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2016 年6 月四级第1 段功夫(Kung Fu)是中国武术(martial arts)的俗称。中国武术的起源可以追溯到自卫的需要、狩猎活动以及古代中国的军事训练。它是中国传统体育运动的一种,年轻人和老年人都练。它已逐渐演变成了中国文化的独特元素。它作为中国的国宝,功夫有上百种不同的风格,是世界上练得最多的武术形式。有些风格模仿了动物的动作,还有一些则受到了中国哲学思想、神话和传说的启发。

Kung Fu is commonly known as the Chinese martial arts, the origin of which can be traced back t o the need of self-defense, hunting activities and military training in ancient China. It is one kind of Chinese traditional sports. The young and the old often practice it. It has gradually evolved into the unique elements of Chinese culture. As a national treasure of China, there are hundreds of di fferent styles for Kung Fu, which is most common forms of martial arts. Some of styles imitate the movement of the animals, and some are inspired by Chinese philosophy, myths and legends.

2016 年6 月四级第2 段

在山东省潍坊市,风筝不仅仅是玩具,而且还是这座城市文化的标志。潍坊以“风筝之都” 而闻名,已有将近2400 年放飞风筝的历史。传说中古代哲学家墨子用了三年时间在潍坊制作了世界上首个风筝,但放飞的第一天风筝就坠落并摔坏了。也有人相信风筝是中国古代木匠鲁班发明的。据说他的风筝用木头和竹子制作,飞了三天才落地。

In the city of Weifang, Shandong province, kites are not just toys, but also a sign of the city cultu re. Weifang is famous for "the kite", having a history of nearly 2400 years of flying kites. It is said t hat the ancient Chinese philosophers spent three years on making the first kite in the world , but the first day of the flying kites had dropped and broken. Some people believe that the kite was in vented by ancient Chinese carpenter, Lu Ban. It has been said that his kite is made of wood and b amboo, falling to the ground after flying three days. 2016 年6 月四级第3 段乌镇是浙江的一座古老水镇,坐落在京杭大运河河畔。这是一处迷人的地方,有许多古桥、中式旅店和餐馆。在过去一千年里,乌镇的水系和生活方式并未经历多少变化,是一座展现古文明的博物馆。乌镇所有房屋都用石木建筑。数百年来,当地沿着河边建起了住宅和集市。无数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都会有惊喜的发现。

Located on the riverside of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Wuzhen of Zhejiang Province is an ancient water town. It is a fascinating place with many bridges, Chinese hotels and restaurants. O ver the past millennium, the water system and the way of life in Wuzhen has not changed much. Wuzhen is a museum of ancient civilization. All the houses of Wuzhen are built of stone and woo d. For centuries, the locals built dwellings and markets along the river. Countless beautiful and sp acious courtyards hide between houses. Visitors will be taken by pleasant surprise wherever they go.

中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。构成现代世界基础的许多元素都起源于中国。中国现在拥有世界上发展最快的经济,并正经历着一次新的工业革命。中国还启动了雄心勃勃的太空探索计划,其中包括到2020 年建成一个太空站。目前,中国是世界最大的出口国之一,并正在吸引大量外国投资。同时,它也在海外投资数十亿美元。2011 年,中国超越日本成为世界第二大经济体。(2015 年6 月四级考试)

China is one of the world's oldest civilizations. Many elements which formed the basis of the modern world originated from China. Now, China has the world's fastest growing economy, experiencing a new industrial revolution. It also has launched an ambitious space exploration plan, including to build a space station by 2020. At present, China is one of the world's largest exporter, and is attracting a large number of foreign investment. At the same time, it also has invested billions of dollars abroad. In 2011, China overtook Japan and became the second largest economy.

据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier service)将递送大约120 亿件包裹。这将使中国有可能赶超美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国约有百万在线零售商以及其竞争力的价格销售商品的机会,仅在11月11日,中国消费者就在国内最大的购物平台买了价值90 亿美元的商品。中国有不少这样的特殊购物日,因此,快递能在中国扩展就不足为奇了。(2015 年6 月四级考试)

It is reported that this year China's courier service will be delivered about 12 billion packages.

This will make China might overtake the United States as the world's largest express delivery market. Most of the parcels are full of items of order online. There are not only about millions of online retailers in China, but also they have opportunities of competitive price to sell goods. Only on the November 11, Chinese consumers in the largest shopping platform buy the goods worth of $9 billion. China has so many special shopping days, so it's no wonder that courier service can be expanded in China.


(2015 年6 月四级考试)

In the mind of Westerners, Chinese people have the closest connection to rice, basic food for the Chinese. For a long time, rice occupies a very important position in the Chinese diet. There is even a saying that "even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice". People in south China plant and live on rice, while people in the most parts of North China cannot plant rice due to excessively dry and cold weather. The main crop there is wheat. In China, some people use flour to bake bread, while most people make steamed bread and noodles with


中国人使用筷子已经有3000 多年的历史了。中国的筷子夹菜的一端是圆的,象征着天;另一端是方的,象征着地。这是因为,维持充足的食物供应是天地之间最重要的事情。中国有个古老的风俗,女子出嫁时要用筷子当嫁妆,因为“筷子”与“快子”谐音。根据中国的餐桌礼仪,吃饭时一直握着筷子是不礼貌的。将菜送入口中后,应立刻把筷子放下。吃饭时,用筷子指着别人会对其造成冒犯。(2014 英语四六级)

翻译词汇:筷子chopsticks 维持maintain 充足的adequate 嫁妆dowry

谐音be pronounced the same as 餐桌礼仪table manners 不礼貌的impolite 冒犯offend

There has been a history of more than 3 000 years for the Chinese to have meals with chopsticks . Chinese chopsticks are round on the eating end which symbolizes the heaven, and the other end is square which symbolizes the earth. It is because maintaining an adequate food supply is the gr eatest concern between the heaven and the earth. There is an old custom in the past in China, th at chopsticks should be a part of a girl '

s dowry. Kuaizi (chopsticks) is pronounced the same as “kuai zi” .The latter symbolized “ quick ” and “ son” . According to the Chinese traditional table manners, it is impolite to hold the cho psticks all the time over the meal. As soon as one person sends a bite into his mouth, he should p ut down the chopsticks. It would offend others to point at them with chopsticks over the meal.

故宫,又名紫禁城,为明清共二十四位皇帝统治中国近500 年的皇宫。它位于北京市中心,在天安门广场的北侧,形状为长方形。南北长960米,东西宽750米,占地72 公顷,总建筑面积达15 万平方米。故宫是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代木构宫殿。它分为外朝和内廷两部分,外朝是皇帝上朝处理国家大事的地方,内廷是皇帝和皇室的居住地。1987 年,故宫被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产。(2014 英语四六级)


故宫the Imperial Palace 紫禁城the Forbidden City 天安门广场Tian' anmen Square 长方形rectangular 建筑面积floor space 现存in existence 上朝give audience 处理handle

世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage

China lies in the east of Asia and it has the largest population in the world. China is also one of th e four countries in the world that have an ancient civilization, Besides, it has a vast territory with such abundant natural resources as dense forests, magnificent waterfalls, majestic and beautiful r ivers and lakes, and mountains whose peaks reach high into the sky like swords. All these make C hina a singularly attractive place to tourists around the world.

But, most importantly, China boast

s a history of over five thousand years with innumerable historical relics left over from the long p ast, such as priceless pearls and jewels, historic sites and scenic spots, palaces and edifices of arc hitectural richness, all of which have won people '

s admiration. You are sure to find great enjoyment from all these attractions in China, a much-ad mired dream land.

天津市古文化街于1986 年元旦建成开业,全长687 米,为模仿清民间建筑风格。它坐落在南开区海河西岸,是一条商业步行街,值得一看。再者,古文化街是天津市的发祥地,也是天津最早的文化、宗教和商业中心。天后宫(即著名的妈祖庙)就在这条街的中心。这条街上

出售古玩、古旧书籍、传统手工艺制品和民俗用品。天津的民间艺术品杨柳青年画、泥人张彩塑、风筝魏风筝、刘氏砖刻在此也都设有专店。这里还有风味小吃,如茶汤、锅巴菜、耳朵眼炸糕。(2014 英语四六级)


古文化街the Ancient Culture Street 模仿imitate

商业步行街commercial pedestrian street 天津市的发祥地the Cradle of Tianjin 天后宫Tianhou Temple 妈祖庙Mazu Temple 古玩antique

手工艺制品handicraft 民俗用品folk product

杨柳青年画Yangliuqing New Year painting 泥人张彩塑Niren Zhang ' s Colour-Clay Figurine 刘氏砖刻Liu Carving 风味小吃snack 茶汤Chatang Soup 锅巴菜Guobacai

耳朵眼炸糕Earhole Fried Cake

Opened on New Year ' Day in 1986, the Ancient Culture Street in Tianjin city is 687 meters long, with its architecture imitating the folk style of the Qing Dynasty. Located on the west bank of Hai he River in Nankai District, it is a commercial pedestrian street which is worth visiting. Furthermo re, this street is known as the Cradle of Tianjin, and is the first cultural, religious and business cen tre of the city. In its centre is the famous Tianhou (Heavenly Queen) Temple, more popularly kno wn as Mazu. Antiques, ancient books, traditional handicrafts and folk products are sold here. Add itionally, the traditional folk-art Yangliuqing New Year paintings, Niren Zhang '

s Colour-Clay Figurines, Wei Kites and Liu Carvings all have their shops there. There are also local snacks such as Chatang Soup, Guobacai, Earhole Fried Cake, etc.


他给国家带来了和平和繁荣。但最后因为受到诽谤(vilify) 而最终投河自尽。人们撑船到他自

尽的地方,抛下粽子,希望鱼儿吃粽子,不要吃屈原的身躯。几千年来,端午节的特色在于吃粽子(glutinous dumplings) 和赛龙舟,尤其是在一些河湖密布的南方省份。(2014 英语


The Duanwu Festival, also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a loyal and highly esteemed minister, who brought peace and prosperity t o the state but ended up drowning himself in a river as a result of being vilified.People got to the spot by boat and cast glutinous dumplings into the water,hoping that the fishes ate the dumpling s instead of Qu Yuan's body. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by glutinous du mplings and dragon boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes.

大熊猫是一种温顺的动物,长着独特的黑白皮毛。因其数量极少,大熊猫已被列为濒危物种。大熊猫对于世界自然基金会有着特殊意义。自1961 年该基金会成立以来,大熊猫就一直是它的徽标。大熊猫是熊科中最稀有的成员,主要生活在中国西南部的森林里。目前,世界上大约有1000 只大熊猫。这些以竹为食的动物正面临许多威胁。因此,确保大熊猫的生存比以往更重要。(2014 英语四六级)

Giant panda is a docile animal in unique black and white fur. Because its number is extremely low, it has been written into the list of endangered animals. The significance of pandas to WWF is spe cial. An icon of a panda has been the simble of WWF, since its establishment in 1961. Mainly livin g in the forests in Southwest China, the panda is the most rare member of bear family. Currently, there are approximately 1000 of them. These bamboo-eating creatures are being threathened by many factors. Therefore, the importance of the protecting pandas is greater than ever before.

中国的互联网社区是全世界发展最快的。2010 年,中国约有4.2 亿网民,而且人数还在迅速

增长。互联网的日渐流行带来了重大的社会变化。中国网民往往不同于美国网民。美国网民更多的是受实际需要的驱使,用互联网为工具发电子邮件,买卖商品,做研究,规划旅程或付款。中国网民更多是出于社交原因使用互联网,因而更广泛的使用论坛,博客,聊天室等。(2014 英语四六级)

The Internet Community of China experienced the fastest development. In 2010, there were 420 million netizens and this number is still running upward. The popularization of Internet has broug ht about huge changes. Generally speaking, different form American netizens who are

