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Ⅰ.高考单词→识记·思考·运用 1.核心词汇

①__________ vt.治愈;解决;矫正,改正n.药物,疗法;对策 ②__________n.评论,评价 vi.评论,议论 ③__________ v.咨询;请教;查阅;商量 ④__________ vt.&n.更新;提供最新信息;使现 ⑤__________n.便宜货;协议 vi.讨价还价 ⑥__________ vt.&n.设计

⑦__________n.做广告;广告活动;广告业→__________n.广告;广告宣传→advertise vt.&vi.做广告,宣传

⑧determine vt.确定,查明;决定;裁决→__________ adj.坚决的;有决心的→__________n.决心;坚定

⑨appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁,恳请;n.吸引力;呼吁,恳求→__________ adj.有吸引力的

⑩__________ adv.个别地;就本人而言;本人,亲自→personal adj.私人的,个人的;亲自的→__________n.个性;性格

答案 ①cure ②comment ③consult ④update ⑤bargain ⑥design ⑦advertising;advertisement ⑩personally;personality


①purchase vt.__________n.__________ ②multiply vi.&vt.__________ ③innocent adj.__________ ④welfaren.__________ ⑤campaignn.__________ ⑥motton.__________ ⑦comprehensionn.__________ ⑧publishern.__________

答案 ①购买,采购 采购;购买的东西 ②成倍增加,迅速增加;乘,乘



以;繁殖 ③清白的,无罪的;无恶意的;纯真的 ④(个体或群体的)幸福、安全和健康;福利 ⑤运动(为了某种目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动) ⑥座右铭;格言,箴言 ⑦理解力,领悟能力;理解练习 ⑧出版社,出版机构;出版人,发行人


1.His __________(determine) look told us that he could do it well.

2.If she had been aware that the mushrooms were __________(poison) she would not have picked them for dinner.

3.Often this earliest form of __________(advertise)involved a newly arrived ship loaded with goods.

4.They should abandon playing computer games and __________(cheat)in the exams.

5.The photo drew about 7,000 __________(comment) on the social media platform.(2015·江苏,书面表达)

6.He tried to __________ her but failed.It appeared that what he said wasn't __________ at all.(persuade)

7.This program is __________ to the children who couldn't go to school due to their poverty,and the children can __________ from it.All in all,it is intended for the __________ of those poor children.(benefit)

8.We launched a big advertising campaign to __________ our new toothpaste,and the __________ succeeded at last.In return for our effort,all the staff in our department were __________.(promote)

9.Though __________ plays an important role in achieving success,__________ people don't always have an edge over those who work hard.( intelligence)

10.__________,I think the __________ of a child should be well respected and parents shouldn't force their __________ opinions on their children.(personal)

答案 1.determined 2.poisonous 3.advertising/advertisement 4.cheating 5.comments 6.persuade;persuasive 7.beneficial;benefit;benefit 8.promote;promotion;promoted 9.intelligence;intelligent 10.Personally;personality;personal

【联想·积累】 ?“欺骗”词汇集合 ①fool vt.欺骗,愚弄 ②cheat vt.欺骗,作弊 ③deceive vt.欺骗,行骗 ④lie to sb 向某人说谎,骗某人 ?“建议”高频词集锦 ①advise建议;忠告 ②suggest 建议,提议 ③recommend建议;推荐 ④propose建议,提议

?“引人注目的,吸引人的”高频词 ①appealing吸引人的

②attractive吸引人的,有魅力的 ③charming迷人的,可爱的 ④eye-catching引人注目的 ⑤absorbing吸引人的

⑥fascinating吸引人的,迷人的 ?“做出反应”荟萃 ①react to对??做出反应 ②respond to响应 ③reply to回答,答复 ④make response to做出反应 ?如何“劝说”某人做某事 ①urge sb to do sth力劝某人做某事 ②persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事 ③advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 ④encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 开心词场→核心单词串记

Personally,the design of the advertisement is meant to persuade consumers

into purchasing various goods.So before determining to buy,you'd better consult all the aspects of it and bargain with the dealer.

Ⅱ.重点短语→识记·思考·运用 1.动词+??+介词

①persuade sb __________ doing说服某人做某事 ②be aware__________ 知道,意识到 ③play tricks __________欺骗;捉弄

④get something __________ to把??表达清楚 ⑤discourage sb __________ doing sth 劝阻某人做某事 ⑥fool sb __________ doing sth欺骗某人做某事 ⑦be popular __________ 受??欢迎

答案 ①into ②of ③on ④across ⑤from ⑥into ⑦with 2.动词+介词/副词

①figure __________弄清楚,弄懂;计算出 ②result__________导致

③appeal __________吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁 ④pay __________为??付费

⑤fall __________上??的当,受??的骗 ⑥deal __________涉及,关于;处理,应付 ⑦care __________ 关注,在意;关心 ⑧depend __________依靠,信赖;取决于

答案 ①out ②in ③to ④for ⑤for ⑥with ⑦about ⑧on 3.介词短语

__________ sale出售,上市;减价出售 答案 on


1.Our teacher is clever and hard-working,but not very good at __________ his ideas __________ to us.

2.It is important for the design to try to __________ all ages and social groups. 3.She said that she would never __________ that kind of trick.

4.Mother has told me more than once that __________ others is something I should never do.

5.It took them about one month to __________ how to use the equipment. 6.The local people __________ the government to carry out its promise to shut down the factory within a year.

7.The matter is of great importance and I think it should be __________immediately.

8.Smoking is harmful to our health.Millions of people __________ smoking each year.

9.When your living __________ the productivity of the farmland,the climate is extremely important.

答案 1.getting;across 2.appeal to 3.fall for 4.playing tricks on 5.figure out 6.appealed to 7.dealt with 8.die from 9.depends on

【联想·积累】 ?“v.+in”短语集锦 ①believe in相信 ②put in插入,放入

③bring in引入,采用;使挣到 ④let in让进入 ⑤give in让步,屈服 ?for短语大团圆 ①for sale出售 ②for free免费 ③for ever 永远 ④for short 简称 ⑤for sure 肯定地 ⑥for fun 开玩笑地

?“v.+sb into doing sth”结构集合

①cheat/trick/fool sb into doing sth 欺骗某人做某事 ②argue/talk/persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事

③force sb into doing sth迫使某人做某事 ④terrify sb into doing sth威胁某人做某事 ⑤frighten sb into doing sth吓唬某人做某事 Ⅲ.经典句式→识记·思考·运用 原句背诵感悟

1.We are so used to them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.我们如此习惯它们的存在以至于我们都没有意识到一天究竟看了和听了多少广告。

2.Not all ads play tricks on us though. 但并非所有的广告都跟我们玩花招。

3.We want to shock people into realizing that many smokers die all too soon from illnesses and diseases related to smoking.我们希望警醒人们,让他们认识到许多吸烟者过早地死于与吸烟有关的疾病。



He was ____________________ he didn't notice his head teacher standing by him.他陷入深思结果没有注意到班主任就在他身边站着。


____________________the way he speaks.并不是每一个人都喜欢他的说话方式。


Do you know the girl ____________ by this company?你认识受雇于这家公司的那个女孩吗?

答案 1.so deep in thought that 2.Not everyone like/Everyone doesn't like 3.employed

【联想·积累】 even if用法全掌握

引导让步状语从句的连词主要有:although,though,as,even though,even if even if引导的从句往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”“纵然”“就算”“哪怕”。

even though引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利用于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”“虽然”。

[单 词 点 睛]

A高考必备词汇——精讲精练 1.persuade vt.说服,劝说;使信服

An advertisement uses words and pictures to persuade people to buy a product or service,or to believe in an idea.广告用文字和图画来说服人们购买产品或服务,或者相信某种观点。

persuade sb into doing/to do sth说服某人做某事

persuade sb out of doing(not to do) sth说服某人不要做某事 persuade sb of sth使某人相信某事(相当于convince sb of sth) persuade sb that...使某人相信??

【联想发散】 “说服某人(不)做某事”的表达还有: ①talk sb(out of) into doing sth ②convince sb(not) to do sth


①She persuaded her husband not __________(get) involved in gambling. ②She persuaded her husband out __________ getting involved in gambling. ③They failed to persuade the customers__________ buying their products. ④At first,many friends persuaded him to see a doctor,but he refused. ⑤I managed_____________________________________________.(2015·浙江,书面表达)


答案 ①to get ②of ③into ④persuaded→advised ⑤to persuade my classmates into accepting my idea 2.recommend vt.推荐;建议,劝告;介绍

Which book would you recommend to someone interested in children's mental images?(2016·浙江,阅读B)

对于那些对儿童智力想象力方面感兴趣的人们,你会推荐什么书? (1)recommend sth for推荐某物作某种用途 recommend sb as...推荐某人作为??

recommend sth to sb=recommend sb sth向某人推荐某物 (2)recommend doing sth建议做某事 recommend sb to do sth建议某人做某事 recommend that sb(should)do sth建议某人做某事 It is recommended that sb(should)do...有人建议?? 单句语法填空/写作句式训练

①He recommended that we __________(see) the film The Great Wall. ②He recommended us __________(see) the film The Great Wall.

③It__________(recommend) strongly that the machine __________(repair)every year.

④We strongly recommend __________(buy) a bicycle helmet.

⑤Were I three years younger than I am now,I would strongly recommend ____________________.(2015·重庆,书面表达)

如果我比现在年轻三岁,我会强烈建议我设定更实际具体的目标。 答案 ①(should) see ②to see ③is recommended;(should) be repaired ④buying ⑤that I set more practical and specific goals

3.benefit vi.&vt.受益;对??有好处,有助于n.益处;福利,津贴 Benefits of e-learning include using technology to provide students with current information.(2016·江苏,阅读A)

电子学习的好处包括运用高科技给学生提供最新的信息。 (1)benefit sb使某人受益 benefit from/by得益于?? (2)have the benefit of得益于 be of benefit to对??有益 to one's benefit对某人有利 for one's benefit为了某人的利益 (3)beneficial adj.有利的,有益的

be beneficial to对??有益 单句语法填空/写作句式训练

①These small businesses have benefited greatly __________ the fall in interest rates.

②The book wasn't of much benefit__________me.

③Paying attention to this can be very__________(benefit) to parents and in turn,to their children.

④The method of learning English is __________ much benefit and I believe I can benefit __________ it.

⑤As we all know,books are the sources of knowledge,____________________.(用from which引导的定语从句)




答案 ①from/by ②to ③beneficial ④of;from ⑤from which I benefit a lot ⑥I benefit a great deal from reading.

4.cure vt.治愈;治疗;改正;纠正(坏习惯)n.治疗;疗程;疗法

The destruction of such species could prevent researchers from finding cures for certain diseases.(2015·陕西,阅读C)

对这类物种的破坏妨碍了研究人员找到治愈某些疾病的方法。 (1)cure sb of+疾病名称 治愈某人的疾病 cure sb of+不良行为 矫正某人的不良行为 (2)a cure for...治疗??的方法

【特别提醒】 cure意为“治愈,治好”,可直接跟人或疾病作宾语,有时用来指突然地、出乎意料地痊愈;也用于引申指人的生活习惯的纠正、矫正等,与介词of搭配,强调结果。treat只指治病,不包括治疗的效果如何。其宾语可以是人也可以是病,人作宾语时,病用for短语表示。它强调“治疗”这一动作。


①My uncle __________(cure)of his heart disease three years ago.

②Besides,scientists have so far failed to provide __________ cure for the common cold.

③Doctors are now able to cure people __________ many diseases which in former times would have killed them.

④There is still no cure __________the common cold.

⑤He needed surgery __________ (cure)a troublesome back injury. 答案 ①was cured ②a ③of ④for ⑤to cure

5.designn.设计;布局;安排;打算;意图;构思 v.设计;构思;计划;制订

Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal to create special designs.(2016·全国Ⅲ,语法填空)

工匠还把各种各样的硬木和金属结合在一起来创造特殊的设计。 by design=on purpose故意 be designed for...为??设计

be designed to do/as...为某目的或用途而制造或设计 单句语法填空

①Do you think the traffic accident was caused by accident or __________ design?

②The method is specifically designed __________ use in small groups. ③The new device is designed __________ an alternative for the old one. ④The experiment is designed __________(test) the new drug. 答案 ①by ②for ③as ④to test

6.determine v.决定; 下决心; 查明,测定,支配;影响

Applying my own rule,I determined to write them in alphabetical order(按字母顺序),never letting myself leave out a tough idea.(2016·天津,阅读D)

运用我自己的规则,我决定按字母顺序书写,决不能遗留粗略的想法。 determine to do...决定做??(表示动作) determine on/upon决定

determine sb to do...使某人决定做?? be determined to do...决心做某事(表示状态)

