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Unit 1

1. 那是个正式的宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。

As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.

2. 他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯还未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。

His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid ofhis bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 她还想写关于自己童年的故事。

Greatly inspired. Susan made up her mind to read as much as she could, and what's more, she wanted to write stories about her own childhood. 苏珊开始相信,她最终也会成为一个有用的人生活下去

Susan began to believe that she would finally be able to lead a useful life,too

3. 他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。

Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.

4. 据说比尔因一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。

Itis said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. Bill is saidto have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.

5. 据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水的可能性。

It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility ofa severe water shortage. The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid thepossibility of a severe water shortage. 6.苏珊因车祸失去了双腿

Susan lost her legs because of a car accident.。 有一段时间,她真不知如何面对自己再也不能行走的事实

For a time, she didn't know how to face up to the fact that she would never walk again 一天, 苏珊在浏览书籍时,被一个真实的故事吸

引住了。 One day, while scanning through books, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story.


It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer.


Unit 3

1) 正如科学家所预言的那样,全球污染成了人类面临的最严重的问题之一。

As is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with.

2) 谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈——今年的求职者是去年的五倍。

Competition for these jobs is very tough –we have five times as many applicants this year as we didlast year. There are five times as many applicants this year as there were last year. 3) 正如事实表明的那样,教育大纲应当符合国家的经济发展计划。

As the factsshow, educational programs need to fit into the national plan for economical development.

4) 这辆汽车太费油,而且价钱几乎是我想付的两倍。

The car burns too much gas, and moreover,the price is almost twice as much as I intend to pay. 5) 要了解一起重大的国际事件,我们首先需要考虑其历史与政治背景。

To understand a great international event, we, first of all, need to consider the historical and political background to it.

6) 很难想象我们的先辈们没有现代技术带来的这么多方便那日子是怎么过的。

It is hard to imagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modern technology has brought about。 那个时候只有一小部分人享受一些舒适条件。 Back then only a small proportion of the population enjoyed some comforts.


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The majority didn't even have sufficient food, not to speak of the privilege of being educated.。 然而,许多人责怪现代技术,说它带来了很多问题。

However, many people blame modern technology But he was not a bit discouraged, and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help.。


Impressed by his determination and optimism, for the problems it has created.。 他们想减慢进步的速度。

They want to slow down the rate of progress.。 但谁也不能阻止时代的前进。

But no one can put the clock back.

Unit 4

1) 据报道,联合国斡旋者制定出了他们希望双方都能接受的方案。

It is reported that UN mediators have worked out a plan which they hopewill be acceptable to both sides.

2) 多丽丝小心翼翼的在森林里行走, 害怕遭到大蛇的攻击。

Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giant snakes.

3) 地震、台风和其他自然灾害无法防止,但可以采取行动保护生命财产安全。

Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disaters cannot be prevented, but action can be taken to protect life and property.

4) 我买了新的一期我最喜欢的体育杂志就赶紧回家,急着想读之自娱。

I bought a new issue of myfavorite sports magazine and hurried home, anxious to amuse myself reading it.

5) 海伦缺乏自信。我从未遇到过像他那样没有自信的人。

6. Helen lacks confidence. I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself. 托尼大学毕业后决定自己开业。

After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business.。


At the beginning, many a bank turned down his request for a loan.。


one banker finally agreed to loan him the money 如今他成为一位富商。

Now he has become a wealthy businessman.。 在谈到所取得的令人惊奇的成就时,托尼强调了创造机遇而不是等待机遇的重要性。

Talking about his amazing achievement, Tony puts great emphasis on the importance of creating. rather than waiting for opportunities.

Unit 5

1) 我不太清楚哪儿你能找到个好木工——你最好四处打听打听。

I’m not sure where you can find a good carpenter---you’d better ask around.

2) 他感到有点尴尬,赶紧清了清喉咙,抬头看着墙上的画。

Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared histhroat and looked up at the painting on the wall.

3) 迈克尔去世了,留下三个儿子、两个女儿和妻子伊丽莎白。

Michael was survived by three sons,two daughters, and his wife Elizabeth.

4) 作为金融专家, 威廉建议我们投资股票市场。

a financial expert, William As advised us to invest our money in the stockmarket.

5) 我们这些小零售商无法和超市在价格和销售等方面竞争。

We small retailers can’t compete with supermarkets in pricing and sales.

6.My dad is a hard-working executive of a manufacturing firm. He works six days a week. 我爸是一家制造公司的行政领导,工作很努力。他每周工作6天。

Every day he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late/nights.每天他得解决各种各样问题,因此经常熬夜。 However, he tries his best to balance/maintain balance between work and family. 但是,他还是

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On Sundays my dad usually stays at home and cares for us as much as he can. To my greatest joy, he cooks our favorite dished and plays ball with us.



With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.


1) 科学家们找到火星上有水的证据了吗?(proof)

Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?

2) 计划委员会已经将建核电厂的可能地点缩小到了两个沿海城镇。(location,narrow down)

The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.

3) 山姆不仅失去了工作,而且还失去了双腿,他只好靠社会救济度过余生。(welfare) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life. 4) 有十二人组成的陪审团(jury)一致表决认为玛丽有罪(guilty)。(consist of,in unison)

A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.

5) 听到有人质疑他的才能,肖恩觉得受了奇耻大辱。(talent,humiliate)

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Unit 2

1) 该公司否认其捐款有商业目的。(deny,commercial)

The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.

2) 每当他生气的时候,他说话就有一点结巴。(stammer)

Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.

3) 教育是我们家庭最看重的传统,这就是为什么我父母从不带我到昂贵的饭店吃饭,却送我到最好的私立学校上学。(cherish) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.

4) 手术康复后不久,他失业了,因此经历了人生的又一个困难阶段。(shortly after,go through)

Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.

5) 与我们的富裕邻居相比,我们的父母就相当穷了,但是他们总是努力满足我们最起码的需求。(affluent,minimal)

In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.

Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.

约翰先生的儿子乔治爱在晚上听重金属音乐,这使社区其他居民无法入眠。疲惫不堪的邻居们终于失去了耐心,决定直接干预。他们打电话给约翰先生,坦率地把想法告诉了他。约翰先生向邻居们保证一定会解决这个问题。放下电话他便去训斥儿子:“你这是怎么了?你该懂的不能为了自己的娱乐而妨碍别人。”结果乔治拿CD跟同学换了电脑游戏软件。 George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked 4) 他的成功标明流行与艺术价值有时候是一致的。(coincide)

His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide

5) 我不愿意看见我所敬爱的祖母躺在医院床上痛苦的呻吟。(groan)

I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.

众多的事实正是这一说法:要想让自己很listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.” In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.


1) 是工人和主管人员的创造力和敬业精神将这个公司变成了一个盈利的企业。(it is … that,dedication)

It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.

2) 食品和医药的价格在过去三个月里急剧增长。(soar)

The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months

3) 我们打算重新粉刷这栋大楼的上面几层楼。(upper)

We plane to repaint the upper floors of the office building



Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.

Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”

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