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Mystery story 1: Class Day

“I shall tell you,” Fordney said to his class some years ago, of an exploit of the famed scientist, Sir Joshua Beckwith, Professor of Egyptology in London.

“He had uncovered an ancient tomb in Egypt and, through his undisputed knowledge and ability to read hieroglyphics, had definitely established the date of the birth and the reign of a great Pharaoh whose mummy he had discovered. A man of volatile temper, and emphatic scientific views which he did not hesitate to express in exposing charlatanism, he had many enemies.

“The British Museum soon received a message, signed by Sir Joshua, which in part read as follows:' Have discovered the tomb of an important Pharaoh who reigned from 1410 to 1428 B.C. and who died at the age of 42 years, leaving two sons and two daughters. Great wealth found in sarcophagus. One of his sons died shortly after his reign began, etc...'

“The museum officials at first were astonished,\

communication quickly told them it was either a very stupid fake or an attempt at a ?practical joke' ! “They were right in their belief that the message did not come from Sir Joshua Beckwith. He did make a most important discovery----but how did the Museum authorities know the communication was not authentic?\

How did they know? Do you know?

Mystery story 2: Ruth's Birthday

A multitude of small accidents had delayed Ruth Mundy. The battery in her car had gone dead and she had to call cab; she had mislaid the key to the strong box! Just as the taxi pulled up she located it. Hastily snatching from the dresser drawer two twenty-dollar bills, one old and crumpled, one crisp and new, she thrust them loosely into her bag. In her hurry, the perfume bottle on the dresser upset, spilling perfume on her lovely moiré purse! If this kept up she?d be late for her birthday party! Now, where was that book she was to return? She was sure she had just put it on the dresser! Finally locating it under her coat on the bed, she grabbed it and ran.

Once in the taxi she opened her bag and fumbled for her vanity case. Its clasp opened and she stuck her finger in the paste rouge (口红). Another casualty! Well, it didn?t get on anything else, that was one break. Removing all traces of the rouge with her handkerchief, she threw it away.

Arriving at the Mayflower Hotel she handed the driver a bill. While she waited for her change Professor Fordney alighted from(从……下来) his car and greeted her with a “Hello, Ruth.” Acknowledging the greeting she turned to the driver. “You?ve made a mistake. This is change for five. I gave you a twenty.”

“Oh no, lady! You gave me five dollars!”

Fordney listened amused while Ruth excitedly proved she?d given the driver a twenty-dollar bill. “How?s that, Professor?” she laughed.

How did Ruth prove her story?

Mystery story 3: The Ex-wife Murder

“Who shot her?” cried Rogers as he rushed into the hospital three minutes after his ex-wife died from a bullet through her head.

“Just a minute,” Professor Fordney said. “I?d like to ask you a few questions… routine, you know.


Although divorced for the past six months, you have been living in the same house with your ex-wife, have you got?” “That?s right.”

“Had you trouble recently?”

“Well… yesterday when I told her I was going to a business trip, she threatened suicide. In fact, I grabbed a bottle of iodine from her as she was about to drink it. When I left last evening at seven, however, telling her I was spending the night with friends in Sewickley, she made no objections. Returning to town this afternoon,” he continued, “ I called my home and the maid answered.”

“Just what did she say?”

“ ?Oh, Mr. Rogers, they took poor mistress to St. Anne?s hospital about half an hour ago. Please hurry to her!? She was crying so I couldn?t get anything else out of her; then I hurried here. Where is she?” “The nurse here will direct you,” responded the Professor.

“A queer case is this, Joe,” said Inspector Kelley who had been listened to the conversation. “These moderns are a little too much for me! A man and woman living together after being divorced six months!”

“A queer case, indeed, Jim,” sighed Fordney. “You?d better detain Rogers. If he didn?t shoot her himself, I?m confident he knows who did.”

Why did the Professor advise the Inspector to detain Rogers?

Mystery story 4: Case #463

At 8:10 P.M., July 4, 1945, Miss Ruby Marshall left her apartment on the fifth floor of the Hotel Oakwood. As she walked toward the elevator she passed Jane McGuire. The fourteen-year-old child had her Scottish terrier on a long leash and as they came opposite each other the dog growled and leaped at Miss Marshall. The woman screamed and ran back to her apartment.

Thirty minutes later Mrs. McGuire had a call from police headquarters informing her that Miss Marshall had received first aid at Mercy Hospital for a wound on the knee where the McGuire dog had bitten her. Invalided for the past two years, Mrs. McGuire was unable to look into the situation herself. She immediately called her friend, Professor Fordney, informing him of the above and asking him to look into the matter.

He found Miss Marshall sitting on a chair in the emergency ward, about to leave the hospital. Receiving permission to examine the wound from the doctor who had just taken care of her, Fordney raised Miss Marshall?s immaculate evening dress, noticed her hose were rolled below her knees, removed the bandage and found cauterized marks on the right knee cap. Tuning to the physician he inquired, “Are you sure those are teeth marks?” “Why…they look like it to me!”

Lowering the woman?s dress, the Professor told her, “You certainly didn?t show much intelligence in trying to frame this charge against Mrs. McGuire, toward whom you hold a personal grudge. Her dog did not bite you!”


Mystery story 6: Death in the Mountains

While hunting in the Adirondacks, Fordney was informed of a tragedy at one of the camps. Thinking he might be of some help, he went over and introduced himself and was told of the accident by Wylie,


the victim?s companion.

“When Moore hadn?t returned to camp at nine o?clock last night, I was a bit worried, because he didn?t know these mountains. There wasn?t a star out and it was dark and moonless, so I decided to look around for him. We?re five miles from anyone, you know.”

“Putting more wood on the fire, I set out. After searching for an hour I was coming up the slope of a ravine when I saw a pair of eyes shining at me.

“Calling twice, and getting no answer, I fired, thinking it was a mountain lion. Imagine my horror when I reach the spot, struck a match, and saw I had nearly blown of Moore?s head. A terrible experience! “I carried him back to camp and then walked to the nearest house to report the accident.” “How far from camp did you find him?” “About a quarter of a mile.”

“How did you manage to shoot with your right hand bandaged?” “Oh—I use either hand.” “Mind if I look at the gun?” “Not at all.” Wylie handed it over. “H?mmmm. European make. Had it long?” “No. It?s rather new.”

“Why did you deliberately murder Moore?” Fordney abruptly demanded, “For that?s what you did!” HOW DID HE KNOW?

Mystery story 7: Death on Dauntless

During a lull in the storm which had tossed and rocked the sturdy little steamer \rang out on \

Professor Gorakski threw down the detective story he was trying somewhat unsuccessfully to read and hastened into the companionway where, as it turned at the far corner, he found Steward Munzer bending over the body of a man who had been instantly killed. Just then the heavens opened; lightning flashed and thunder boomed as if in ghoulish mockery.

The dead man's head bore powder burns. Captain Kinnard and the criminologist started checking the whereabouts of everyone aboard, beginning with those passengers nearest where the body was discovered.

The first questioned was Don Theobald, who said he was just completing a letter in his cabin when he heard the shot.


Looking over the captain's shoulder Gorakski saw the small precise handwriting, on the ship's stationery, was apparently addressed to a woman.

The next cabin was occupied by Miss Sheila Bisenius. On being questioned regarding what she was doing at the time, Miss Bisenius became excited and nervous, stating she had become so frightened of the storm she had gone (about 15 minutes before the shot was fired) to the cabin of her fiancé, Roger Collins, directly opposite. The latter corroborated her statement, saying they hadn't rushed into the passageway because it would have looked compromising were they seen emerging together at that hour. Gorakski noticed a dark red stain on Collins' dressing gown.

The rest of the passengers' and crew's whereabouts were satisfactorily checked. WHOM DID CAPTAIN KINNARD HOLD ON SUSPICION? WHY?


