
更新时间:2023-10-17 11:19:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



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一、单项选择(共20分) 单词辨音

( )1 A. ride B. drive C. live ( )2 A. idea B. leave C. dream ( )3 A. face B. cross C. color ( )4 A. rule B. true C. but ( )5 A. who B. what C. why ( )6.—______ does John go to school?— By bus.

A. Where B. What C. How

( )7. —______ does it take you to go home? — About 25 minutes.

A. How B. How son C. How long ( )8. — ____is it from your home to the park. —it’s three kilometers.

A. How long B. How far C. How soon

( )9. They cannot go by boat because the river runs too________.

A. quickly B. slowly C. big

( )10.There is a very big river _____their school _____the village

A. behind, and B. between ,and C. across, and ( )11.It takes me ten minutes ________ by bus.

A. go home B. going home C. to go home ( )12. I live near the school, so I always get to school ________.

A. on foot B. by bus C. by train ( )13.Please ________late for school.

A. not be B. don’t be C. aren’t

( )14.Let’s meet at 8:00 tomorrow.----- Ok. I’ll be there ______ time.

A. on B. at C. in

( )15.For some students in china, it is difficult________ to school.

A. get B. to get C. getting

( )16. In the evening, I either watch TV ______play computer games.

A. and B. or C. but ( )17.Can we ________music in the classroom? A. listen B. listen to C. hear ( )18.----Can I eat in the classroom?

-----_____. You have to eat in the dining hall.


A. Yes, you can B. I’m not sure C. No, you can’t ( )19. John doesn’t like cats. I don’t like them, ________.

A. either B. too C. also ( )20. ----What’s your family rule?

---- I can’t play afterschool. I ______ do my homework first. A. have to B. want to C. like to 二, 完形填空(共10分)

I work in a school library . There are many kinds of _21__ in it. For example, books about English, science, history, music and so on. You can do some _22__ or borrow(借入) books from it. But there are some ___23_. You must obey(遵守) them. When you are reading in the library, you have to be __24_. Don’t talk loudly __25__make any noisy(喧哗) . You can’t listen to music, ___26_. You can’t take your bags or wet umbrellas(雨伞) into the library. __27__ eat or drink in the library. You can borrow books from the library , but you _28___lend (借出) them to others. You have to take good care of the books and return(归还) _29___ on time. If the library books are __30__, you have to pay for them. ( )21. A. people B. books C. keys ( )22 . A. reading B. shopping C. cleaning ( )23 . A . ways B. rules C. problems ( )24. A. quiet B. early C. healthy ( )25. A. and B. but C. or ( )26. A. too B. either C. also ( )27. A. No B. Not C. don’t ( )28. A. aren’t B. don’t C. can’t ( )29. A . them B. they C. theirs ( )30. A. late B. lost C. slow 三,阅读理解(30分) ( A)

I have a good friend. His name is Jack Smith. He is a school boy. His school is far from his home. Every day it takes him a lot of time to get there. The road is not

flat(平), so he can’t ride his bicycle to school. He often gets there by bus or on food. That takes about an hour to walk or half an hour by bus. He must get up very early every morning. He has no time for breakfast at home. He often eats something for breakfast on the way or on the bus. He doesn’t want to be late for school because he is always a good students in his class. So sometimes he has to run to school. How poor jack smith is!



( )31. Jack Smith lives _______ his school. A. far from B. near C. behind ( )32. He can’t ride his bicycle to school because_______.

A. he doesn’t have a bicycle B. his name is near the school C. the road is not flat

( )33. He often gets to school_____A by bike B. by car C. by bus or on foot

( )34. It takes him _______ to walk to school.

A. an hour B. half an hour C. an hour and a half

( )35. He usually has breakfast_______

A. at home B. on the bus C. at school (B)

No.1 middle school Don’t run in the hallways. Don’t bring food into the classroom. Don’t listen to music in the classroom You have to wear the uniform. No.2 middle school Don’t bring food into the classroom. Don’t wear a hat in the classroom. You have to wear the uniform. Don’t listen to music in the hallways. No.3 middle school Don’t listen to music in the hallways. Don’t run in the hallways Don’t go into the classroom without the teacher. You have to wear sneakers(运动鞋) at all times. ( )36. You have to wear _______ in No.3 middle school A.uniforms B. hats C. sneakers

( )37. Don’t listen to music in the classroom in ______ MiddleSchool

A.No.1 B. No.2 C. No.3

( )38. Don’t ______in No.3 Middle School

A. run in the classroom B. bring food into the classroom. C. go into the classroom without the teacher ( )39. All the rules above are for the ______.

A. Teachers B. Students C. parents

( )40. You have to wear the uniform in ______ Middle School.


A.No.1 B. No.2 C. No.1 and No.2


根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。 A: Excuse me._____41____

B: Oh, there isn’t a park near here. But there’s one on the other side of the river. A: ____42____

B:About fifteen kilometers away.

A: Oh, dear ___43___Is there a bus to the park? 41 42 43 B: ________44___

A: Where is the bus stop then? 44 45 B:It’s over there. Look! The bus is coming. A:Thanks a lot. B: ________45__

A. I don’t think I can walk there. B. You’re welcome C. Where’s the park, please? D. Thank you all the same. E. How far is it from here? F. You can take No. 35 bus. G. How long is it? 五、词汇(共10分) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全单词。 46. Her father usually t_____ the subway to work.

47.Lily w_____ (步行)to school every day because his school is not far from his home.

48. You can’t l_____ to music in the classroom. 49. Don’t run in the _____ (走廊)

50. Don’t read loudly in the library. Please be q_____

六、写作(20分) 假如你是李平,请给你英国的网友David写一封电子邮件,告诉他你校的规则制度。60个词左右。




1-5 CAACA 6-10 CCBAB 11-15 CABAB 16-20 BBCAA 21-25 BABAA 26-30 BCCAB 31-35ACCAB 36-40CACBC 41-45 CEAFB

46. takes 47. Walks 48. Listen 49 hallway 50 quiet


