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高一英语必修二精编单选试题(新人教) Unit 1

1. I have done most of the housework. Could you please finish________ in three hours. A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the others

2._______ the excitement of travel, one reason to go to XinJiang is that you’ll know more about LouLan Kingdom. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. Beside B. Except C. Besides D. Except for

3. — Can you think of_______ person who can help me with work? — What about John? _______, he’s always ready to help others.

A. the; I think B. a; Personally C. a; Generally D. / Often 4. On our arrival, we found the police were_________ the ______boy. A. in search of; losing B. in face of; missing C. in need of; lost D. in search of; missing

5. Although he was in a bad_______ of health, he remained________ by light of candles. A. state; reading B. condition; to read C. position; reading D. situation; reading 6. I never fancied Mary---- so weak a girl -----_______ the football match and did pretty well. A. taking part in B. joining C. to join in D. to take part in

7. Don’t worry. You shall get the book you want this Sunday, ____, according to the timetable, Mr. Brown is to come to return it.

A.after B.while C.when D. before

8. We should learn from the spirit of the Foolish Old Man ____ the mountains in our daily study. A. removed B. moved C. who removed D. moving 9. My little son promised to buy me a birthday present with the only _____. A. ten yuan remained B. ten yuan to remain C. remained five ten D. remaining five ten

10. He’s given me so much help in trouble; I teach his daughter English _____.

A. in turn B. by turns C. in return D. in answer 11. Put everything _____ to you in your desk, nothing else.

A. belongs B. belonged C. belonging D. to belong 12. The school _____ he visited last week is quite different from what it used to be. A .where B. in which C. which D. in that

13. The workers in the garage are ____ apart his car and trying to find out where the problem is. A. telling B. falling C. taking D. setting 14. The book _____ cover is blue is now ______. A. who; lost B. which missing C. whose, missing D. of which; lost

15. Many foreign leaders are for our policy on Tai Wan problem, they all thought ______ the anti- separation Law. A. little of B. highly of C. nothing of D. much about Unit 2

1. We all sang high praise for the important part he ___________ in this match. A. played B. did C. had D. took

2. It is generally believed that teaching is ________ it is a science.

A. an art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much an art as 3. Many competitors compete ______ the game ______ the gold medal. A. in; for B. for; in C. against; in D. with; for

4. Tom admitted ______ in the examination and he was not admitted _____ the school at last. A. to cheat; to B. cheating; to to cheat; as D. cheating; as

5. The road is covered with snow. I can't understand ______they insist on going by motor-bike. A. why B. whether C. when D. how

6. You should not pay too much attention to all of the differences between ______ culture and your own. A. other B. the other C. some others D. another

7 Without proper lessons, you could ___ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano. A. put up B. take up C. pick up D. grow up

8. A large number of people would like to do some shopping during sales periods since they expect to get wonderful ________in the market.

A. baskets B. bargains C. goods D. objects

9 I hear there will be a spoken contest on TV, is that true? YesI think you can__________. A. join B. take part C. join in D. attend

10. After reading the book, you have to__________ the books on the shelves. A. take place B. replace C. put aside D. change

11. It made her very angry that the doctor was_____ too much for the treatment he was giving her. A. charging B. spending C. offering D. costing

12. If the meeting_____ this afternoon , please let me know as soon as possible.. A. is put off B. will put off C. is going to be put off D. puts off 15. — The book deserves ______ a second time. — Sorry, I can’t follow you clearly.

— I said the the article is worth______again.

A. studying; to study B. to be studied; to be studied C. studying; studying D. studying; being studied

Unit 3

1. Although they are good friends, ____ they have little ____.

A. but; in general B. yet; in the common C. yet; in common D. /; in general

2. We don’t know ____ to do with the problem. Could you tell us ____ we deal with such problems? A. how; how B. what; what C. how; what D. what; how 3. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement _______.

A. has been reached B. had been reached D. has reached D. had reached 4. — I’m sorry I didn’t hand in my homework.

— Never mind. You have tried your best, _________,

A. At all B. All over C. In all D. After all 5. — Did anyone support you at the meeting? — Mike was the only person who ____ my opinion. A. shared B. agreed C. cared D. accepted

6. -Shall we go to the art exhibition right away? - __________. .

A. It’s your opinion B. I don’ t mind C. It’s all up to you D. That’s your decision 7. --- I don’t believe the headmaster know who did it.

--- Well, surprisingly he does. A student has been caught and ________ in the office now. A. has been questioned B. is being questioned C. is questioning D. has questioned

8. .—Which one do you want to buy, the red tie or the blue tie? —To tell you truth,__________.I like both of them.

A. I can’t make the decision. B. I have decided for the blue one C. I don’t want to buy either D. that’s youe opinion

9. The company introduced _________equipment from Korea, which saved a lot of labour. A. elec

tronic B. electric C. electrical D. electricity

10. —I’m afraid that we can’t come, but thanks for the invitation_________ —That’s all right. A. therefore B. anyway C. however D. though

11. The sportsmen are all ready, waiting for the ________to start running. A. signal B. sign C mark D. suggestion

12. ______ the day went on, the weather got worse and worse. A. With B. Since C. While D. As 13. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where ____ yet. A. hasn’t been decided B. haven’t decided C. isn’t being decided D. aren’t decided 14. Before put into prison, the thief was ______ by three policemen. A. watched out B. watched over C. watched for D. on watch

15. --______ the sports meet might be put off. -- Yes, it all depends on the weather. A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’ m told D. I told Unit 4

1. —By the way, have you moved into the new flat? —Not yet. It ________. A. is being painted B. is painting C. was painted D. has been painted 2. ---I’d like to invite you to dinner this weekend, Mrs. Brown. ---______. A. Oh, no, let’s not B. I’d rather stay at home.

C. I’m very sorry, but I have other plans D. Oh, no, that’ll be too much trouble 3. --- I’m terribly sorry that I broke your glasses. ---______. A. You’re too careless B. Never mind C. Don’t mention it D. That’s right 4. It was a pity that the great writer was greatly harmed ______ his works unfinished. A. for B. with C. from D. of

5. Too much smoking and drinking ______ him greatly,which meant bad living habits had great ______ on his health.

A. affects; effects B. affected; effect C. affected; effects D. affect; effects 6. Much attention should be paid ______ the animals in danger of dying our A. in protecting B. to protect C. protecting D. to protecting

7. She won’t leave the TV set, _____ her husband and children are waiting for her supper. A. as if B. even if C. once D. so long as

8. ---Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday? ---I’ sorry, ________I’ll be out of town at the weekend. A. because B. and C. so D. but 9. The commercial center ______ in the middle of the 1980s. A. came out B. came into being C. came over D. came in 10. Mary’s pale face suggested that she ______ ill and her parents suggested she ______ a doctor. A. should be;should see B. was;see C. be; seeing D. was; would see 11. The kind of animals is being hunted so that they has nearly _______. A. died out B. died down C. died off D. died away

12. To our _______, Jane’s illness proved not to be as serious as expected before.

