Unit8 It must belong to Carla. 教学设计 教案

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1. 教学目标

1. 功能


(2)能够在听读信息输入中获取相关信息,并掌握情态动词must, could, might, can\\'t表推测的用法。

2. 常用词汇和短语

whose; truck; rabbit; valuable; belong to; at the picnic; attend a concert; pick up

3. 学习策略


2. 教学重点/难点

must表示推测 “可能性”时,语气很强,较有把握,而could和might表示把握性不大的推测,意为“可能、也许”, might的可能性比could更小。

3. 教学用具 4. 标签 教学过程 Step 1 Listening (1b) Prelistening activities

1. Look at P57 and P58, and put the following sentences into Chinese orally.

(1)—Whose book is this?

—It must be Mary's. J.K. Rowling is her favorite writer. (2)That toy truck must belong to Jane's little brother. (3)Here is a hair band, so the person can't be a boy.

(4)But then the schoolbag could belong to Rita. (5)She's always forgetting things. (6)Then it must be Linda's schoolbag.

2. Put the following sentences into English orally, and then write them down without looking at the text. (1)它一定是卡拉的。 (2)这本杂志一定是邓文的。 (3)它可能是梅的发带。

(4)要不然这个发带或许是琳达的。 (5)她在野餐,不是吗?


3. Warming up and leading in

The teacher shows a picture first. And then show the others one by one.

A: Whose school uniform is this? B: Zhang Hao's?

A: I don't think so. It might be Tong Yao's. Let's ask her. Tong Yao, is this your school uniform?

C: No, it's not mine. Is it Zhang Ping's?

A: Let's ask her. Zhang Ping, is this your school uniform? D: No, it isn't.

A: So it's not Zhang Ping's school uniform. And it can't be Wang Qian's. Because she doesn't wear it. Then whose school uniform is it? E: Is it Xu jinmeng's?

A: Yes, it doesn't belong to Zhang Ping, Zhang Hao or Tong Yao. So it must be Xu Jinmeng's. He washes his clothes every week, so his uniform is the cleanest. Whose dog is this?

It might/could be________. It must be Jane's. Whose ________ is this? It might/could be________. It must be Grace's. Whose ________ is this? It might/could be ________. It can't be ________. It must be________.

[设计意图:教师出示一些图片,并且先做一个示范,剩下的让学生自己根据所给的图片来回答问题。这既调动了学生的兴趣,又引入了新的语言知识。] 4. Have a competition(1a)

The teacher divides the students into several groups, and then encourages the students to say the things as many as possible. [设计意图:这一环节采用竞赛的方式,看看哪一组说出的事物最多,教师给予适当的表扬。这一活动能调动学生积极性,使其能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习的乐趣。] Whilelistening activities

1. Listen for the general idea of 1b.(听对话,了解大意)

Look at the picture. What are they talking about? Let's listen and choose the best answer to the question.

The general idea of the conversation is about__________. A. the picnic

B. hobbies

C. whose the things are [答案] C

2. Listen for the specific ideas of 1b.(再听对话,掌握关键信息) Listen and match each person with a thing and find the reasons. Person Thing Reason

Jane's little brother (1)________ (2)________ Mary (3)________ (4)________ Carla (5)________ (6)________ Deng Wen (7)________ (8)________ Grace (9)________ (10)________

Check the answers with the students. If they can't tell the

teacher the answers, the teacher should play the tape again for them to get the answers.

[答案] (1)toy truck (2)He was the only little kid at the picnic. (3)book

(4)J.K. Rowling is her favorite writer. (5)volleyball (6)She loves volleyball.

(7)magazine (8)He loves rabbits.(9)CD (10)She always listens to pop music.

[设计意图:着重对听力各个环节的处理,让学生每听一遍录音都有任务要完成,任务由易到难,由大意到细节,督促学生集中精力。] Postlistening activities

1. Listen and repeat. Let the students listen to the tape and repeat after listening to get their pronunciations right.

2. Practice the conversation in the picture. Then make conversations using the information in 1b. e. g.

A: Whose?is this?

B: It must be??is her favorite? Step 2 Listening (2a-2b) Prelistening activities

T: Bob and Anna found a schoolbag at the park. Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag.? Whilelistening activities

1. Listening for the general idea of 2a.(听对话,了解大意) The general idea of the conversation is about __________. A. the Tshirt B. the hair band

C. the owner of the schoolbag

2. Listening for the specific ideas of 2a. (听对话,掌握关键信息点) Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag. Things in the schoolbag (1)Tshirt

(2)__________________ (3)__________________

Check the answers in the whole class. 3. Listen again and fill in the blanks. (1) The person __________ go to our school. (2) The person __________ be a boy. (3) It __________ be Mei's hair band.

(4) The hair band __________ belong to Linda.

