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2015-2016学年度七年级上学期英语导学案 编制人:颜琳 审核人:贺龙娟 时间:2016-1-5

7A Unit 1-4 复习案

一. 课前复习 认真复习1-4单元,找出下列短语和句子并背诵 Unit1

1. 一只电子狗_________ 2. 你的主人_________3.如何照顾你的电子狗____________________ 4. 放学后踢足球_________________ 5. 高且苗条____________________

6. 来自____________________=_________________ 7. 擅长跳舞/游泳____________________ 8. 在七年级一班 ____________________ 9. 在那里____________________ 10. 我们(的)英语老师____________________ 11.和家人住在北京____________________ 12. 我的朋友又矮又胖. ____________________________________________ 13 我的哥哥不戴眼镜._____________________________________________________ 14. Jack with his family __________________________________________(住在上海)now. 15. 让我们见见我的新同学____________________________________________.

16. 他表妹没有留长发. ___________________________________________________ (page9) 17. 你们每天开心吗? 是的._________________________________________________ (page11) 18. 在学校丹尼尔喜欢所有的课. _____________________________________________(page16) Unit2

1. 步行回家 ____________= 骑车去学校 = 乘公交车去商店 _________ = ______________ 2. 一天一次/两次/三次/许多次___________________________________________________ 3. 和某人去游泳__________________ 4. 读许多有趣的书______________________ 5. 每天/周/月/年 6. 非常喜欢足球 7. 我/你/他/她/我们/他们最喜欢的足球明星_____________________________ __ 8. 谈论篮球________________9. 看起来强壮/可爱/年轻/现代____________________________ 10. 使他/她开心___________________________11. 和他的朋友一起踢足球________________

12.当然____________________ 13.呆在家里_________________________ stay (三单形式) 14. I hope his dream_____________________________(成为现实).(page 20)

15. Sandy ________________________________(阅读俱乐部的一名成员). (page 20) 16.(在她的空闲时间)__________________, she enjoys__________________(听音乐)(page 20). 17.He________________(看起来强壮)and_____________________(足球踢得非常好). (page 20) 18. 有时我爸爸在家观看我们的比赛.____________________________________________(24) 19.我妈不常在周末购物.________________________________________(24) 20. (其他什么)____________________________do you like to do?(26)

21. We are_____________________________________________________(学校篮球队的成员). 22.听音乐使我感觉很棒.____________________________________________________(26) 23. 阅读是有趣的事._______________________________________________________(26) 24. I like playing ____________________________________________(足球/篮球/排球/网球) (28) 25. 他们两是我的英雄.__________________________________________________.(28) 26. My cousin _______________________ (经常谈论足球) and_______________________ (观看足球比赛) on TV. (28)


2015-2016学年度七年级上学期英语导学案 编制人:颜琳 审核人:贺龙娟 时间:2016-1-5


1. 我们的开放日 _____________________ 2.生物和历史___________________

3. 听我们两节课 ______________________ 4. 在校门口__________________________ 5. 在十月九号 _________________________ 6. 一节英语课_________________________ 7. 在教室楼的前面___________________8.既干净又漂亮 ________________________

9. 有一间美术室_____________________10. 看起来年轻/现代 _________________________ 14. 开会 ____________________________15在6:30起床 ______________________

16.住在我们学校附近 _____________________17.早早到达学校________________________ 18分钟______________________________19. 各种各样的书_____________________ 20. 有几间教室______________________21.远离学校________________________ 22. 这些科目中她最喜欢哪个?她最喜欢地理.(30-31)

_____________________________________________________________________________ 23. 家长会在下午两点开始._____________________________________________________(31) 24.--________________________________? (今天几号) --It’s 9 October. 25. Thanks for _______________________________ (带我参观) your school. 26. ________________________________________(有18间教室) in our school. 27. The library ________________________________ (在一楼).

28. 穿白衬衫的男子是我们英语老师.(32)_________________________________________ 29. What about ____________________________________ (去礼堂) now?

30. Let’s _____________________________(看我朋友的照片) on the wall. (35)

31. I_____________________ (有一些朋友). They ________________________ (对我很好). 32.我想要和他问声好_______________________________________________________(36) 33. 每天我花半小时到达学校___________________________________________________(38) 34他每天花多长时间到达学校?_________________________________________________(37) 35. The library ______________________ (仅开放) from 8 a.m. to 5:30p.m. (38) 36. My sister seldom _________________________ (借书) the library.

37. It’s _______________________ from my home to the school. (路途遥远)


39.请再说一遍?______________40.电话里我听不清你说的话.________________________(36) Unit4

1.醒来 ______________ 2.需要好好休息 __________________3做课外活动________________ 4.上课____________5.在八点一刻 __________________ 6. 从周一到周五_______________ 7.互相聊天________________8.我和我的朋友________________________________________ 9. 在周日,周一,周二,周三,周四,周五和周六___________________________________________ 10.在春天,夏天,秋天和冬天_________________________________________________________ 11.在1月,2月,3月,4月,5月,6月,7月,8月,9月,10月,11月,12月__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12在星期三下午_________________________ 13. 玩得很开心 14.最美好的愿望___________________15. 去上她的舞蹈课__________________ 16. 跳舞半小时_____________________17.去溜旱冰__________________________

18.参观博物馆___________________________19.一月两次____________________________ 20.祝你好运________________________21. 有太多的家庭作业_________________________


2015-2016学年度七年级上学期英语导学案 编制人:颜琳 审核人:贺龙娟 时间:2016-1-5

22. It’s time ________ __________( 吃早饭). = It’s time ________ ________ _______( 吃早饭).

23. Shall we _____________ ____________ (去散步)in the hill? 24. My father ______ _______ ________ (很少外出).at weekends

25. Some dogs just don’t know ______ _______ ______ _______ (如何享乐). 26. My sister is good at _________ ________ _________ (做早操).

27. Simon and I ________ __________ _______ __________ school.(从不迟到). 28. My cousin wants _________ __________ _________ ___________ (上床睡觉).

29. ---What about _________ __________ ____________ now?(做课外活动) ---Sounds great. 30. Millie enjoys __________ _________ _________ __________(和她的同学聊天)at school. 31. Our school _______(在8点开始) in the morning. 32. What is (你最喜爱的科目)?

33. My friends __________(都对我很好).

34. Our classmates __________(不练习打排球)after class.\\ 35.在海南冬天从不下雪.__________ _________ ___________ _______ ________in Hainan. 36.我想要告诉你关于我的生活.I ______ ______ ______ ______ you ______my life.

37.每年秋天我们举行一场校足球比赛.We _____ _______school football ________every autumn. 38.She doesn’t _______ ________ ______ ______ ________ __________(有许多时间打网球) 39.在我们和他们之间举行一场排球赛. There ____ a volleyball match ______ ______ _____ ___. 40.I hope everyone can _______ _________ __________(来观看)the game. 41.在周末我喜欢和我的家人去野餐

I like _____ _____ ______ _______ ______my family at weekends.

42.Doing morning exercises _________ ___________ ___________ __________ (对我们有好处) . 43.Morning exercises ________ _______ _______ ________ _______ (帮助我们作好准备)the day. 44.从书本中我能了解很多关于世界的东西.

I can _______ ______ ______ ______the world from books. 45. 我篮球打得不好,我不是一个好的篮球运动员.

I can’t play basketball___________. I am not a __________basketball ___________. 二.复习语法 1 一般现在时

1) My name ________ (be) is Millie. I ________ (be) 12 years old.

2) Hello, _______ (be) you Simon? 3) _________ (be) our school nice, boys and girls? 4) _________ (be) your father a teacher or a worker?

5) I _________ (like) sports, but my brother ___________ (not).

6) _________ you often __________ (play) football with your friends? 7) _________ Kitty _________ (dance) very well? Yes ,he _________.


It is Saturday today. Simon (1) (be) very happy, because he (2) (have) time to do some activities. He always (3) (get) up at six on Saturday and (4) (run) in the park for an hour. Then he and his friends (5) (do) homework at his home. Sometimes they (6) (be) in the classroom. Their teachers (7) (help) them with their homework. In the afternoon, Simon has a rest. He (8) (watch) TV with his brother. He often (9) (play) football with his friends after that. In the evening, Simon


2015-2016学年度七年级上学期英语导学案 编制人:颜琳 审核人:贺龙娟 时间:2016-1-5

and his father (10) (read) books. Simon is always happy on Saturday. 2人称代词的主格和宾格 单数 复数 I he she you 主格 you it us 宾格 they 阅读下面的对话,根据语境,用适当的人称代词填空,使对话完整正确。 Wang Ping: Hi, Zhang Bin! How are (1) ?

Zhang Bin: I am fine. What about you? Are you happy at the new school?

Wang Ping: Yes, (2) am. Let me tell you about (3) . There are sixty teachers in the new school. (4) are very kind. We often get help from (5) , so (6) thank them very much. Zhang Bin: That’s great. Do you have a new friend there?

Wang Ping: Yes, I do. Her name is Millie. (7) is a beautiful girl. I often chat with (8) . She likes talking with (9) , too. Zhang Bin: How do you go to your new school every day?

Wang Ping: It is far from my home, so my father takes me to school by car. Every day, I can talk about my school with (10) in the car.

Zhang Bin: I am very glad to hear that you are happy in the new school. 3 表示时间的介词(at / on /in )

1) Millie has breakfast _________ seven every day. 2) He began to learn drawing _________ four years old. 3) We don’t go to school __________ Sundays.

4) Amy’s mother goes shopping _________ Saturday mornings. 5) We usually do homework _________ the evening.

6) He was born ____________ the morning of October 1, 1999. 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容用适当的介词将短文补充完整。

Hi! I am a happy girl in Sunshine Secondary School. I was born (1) 2001. My birthday is (2) June 8th. It is just on this Friday, and I want to have a party. I am very

glad to have the party (3) the age of 12. The party is (4) 7 a.m. My friends and teachers can all come to my party. (5) Monday evening, we can have dinner first. It is (6) summer, so I have some ice cream for them. After that we play some games. It will be the best time for me (7) that time. We can sing and dance. The party is for two hours. (8) night, my friends can go home (9) about 10 p.m. I think we will have a good time (10) that day. 4 频率副词 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% never always 表否定 表否定 根据句意填入适当的频率副词,使句子完整、通顺。

1. I want to play table tennis, but I have much homework every day. I play it.

2. The boy dislikes fish very much, so he eats it.

3. My cousin is good at volleyball. She is in the volleyball team. She practises it every day from Monday to Friday.


2015-2016学年度七年级上学期英语导学案 编制人:颜琳 审核人:贺龙娟 时间:2016-1-5

4. I go roller skating, but I don’t do well in it.

5. The students usually have a rest at noon at school, but some of them go home. 6. There are five English lessons on weekdays. They are in the morning. There is only one in the afternoon.

5.动词的变化形式: 动名词doing, 动词不定式(to )do, 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1.He often practises _________________(play) football at weekends.

2. My father enjoys (talk) to me when I get home after school. 3. What about ___________(go) (swim) this afternoon? 4. I always spend half an hour ________________(read) English in the morning. 5. Look! Can you see the lovely dog _____________(lie) on the grass? 6. He has fun ________________(chat) with others after class. 7. Thank you very much for (write) me an email. 8. Are you interested in _____________(collect) stamps? 9. The little boy is good at _____________(dance).

10. He is thinking about _______________(buy) some hair clips for his daughter. 11. Would you like (talk) with me about your new school? 12. I don’t know how (learn) to cook. Can you help me? 13. It takes him about an hour (read) English every morning. 14. Is it time for you (have) an English lesson? 15. He is very busy and doesn’t have much time (chat) with his friends. 16. He is planning _______________(go) on a picnic with his family. 17. I want _____________(tell) you about my life here.

18. He often asks me _______________(lend) him some money. 19. I am glad _______________(help) you with English .

20. The shopping mall is a good place ______________(meet) friends. 21. Let’s have a party ________________(celebrate) his birthday.

22. The fat boy needs ___________________(exercise) more and eat less. 23. We need more clothes _______________(keep) warm in winter. 24. He often plays football ________________(keep) healthy.

25.. Morning exercises help us______________(get)ready for the day.

26. Reading books can make us _______________ (learn)a lot about the world. 课后练习 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Andy his homework and his sister model planes every Sunday afternoon.

A.do, make B.does, makes C.does, make D.do, makes ( ) 2. .Each girl __________a dress like yours.

A. have B. has C. there D. own ( )3.-- We will have a school trip next week. - _______.

A. Have a good time B. We will C. I’m happy to hear it D. Don’t forget it ( ) 4. I like chatting my friend the phone.

A. with; on B. with; with C. to; with D. to; on ( ) 5.I ____________ have rice and fish for lunch.

A. sometimes B. some time C. some times D. sometime


