人教版2016-2017学年度第一学期七年级期末英语试卷 - 图文 

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一、 1. 听对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍

A B C 2. B A 3. C

A. B C

二、听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子你将听两遍 4. A. Cake. B. Football. C. Blue.

5. A. Next to the playground. B. It?s delicious. C. You?re welcome. 6. A. All right. B. It?s Monday. C. It?s warm.

三、听对话,选出最佳答案。每段对话你将听两遍 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题 7. How many rooms does the man want? A. One B. Two C. Three 8. What?s the man?s telephones number? A. 8133-2127 B. 5133-2166 C. 8133-2016 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题 9. When is Mary?s birthday?

A. This Friday. B. This Monday C. This Sunday 10. What are they going to buy for Mary? A. A T-shirt B. A box of chocolate C. A Teddy Bear 请听一段对话,完成第11至第12小题 11. What does the man want to eat? A. Beef noodles B. Fried chicken C. Rice with chicken 12. What time does the restaurant open in the afternoon? A. At 5:00 B. At 5:30 C. At 5:40 四、听独白,根据独白内容记录关键信息。独白你将听两遍

Mary?s new school Class Her classroom Dining Hall Teachers In class___13______, Grade 7 On the ____14________floor Playground ______15_____ the classroom building On the ____16________of the playground ________17_________and friendly 五、单项选择

18. The woman over there is my aunt. ____________ works at a hospital. A. He B. She C. It 19. ----_________ is Mary?s English book. ---- In the desk. A. What B. When C. Where 20. This year, we have Art __________________Mondays. A. on B. at C. in

21. There __________ a glass of water on the table. A. is B. are C. be 22. My favourite food is ________. A. summer B. rice C. bike

23. ---What does your brother often do at weekends? ---He often _______ with his friends. A. play B. plays C. is playing

24. Meat is healthy, __________ too much meat is bad for children. A. and B. but C. because 25. -----What is Miss Li doing?

---- She ______ with Tom?s mother in the office now. A. talk B. talks C. talking 26. ----We haven?t got __________ milk in the fridge. --- Let?s go and get some. A. any B. some C. many

27. ---It?s raining. How about playing basketball in the sports hall? ----____________. A. Bye-bye B. Thank you C. Good idea 六、完形填空:(每题1.5份)

crow swan parrot peacock cage

A crow is very happy in life, but one day he meets a swan… He thinks the swan is so white but he is so ___28____.

“You must be the happiest bird in the world,” he says to the swan.

“Yes,” the swan says, “I feel that I am the happiest bird until I see a parrot. It has two ____29____ . I think the parrot is the happiest in the world.”

The crow then goes to the parrot. The parrot says to him,” I ___30____ a very happy life –until I see a peacock. I have only two colors, but the peacock has many ____31____ colors.”

So the crow visits a peacock in the zoo and sees a lot of people come to see him. After the people ____32____, the crow meets the peacock.

“Dear peacock, you are so _____33____. Every day so many people come to see you.” The crow says, “When people see me, they ask me to go away. I think you are the happiest bird on the earth.”

The peacock says, “I always think that I am the most beautiful and happiest bird in the world. But because I am beautiful, I have to stay in the ___34____. I look around the zoo very carefully, and I ___35______ the crow is the only bird not in a cage.” So I am crow, I can happily go everywhere. 28. A. white B. black C. cute D. happy 29. A. friends B. kinds C. legs D. colors 30. A. know B. live C. start D. give 31. A. different B. same C. right D. good 32. A. come B. look C. speak D. leave 33. A. tired B. bad C. beautiful D. kind 34. A. zoo B. park C. world D. forest 35. A. show B. say C. find D. hear 阅读理解


A Menu Hot dog $2.00 French fries $1.75 Milk $1.50 Pizza $2.50 Cookies $1.50 Tea/Coffee $1.75 Sandwich $2.00 Fruit $1.50 Juice $1.50 Hamburger $3.00 Vegetables $1.75 Hot Chocolate $1.75 36. How much is a hotdog? A. $1.50 B. $1.75 C. $2.00 D. $2.50 37. How much are a sandwich and coffee? A. $2.00 B. $2.75 C. $3.00 D. $3.75 38. I have $3.50 and I can have A. fruit and a pizza B. a pizza and sandwich C. French fries and hot chocolate D. a hamburger and vegetables


My holiday with Grandma and Grandpa is great! They lived with us in New York, but they moved to Arizona when I was five. Dad usually visits them, but not this summer! Dad is sending me to stay with them for a two-week holiday.

This is my first time to travel by myself. On the plane, I study the picture from Grandma. It?s a picture of an old village where Grandma and Grandpa live. The village is on top of a tall hill. It looks high, and I am not sure I can climb that high.

Grandpa meets me at the airport. As we drive away from the city, I look at the beauty of the place new to me. Soon we get to my grandparents? village. We are so high up, I feel like a bird!

Grandma is waiting for us at the door of a building. “Joe, this is called a ?pueblo?. The building are made from stones and earth,” she says.

Grandma and Grandpa?s rooms feel cool after standing under the hot Arizona sun. Grandma says that the stones keep the rooms cool. After dinner we take a walk outside.

I really like meeting the people here. One man helps me make a vase out of earth to take home to Mom. The children invite me to their ball games. Sometimes I help Grandpa and his friends work in the fields. The whole time I feel as if I am part of a big family in our village in the sky. It is hard to leave my grandparents when my two weeks are over. 39. Who meets the writer at the airport? A. Grandma B. Grandpa C. The writer?s parents D. The village 40. The writer calls his visit “A Visit in the sky” because_____________. A. the village is on top of a tall hill B. the writer goes to visit by plane

C. the writer sees many birds living up there D. the life of people in the village is very different

41. The underlined word “pueblo” is the name for _____________. A. the game B. the village C. the hill D. the building 42. From the passage we know that ___________. A. the writer loves living in the village

B. the writer?s parents miss him very much

C. the people in the village like watching ball games

D. the people in the village make a living by making baskets


A cloud is water drops or small ice in the sky. There are many kinds of clouds. Clouds are an important part of Earth?s weather.

How Do Clouds Form?

The sky can be full of water. But most of the time you can?t see the water near the ground. It is usually in the form of water vapor and it is too small to see. When warm air goes higher in the sky, it gets large and cools down. Cool air can?t hold as much water vapor as warm air. Some of the vapor gets together in the air and forms a very small drop of water. When lots of these drops come together they become a cloud and then we can see it.

Why Do Clouds Turn Gray?

Clouds are made up of small water drops and small pieces of ice. The water and the ice look white in the sun light. If the clouds get thick enough of high enough all the light above does not make it through, then the clouds look gray or dark. Also, if there are lots of other clouds around, they look gray.

