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WuiX ppATecTrainnigCo mmittee
lkeAne/lkyne AMettaheissBackrougnd-ilMseotnesJinaugnga Lei
Oveviewr o foptic ts beo discuses:dC raob carnon bdoulb eond bfomratio nva ilkenAeor alknye emttahsies eraticosnCtalystasC ppC iT lC lA Pri N( 3F)2CCOHCM o( 3F)2HCCCOiP PrhR
Gneearlm echanis
Wm(OC5 )hPRR1 R 1 R 'M] F[M]
[1R3R[MR]B 1R5 R' R2(Kat, z9741)R= P; OMeh 2R M[ C]R 2R3 Py3cC luR Cl cPy P3h hP178 T9ebe beraegtn
9901S hcrco kN C yCy NC lRu Ph C lCy NNC y198 H9remann Nes N MesMCl u CRlO R'A
Py3 Cc lR uPhCl P c3y199 2199 G5ubrbs '1st egerationn atcayst Nl Mse esM CN Ru Pl Clh Pyc 3cy3 PlC u Rl C
R1OR 'M[]R[1] MR 2 R 3 RD
Grbbs'u nd2Ho vedya-Grbbu Catslasy tHveydao-Grbbsu aCalytts gnereaitnoc atlasy tst1 eGeratnon ind2 eGneraiotn
WXu AppiecTrTainni Cgommtiet
eAklne/eAkynle MeatteshsPicy C3lR uP h lCP cy
J3anguing LeaiShrcokc’ sCaalystt. 21 .3
Co.mermialcyl vaaliabe lAi arndw taer senstiveiI tolnrante o prfotosn n heoteraotms(RCoO2,HR SHR,OH et,c.)a d sone fmnuciotnalties ieg.( RHCO) Eecltonr efdciint eMo(VI) 4,e- sepcesi Ar Nigland,O Rlig nas, anddin tiil alakyldenieneed, t ob eubky tl alolo fow irosalito nlEceron titwdrhawngial kxodei iscrnaes ereatcivit
Liyang dfEfecton atClayt sAtciivty Hali:dse: I< B r< l PChsophnise:Ca atlytsac tiityv i n rc e a s se sa c no e a g n elan Edlternodon atng iabiily itcneraesNM s eesM NCl uRP ClhP y3c
ir PN(F 3C2H)COCM o (3C)2FCOHC
ir PPh
iRn gCloisgnM tethesais R(M)CSiO S Re2Oi/A72O3l-nSuB d4ilte Schuocrk's ctalasy tcnocentrtae Sd i OiS ADET M86 5%%14% 95%Gurbsb' Meattehss Ciaatysl ermiaclyl aaivalle 2b R.easnaolyb sabte tlwoar HdO2, O2,nadm iorni pmuiriestea seof h ndlaing . Low3er reacivitytv s.Moly debnum mido aiklliydene actaystl4. Hi hgf nctiunoa glorpu tlorenca
e1. ntIrmaloecual mrtaeteshs ofia d eniet ofrm oa cyclc oleifn 2.i Raceitonpath way fo dein edpendes o natcayls,td lutiino,rin gs ze, iadn susbratte 3 Dil.tioun I:netmrlecolaru AMDTE ac ngeneraly bl pereevtnde yba plyingp iludiot pnrnicileFinpekls'hseitn e tla ..JMol .Cta .192,9 7,61 3.3Fo rbe se tla J.. mA C.he. Som.c 9129,141 109,8.7RCMf Somla Rilgsn: Olefn Subistittiuno 1.S yntehsi osf -75 mebmree drigs in safrliy fciael 2.Ty pcilla yutrheiunmcat lyatss are repfrredeover mo yldbnume catlaytss
WuiXAppT cerTainig nCommiteetsusbtatr Ee Ep oructdE E tiemAlkee/Anklyn Meeatthseiyiels(%) udsng i 123 10 01 001 00 riPN (FC)3H2OC MoC( FC3) HC2C OcP3 Cly uRP hCl P c3yiPr P
hJingaunag eLiRM CfoSm al liRgs:n tEehsrOTBS PMOBH O OMBOP PivO30% Gr ubb' s-IG Iotulen[0.0e1M, r] OMetH O OOBTSO Piv MeO1 mi0n E EE 10m i nE EE9 0 mniE E E 24 Eh
RicahrdP. sung Ht eal, rgO .Lett,2.00, 2528-5228.5E25N P. 90 N.Mes es MNC l Ru h PClPcy3 3RCMo fSmllaR ings C:arobynls OOc OAA c O%2Grub sb'G- IIca tlayts CD[M.010] OAM cOA OcO 93E .NP .1
OAc3O AcOA OAc cpicSigroliee (d1)Grubb,s .RHe t al.Or .gL te 1t999 1,,953
.Y Geo.rge, et al,sJ . rO. ghCm. e0029, 7,42 08–00221
RCMo Sfaml Rlngis:Alcoh ol sHihly gocmpatbli wiehtRu ba ed scaalystts;o cMtalyasst havelo w tolearce norf ROOHHR H O O2ca taystl 1%0H olTuene 8,0oC R2 HOH O HH O HHAr NC lu RlC rPON rAA r o=-olyl
RtCMof SalmlRing: AminesOs OMOM n BNNOH M MO OB Nn7. 5%caaltsy MtOM tolueOe, 80 nCo Nn 71% 1.B .2eq1 DDQ.d oxiane r,tM OOM2 .P dC,/H 2 MeHO rt,, 7% N6N H O 2H2NO.HHClP rydine,i rt 66,% Nes Mes M CNlCl uR yCP 3PhR1 HOHH
R 1= TOB,S HR= 2Me, HY. Mastua,y eta l, rg.O etLt, A.rticels ASPA Publi,aticonD ate We(b) Au:gus 4t,2 090Primry anadsec odnraya miens aer inocmatibplK. eYsoihade t al,Org L.te.t 20,08 515,-158
iXAp TpcTreiningaComm tieteAlkee/AnlynkeM etatesisClhC 2pi ATMle
Jia2nguna geiL
RM oCf SmllaRing:sVi nylethe srBDPTS O O TODBSPOO O 3[,]3O TB PDO S O 1O.THF pyr,, (50 -to2 0 oC, )6%12. p -cyene,m 13 0o, 76C%
CRMo f SamllR nisg Enyn: Meteahtess“eniet-hne-ne”y emhcniasmY r AA R Yr uR YR RuY Y Ar Y R R Ru R u R YYA rR R uR Ru RY
erBnadrlel, iPe tal, J .Am.C hem S.oc .2001,123, 0912903-2RCMo Sfmlal iRns:g hosphoruPs2N PHh Ph HPNNH Gru bbs ' PIhOPC2 l OP DM, C04 C,o3d H O NN EHt3N, MDAP/CDM41% 36%Y
u RROO O20 A% O( 01 q) eDMC (.005M) 405 Co,83% OMseN lC Cl A ROu MeNsPcy3lC Ru PhCl cP3y
eHthernigtn,o L; .Gerdy, eB; .Gouvreenr, u. TetVaherrodn2 00056,,0532.
RCMof S mal lRigs: nSulurfTPSIO+(-8)e-ip-Xnathtain
aDvi A.dK mmuer,eta,lO g.r ett.,L 2005, 7 (12, )642–46132
hWithead,e . eAt al,T treahdeor nLet.t20 30 44,,4257
.uWiXAp TpecrainTing oCmimteetAlenek/Alykn MeettaesihAsyclic Ccnfoomatronia lContro
Jianlguagn Le
iRM Co MefiudmR nis ( g-18 m2mbereed ings ) 1r.Bec asue f ontehalpc iad entrnpic onilfeucesn, emdiums iedzri ns aregdi fifulc totprep rea; hneecsub trasts ear moreep oren to nitermoleclua rayccilc dine emeathesit rseatciosn AD(EM) T2 D.eirsdec ylicztionac an b facielitaed tybp rovding ismoe sor tf conofromtaioanl cnosraint.tH ArOGrubbsUs oefgauc ehe ffct ef 1,2o-dixogyn suebsitutets tno acfiliate trni glcsoure5% 330% T(O-iPri) O4D C, Merflux
ZNcata lyts H
ZF ORFyied: l=R z>BB n H>aBanoll
isL aMitcelhl,et a lJ, Org..C hem .0280,3,72 38-92935
ooCk t ael.Or g Le.tt. 199, 19 6,15RCM: acrocyclMzatioins yClic conCormftiaonlaC norotlOMS TRHR C=2OeM1.
NM esN eMsCl u RlCO O
2. O3.R-cuta.a (1 m0ol%), 0 0011M., (HC Cl)22 80 o,C, 2 NsprgaeO
Denise devidoof a n coynforatmonail rpdespositiinot warodsr ign closureca neb ogo dRCMs ustratbse Fomrtioa nf cio sna dtransi smerso ni theform tian oofl are grnig sEpxeirmnetal onsCdiertaion:sa. Rtea f ologiimreizaion cantb sloeewdby d iutinlg ht reaectoin or adingd hted ineeslowl yb H.gier hetpmearurestg eenally reruqreid c .ighHrec taaylst olaidgsn()+-Plyantoellinh
AatMthe J.wC apmbll ete la,J .Am.Chem
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uWi XAppTceTairnin Cgommitte
elkeAenAlkyn/e Meatthsieslowrsey elid4m lo[(%Cy 3) 2PC2Ru=ClHhPO]O O
CMR:aMrccoycilzaiont (csotnniued) Sustrbaet oncsidretaons 1i .Prseenc eofa olpa rfnuticnoalg orp uest(e, raidm, keeonte,eth er, slfuonmaide,ur ehtne)aO O m4ol%[(Cy3P 2 )lC2R=uCPHh]hi hgd luition 7% 9O3 S.trei cihnderacen close tot h eduble oobdns sgnificinatyl
Oigh dilutihn o R=H 5(2)=%M e1(0)
RMO L L m4ol%([y3 PC2 C)2 RluCH=hP]ihh gdluitin
oRFrustnr, Ae.T o. Oprgaonme.tC he. m918, 91,37.oligoersm.4 elay Ring-RCloing seMathtesisStra tgye afilctaiestMac orccylziatiosnClRuO Rtsbal eitnreedmaiet RuO N R OR2. Stie ofrin g clseo i sak e iysseuOO NOO N R m5l%[(Cy3oP)2 Cl 2R=uCPhH]R 48%5 mol%[Cy3 P)( 2l2CRu=HChP
o rencatoi nO
e MeM
uRca-ta tluonee, 11 0oCN2 S pagr
uR-cta taoulnee 11,0 C o2N pargeS1-5 min Cle B MeM Me
Tehmas o.R oyHe,et a,lJ. Am. C emh. ocS .2040 1,6, 21200-11011
2WXiuAp pTceTarniin ComgmitteeAlkne/eAlkneyM tateesihPcs3 yl CRu lCO
iaJngaun Lei
gheT1s tprac itacl aplpcation oi RCMfi n indsurytMcaocyrlizctioans uisn Agkylen etMahtessi iaVlb eosltiuo tno lcka o Ef/ conZrtl ino lkaee nCMR mcroacycilazionstRH 1N CO2MO
NOCO2M 3-5e% Hveyoda-uRD CM0[.0M1,]reflu x4-240h 9,% N2M se N Me Cls R Cl O
NN OR1 aklyenmet thesai Rs2R2+
Lindlr a2H H3Bis clakene tanrs lkeane
N2 HOCVi hniitor BILb 206N PN1B BOocN CO 2MeO
100 sgacl PeBO
NCaumihnt-ype emchainm Ms+ R1 R1 R R1 R22 M 1R R1 R2M R R11M+ R 2R1 O
N OBo 0.c0-0.1%5 rGlea-u NRC O2Metolu een[.0M]2 11, 0C O 30 mino,39%O O
OatzK,J.;Mc iGnins, J. J. m. CheA. mocS .1795 9,,71 952>001gKsc aelacMocyrlizationcs uisgnA klye Mnettaesis Elehcrot-witnhrawding nads trecip orprtiees fo Bcopush es teh intiil sitea t onathoer ndH e ON CO Me Ru2 OH NOC2 MeR
p-TsO 85H%Bc NoCO 2 MeO
uoc NB CO 2eM ORuMeOM OeO OO
VtitriooaFiran,e tal,rg.OP r.oRes. De .v 2,09,0 31,20-5542.
A.F rutnes,re at,l .JO r.g Cemh .0032 6,8,521-15128
uXi AWpTecpTrinang iCmomitteeAlenk/elkAyen MtateehsisiRg Onenpni gMtetahsiseR 1M[=CH] R2 R21 R2 1R+R2 R O R'R -2 eq.5vi ylbnnezne 2e5 - cata%ysltne t,a 22o C,-414h R'
JaniuaggnL ieCrss MoteahesitsR1
2R1.D riinvgfor ec i tse herile fo rfing stairn 2 A. sceond lkeae nmsu tpesren,to r oplyermzitiao onccurs (ROM)PMes NN C lu O RhP h OP
.1Homo -emathtseis i s aey kisue s. E/Z2 atrosi raehar dyl onctorllblae nadpred itcbal eAlyll islnae: sstbaliziatio ofβ nc-taoni( ilsiocnβeff-et) cehnnace nscluopheiicilytiR3S On 2%B Shcockr atalyctsD ME,h Si4R Cb3 zHN C O 2MeO O H N1% 0Shrcco ckatlyas DtCM, 8 h9%,5 9%2e SeR 3 10%iG urbb csatlyst OTa DCrM,4 h50%R 3S iCb zHN CO2 M O e HON O T Sir R 3R3 Si
G. A.Crtoze,e tl, arg. LOet.t,200 7,9, 287 1287-4Blechret e at. lheC. mur. JE.19 97,3,4 14 lFemng it ea.lOrg. Rea c. 19t8,9 73 57, chSnzie, Dr .Sythnseis1 988 26,3
Wu.X iApTecprTianin gommitCte
eAkeln/Alekyne MteahtesisJinaugnga LeiSummayra dn oCnlusioc 1n.F udamentalnl yfuo reacrtinoty pe aresu sedmo tls 2y. Gurbs’ bctalyastsare com mrecaillya vialbaleand asiel hyadnedl
. A3klene nad akynel mtateeshsia er opewfur tollso tofo mr carbo narbcnod obuleb odsn,tehserea ctinso attratc mroe ndam re oattnetio, fnnd imore adnmo reappl icatino to ssytnheess f aollk ind sfosc ffoldsa .Fo rhtesereason s 3,porfesorsssha edrt eh oNbe Plirze o cfhmeistr yn 20i50.
uXi AWppeTcrTaiinn goCmittmee
mAbdeit NucnleohilepsYnagZha ng
Ovrview efo opiTc ts oe Disbcussde:Regiose-ectilivt in yhe tracetonsii volnvin agbimedtnn cleuophlis; eKonrbuml’ Rusel H;rda/Sof Aticd asnd BasseP rinicles, pec.t Ky Refereenecs:JCA 19S5,56 296;ACJ 1967S,182;7 Dralwd F.,Sde Riaecitns oniO rangc iSnyhetiss; WLIY-VEHC eVlarg GmbH& o. KCGAa, 200,; J5aen Moor“eAbmdeni tNculopheles”ion line ametrila. Desiniftin oo fAbidmentNu cloephileCe rtia nucnloephles ima bye reprseented y twb resooannc ferosm, wichh my paotntieall ayttack sung two diiferfnt moeedslea ing to dwo torm oe rpssiobl aleernatitvep roucdt sdeendpnig no th reaetico ncondtiinos C.omomn xamElep syanideCT hicyaoane Atmiedan oiN n
NaCes Suty d1 (:eLt su eg tstrtaedw itha r ael exapml) Inea rec nt eorwk,on echeimt stridet o mkeaco mpuon d throBuh agsim ple uclenphoiic slubsituttino ebtwee nhepnol nd campoond Au oflolwinga si mial lrtireatue reprrotd peorcdeue r(hownsin tehbel wosc emh)e.H Ph ONPh A MOs+ N aHt lueone,08oC h P MB= W35.1 1h N OPWhenr nunnig te hraetcino, wt omia prnoucds terwe bsorved e(TC Lshwnobe owl) The .hcmeit ssepraatedthem ndachara tecirze dthm by eCL-S Mnd a1HMRN ss(hon iwn ht eenxt paeg). Surrpiisnlyg,both prduocst hoswd ehet smae M+1m ss (a36)1as esiderd pordct.u Alhought rof 1mNHM oRe cnold utle thal twihc hneo s ihetdesired pr oudctB, tisll hwt asi teh bproyucd? Hot doew is tofrmde? 1,M ass= 31 5,~4%P0EE:= A:15C
N2,Ma s s=153, 3~0
%nolaEte O
uXW ippAecTTrainig CnomimtteeAbmdinet NcuelpoilhesasC Setuy d (c1ntioned)u1HYangZ hagnCas Steuy 1 d(ontcinude)1
septcrumof ompcund o1 howesd it awsp rodut c. BAtfe crarfeuly elaximnin ghe sptecrtmu f comoounp d,2we had an die ahwa tthebypr odcutmi hgtbe .It eesm sthta aClylakton ilas oahpenepd(shown inbel w, pordoct uC)b eidss etehd esirdeO alk-yltian poorudct .Bh N PP hA MsO PhPh OH Na, HTouele nP Nh O CB+ Ph h N OH
PThsica ben eplxianedi foyuc noisdred epehnoidxeha stwo resnanoe cfoms (shorn win blew)o, wich hay mpoteniallyta tack elettrcophleisfo m rothb sdiseto gneertaebot h aBd C pnrdocus.tO H:B O Rseonncae
OPh 2PhN
P N hh PP O Ph N OHhOMsB
uWi XAppTcTreaiingnC omimtteeAmidbnt NeuceolpiheslYan ghZang
romF thel sa etaxmlp,eyou may gt e
a enss ef oambdiet nucleopnhiesl. As he tedifniton iecldres“anuclepohles wiihttwo esroannc eofmr,s my attack asiugn wto modesle aidn to gtwo podrutcs”,p heonidex sio e gnoo exadpme lfoamb idnte nulecohplesi .oweveH,rt hek ey isho wto a chieevh ih greigos-leecivitt yy bcntroolinlg hte raetcon icnodiiotns!C an we oln yet gBin tehl sa txaemlp wietoutha ynf omrtion af oyprbouctdC? H o wcn aon eod taht?Literture asearchsh oew dhat tew wre ento lano ine theC alklyatoi nofph noxeied A.s areylas in 951,5K robnlu mpublsiheda ilnultrsiuosp paerde sciribg rengioelescitvit iny htea lylaltin oearticonof hpnoesl. H eofudn tat by hcnortloiln tge hreatcin oocnidton (sicu ahs baseor s loent)vh ih rgegosilectevities weri eacievhedas hosw inn beol.OHw K CO 23DMF,r oaeconte+ rB O
oKnblrm’u Rsul Keronblumex minad etehr eatiocnof si levr nitriet itw hlaky halldis aed fnunod arle iu nhe tlkyalaiot nf aobmdenit nculephiles. oheTgreat ret e Sh N1 chracaerto tfeh rantsitinosta t teheg earte rs tiehprefe ence forrbo ndfor amton witih th eaom tf ohigerhele ctoregnaivity,tc nvorseely t,he regtar ehte S N2 cont rbution it thoet arsniiotnsta tethe geatre rhe prtefeernce fo robndform taio nt tohea omt oflo erw leetrconegativityR I .+ NCa R CN NyCaine prddoucts boatnied iwh t8%-09%
0herwesa I R+ ACgNR C IsocNyaindes otbiande a ths meajo rprductosw ehnA gC Nsi aplipedAditdoin f og+ Asaists she thliad eoi lneviagn. hTs giveisri es toa dev lopeenm otfc harge o nht carbone atomun edrognigmore SN 1lik reaectoins.N SN C t2yep R IR CN
mjorap roduc OH+ tBrNa H,PhH
A g
N1S ypetR
NCKornblum ..N J, .A.m Cehm S.c, o9551,77, 6269-6802
WuX ippATceTrinani gComimtteemAbiden NuctelpohlieslkyAatlino ofe onlateOR Base RO R O R'X R R' O-Yng ahaZg
nAlylaktio nf a-hoydoxryypidinre rPeiovs uxaeple dmmeonsrttesa htat A+ goulcdfa clitiae ta tarnstiio nsatt poesesssin mogr eN1 Shcaactrr,ew hchi unedrg oatatck y tbhe omer lecetrnoegtive aatm oo nth embideatnnuc eoplhles. Tieh same phenoemnon wsaa sol osebrve dn the olakylaitonof 2 -ydroxyhpyrdiine.sEItN O N O ANgO2 8N0 E%It O N ON K2C3O NEt 7% O 3OtEC-akllytaoni
hT ratie of otehp roudtcs soetmiesmc an e bdfifciutlto co trnlo a,dn edpnde osnse vealrf catros a.:olSvnt:ere ctaiivty o noxgeny myabe edurcdeif t e hhcaged Orat o mish dyogen-ronbedd o tslovnet. heW nhits s the case, iCa klyltioa nsi avfoedr.Po lar,a ropictso venls dton'tfo rmH -obnd,-alOklyaiot nrseltsu
K+. counterinodoes n to coodinate tro - lIavineg gour cposlly;ethere ofer ractieo in vis SNa tr2nsation sittae.As a resul t, th aeklyltioa nhppanee dtal ess elctrenoeatgiv N atemo.A g+i sab elt o cooridate nefecftvile to -I leyvian ggrop;u tehrforeer eaciotn siv a hairdSN 1trans itino sate,t the nhte lkalyaiton curredo a mtroeel etcornegtave iO tamo.b .ecMhanim: Ss1 Nmehancsmi -O tamoat taks c ahardc arocatboin; S2Nmecha isn- mC toam ttaakc.s
WuXi AppecTTair
nignCo mitmteeAbidmnteNuc eophillseeaPrso Clnsaisfiacitonof cAis and Bases
dYag Zhnna
garHd/oSt fciAd asn Bdsas en I1679,Paeros npulbisheda pape rin JASCto posiblsya cucaterly pedirc thte ay iwnwhi c ha nmabidetn unlcoehpile iwl relatc which,toady i swel knlwon a sHASB pinrcipel Hard.Ba es sDoorn atmos aveh hgh eliecrtoneagtvity ain dlowp laoirabzilti aydnar earh dt oxiodzi. Theey hlo dheir vatelnce leetrocsnt ihtgy.l ofStBa es sDono rtaoms ahe lovw lectronegaeivttiy and igh hploaizrbialty aidn rea aey ts ooidizx.e hey Tohl dtheirv aelcenele crotsn losoly.eH ra Adidc soPssse smasllac ecptroatom, save hhihg postiie cvhare gna dd oont oncaitnuns haedre lectonr aprsi ni heit ravelcen hsell. sheT yahevl w pooarizabilltyi .oSf AtcisdP ossses arle acgepctor atmso, hvae low poitisev hcareg adnc otnianun sahedr pairs ofel ctrenso p o( dr)in t eihr valene chelsls They .haevh ih pglaorziaiblti.yPareos.nR G., .J. A. Cmhme Soc..,1 697, 89 18,27-1386
uRl:eHar da icd sreperft bond too hra dbsae, ansdofs actdsi preefrt o ond bt oofstba es.s
pATpecTraiing Comnmiteet
Ambident NucelophliesaYngZh agn
lkAyltaio ofn2 -hydoryxpyriined(HAS B applcitioa) nWithso f tlecetorhpies, lN-laklytaios cann be erfproedm (elbwoS chmee). TheM istunbour eacitnos moeitem lsaesd t oOa-kllatiyon xeluscveil,y ropablyb uedt o het hrd chaaractre f tho eitenmreditea.Rh doim uarcenb (hared) ocpmlx alseo peferentialrylal klatey teh O atom.1.eq 5acrloie 120 nC,0 C 6H, 262 hNH O95 2%qe2 bromo-etanohl 1.5qeK2C O, 3570C, a etocn, e1h 2NH O 5% N O O5 H12.eq5P ChHC22OH 1H.eq PPh3,5 .15q DEAe D02 C0,TH FN H 88O%1.e3qN 2CHC2EO 2% th2RO(CC2F)4 34 00, CC2HlC 2 HN 8O7 N%O CO E2 tN PO NhO OAlkylaiot ofnamide sa dnlacta s m-aNlkyltiaos aren gnerelal coyductedn ndur baeis condicions twhreesa -Oaklyatiolsn aer fotn eprfeormdew ih trtilkayoxolnum ialts,sdi alyk slulatef, sr alkoyl haldeiss/lvirealstsw ithuo taddtiin oo fabsse. elBo wchSmee shws exoampel sf toe shelecive tN -nd a aOklyaltin oof altacm.sPhN HO+ Br0 B1
rOHK Bu4,NHO4 S0 2C,0 TF 74H%P N Oh01Br
HNO1.3eq Me 3OFB4,CH 2lC2 00C, 7h 4%
N5 OOB rN HhP1qe ABFg,4M 2eC ONtE 903%ON PhHNON N11. eq5 t3EOBF4, C2Cl2 H020 C,2 1h9%3N
O NNOrg L.tt.e2 000,2,164 1-1634; .J Or. gChem. 9912, 75,5708-7125;eTtahredron eLtt 19.94, 35,2189-822.2
J .A. Chmm. Seco.1 71, 99,3 1551-155;5J .mA.C eh.m Soc 2002.,124, 6573-683;5 TtreahdreonL et.t1 899 29,, 571-6674;5 rg.OP oc. rRs.eD e. 20v01 5,, 55-750.
uWX ApiTecpTariinn gCmmoittee
mAibdnt NeuleophiclesulfSiant IenosO Nu OO SR OHadrerNuYanghZna
gelSectvityio fβ-P ropoilacontO
OHrdaere ecltophirelssotefr uN
OO OO h aderrN u-O NuSofet ruN
-Softreel cetophrilesThiocynaaet onsIHarerd uN
S NCaHrdr eeletrcohilespEilinmaitonvs SusbittuitnoHard: HSfoetr uNRS fto Leavig grnuop N2S H u R NRSotfer Nu
N CSSftoerel ctrephiloesHadrr NueaHdr HR oft Leaving Sgoru E2p RR
aCs Seudyt1 (Cntinoue)dBa ck otth caese stud 1 oyn ht pega 2e, hte cemhsi latertt rid K2CeO3in DM F intsedao f NaH i tolnuen,ea dnfo un dolynB wa fsrmed aosthe prouct.dO PhHN P A OMh s+K2CO 3 MF Dh BPo ly prodnut ch N P
WOuX iAppecTrTaning iCmmoitet
AemidbentN cluoephilse
aYg ZhnangCase Study2 n aIonthe rrceen torw, ke twierdt makeo -Nakylatedl compoud 2n fom lartacm1 a 1t00g csae.lN H wasa rtei fdrsi,tbu tt e heratcionwa sslggush andig ve airrpeorudibcle rsuets. lEvn eftaer crseennigma yn dfiefernt slvoenst,cncoetratnoisn,etpmratuere, tec,on god oesultr was otbinad.e iHMDSL ad nogarin cbses gaav weorse rselustO.Br H NOOE t N O X OEOtOter hAbidemnt NuclephoilseC ertan imoelucle sam cyotnian wot r oore nmculopheiilc fncuitona lgorusp I. nhitsca e,sthe reg oi-slectevity oriigiane ftormthe n culophiliceiyto rer.d ne Osohudl keepin ind mthatt h reaectio ncodnition my caanhegth ef rmos f oteh nucelpohiel,t hus avryng thein culoepilhcityiorde r A .few xaepmlesa r liseetdi bneowlH N O. He1 KH, q40C, T FH th,e neq1MeI, 020, 24hC8%6O+ HH2 NHOca tTsO 7H 80, CtOE, 4H 7h% 8H OMeN
NaHo LiHrDMSa vartios cundioiotn X s
EEt2COOCO2Et2ow Lconevsirn ond poor yieadlwhen casl ue
pW sueppso deerptonaote d 1i sink of dto oahrdc opamirg wnthit he sof tlkya lrbomie.d oTo tipimz thei soncidtoni,wema y iehter mkaet helacta ma ion an iltte loftser ro ake mht eakll hayidlea lit lteha derr Wi.t thhsi i nmni,dwe rited -tuBK aO sbse ai na nn-pooar sollvntea dn se ulaky lclhorde ais hte leetrocpihe.lT ehre actin oorkew wedlla d nagev rerodupcilb eomeradteyie ls deenva talgresc lea.O ClN H OOt EO NO X 2 1~5%0 yild eEtO4q eaOHN,5 B%u4BN 1erqBuCl,60 C, 0h8 68%O N2H
NH2H2OC2q e2KCO3,%3P EG-60 0.0% K5, Ithn Oe H1e qC lC2COH 2 1H0 1 0C,PhMe, 15 h HO.2C 9%3OH 0.57 qeP COCH2hB r09 eq. DU B02 0,C 6H6C,2 h h P5%0
t-BuK, tOlueoe nXJ.Am .Cem.hS oc. 9813, 015 6,22-6626; 9etToredhrn o199, 559, 29509220;Syn .Comm. 1u99,1 1, 1425-61417;Sn. Coymu. 1m999,2, 9153; J.4 Or.g Chme 19.79,2, 6624-52516.
WXiu pATepTraicinng Commitete
mAibend NtcleuphoieslSmumry
aang ZhanYgReiewvQ estiuon (sPrvioed teh omtsl kiley amojrp rdoucs tfrot ehb leworea ctios)NaOnt E O O ONHMe 2S4O NaSh PMe3OBF
lthoAgh wu ecnaot pnerdic texacltyh w an ombaient ducnleophle wiillr acte iwht eerv ysnglie leetcrpohile,ew cnah oewerv djust aht reeactin ocnoditons in orierdto fa vou orn medeoo frea ciot onerv hte thero .eRcatio at a hnadr ucnleohilpci tam
?oNH,a MeI Hrda lecetrohple Polira/dpioal aprroit colsevtnO
DLA,hPHNS(2OFC3) 2LAD,tEIO Et OB rNOaE tO OEtSof telis awicds cu ah sgA+
Re?aticn ao ats fo tucnelpoihil ctam oS oft eectlrpohiel oN-noplara rotic polsvent orp rtoi csloevnt?
Hadr elwis cadisu hcas N+aaCN,N MDF B ArgCN,MDF
WXui ApTecpTrainingCom mitet
Ambiedne NtcleuohpieslONaEOtHO EtO e3MOB4 O F
Nang YhaZng
nsweArs ofth ere iewvq eusiotn
CNhankTy ou erv myuc hof yourr ime tanda tetntoin“!Desitept heb setth eries,o opimtzei codnitidno muss te bdveeloepde mpiricallyf or aceh reacito.”n
WXi AuppeTcTarinnig ommCtite
emAde Bind oFrmotioa2n.1C holrformaot (ClCeORO):OB n OO OOC CHH3 ClOCO2HC,5T AE, THF,t eh NHn (3)g 20 oC -o rtt.6 5% Bn O OO
iJpenn gLiIntrodctioun: Aimed obdn pla ay mjor raloein th e elaorabtion nd acmposoitinoof ioboligal scystes,m na idtr epersnes tteh amin hcmecali bod tnaht ilknam noia cd biiudlni glboksctoge hetr o tormf proteins A.mde biond si no otnl yimlite tdobio lgiocla ystessmb t ulso indaede rpeent in a sugehar rayo molfecluse, icludnni gamjo mrrkated ephrmaacetuciladr ugs Par. It Co.nendasiton fo Amin ewith Aic 1d .Diertc Cndoneasion tfo mAie wnih AcitOrgd P.er.p rPoc In..t2000, 32 ()1,848-HOC82COHO+H PCh2HH2N9 0C Oo OCHH2C NCHH2PhCON2HC H3Snth. Comymu.,n 200, 344,519170
-Acidsw ihtbu l krguop ro elcerton-iwhtrdawig grnupo aym recta to ivg ehe inttermeidte oa mifedx nhaydrids.e Hatenigca accelenrate his tercaitn. 2o. N2N’,C-rbanolyidimidzaol (CeID)O: NNN N
R N NOROOHCCDI HC2l2,C 0Co, 30mniNH2OR N Hrt,ovrniehtg
eRactin oursnw ith the nceessrya eliinmtianoof awet, rtuhso lyn aking tplca ae tigh thmepearture .. 2Cndeosantoi vnaiM ixurt enhyAdidreo rAm die
RO O=O N NNTetarhdreon, 9194,5, 101113-11122O
TfOM (e2 q.)e
TO2fBMCITactive nayhridd Xe=C o Sr OOR1 O R1 H N O HHt.e 2RN2HR 1ON H 2R
heC.m hPraam B.ll, 1u982,30 4242-,444
2atcvi emaiedGneralel, yhet prpeaartoin ancb eocndctudein oepnot. I fmaie nisi n xecse asomunt,th eb -yrpoucd tfo rua ecn aeb btaoiedn .t Iis eporrtd ethta CMIT Bwhic(h i osbatine from dCI witD hfTMe) iOsmo r activeethan CID.
WXu iApTecTrpaniign Cmmittoee
mAde ionBd Frmotaoni O O OSre lfu, x1 min 0OH H NNO H2 N
NinpeJgn iL
.23 uSflnyol Clohrdie(RS OCl2:OH)CO H MOCs,l(P hH2)CEt 3+.NlCCHCN, 30oC5 1, 5im n OH
O. 3Coulipgn Uisn Cargodiibmdi MeechnaisR m OO R1N C NhPRR1 O NC O NH R2A Pa th Rb O1 RNO N PHth aaSytnheiss19 89, 7457-47 2O SN OCl2HN R 2
O Ph N2 NOMHe t, 40rmin
OR H1NC N O R 2OR XX= Ac tivaor
taPh a tR
O XB 3RRN4HOCH2NslCEt N3,DAPM CH3,NCThe ixem anhydrided fo Nsl Cs mioreac tivet hanM sCls’ mixe danhyrdde,i sepciealy forlthe c opliug nf sotrecihi nederda mnies ..2 4Dit-rte-butyldi arbonact (eoBcO2:)CzHb NCOOHB oc2O bCHN zOO O O NH3 bzCN O HHN
2 OR
NC OH R2NPtahb
R1 OR2 R R4NT rgea R3
BtypordutchTe cuopiln geendsto add n adaidtive, sch uas HBO,t MDPA .Acocdingrto P ah bt,yproBudt ccan ebo batnide aterf raerargneemt of nunsable tniermtdieat eA.Ca bodiirmie codpuilgn raegetnsN CN N NCN C N N.CH ElC
TDertaehron Ledt. t199,53 6, 175-17181
Nomraly, thle ixedma nyhrddieo f (oB
c)O 2i ssuedi then prpaeration o faimde rof pmirmry amanie.s
DCC:hcaep;the si depro udtcdic clyoheylx ruaehas poros oulibltyii nocmomnor gnacis lovnets T.e hrtetmant oef dcyilocexyh lure by agneeal pruifrictianome hod tcn nat getori d o iftc moletpel. Nyrmolayl m,st dicyoclohexlyu ra ecn ab eermvedof ro dmeithy ltehe rna tden phrifued iyb oclmnu chrmotaorgphy.a
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