becoming jane

更新时间:2024-01-26 21:34:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Becoming Jane looks at the life of Jane Austen through the prism of her novels. The film is a semi-fictional biography of the esteemed author; although it incorporates people and events from her life, it also takes liberties with known events. Like Shakespeare in Love, this is intended to be an homage, not a serious reconstruction of the factors underlying the development of an icon. Fans of her books will find familiar elements strewn throughout Becoming Jane. In fact, there are enough similarities between the movie and Pride and

Prejudice that one could be forgiven thinking this screenplay is Austen lite.

The story transpires in 1796, when a 20-year old Jane Austen (Anne Hathaway) meets the roguish Tom Lefroy (James McAvoy) - a penniless student of law who is entirely dependent upon his rich uncle (Ian Richardson, in his last film role) for his allowance. Jane and Tom are unsuited to one another so, of course, they fall madly in love. This liaison does not please Jane's mother (Julie Walter), who wants her daughter to marry someone with a fortune. Equally irate about the attachment is Lady Gresham (Maggie Smith), whose dull, humorless nephew intends to make a marriage proposal to Jane. On the other hand, Jane's father (James Cromwell), encourages her to do what suits her soul. Money and the comforts it can bring are desirable, but they are not everything. While Jane pursues a romance with Tom, she indulges her other passion: writing. Pride and Prejudice begins to take shape with Elizabeth Bennett marking the fictional representation of her


Director Julian Jarrold, who has experience adapting literary classics for British television, has elected to present Jane as indistinguishable from her most famous heroine, Elizabeth Bennett. Considering what Becoming Jane is trying to do by depicting how personalities and events in her life might have shaped Austen's literary works, this makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, lead actress Anne Hathaway is not suited to the role. Her Jane doesn't

seem like the main character in her own story. Hathaway, who is well suited to modern-day Disney fairy tales like The Princess Diaries, is pretty enough, but she lacks presence. Too often, she blends in with the scenery rather than seizing the camera's attention. One cannot help recall how forcefully Kiera Knightley made the role of Lizzie her

own a few years ago in Pride and Prejudice and wonder whether she might not have made a better Jane Austen. James McAvoy (who played the white doctor in The Last King of Scotland) displays more charisma than his co-star but, even so, it's hard to view the Jane/Tom relationship as the kind of grand love affair around which a movie can be


Judged on a purely historical basis, Becoming Jane is of dubious value, but it is unfair to damn the film based on the liberties it takes with an admittedly unsure factual record. (Many aspects of Austen's life are not known.) Jarrold and his screenwriters, Kevin Hood and Sarah Williams, see Austen as the mother of her characters and seek to present her life as containing chapters that would be expanded into the cores of the novels of her oeuvre. Viewed from that perspective, Becoming Jane succeeds, although Hathaway's inability to give us a strong lead causes the movie to be less appealing than it might

otherwise be.

When it comes to providing insight into how Austen wrote her novels, Becoming Jane is threadbare. The movie occasionally shows her with quill in hand but this isn't as much about the craft of writing as it is about the experiences that led to the career. Had Jane and Tom married and lived happily ever after, it's doubtful there would be a Pride and Prejudice. In fact, Jane Austen might simply be one of countless anonymous unpublished women who dabbled in writing as a way to pass the hours when her husband was not


At its heart, Becoming Jane is a costume drama romance. The screenplay exhibits a degree of Austen's wit and touches on many of the social issues and constraints that were important to her writing. It's a pleasant enough motion picture, but there's nothing special here. Comparisons with Shakespeare in Love are fair, but this film isn't as well written nor does it feel as fresh. The movie should appeal to its target audience - those familiar with Austen's novels but who are not members of the hard-core group (they will have too many nit-picks to be satisfied) - but it is unlikely to have much in the way of crossover interest. In

the end, Becoming Jane can be said to capture the spirit of Austen without the


理性中的感情,感性中的理智——《Becoming Jane》

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. ——《Pride and Prejudice》

在Jane Austen短暂的一生中,她创作了英国文学中最好的六部小说。


这部电影正是从她的信中提到过的一段短暂恋情是创作出来的。Mr Lefroy ,就是她的Mr Darcy.


Jane热爱写作,想通过自己的努力成为一名作家。她的家庭有些清贫却很温馨,她的母亲想让她嫁给一个有钱人,而Jane却不愿意接受没有爱情的婚姻。于是,她断然拒绝了身世显赫、收入不菲且仪表堂堂的Mr Wisley的求婚。

夏日的假期,Mr Lefroy走进了她的生活。

Tom Lefroy,一个年轻的实习律师,有着风流浪荡的行为,一个恶名远播的花花公子。

第一次见面,并不愉快。他讨厌她冗长的贺信,她厌恶他不可一世的态度。再次见面,礼貌的问候掩盖不住她心中的厌恶,于是,争论难以避免。他不可一世的态度彻底惹恼了她,他微笑着道歉Lefroy-And you’re sure I’ve not offended you? Jane-Not at all!

舞会上,Wisley请Jane跳舞,却笨拙的踩了她的脚。Jane很尴尬,一抬头,却正好看到了Lefroy的嗤笑。Jane生气的质问Henry(她的哥哥),为什么要请Lefroy来,却不知此时他就在她的身后。“I would regard it as a mark of extreme favour if you would stoop to honour me with this next dance.”Jane尴尬的同意了。两个人一边跳舞一边争论,互相指责,互相挖苦??



一本《Tom Jones》拉近了两人的距离。同样的热爱文学,一起讨论书中的故事,互相开着


大家一同外出游乐,他和她有意无意地走在一起。看到Tom冲上拳击场要与对手较量时,Jane的担心已经使她忘记了君子之礼,不再优雅的说Mr Lefroy,而是喊道,“Tom, you must stop!”因为一个意外,Tom被打翻在地,Jane担心的上前询问,他却微笑着安慰她。



Jane忧心忡忡地走进了舞会。她在四处寻找那个熟悉的身影,没有,还是没有,难道他没有来吗?这时,她看到了Mr Wisley。Jane面无表情的同Wisley跳着舞,音乐舒缓而悠扬。就在这时,音乐陡然加速,一个交换舞伴的舞步,一张熟悉的笑脸出现在她的面前。Jane的眼睛里有了神采,他与她四目相对,他们地眼神都没有离开过对方。一曲舞很快就结束了。Wisley带着Jane来到了他姨母的面前。此时Tom正巧站在Jane的身后,“As opposed to a lover?”Tom的这句喃喃细语,算是正式的承认了他对Jane的爱。



Tom: I have learned of Mr Wisley’s marriage proposal. My congratulations. Jane: Is there an alternative for a well-educated young woman of small fortune?

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2008-2-22 17:20 回复

彳亍的小小 1位粉丝 2楼

Tom: How can you have him? Even with his thousands and his houses, how can you, of all people, dispose of yourself without affection?

Jane: How can I dispose of myself with it? You are leaving tomorrow. Jane主动去吻Tom,Tom有些意外。 Jane: Did I do that well? Tom: very, very well.

Jane: I wanted, just once, to do it well.

此时Tom再也无法抑制心中的情感,他用颤抖的声音向Jane告白。 Tom: I have no money, no property,

I am entirely dependent upon that bizarre old lunatic, my nucle. I cannot yet offer marriage. But you must know what I feel. Jane, I’m yours.

Gad, I’m yours, I’m yours, heart and soul. Much good that is. Jane: Let me decide that. Tom: What will we do? Jane: What we must.



Jane并没有放弃,可是Tom,“I have a duty to my family, Jane. I must think of them as well as?.” Jane: “Tom……Is that …Is that all you have to say to me? Goodbye, Mr Lefroy.”

Jane回到了家,心灰意冷之下她接受了Mr Wisley的求婚。但她误以为那封信是Wisley写的,所以她狠狠的指责了Wisley,但Wisley并没有生气,而是真心地为她能同意他的求婚而高兴。

Jane在她家的树林里,那个曾经第一次和Tom吵过架的地方,再次见到了那个令她伤心欲绝的人。 Tom: Miss Austen.

Jane: Mr Lefroy.

Tom: Sir. (Tom向Jane身旁的弟弟行礼)

Jane: I believe I must congratulate you, Mr Lefroy. And you’ve come to visit an old friend at such a time. How considerate. (在与Jane分手之后,Tom就遵从他舅舅的安排订了婚)

Tom: I have come……to offer an explanation, belatedly, for my conduct. I cannot think how to describe it.

Jane: Tell me about your lady, Mr Lefroy. From where does she come?

Tom: She’s from County Wexford.

Jane: Your own country. Excellent. What was it that won her? Your manner, smiles and pleasing address? ......

???????????????????????????????????????.. Tom: And so you would marry Wisley?If there is a shred of truth or justice inside of you, you cannot marry him.

Jane: Oh no, Mr Lefroy Justice, by your own admission, you know little of, truth even less. Tom: Jane, I have tried. I have tried and I cannot live this lie. Can you? Jane, can you? What value will there be in life if we are not together? Run away with me.

Jane: An elopement?

Tom: That is exactly what I propose.

We’ll post to London, by Friday be in Scotland, And man and wife. Jane: Leave everything?

Tom: Everything. It is the only way we can be together. …………………........................................



Tom: No! No, Jane. I will never give you up!


回到家,她发现家里空无一人,他们都去找她了。这时Mr Warren进来了。他看到Jane回来非常高兴,立刻向Jane求婚。其实他也一直爱着Jane。Jane拒绝了。但她忽然想起了什么,“It was you who wrote the judge?”Jane明白了,她误会了Wisley。面对这个一手毁掉她的幸福的男人,Jane真想上去打他,可还是忍住了。


Wisley: Will all your stories have happy endings?

Jane: My characters will have,after a little bit of trouble,all that they desire.

Wisley: The good do not always come to good ends.

Jane开始创作《Pride and Prejudice》——It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife????????????????..











In her short life Jane Austen wrote six of the greatest novels in the English Language.

Tom Lefroy had a successful career as a lawyer and became Lord Chief Justice of Ireland.

He named his eldest daughter Jane.

Neither Jane nor her sister Cassandra ever married.

Tom为了责任只好用理智压抑感情,但分手后他的感情超越了理智,“Run away with me.” Jane为了爱情与Tom私奔,又出于理智选择与Tom分手。责任,是她心中的责任感让她作出理智的决定。


感性的看,这绝对是一个悲剧,有情人不能成眷属,天下至悲至痛之事莫过于此。 但是,理性的看,也许对于他们两个人来说,这是最好的结局。


Her own life is her greatest inspiration. Becoming a woman. Becoming a legend.


should conceal it as well as she can.\

Between sense and sensibility and pride and prejudice was a life worth writing about.



In pondering Jane Austen’s inspiration for her six novels, in print for over 200 years, screenwriters Sarah Williams and Kevin Hood set out to answer the very important question of whether the author, who died at the age of 41, actually had sex with a man.


Austen’s letters to her sister hint at a flirtation with a London lawyer named Tom Lefroy, so Williams and Hood fabricated a romance between the writer and the penniless Irishman. For characters and a plot, they borrowed, rather shamelessly, from Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Jane, played by the luminous Anne Hathaway, is fashioned after Elizabeth Bennett, the novel’s hero. Lefroy (James McAvoy) is the arrogant Mr. Darcy—minus the fortune. Lady Gresham (Maggie Smith), Jane’s rich relation in the film, is Mr. Darcy’s aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, the venerable snob of Pride and Prejudice. In the novel, Elizabeth Bennett, a girl with brains but no means, captivates Mr. Darcy, who is rich and arrogant. In Becoming Jane, Austen, living in genteel poverty, wins over Tom, who thinks that writing novels is a man’s job.

Austen’s books are mostly about women who battle patriarchal men and their ideas as a means of inventing themselves. In that sense, Pride and Prejudice is an excellent example of the author’s oeuvre. A popular, chick-lit interpretation of the novel is that Elizabeth Bennett makes a man of Mr. Darcy. In Becoming Jane, on the other hand, we find Austen as a breathless, precocious girl of 20 in the throes of her first romance; her sexual desire is what sends her rushing to her desk to write her first novel. It’s worse than male fantasy: It’s Austen for Idiots.

Director Julian Jarrold’s (Kinky Boots) shaky, hand-held camera technique in this period movie, meant perhaps to give it a trendy touch, is distracting and inappropriate. The soaring Baroque score, which alternates with dialogue continually punctuated by exclamation points, is further evidence that Jarrold has not graduated from the small screen, the source of most of his professional experience.

Wasted are the considerable talents of Oscar-nominated production designer Eve Stewart (Topsy Turvy), and costume designer Eimer Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh (The Wind That Shakes the Barley). Stewart’s sense of how to represent, in the set and location design, the opposing forces of Jane’s narrow world and her irrepressible intellect, is ingenious: There are claustrophobic rooms with sweeping views, and the assault of formal gardens and superfluous architecture in wild, verdant countryside. Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh’s costumes are inventive, beautifully cut and rendered; they carefully define each character, but especially Jane, dressed mostly in jewel tones to accentuate

her radiance and lucidity.

Hathaway and her co-star McAvoy manage to put over line after line of awful dialogue and to overcome Jarrold’s inability to control the film. Hathaway is at her best when she is alone, writing or playing the piano; in these scenes, she communicates, partly because of her youth but mainly because of her instincts, all the vigor and imagination that Jane Austen must have had at that age. One of the finer performances in Becoming Jane is in a minor role: Anna Maxwell Martin’s portrayal of Cassandra, Jane’s sister, is restrained and accomplished. And Austen would surely have appreciated the indomitable Maggie Smith, who, in her perfectly modulated demeanor and inflections, communicates the irony that is so much a part of the delight in reading the author’s enduring prose.






'Jane' Isn't Quite Austen, But It Is 'Becoming'

The writing in this fanciful \but the performances sparkle and the look is lush.

关于,我深爱的Jane——Becoming Jane影评(一) (2010-05-06 19:45:48) 转载 标签: 成为简奥斯汀 影评 傲慢与偏见 娱乐

分类: 影评

简?奥斯汀(1775年12月16日~1817年7月18日)英国女小说家。生于乡村小镇斯蒂文顿,有6个兄弟和一个姐姐,家境尚可。父亲乔治?奥斯汀(George Austen,1731年—1805年)是当地一名牧师。母亲卡桑德拉(1739年—1827年)。奥斯汀没有上过正规学校,但受到较好的家庭教育,主要教材就是父亲的文学藏书。奥斯汀一家爱读流行小说,多半是庸俗

的消遣品。她少女时期的习作就是对这类流行小说的滑稽模仿,这样就形成了她作品中嘲讽的基调。她20岁左右开始写作,共发表了6部长篇小说。1811年出版的《理智与情感》是她的处女作,随后又接连发表了《傲慢与偏见》(1813)、《曼斯菲尔德花园》(1814)和《爱玛》(1815)。《诺桑觉寺》(又名《诺桑觉修道院》)和《劝导》(1818)是在她去世后第二年发表的,并署上了作者真名。 。

写这段文字时,影片还没下载下来,看着缓慢的下载进度条,我决定先来写写我心中的Jane 即使是凭着第一遍在pps上的模糊记忆 Becoming Jane影评(一) 关于,我深爱的Jane

动笔之前,决定再好好看一遍Becoming Jane 于是迅雷、电驴、bt,纷纷上阵寻找清晰版本,文艺片的片源大不如越光宝盒之类热映搞笑片好找,而可怜的校园网又没办法让我把仅有的几个令人满意的版本下载下来。就这样,这篇影评按在心头悬而不发,每当发呆时脑海的尽头就静静坐着一个清冷而理性的身影,清澈而美好的目光,一如她的文字。 Jane Austen,一个逃离不了自己笔下故事的女人


我知道Jane Austen终生未嫁却写就文学史上不朽的六部作品。所以在看这部Becoming Jane之前,我告诉自己这是作者自己的故事,而不是她笔下构架精巧、用完满的结局带给人以希望的小说,于是心里早早的默默描上一层悲剧的黑纱,准备好和电影里的Jane一起踏入现实中的残酷与冰冷。

而当我看完整部影片,我微笑着和自己说,Jane这里面的你,终究没有逃离你自己笔下的故事,这部片子用你的文字的残片来演绎你的人生,你美好的笔融入了后世对于你的猜测与追忆,在我们的记忆里的你如同小说一样深情美好。 现实而深刻的Elizabeth


Jane一定宁愿做一个沉醉于爱情的幸福女子,和爱人享受平静无澜的生活,但命运却有意用一段缺失的爱情激发出她身体内潜藏的才华, Jane不断的写着现实而朴实的爱情,是由于心中曾被被烙下无比伤感的印记,在痛苦的海洋中Jane能做的只能是紧紧抱住唯一能把握东西——文字。



我爱这样一个冷静而执着的女子,转身的那一刻,她会用眼神和决绝的背影告诉你: 相爱,不仅仅是两个人的事情。

Itisatruthuniversallyacknowledged,thatasinglemaninpossessionofagoodfortunemustbeinwantofawife.——《PrideandPrejudice》 在JaneAusten短暂的一生中,她创作了英国文学中最好的六部小说。 她的每个故事都有一个美好的结局,有情人终成眷属。但是她,却终生未嫁。 这部电影正是从她的信中提到过的一段短暂恋情是创作出来的。MrLefroy,就是她的MrDarcy. 影片开始于19世纪英国的一个古朴而宁静的小镇Hampshire。 Jane热爱写作,想通过自己的努力成为一名作家。她的家庭有些清贫却很温馨,她的母亲想让她嫁给一个有钱人,而Jane却不愿意接受没有爱情的婚姻。于是,她断然拒绝了身世显赫、收入不菲且仪表堂堂的MrWisley的求婚。 夏日的假期,MrLefroy走进了她的生活。 TomLefroy,一个年轻的实习律师,有着风流浪荡的行为,一个恶名远播的花花公子。 第一次见面,并不愉快。他讨厌她冗长的贺信,她厌恶他不可一世的态度。再次见面,礼貌的问候掩盖不住她心中的厌恶,于是,争论难以避免。他不可一世的态度彻底惹恼了她,他微笑着道歉Lefroy-Andyou’resureI’venotoffendedyou?Jane-Notatall! 舞会上,Wisley请Jane跳舞,却笨拙的踩了她的脚。Jane很尴尬,一抬头,却正好看到了Lefroy的嗤笑。Jane生气的质问Henry(她的哥哥),为什么要请Lefroy来,却不知此时他就在她的身后。“Iwouldregarditasamarkofextremefavourifyouwouldstooptohonourmewiththisnextdance.”Jane尴尬的同意了。两个人一边跳舞一边争论,互相指责,互相挖苦?? 板球场上,Tom连连得胜。Jane看不下去她身边的男人的无能,于是一把抢过了球杆,走上了场。开始时,Tom很gentle的放了水,但当他看到Jane快赢了时候又心有不甘。但是无奈,已经晚了。Tom滑稽的摔倒在地,Jane骄傲的笑了,因为此时,他和她是平等的。 图书馆的再次相遇,聪明的Tom已经明白了Jane的所想,他用他丰富的学识给与Jane帮助,告诉她怎样才能成为一个优秀的女作家,与男作家平起平坐。Jane表面上并不接受,却已经在心中暗暗的佩服。 一本《TomJones》拉近了两人的距离。同样的热爱文学,一起讨论书中的故事,互相开着善意的玩笑?? 大家一同外出游乐,他和她有意无意地走在一起。看到Tom冲上拳击场要与对手较量时,Jane的担心已经使她忘记了君子之礼,不再优雅的说MrLefroy,而是喊道,“Tom,youmuststop!”因为一个意外,Tom被打翻在地,Jane担心的上前询问,他却微笑着安慰她。 晚上的舞会过后,Tom就要回到London,明天他就要离开了。 Jane的心事大家早已洞悉,表姐Eliza半开玩笑的提醒她,他只是个青年律师,没身份没地位更没有钱,更何况他明天就走了,他跟她是不可能的。 Jane忧心忡忡地走进了舞会。她在四处寻找那个熟悉的身影,没有,还是没有,难道他没有来吗?这时,她看到了MrWisley。Jane面无表情的同Wisley跳着舞,音乐舒缓而悠扬。就在这时,音乐陡然加速,一个交换舞伴的舞步,一张熟悉的笑脸出现在她的面前。Jane的眼睛里有了神采,他与她四目相对,他们地眼神都没有离开过对方。一曲舞很快就结束了。Wisley带着Jane来到了他姨母的面前。此时Tom正巧站在Jane的身后,“Asopposedtoalover?”Tom的这句喃喃细语,算是正式的承认了他对Jane的爱。 Wisley的姨母对于Jane拒绝Wisley的求婚非常生气,她亲自找Jane谈话,Jane无奈的接受了。 夜晚的树林边,Jane正在独自哭泣。 Tom:IhavelearnedofMrWisley’smarriageproposal.Mycongratulations.


Tom:Howcanyouhavehim?Evenwithhisthousandsandhishouses,howcanyou,ofallpeople,disposeofyourselfwithoutaffection? Jane:HowcanIdisposeofmyselfwithit?Youareleavingtomorrow. Jane主动

去吻Tom,Tom有些意外。 Jane:DidIdothatwell? Tom:very,verywell.

Jane:Iwanted,justonce,todoitwell. 此时Tom再也无法抑制心中的情感,他用颤抖的声音向Jane告白。 Tom:Ihavenomoney,noproperty, Iamentirelydependentuponthatbizarreoldlunatic,mynucle. Icannotyetoffermarriage.ButyoumustknowwhatIfeel. Jane,I’myours. Gad,I’myours,I’myours,heartandsoul. Muchgoodthatis. Jane:Letmedecidethat. Tom:Whatwillwedo? Jane:Whatwemust. Tom回到了London。Jane和她的哥哥和表姐一起去拜访Tom的舅舅,希望能让他同意他们的婚事。 但一封信把一切都打乱了。那封匿名信让Tom的舅舅完全误会了Tom和Jane,断然拒绝了Tom的请求。 Jane并没有放弃,可是Tom,“Ihaveadutytomyfamily,Jane.Imustthinkofthemaswellas?.” Jane:“Tom??Isthat?Isthatallyouhavetosaytome?Goodbye,MrLefroy.” Jane回到了家,心灰意冷之下她接受了MrWisley的求婚。但她误以为那封信是Wisley写的,所以她狠狠的指责了Wisley,但Wisley并没有生气,而是真心地为她能同意他的求婚而高兴。 Jane在她家的树林里,那个曾经第一次和Tom吵过架的地方,再次见到了那个令她伤心欲绝的人。 Tom:MissAusten. Jane:MrLefroy. Tom:Sir.(Tom向Jane身旁的弟弟行礼) Jane:IbelieveImustcongratulateyou,MrLefroy.Andyou’vecometovisitanoldfriendatsuchatime.Howconsiderate.(在与Jane分手之后,Tom就遵从他舅舅的






Jane:Tellmeaboutyourlady,MrLefroy.Fromwheredoesshecome? Tom:She’sfromCountyWexford. Jane:Yourowncountry.Excellent.Whatwasitthatwonher?Yourmanner,smilesandpleasingaddress?...... ???????????????????????????????????????




Jane:Ohno,MrLefroyJustice,byyourownadmission,youknowlittleof,truthevenless. Tom:Jane,Ihavetried.IhavetriedandIcannotlivethislie.Canyou?Jane,canyou?

Whatvaluewilltherebeinlifeifwearenottogether? Runawaywithme. Jane:Anelopement? Tom:ThatisexactlywhatIpropose. We’llposttoLondon,byFridaybeinScotland, Andmanandwife. Jane:Leaveeverything? Tom:Everything.Itistheon

