behind Waterloo is the best representation of the real thing I have found.


9. I was told that Mary lost her job when the factory closed, hundreds of others. 9。有人告诉我,玛丽失去了她的工作在工厂关闭,成千上万的人。

10. In his recent novel the characters, the setting, the story were all done so well that you could picture in your mind how things were


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In 2002, the unexpected happened. A 12-year relationship with the person who I had wanted to spend the rest of my life with came to an end. My home and job went with the package1 — don ’t they say that things come in threes?


My comfortable lifestyle was gone and the future didn ’t look too bright. My dream of retiring to a house by the sea had to be put on hold, perhaps, forever2. Overnight I found myself alone and struggling to find a job at age 49. I ’d been living in the bush3 for 12 years and the world beyond it had changed dramatically. Now it seemed one needed a qualification to wait on tables or scrub toilets!


1. It is hoped that these measures should help to consumer confidence in

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their products.


2. As is stated in the ad, this work is available only on a basis, for no more than one day per month, and at no more than £50 salary per working day. 2。如在广告中说,这项工作是唯一可用的基础上,对每月不超过一天,在不超过£50平均


3. The price of oil nearly from $50 to $147 from early 2007 to 2008, before plunging as the financial crisis began to take hold in late 2008.


4. The book was first published in the UK in 2003, and was translated into six languages and published in thirteen other countries.


5. Complete with cartoons, the poems are perfect for stirring the imagination of kids, mums and dads.


6. Anyone who applies for this position must have an internationally recognized teaching and a year’s teaching experience.


7.Although it will take longer to reach your , a bus or train could

save you enough cash to make it worth your while.

7。虽然这将需要更长的时间才能达到你的,公共汽车或火车可以你省下足够的现金酬你。8. The city a beautiful waterside area where there is a chance to enjoy a boat trip, walk along the banks of the river, or explore the many cafes and antique shops.



9. People often say that you cannot change your destination but you can change your direction ,

9。人们常说你不能改变你的目的地, .但是你可以改变你的方向。

10. The environmental “footprint” of humanity has increased in 20 years, with

a rising population and increased use of energy, land and other natural resources. 10。人文环境的“足迹”增加了 20年来,随着人口的增长和增加使用能源,土地和其他


set out 出发 a roof over one’s head栖身之所 on hold 坚持

wait on等候 end of one’s tether无计可施 in the midst of 在中间的

a far cry from 天壤之别 on the verge of濒临 gear up 加速、准备好;


take a gamble on要赌一赌 lose touch with失去联络 relate to涉及到的

1. Bruno, his half-brother, is mentally ill and losing both his job and his family.

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2. It doesn’t matter what kind of place it is, at least you’ll have


3. According to a survey, children in Britain have the natural world and are unable to identify common animals and plants.


4. The sun shone today and it was last April’s weather when it snowed. 4。太阳今天是去年四月的天气当下雪。

5. She thought blogging was a safe way to find people who could her circumstances without affecting her ordinary life.


6. We are grateful to them for giving up some of their precious free time their exams.


7. Still puzzled, these doctors to discover what else might have caused the disease.


8. We don’t have much sympathy for those who the property market, and lost. 8。我们没有多少同情那些房地产市场,并失去了。

9. Unfortunately, because of cancer her career was put , but during this time she made a CD for Cancer Research.


10. London is for Bike Week, the UK’s biggest mass- participation cycling event.


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