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1绪论 (3)
2步进电机原理及硬件软件设计 (4)
2.1步进电机原理及其控制技术 (4)
2.2总体设计方框图 (7)
2.3设计原理分析 (7)
2.3.1元器件介绍 (7)
2.3.2方案论证 (9)
2.3.3硬件设计 (9)
2.3.4 软件设计 (12)
3结论 (15)
参考文献 (16)
附录1 电路原理图 (17)
附录2 程序清单 (18)
致谢 (21)
步进电机是一种进行精确步进运动的机电执行元件,它广泛应用于工业机械的数字控制,为使系统的可靠性、通用性、可维护性以及性价比最优,根据控制系统功能要求及步进电机应用环境,确定了设计系统硬件和软件的功能划分,从而实现了基于8051单片机的四相步进电机的开环控制系统。控制系统通过单片机存储器、I/O接口、中断、键盘、LED显示器的扩展、步进电机的环形分配器、驱动及保护电路、人机接口电路、中断系统及复位电路、单电压驱动电路等的设计,实现了四相步进电机的正反转,急停等功能。为实现单片机控制步进电机系统在数控机床上的应用,系统设计了两个外部中断,以实现步进电机在某段时间的反复正反转功能,也即数控机床的刀架自动进给运动。随着单片机技术的不断发展,单片机在日用电子产品中的应用越来越广泛,自六十年代初期以来, 步进电机的应用得到大大提高。人们用它来驱动时钟和其他采用指针的仪器,打印机、绘图仪、磁盘光盘驱动器、各种自动控制阀、各种工具,还有机器人等机械装置。此外作为执行元件,步进电机是机电一体化的关键产品之一,被广泛应用在各种自动化控制系统中,随着微电子和计算机技术的发展,它的需要量与日惧增,在各个国民经济领域都有应用。步进电机是机电数字控制系统中常用的执行元件,由于其精度高、体积小、控制方便灵活,因此在智能仪表和位置控制中得到了广泛的应用,大规模集成电路的发展以及单片机技术的迅速普及,为设计功能强、价格低的步进电机控制驱动器提供了先进的技术和充足的资源。
Realizes based on single chip microcomputer 51 the steping motor the control system
Stepper motor is a stepper motor for precise electrical and mechanical actuators, which are widely used in industrial machinery, digital control, for the system reliability, interoperability, maintainability, and cost-optimal, according to the control system functional requirements and Control system through the microcontroller memory, I/O interface, interrupt, keyboard, LED display of the expansion of the annular distributor stepping motor, drive and protection circuit, man-machine interface circuit, interrupt system and reset circuit, a single voltage drive circuit, etc.designed to achieve a four-phase stepper motor rotating, and emergency stop functions. To achieve the stepping motor system in NC Machine Tools, system design, two external interrupts, in order to achieve within a certain period of time stepper motor repeated Reversible function, ie, the turret CNC automatic feed movement. With the continuous development of single chip microcomputer, microcontroller in household electronic products widely applied, since the since the early sixties, the stepper motor applications are greatly enhanced. People use it to drive the clock and other instruments with pointers, printers, plotters, disk CD-ROM drive, a variety of automatic control valves, various tools, as well as robots and other mechanical devices. In addition,as the acIn addition, as the actuator, stepper motor is one of mechanical and electrical integration of the key products are widely used in a variety of automatic control systems, microelectronics and computer technology with the development of its requirements with the Japanese fear of growing in all the field of application of the national economy has. Stepper motor digital control system of electromechanical actuators commonly used, due to its high precision, small size, flexible to control, so the smart meter and position control has been widely used in large-scale integrated circuits technology development, and SCM The increasing popularity of design features, the lowest price of the stepper motor control driver provides advanced technology and adequate resources.
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