XTRACT使用说明整理 - 图文

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-------摘自ZengMing博文 题目简介:


纵向钢筋:8D20mm 钢筋等级HRB400,fyk=400Mpa,fstk=540Mpa 横向钢筋:D8@150mm 钢筋等级HPB300,fyk=300Mpa 混凝土等级C30,对应圆柱体抗压强度标准值为30x0.85=25.5Mpa (本例参数选取仅供参考)。 步骤:

1, 选择截面形式和配置箍筋

2, 选择截面尺寸,配置纵向钢筋:

3, 定义材料本构:




4, 定义纤维尺寸,生成分析截面

5,定义加载工况 计算弯矩曲率曲线工况










7, 提取分析结果 点击

,然后选择section1,然后选择M-C工况,选择Section Output。

同理可以绘制出轴力-弯矩相关曲线,在此不再赘述。 在SAP2000截面求解器中编辑此截面,并与之对比。 1, 截面信息



1, 详细见混规P286页。立方体抗压强度为C30为例,立方体抗压强度标准值为30MPa,考虑实验的因素,试件混凝土强度为30x0.88=26.4Mpa,转换为棱柱体抗压强度,再折减0.76,即26.4x0.76=20.064Mpa,即表4.1.3-1所示混凝土轴心抗压强度20.1Mpa。

2, Xtract根据ACI规范或软件设计者本意(陆新征老师建议),取圆柱体抗压强度,圆柱体抗压强度为0.79x26.4Mpa=20.856Mpa,这与棱柱体抗压强度20.1Mpa比较接近的,即轴心混凝土轴心抗压强度。

3, 之前我写在XTRACT操作介绍的取值是30x0.85=25.5是错误的,若误导了大家,在此给予致歉,特在此纠正,同时也欢迎更多朋友多多交流。










图6. 右侧输出菜单










区别是在loading里面选择PM interaction

图10 sap里面定义 Column“弯矩—轴力”屈服曲线(PMM曲线)



命令流放在最后(复制到txt里面,另存beam。xbj文件,拖入到xtract图标): # Project file generated by XTRACT # Created by: 红亮

# WARNING: When this file is read into XTRACT, data consistency checks are NOT performed. If inappropriate

# input data is read into the software, unexpected results may ensue. Before modifying this file, it is advised to

# save a back up copy. The order of the file in not important, nor is the spacing. The file must contain Global

# data as described below. Note that if this file is saved outside XTRACT, the associated output file will be

# automatically deleted when the file is opened.

# Define the global parameters for the file separated by Begin_Global and End_Global

# Version, Units and Name are required.

Begin_Global NAME = beam VER = 3.03 UNITS = N-mm HAS_ANALYZED = True

# Optional parameters Author = 红亮 Company = 大学

Job_Name = 截面M-φ曲线分析 Job_Number = beam

Time_Stamp = 2012/7/1 15:33:16 End_Global


# Begin material definition with Begin_Material and end with End_Material Begin_Material NAME = Steel1

TYPE = Strain Hardening Steel Fy = 360.0 Fu = 360.0 esh = .002 esu = .09 Es = 200.0E+3 End_Material


Begin_Material NAME = C40

TYPE = Confined Concrete Fc = 26.80 ey = .0015 ecu = .0033 Fl = 26.80 Ec = 32.50E+3

# Parameters for the confinement calculators are optional compStrength = 20.00 End_Material


# Begin Section Definitions. Between the Begin and End Section commands, the section shapes and

# loadings are defined. If this is copied to a stand alone (.sec) file, then the section

# materials also need to be defined. # Begin section definition. Begin_Section Begin_Builder NAME = Section1

# Builder properties - boundary window - if left out, the default is used. Boundary_Bottom = -100.0 Boundary_Left = -100.0 Boundary_Right = 700.0 Boundary_Top = 700.0 Min_Triangle_Area = 30.00 Max_Number_of_Fibers = 1000

# Current drawing window properties - if left out, the default is used. Window_Left = 479.7 Window_Bottom = 50.00 Window_Height = 600.0 End_Builder


# Section comments or design log - optional Begin_UserComments User Comments End_UserComments


# Shapes and meshes - for shapes within shapes, list outermost shape first. Shape boundaries may not cross.

# Points are listed in X Y coordinates separated by a comma preceded by the mode of drawing.

# The last point in the sequence of any shape must be the same as the first point to close the shape properly.

# Repeat shape Start_Shape - End_Shape command group as needed. Before editing the shape definitions, make sure

# the data results in reasonable shapes (ie No lines cross, if a shape is embedded in another shape -

# confined within unconfined - the outer shape must be defined first). If the mesh size is defined too

# small, an error will be thrown. To allow for smaller mesh sizes, modify the Max_Number_of_Fibers

# parameter in the section definition.

# Section Shapes Begin_Shape

MATERIAL = C40 MESH = 20.00 COVER = 30.00 MATERIAL_CORE = C40 Begin_Line 0, 0 250.0, 0 250.0, 500.0 0, 500.0 0, 0 End_Line End_Shape


# Reinforcing bars. Data is given comma separated in the form X, Y, Area, Prestress, Material. Begin_Rebar

50.80, 457.2, 314.2, 0, Steel1 127.0, 457.2, 314.2, 0, Steel1 203.2, 457.2, 314.2, 0, Steel1 50.80, 50.80, 314.2, 0, Steel1 127.0, 50.80, 314.2, 0, Steel1 203.2, 50.80, 314.2, 0, Steel1 203.2, 254.0, 314.2, 0, Steel1 127.0, 254.0, 314.2, 0, Steel1 50.80, 254.0, 314.2, 0, Steel1 End_Rebar


# Define the loading data, choose Moment Curvature, Capacity Orbit, or PM Interaction for loading type.

# Required data not defined here is taken from default values. Begin_Loading

NAME = mfi

TYPE = Moment Curvature

# Incrementing load parameters - Positive increments in a positive direction. IncMxx = 113.0

Use_Best_Fit = True

# Include Plastic Hinge length. Calc_Moment_Rot = False

# Analysis Parameters. Method = BiSection N_Steps_Before_Yield = 10 N_Steps_After_Yield = 20 Multiple_On_First_Yield = 2 BS_Tol = 4448 BS_Max_Itter = 40

Begin_LoadUserComments User Comments End_LoadUserComments End_Loading





# Project file generated by XTRACT # Created by: 红亮

# WARNING: When this file is read into XTRACT, data consistency checks are NOT performed. If inappropriate

# input data is read into the software, unexpected results may ensue. Before modifying this file, it is advised to

# save a back up copy. The order of the file in not important, nor is the spacing. The file must contain Global

# data as described below. Note that if this file is saved outside XTRACT, the associated output file will be

# automatically deleted when the file is opened.

# Define the global parameters for the file separated by Begin_Global and End_Global

# Version, Units and Name are required. Begin_Global NAME = beam VER = 3.03 UNITS = N-mm HAS_ANALYZED = True

# Optional parameters Author = 红亮 Company = 大学

Job_Name = 截面M-φ曲线分析 Job_Number = beam

Time_Stamp = 2012/7/1 15:33:16 End_Global


# Begin material definition with Begin_Material and end with End_Material Begin_Material NAME = Steel1

TYPE = Strain Hardening Steel Fy = 360.0 Fu = 360.0 esh = .002 esu = .09 Es = 200.0E+3 End_Material


Begin_Material NAME = C40

TYPE = Confined Concrete Fc = 26.80 ey = .0015 ecu = .0033 Fl = 26.80 Ec = 32.50E+3

# Parameters for the confinement calculators are optional

compStrength = 20.00 End_Material


# Begin Section Definitions. Between the Begin and End Section commands, the section shapes and

# loadings are defined. If this is copied to a stand alone (.sec) file, then the section # materials also need to be defined. # Begin section definition. Begin_Section Begin_Builder NAME = Section1

# Builder properties - boundary window - if left out, the default is used. Boundary_Bottom = -100.0 Boundary_Left = -100.0 Boundary_Right = 700.0 Boundary_Top = 700.0 Min_Triangle_Area = 30.00 Max_Number_of_Fibers = 1000

# Current drawing window properties - if left out, the default is used. Window_Left = 479.7 Window_Bottom = 50.00 Window_Height = 600.0 End_Builder


# Section comments or design log - optional Begin_UserComments User Comments End_UserComments


# Shapes and meshes - for shapes within shapes, list outermost shape first. Shape boundaries may not cross.

# Points are listed in X Y coordinates separated by a comma preceded by the mode of drawing.

# The last point in the sequence of any shape must be the same as the first point to close the shape properly.

# Repeat shape Start_Shape - End_Shape command group as needed. Before editing the shape definitions, make sure

# the data results in reasonable shapes (ie No lines cross, if a shape is embedded in another shape -

# confined within unconfined - the outer shape must be defined first). If the mesh size is defined too

# small, an error will be thrown. To allow for smaller mesh sizes, modify the Max_Number_of_Fibers

# parameter in the section definition.

# Section Shapes Begin_Shape MATERIAL = C40 MESH = 20.00 COVER = 30.00 MATERIAL_CORE = C40 Begin_Line 0, 0 500.0, 0 500.0, 500.0 0, 500.0

0, 0 End_Line End_Shape


# Reinforcing bars. Data is given comma separated in the form X, Y, Area, Prestress, Material. Begin_Rebar

50.80, 457.2, 314.2, 0, Steel1 50.80, 50.80, 314.2, 0, Steel1 50.80, 254.0, 314.2, 0, Steel1 457.2, 457.2, 314.2, 0, Steel1 457.2, 254.0, 314.2, 0, Steel1 457.2, 50.80, 314.2, 0, Steel1 254.0, 457.2, 314.2, 0, Steel1 254.0, 50.80, 314.2, 0, Steel1 End_Rebar


# Define the loading data, choose Moment Curvature, Capacity Orbit, or PM Interaction

for loading type.

# Required data not defined here is taken from default values. Begin_Loading

NAME = mfi

TYPE = Moment Curvature

# Incrementing load parameters - Positive increments in a positive direction. IncAxial = -4448

Use_Best_Fit = True

# Include Plastic Hinge length. Calc_Moment_Rot = False

# Analysis Parameters. Method = BiSection N_Steps_Before_Yield = 10

N_Steps_After_Yield = 20 Multiple_On_First_Yield = 2 BS_Tol = 4448 BS_Max_Itter = 40

Begin_LoadUserComments User Comments End_LoadUserComments End_Loading



NAME = pm

TYPE = PM Interaction

N_PM_Points = 20

Generate_Code_PM_Diagram = True Include_PM_Curve_Fit = True Angle_of_Loading = 0

Axial0 = 0 Axial1 = 0 Axial_Cap = 0 AxialR0 = 0 AxialR1 = 0 Moment0 = 0 Moment1 = 0 Moment2 = 0

# Limit Strains for PM Loading.

# Negative strains are compression. The default PM minimum and maximum strain limits # are used if data is not given for materials in the section.

# Data is given comma separated in the form Material, Minimum Stain, Maximum Strain between the

# Begin_LimitStrains and End_LimitStrains command. Begin_LimitStrains Steel1, -.002, .002 C40, -.002, 1 End_LimitStrains

Begin_LoadUserComments User Comments End_LoadUserComments End_Loading





