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Lesson 68 纠缠不休


New words and expressions

persistent adj.坚持的,固执的

avoid v. 避开

insist v.坚持做


1)(人,行为)不屈不饶的;执拗的,顽固的persistent efforts

eg.He was persistent in his question.他一直追问到底。2)(事物)持久的,不断的(lasting)

persistent rain

persistent pain

persistent noise

persistent backache

persist [p?'sist] v.

persist in sth/doing…坚持,执意

eg.Does he always persist in his opinion like that? eg.She persisted in taking her dog with her.

eg.He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.

eg.He persists in believing that he was right.

persistence n.[u.不可数名词]坚持不懈,执意,持续eg.His persistence touches me.

avoid v.避开,躲避;避免,预防


eg.Fortunately,we were able to avoid an accident.

eg.The car turned to the left to avoid a collision.

eg.He crossed the street to avoid seeing me.

eg.Try to avoid driving in rush hours.

avoid sb/sth like the plague.


avoidable adj.可避免的

v.+able 可…了,能够…

lovable 可爱的

washable 耐洗的



n.+able ------> adj.

comfortable / agreeable

miserable / suitable

insist v.坚持做

insist on sth/doing


insist that sb (should) do …

eg.I insist on your coming with us.

eg.I insist that you (should) go with us.

eg.He insisted that I (should) apologize.

eg.He insisted on going swimming.

insist v.坚持说,坚信,固执的声称

eg.She insisted that she was innocent.

eg.I insisted that I hadn’t done that.

insistent adj.坚持的,不容拒绝或反对的

insistence n.[u]

insistence on/about sth

区别insist on/persist in

stick to/keep on

insist on n./doing


eg.She insisted on her opinion at the meeting.

eg.She insisted on going with us.

insist + that 从句有两种情况:


eg.The Arab insisted that he had never seen the camel.


eg.He insisted that she (should) leave.

persist in n./doing表示对某种活动坚持不懈或某种信念不改,固执

eg.He insisted on playing golf.(玩了没有,不知道。)

eg.He persisted in practicing golf for an hour.(坚持练了一小时,动作已发生)

stick to n./doing坚持不放弃愿望,原则,决定,诺言,理想…

eg.We should stick to the study of Marxism-Leninism.马克思列宁主义

eg.Stick to it!

keep on : continue to do


eg.We kept on working although we are tired.

eg.Keep on practicing and you’ll speak English well.

Key Structures----动名词的应用


avoid doing sth

enjoy doing sth

deny doing sth

fancy doing sth


admit appreciate avoid complete delay deny enjoy fancy finish mind stand practise resent risk suggest allow permit

eg. He always avoids traveling during rush hours.

eg. He enjoys playing football.

eg. He completely denies taking it.

eg. Fancy meeting you here.

eg. Would you mind opening the window?

eg. I don’t mind waiting.

eg. I can’t stand people shouting and pushing.


It’s no use doing…

eg. It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

It’s worth doing…

It’s not worth doing…

eg. It’s not worth worrying about.

be busy doing

eg.Can’t you see I’m busy writing?

do some shopping

do some washing


eg. Would you mind opening the window?

eg. Would you mind my opening the window?

eg. Do you mind smoking?

eg. Do you mind my smoking?

eg. Fancy writing a letter like that!

eg. Fancy her writing a letter like that!

eg. His leaving is a great loss.

eg. Mother dislikes my working late.

eg. John’s having seen her did not make her worried.



see,hear,smell,notice…sb doing

see,hear,smell,notice…sb do

see,hear,smell,notice…sb done

eg.I saw him coming.

eg.He heard me opening the door.

eg.I can smell something burning.

eg.I heard him singing in the next room.

5. go 与come 加现在分词:

go dancing

go swimming

go riding

go shopping

go skating

go skiing

eg.Let’s go dancing.

eg.I went shopping this morning.

b105336e667d27284b73f242336c1eb91a373387e swimming with me tomorrow.


I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. avoid doing…

avoid making the same mistake

running 是现在分词作状语

It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him.

It’s no use+v.ing (v-ing 短语是真正的主语,it作形式主语)

eg.It’s no use complaining about it.

pretend that…

eg.He pretended that he was working hard.

pretend to do…

eg.He pretended to be dead when he met a bear.

pretend to be doing…

eg.The boys pretended to be sleeping.

wave to sb

eg.I waved a greeting to the teacher.我挥手向老师问好

eg.I waved him goodbye.我挥手向他道别。

eg.I waved him out.我挥手叫他出去。

eg.I waved him back.我挥手叫他回来。

I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes. He never has anything to do.

1)enjoy doing


3)anything(to do),不定式修饰anything。

No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you.

no matter how (what , which , who , where , when )


eg.No matter what happens (may happen), don’t be discouraged.

insist on doing…

I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning. think of a way of doing…

prevent sb (from) doing阻止某人做某事

或者可以说stop sb (from) doing阻止某人做某事

keep sb from doing阻止某人做某事(这里的from不能省略)

eg.Her sudden arrival prevented him from going out.

eg.Their prompt actions prevented the fire from spread ing.

prevention n.

eg.Prevention is better than cure.(谚)预防胜于治疗。

preventive adj.预防的,防止的

preventive measures against fire 防火措施

preventive medicine 预防医学


'Hello, Nigel,' I said. 'Fancy meeting you here!'


fancy + 宾语+ as/to be

eg.I can’t fancy him as/to be an English teacher.

fancy doing …想象(某人)做…

eg.Fancy George reading such difficult books!

fancy that…

eg.I fancy (that) I have met her somewhere.

fancy n.空想,幻想

fancy (是非现实的)

imagination (是既现实又实际的)

products of fancy 空想产物

eg.He shut himself in a world of idle fancy.


fancy adj.精致的,花哨的

eg.These shoes are too fancy for me.

a fancy tie 精致的领带

a fancy dress化装用的服装

a fancy party化妆舞会

'Hi, Elizabeth,' Nigel answered. 'I was just wondering how to spend the morning -- until I saw you.

how to do …做wonder的宾语

You're not busy doing anything, are you?'

be busy (in) doing




—I’ve just won £500!

—Have you?


eg.He’s made a bad mistake , hasn’t he?

eg.You’re not busy doing anything , are you?

'No, not at all,' I answered. 'I'm going to...'

not at all 根部不

eg.I don’t like maths at all.我根部不喜欢数学

eg.There is nothing to eat at all.

'Would you mind my coming with you?'


对比:Would you mind coming with me?

he asked, before I had finished speaking.

finish doing…

'Not at all,' I lied, 'but I'm going to the dentist.'

lie 说谎



tell a lie

tell sb a lie

a white lie 善意的谎话

a black lie 恶意的谎话

'Then I'll come with you,' he answered. 'There's always plenty to read in the waiting room!

plenty (to read)不定式作定语

waiting room 候诊室;候车室


对比:a waiting car



1.He insisted__b__ with her.

(a) to go (b)that he should go (c) to going (d) in going

insist 表示“坚持”的时候,后面可以加insist on doing sth. (坚持做……)或者是that引导的从句做宾语,在从句中,位于动词应该是insist +从句(should +原形) (用虚拟语气)

2. She waved to him. She __c__him.

(a)shook (b)saluted (c)greeted (d)called


b.向…致敬,敬礼salute v.问候(军人向长官的)行军礼d.叫喊,召唤

greet v. 问候

3.Fancy meeting you here! __a__!


b. Think




4.They are too _____for me;

I prefer the plain ones.





a平常的,普通的,平凡的b花式的,杂色的;如fancy goods




1.Still waters run deep.


2.Strike while the iron is hot.


