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Lesson 25 Christmas is coming! 教知识与技能: 学1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson. 目 2.Student can understand read say and practice the drills:This is … and These are …. 标 3.Student can understand read and say the following words: Christmas, Santa, Christmas tree, holiday, invite and lights. 过程与方法: song, game, introduce, practice; 情感、态度与价值观:了解西方文化,认识西方节日。 教四会掌握Christmas tree, Christmas lights, Santa 等词组和单词。 学重点 教了解special, bring, invite, sing, give 和carol等词的意思及在文中的用法 学难点 教学过程 一、 Free talk. T: What day is today? S: It’s December 20th. T: How do you feel now? S: I feel happy/tired. T: But I feel excited. Why? Because Christmas is coming! T: When is Christmas? It’s December 25th. 二、 New lesson . 1.T: What’s Christmas? It’s a Western holiday. Christmas, say it, please. T: On a holiday, people don’t work. Children don’t go to school. Holiday, say it, please. T: Do you know any Western holiday? S: New year’s Day, Mother’s Day… T: Good! Do you know any Chinese holiday? S: Spring Festival, Lantern Festival… T: Yes. Sunday and Saturday are holidays, too. 2.T: Christmas is special. Why? Because we have some special things. Look, this is a special tree. It’s a Christmas tree. (Point to the Christmas tree in the front of the blackboard.) How does it look like? Is it beautiful? T: Look, what’s on the Christmas tree? S: They’re lights. T: Yes, they’re Christmas lights. Christmas lights are on our house and Christmas trees. On Christmas, we can see a special man, too. Look, here is he. (Show Santa.) 师生活动 教学随笔 49

Do you know his name? His name is Santa. Santa, say it, please. T: He is a merry man. How does he look like? Do you like him? Why? Please discuss it in groups and answer. S: He is a merry man in red clothes. He has glasses, gloves and boots. I like him. Because he has toys. 三、Practise in groups. T: please watch a movie for 2 minutes about Christmas, then answer some questions: What holiday is it? What do you see? S: It’s Christmas. Because there is a Christmas tree, some Christmas lights on their house and I see a Santa on the Christmas tree. 四、The text on Page 51. 1. Show the words on the blackboard with actions: invite, bring, give, sing, carol (a special song at Christmas). The students learn to say it. 2. T: Please look at the pictures and listen what do they do on Christmas? Then the students answer. 3. What will you do on this Christmas ? Please talk about it in groups. Then you can come to the front and make a role-play. 4. Read after the audiotape. 板书设计 Lesson 25 Christmas is coming! 卡片 卡片 卡片 Christmas tree Santa Christmas lights When is Christmas? It’s December 25th. special bring invite sing give carol 教 学 后 记 Lesson 26 Christmas Cards 教(一)知识: 学 掌握四会词汇:yesterday, tomorrow, today, card, be going to 目(二)能力: 标 1.要求能够熟练地向他人描述某人昨天做了哪些事情;今天做什么事情;明天打算做什


么事情。 2.能够写圣诞卡与人交流。 (三)情感: 让学生多了解西方国家的节日,看一看西方国家的节日与中国的有哪些异同点 教四会词汇:yesterday, tomorrow, today, card, be going to 学重点 教区分一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时这三种时态。 学难点 教学过程 Class Opening and Review Greeting T:Hello! How are you? Review: 复习在第6册学过的动词的过去式。 T: What day is today? What day Yesterday, Today 写在黑板上。 was yesterday? 把 师生活动 教学随笔 T: Today I walk to school. Yesterday I walked to school. Today I eat an ice cream. Yesterday I ate an apple. What do you do today? What did you do yesterday? S:…… 老师把这些词写在黑板上。 Yesterday I _______. Today I ______. walked walk ate eat … …. Key Concepts yesterday today tomorrow card going to Introduce: 介绍tomorrow. 在黑板上写的两组词旁边加上tomorrow 和going to 练习将来时。 T: What day is tomorrow? S:… T: I’m going to walk to a park tomorrow. I’m going to fly a kite tomorrow. What are you going to do tomorrow? S:…… Drill 出示各种人物的图片,给出时间 yesterday ,today , tomorrow,让学生用三种


时态描述图上内容。如:He /She /They ______ yesterday. He /She ______ s/They_______ today. He is/She is/They are going to _____ tomorrow. 介绍新词汇card 和如何写圣诞卡。 T:Yesterday I went to the store. Christmas is coming. So I saw Christmas trees. They had Christmas lights. They’re very beautiful. I saw Santa. I talked to Santa. At last, I bought Christmas cards. Look,I bring the Christmas cards today. 教学card.并解释bring的过去式brought. T:Today you bring Christmas cards,too. The cards has beautiful pictures.Let’s find the card with Santa/stars…… T: I want to send a Christmas card to my friend. Do you want to send a card? S:…… 教师示范如何给朋友写圣诞卡。 T:My Christmas card is ok. Tomorrow I am going to send it to my friend. Use the student book and audiotape. Questions: Who does Li Ming want to send a card to? What does Cousin Jing like? How does Jenny’s family get ready for the Christmas holiday? Practice 让每一位学生给好友写一张圣诞卡,主要描述一下自己昨天干了什么、今天在干什么以及明天打算干什么。 Class Closing 板书设计 Lesson 26 Christmas Cards Yesterday I _______. Today I__. Tomorrow I am_______. walked walk going to walk ate eat going to eat … … … card car + d 教 学 后 记


Lesson 27:Christmas Gifts 教1.知识目标: 学掌握四会单词 Santa,something,thing;并且在句型中正确运用。 目了解课文内容,熟读课文。 标 2.能力目标: 学会与人合作学习,在相互交流中准确运用本课单词Santa,something,thing和句型。 3.情感目标: 通过圣诞节赠送礼物,了解西方习俗,同时使学生懂得关心他人。 教掌握四会单词Santa,something,thing,理解课文。 学重点 教区分something 与thing的用法 学难点 教学过程 Step 1 、Class opening and Review 1) Greeting Say hello to the students .Ask the wether and date. 2) Review ① Play “ Never Never ” to review adverbs of frequency .(uusually sometimes always never) 例如:Li Ming always wears dress ,yes or no? ② Review the words : umbrella buy rainy snowy .(Use the words cards) Step 2 、Presentation and practice 1、Teaching “ Santa something thing ” . 1) Demonstrate “ Santa ” with your poster showing Santa . Note the capital letter at the beginning of the word . T:What does he wear?(学生自由回答) Read the word. 2)demonstrate “ thing ” and “ something ” . T : (Point to the green objects ) This pen is green . This shoe is Green . This apple is green . These things are green . Say it , please , class . C : These things are green . T : Yes ! These things are red . What colour are these things ? These …… C : These things are red .


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T : ( Point to the yellow objects .) What colour are these things ? C : These things are yellow . T : Very good ! I want something blue . Say it , please ,class . C : Here is something blue . T : What is it ? C : It’s . 3) Practice ① Read row by row . ② Make sentences with “ thing and something ” . ③Game:Point something. 2、Teaching “ the text ” 1) Read the text and think over the question : ① What do you think Li Ming wants for Christmas ? Discuss in groups . Answer the questions . Listen to the tape . Role – play the text . Step 3 Consolidation Play “ I see something .”Use the words ang the sentences of this lesson. Work in groups,then show. Step 4 Homework Write some sentences with “thing”,something. 板书设计 Lesson 27: Christmas Gifts Santa something something something 教 学 后 记 Lesson 28 Oh , Christmas tree ! 教知识目标:掌握单词“invite”“song”“star”。知道怎样装饰圣诞树。 学能力目标:能够用所学词汇和句子进行对话,能烘托出装饰圣诞树时的气氛。 目情感目标: 通过课堂上的活动,激发学生对英语学习的积极性和主动性,培养他们乐于


标 竞争,乐于交流,乐于合作的能力。 教掌握并运用单词invite, song, star 学重点 教用英语进行情景交流。 学难点 教学过程 (一)、Class opening and Review 1) Greeting 2) Review ① When is Christmas ? ② What do you do on Christmas ? (二)、New concept 1、Teach “ invite , song , star ” 1) I suppose there will be a Christmas party tonight. Then lead a dialogue. For example: T: We have a Christmas party tonight. I want to invite ____. (S1) (Then S1 come to the front.) T: Who do you want to invite? S1: I want to invite ______. (S2) SS: Let’s invite S2. S1: Who do you want to invite? S2: I want to invite S3. SS: Let’s invite S3. … 2) The students should already know “ song ” . Play “ What’s wrong ? ” with phrases such as : “ I read a song ” or “ I talk a song ” to reinforce this word . 3) Sing a song for Christmas . Ask for a volunteer and lead a dialogue such as : T : ( To the class ) We are going to sing a song . Let’s invite ( a volunteer ) . S1 : Thank you ! ( join you ) T : Do you want to invite a friend ? Say “ Let’s invite .” S2 : Thank you ! 2、How to make a decoration for the tree . Put up a big , cut out Christmas tree and ask each student to make a decoration for it . They can make any object they want as long as they can name it in English and write it on their decoration. When each student has finished, he or she says “Let’s invite ___.


师生活动 教学随笔 ___, please come.” to indicate who should come next. 3、Listen to the tape . 4、Read the text . 5、Let’s sing a carol ! 6、Role – play to read the text . 7、Repeat low to put up the Christmas tree . (三)、class closing 让学生每人说两句话,来表达过新年时将要邀请谁来家里,邀请他们来做什么,练习单词:invite。 板书设计 Lesson 28 Christmas Tree invite lights gift song star 教 学 后 记 Lesson29 The Christmas Story 教a.知识目标:学生能够听、说、读、写和正确运用单词:speial;学生能够唱本课歌曲:学“Rocking Carol”. 目b.能力目标:学生能够灵活运用special造句;同时感受圣诞节的美好时光,能独立简单标 复述故事。 c.情感目标:帮助学生了解“圣诞节的由来”,并增加他们对西方传统节日的喜爱之情。 教1. 使学生能够听、说、读、写和正确运用单词:special. 学2. 帮助学生了解本课生词及相应的过去式 重点 教使学生能够灵活运用special造句,能独立简单复述故事。 学难点 教学过程

师生活动 教学随笔 Step 1. Class Opening and Review 56

a. Greeting with all the students. b. Sing a song: “Oh! Christmas Tree!” Step 2. New Concepts 1. Introduce “special” We have seen “special” before. Ask the students find the word in this unit. What’s meaning? Write some words, one of them is special. Ask them to find it. Then draw some pictures on the blackboard, ask them to find which is special. Encourage students to say some sentences with special. 2. Tell the story a. T: There is a baby who is special. What do you know about the baby? (Encourage the students say something about Jesus. They can say in Chinese.) b. Give some questions. For example: When is Jesus’s birthday? Why do people give gifts at Christmas ? c. T: Open your books. Listen to the tape. Then discuss the questions in groups. d.Deal with the questions and words that the students don’t understand. e.Retell the story. show some slides.The students can retell the story will the pictures. 3. Teach “Rocking Carol”. a. Play the audiotape, ask the students to just listen. b. Teach the lyrics or words of a song c. Sing the song together. Step 3.Class Closing Homework: Ask the students to sing “Rocking Carol” song to their parents. 板书设计 Lesson29 The Christmas Story Special a. When is Jesus’s birthday? b. Why do people give gifts at Christmas? 变换句型 Today ,I buy a gift for my friend.(变过去式) Danny eats a donut for breakfast.(变将来时) 教


学 后 记 Lesson 30 It’s Christmas morning ! 教1 能够听、说、读、写四会单词。 学2 了解西方节日——圣诞节互送礼物的习俗 目标 教掌握四会单词 bring give open toy 学重点 教区分三个动词 bring give open 学难点 教学过程 Step 1 Class opening and Review 1) Greeting T : Today is December twenty – fifth . Merry Christmas . S : Merry Christmas . Step 2 Presentation 1、Teach “ bring , give , open .” ① Role – play to demonstrate the new vocabulary . Bring a wrapped “ gift ” to class . ② Says : This gift is for . I am bringing the gift . Now I am giving the gift . Open it , ! Look ! It’s a . ③ Ask this student to put the toy in his or her pencil – case . The pencil – case now becomes the gift . ④ Stand beside another student in class and give directions to the first


师生活动 教学随笔

students such as : Please bring the gift . Please give the gift . open it ! What is it ? It’s a toy . Practise: Ask some volunteers to do the same practice with the help on the Bb . The game is “gift giving “. The teacher asks a volunteer to picks up a gift under the Christmas tree and do the practice with other volunteers.We can do this practice three groups ⑤ Listen to the tape as they follow their books . Play the audiotape The teacher tells the students today ,Santa bring gifts for Jenny Li Ming Danny and so on .Let’s listen .What are the gifts ?What’s the gift from Li Ming to Smith family? ⑥ Divide the class into the small groups as last class . Give your friend your Christmas present . Step 3 Consolidation 1、Listen to the tape . 2、Role – play the dialogue Step 4 Homework Prepare some Christmas gifts to your family members 板书设计 Dec. 25 四 I bring a gift for you. I give you the gift. Please open it . It’s a toy. Lesson 30 It’s Christmas Morning 教 学 后 记 Lesson31:Are you Ready for a Quiz ? 教a.知识目标:使学生对本单元的基本知识有一个小的总结和复习,并完成书上的小测验. 学b.能力目标:使学生能听懂会说本课的story :Maddy’s Christmas 目c.情感目标:通过游戏、歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,进一步增标 强他们对西方传统节日的喜爱之情。 教使学生对本单元的基本知识有一个小总结和复习,并能独立完成书上的小测验。


学重点 教使学生能听懂会说本课的故事:Maddy’s Christmas 学难点 教学过程 Step 1. Class Opening and Review a.Greeting. b.Let’s sing a Song. “Rocking Carol” c.Review: 利用游戏形式来进行书上的小测试.Show “J”for the right answer. Show “L”for the wrong answer. 1.(Mr .Wood )What is Christmas ? (Danny)That’s easy! Chrismas is a special holiday ! 2.(Mr .Wood )What is Lynn going to do ? (Danny)She’s going to talk to Santa. 3.(Mr .Wood )What is Li Ming doing ? (Danny)He’s giving a gift to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. 4.(Mr .Wood )What are they putting on their Christmas tree? (Danny)Little , tine Christmas cards . 5.(Mr .Wood )What’s this ? (Danny)It’s a gift for you !Merry Christmas! 游戏结束后,师生整理答案,并进行小组问答练习。 Step 2. New Concepts: Maddy’s Christmas 1.Prepare to read T :Oh ! Christmas is coming ! Our friend’s---Maddy is very happy . Class , please look at the story book carefully .Then answer my questions . 教师引导学生快速浏览故事,回答下列问题: Where are Maddy and Ann ? What are they doing ? Is Maddy having fun ? Why or why not ? 2.Read(播放故事录音,学生静听。) 3.Discuss 出示问题,检查学生理解情况: (1)Did Anna buy Christmas gifts for her family? (2)Did Maddy buy her family a gift ? Why not ? (3)What does Maddy give her family Christmas ? (4)Does her amily like gift ? (5)Do you like this story ? Why or why not ? 4.学生分角色朗读故事。


师生活动 教学随笔 Step 3.Class Closing Homework :全面复习本单元,为小测做准备。 板书设计 Lesson31:Are you Ready for a Quiz ? Did Anna buy Christmas gifts for her family? Did Maddy buy her family a gift ? Why not ? What does Maddy give her family Christmas ? Does her family like gift ? Do you like this story ? Why or why not ? 教 学 后 记 Lesson32:Again,please! 教l、 读、写、说并听懂和口头运用下列词汇和句型 学 Christmas, Christmas tree, holiday, lights,yesterday, today, tomorrow, card, be going to, 目Santa, something, thing, invite, song, star,special, grow into a man, long ago, bring, give, 标 open, toys 1、Merry Christmas! 2、We have fun together! 3、 I’m going to give them something special…… 4、 The star always goes on top. 5、He did bring gifts! 6、I don’t think so. 能力目标 1、 让学生能用所学有关圣诞节的一些基本词汇来简单描述圣诞节这一西方传统节日。 2、让学生了解四种常用时态的区别与应用 3、 让学生在语言交流的过程中了解圣诞节这一西方传统节日的概念和风俗习惯。 教l、能够四会表示圣诞节这一西方重要节日的有关词汇并知道圣诞节的来历。 学2、能够通过接触并感知体会一般过去时的语言表达,学会并正确使用这一重要时态的重用法。 点


教l、能够运用所学关于圣诞节的词汇来描述该节日。 学2、正确理解四种常用时态的区别与应用,并能在日常口语交际中正确的运用。 难点 教学过程 Step 1. Greeting 1. Free talk between T and Ss about greeting. 2. Now, let’s sing a carol! Step 2. Review. 1. play game:read these words. 2. play game:spell it. 3. Play games(A or B) to review the words in this unit. (in pairs) A: One says the words without voice. the other guesses. B: One descries the words in English the other guess. 4.make sentences:学生抽词卡 today ,yesterday,tomorrow说句子。 5.Show a picture about Christmas and talk about what do you do on Christmas? ( Encourage the students make up a dialogue with their parteners. Divide them into small groups. ) Step3. Finish the test. 1. Write the correct words. 2. Listen. Write the correct words. (Jenny)Li Ming , tomorrow is Christmas . Christmas is a special holiday . We are going to invite my grandmother and grandfather for supper! (Li Ming) Great ! I like holidays. (Jenny)Let’s put up the Christmas tree .Here are the lights ! (Li Ming)Here a star for top of the Christmas tree! (Jenny)What do you want for Christmas , Li Ming ? (Li Ming)I would like a camera , Do you think Santa is going to bring it ? (Jenny)I don’t know ,Li Ming ! (Li Ming)Are you going to give something special to your family ? (Jenny)Yes, and I’m going to you a gift, too! (Li Ming)I want to open it, now! (Jenny)Not now, Li Ming! You can open your gift tomorrow morning! Step4: Check for understanding. Step5:Class Closing Song: Oh !Christmas tree! Step6:Homework : 以“Christmas”为话题,办一期英语手抄报


师生活动 教学随笔 . 板bring, give, invite, 书card,Christmas,Chrimastree,holiday,lights,Santa,song,star,thing,toys; 设something, special, 计 today, yesterday, tomorrow going to 教 学 后 记

open 63

