英语专插本 介词短语例句

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广东专插本加油站 站长祝您马到成功,勇攀高峰,欢迎考生加入我们,本站想考生之所想,为考生提供免费的一切插本服务。


1. abide by: (keep; be faithful to) 遵守;信守;承担…的后果

If you join in the club, you must – by its rules.

Abide by one’s promise/words/a law/an agreement/a contract(合同).

2. abound in: (have in great numbers) 大量存在的;富于

The park abounds in wild animals.

3. by accident: by chance; 偶然;意外地

Last time, I ran across her --.

Accident insurance: 意外事故保险;

4. in accordance with: (in agreement with) 同意;与…一致

He didn’t act --- the orders that were given him.

5. account: (considering) n. 帐目,帐单;理由;帐户;解释

Don’t change the plans on my account.

We can’t have the sports meeting on account of the rain.

He asked no one’s advice; he did it on his own account.

When you make a decision, you must take everything into account (consider).

He was asked to account for his absence(缺席).


Smokers account for(解释) 20% of the world’s population.

6. accuse sb. of sth./doing 指控某人做某事/就某事控告某人

The police accused him of murder.

7. be accustomed to sth./doing sth. 习惯于

He is – to living alone.

8. be acquainted with 熟悉,认识;开始了解

They have been – with all the English skills after 4-year study.

9. act on 按照…行事;

I shall act on his advice.

10. be addicted to 对…上瘾;沉溺于

She has been – to TV soap operas.

11. address oneself to: 针对…而说;致力于

He addressed himself to the main difficulty.

(engage in)

He addressed himself to the crowd. (speak)

12. adhere to: follow sth. steadily 坚持;粘附;拥护,追随

If you adhere stubbornly(adv.倔强地) to your own view, you will get into trouble.

13. admit of sth. 有..可能/余地;

This work admits of no delay.这项工作刻不容缓

14. in alliance with; 与…联盟

We are running a company ---- with several foreigners.

15. allow for 考虑到,虑及

It will take 2 hours to get to the cinema, allowing for (making allowance for) traffic delays.

16. answer to sth. 符合;适应

The tool will answer to our needs.

17. be anything but 根本不

广东专插本加油站 站长祝您马到成功,勇攀高峰,欢迎考生加入我们,本站想考生之所想,为考生提供免费的一切插本服务。

This narrow bridge is anything but safe.

18. appeal to sb. for sth. 恳求;呼吁;

Shippers being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal (联邦)government for rate relief(减轻).

19. apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请

He applied to Prof. Smith for admission to the university.

The results of this research can be applied to the development of new technology.

20. the best part of: 大部分

I haven’t seen him for --- of a week.

Make the best use of a bad bargain.

21. In no case(决不) should you ignore your health.

Take warm clothes in case the weather should be cold.

22. cast light on: 阐明

A scientist has cast light on the mystery of why the animas die.

23. be characteristic of 特有的;

Most tourists find that the plants are – of this island.

24. commit oneself to 致力于;

China will, as always, commit itself to reform, opening-up and modernization.

25. on condition that 条件是

Y ou can borrow this book ---you don’t lend it to anyone else.

26. conform to, comply with 遵守

All the students must conform to rules.

27. in connection with, with regard to 关于;对于

In – with your request I am sorry to tell you that I can do nothing about it so far.

28. consent to: give permission to 同意

His father wouldn’t – to his leaving school.

29. in consequence: as a result 因此;结果

We hadn’t enough money to pay our bus fare, and – we had to walk.

30. in consideration of: in return for, on account of, because of 由于;鉴于

He received 50 dollars as the tip --- his good service.

31. be consistent with 与...一致

Y our conclusions are not – with the facts.

32. His white hair is in sharp contrast to/with his dark skin. 与…形成对比

33. contribute to;增加,有助于;捐献

Plenty of fresh air –s to good health.

34. correspond with/to 与……一致

These goods don’t --- the list of those I ordered.

35. take a delight in; 以…为乐

He take a great delight in proving others wrong.

36. on demand 按需求

Passengers must show their passports --.

37. deserving of 应受到;值得

This plan is – of our attention.

38. dispose of 处理

广东专插本加油站 站长祝您马到成功,勇攀高峰,欢迎考生加入我们,本站想考生之所想,为考生提供免费的一切插本服务。

Factories contribute to the pollution because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes.

39. go into effect/force: come into effect, take effect, be brought into effect 生效

The new regulation doesn’t go into effect until 1st March.

40. with the exception of 除…外

---- of John, all the boys were anxious to go.

41. in one’s favor: to one’s advantage; be favorable to 对…有利

The prove is in his favor.

42. gear to,adapt to, adjust to(调节) 使…适应

We must – the qualities and varieties of our products to the world-market demand.

43. on the ground that 基于

The rejected(adj. 被拒的;不合格的) his request on the ground that it is a threat to the company.

44. He is in the habit of(有…的习惯) shaking his head when feeling confused.

The students got/fell into the good habit of reading in the morning.

45. at intervals 时时,不时;相隔一定距离(或时间)

The meeting was so prolonged and exhausting that at intervals the speakers stopped for refreshments.(n. 点心)

46. To the best of my knowledge(据我所知), he still lives in Beijing.

47. She seems lacking in(缺乏) interest when I tell her the story.

The project had to be abandoned(v.抛弃) for the lack of funds.

48. I am in no mood for watching TV. be in no mood for无意

49. occupy oneself with/in sth 忙于

He occupied himself with doing his homework yesterday.

50. It occurs to sb. that 某人想到

It never occurred to me that he is so indifferent to the group.

51. The monument(n. 纪念碑) was built in memory of the people who devoted their lives to the cause of Communism(共产主义).

52. nowhere near; 远不及;离…很远

Help will come from the UN, but the aid will be nowhere near what’s needed.

53. opt for sth., decide on sth. 选择

Most boys prefer to(更加喜欢,宁愿)opt for science courses.

54. a passion for, enthusiasm 对……的热爱

I have a strong passion for painting.

55. I wish you were here so that I might thank you in person(亲自).

56. in perspective 正确地

Only when you see the process in perspective can you draw a reasonable conclusion.

57. There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有意义

Since the meeting is over, there is no point in staying here any longer. (not necessary)

58. be popular with/among; 为……所喜欢;受……欢迎

Mr. Smith is very – his students.

59. for the present; for now 暂时,目前

Let’s leave things as they are for the present, and then we may have a change.

60. previous to: prior to 在…之前

Prior to the revolution war, the America is an English colony.

61. proceed from: result from, arise from; 源于

广东专插本加油站 站长祝您马到成功,勇攀高峰,欢迎考生加入我们,本站想考生之所想,为考生提供免费的一切插本服务。

Heat(n. 高温) proceeds from fire.

62. at random: without aim or purpose 胡乱地;随便地;任意地

The students are chosen at random.

63. reconcile …to…使听从于

Although we are not satisfied with the election results, we have to become reconcile to the decision

64. at the request of 应…的邀请,应…的要求

At the request of his followers, the governor consented to(同意) remain in office.

65. in/with respect to 关于

We have good news --- your promotion.

66. in response to 响应;回答;对…有反应

--- you inquiry, we regret to inform you that we have no goods in stock.

67. give rise to: lead to 使发生,引起

The conflict give rise to a series of problems concerning the border dispute.

68. The Congress is in session(在开庭;在开会;在上课).

69. I think you might be right in a sense(在某种意义上).

70. side with 支持;站在…的一边

I am inclined to(倾向) side with the former view on the matter.

71. be something of 有点像…

He is something of an actor.

72. be subject to; 易遭受;

She is very subject to colds.

73. be suited to/for 适合于

His present job is –to his taste.

74. be sympathetic to, sympathize with sb; be in sympathy with 同情

75. be valid for 对…有效的

The train ticket is valid for two days.

76. weight against 对…不利:

His frequent lateness will weigh against his promotion (do harm to).

Weigh…against 将…与…进行权衡

Y ou must weigh all the advantages of resigning against all the disadvantages(权衡).

