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Class________ Name____________ No._____ Score_________

Part I. Listening:40%

I、Listen and choose选出听到的单词或句子 10%

( ) 1. A. weather ( ) 2. A. fireworks ( ) 3. A. third ( ) 5. A. stone ( ) 6. A. swallow

B.feather B. cakes

C. wither C. presents

C. dollar C. soft

B. thirteenth C. thirtieth

( ) 4. A. purse B. wallet

B. walk

B. smooth

C. smell

( ) 7. A. What’s the weather like in spring? B. What’s the weather like in winter? C. What’s the weather like in summer? ( ) 8. A. I like Easter best. B. I like Christmas best. C. I like Santa Claus best. ( ) 9. A. It’s on the fifth of November. B. It’s on the fifth of December. C. It’s on the fifteenth of November. ( )10. A. How much are the crayons?. B. How much is the crayon? C. How many crayons?

II、Listen and choose the correct answer 选择正确的上下句:10%

( )1. A. Sure. B. I like it.

( )2. A. I like collecting shells. B. I don’t like walking on the sand. ( )3. A. 50 dollars.

B. Five pears.

( )4. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I like.

( )5. A. How is your father? B. What does your father do? ( )6. A. It is cold. B. It is hot.

( ) 7. A. We get lucky money. B. We eat moon cakes. ( )8. A. It’s on the second of June. B. It’s May. ( )9. A. How much? B. How many? ( )10. A. I like it. B. I like them.

III、Listen and fill in the blanks听音填词,一格一词:12%

1. I like autumn. It is __________.

2. The school fair is on 30th _____________. 3. These cards are two dollars ___________. 4. It is _________. It is a key. 5. I like ____________ to the waves. 6. We are sorry __________ teasing you.

IV、Listen and choose the correct answer 听短文,选择正确的答案:8%

( ) 1. Mark is Don’s _____________.

A. teacher

B. friend

C. sister C. Collect shells.

( ) 2. What do they sometimes do ?

A. Go to the beach.

B. Swallow water.

( ) 3. After school that day, they _____________together.

A. clean the classroom B. do homework A. help

B. tease

C. play

C. shout at

( ) 4. Other classmates should _________ Don like Mark.

Part II Reading and Grammar Practice 60%

I、Read and write correctly正确抄写句子,注意大小写及标点符号:6%

why are you crying tom i dont want to go to school


II、Read and Judge(判断划线部分的发音,用“T”或者“F”表示 8%

1. weak three ( ) 2. it eat 3. photo pond

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

4. shell small 8. elephant 5. tall cloudy ( ) 6. these sweets ( ) 7. first beef

stall ( )

III、Fill in the blank 选词填空7%

1. What’s the weather _________ in autumn? (like/likes) 2. I like ice cream and go ____________. (swim/swimming) 3. _____________ festival do you like best? (Which/Where) 4. It is on the ___________ July. (2nd/2th) 5. How much _________ the tickets? (is/are)

6. Don’t sit on ___________. They’re soft. (them/they) 7. What don’t you like ___________ at the beach? (do/doing)

IV、Choice 选择题 10%

( ) 1. Mr Wind and Miss Sun _________ chatting in the sky. A. are

B. is

C. am C.Take off C. for

C. at/to

( ) 2. Dad, I am cold. _______________ your coat. A. Button up A. about A. to/from A.is buy A. some A. feels/for A. hear

B. Give up

( ) 3. Thank you _________ your Christmas card.

B. from

( ) 4. The Parents’ Meeting is _________ three o’clock _________ half past three.

B. from/to

B. buys

B. every

( ) 5. Linda ____________ three key rings for her parents.

C. buy C. each

C. feels/with C. listen

( ) 6. These pens are six dollars _____________.

( ) 7. Stella ___________ the stones __________ her hands.

B. feel/with

B. listen to

( ) 8. You can ________________ some music.

( ) 9. I hope the ________________ don’t wash away our sandcastle. A. waves A. teaseing

B. water

B. telling

C. wind C. help

( ) 10. Thank you for ___________ me.

V、看图完成句子 :18%

1.A: What do you do in summer?

B: I __________________________________.

2. A: I like ______________________ best.

It is in ________________________.

3. A: When is Mike’s birthday?

B: ____________________January..


A: ______________________________?

B: It is 100 yuan.

5. A: Feel the sand.

B: It is ______________and______________.

6. A: ____________________________? B: I like sleeping.

VI、Cloze 阅读并选择 6%

Tim needs a new haircut. So he goes to a ___1___. Mike and John are in Tim’s class. They give Tim a note the next day. It reads,‘Your hairstyle is ___2___.’ Mike and John make fun of Tim’s haircut all day long. Tim ___3___ want to go to school anymore. His mother is ___4___. Therefore, she writes a letter ___5___ his teacher. The teacher reads the letter and talks to Mike and John. In the end, they are sorry for _______ Tim. ( ) 1. A. fire station B. farm C. hair salon ( ) 2. A. great B. ugly C. cool ( ) 3. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. can’t ( ) 4. A. happy B. worried C. pleased ( ) 5. A. for B. with C. to ( ) 6. A. making fun of B. tease C. laugh at

VII、Answer the question. 回答问题 5%

Q: In chapter 5, how does Stella read the writing?


Part I. Listening:40%

I、Listen and choose选出听到的单词或句子 10%

( ) 1. A. weather ( ) 2. A. fireworks ( ) 3. A. third ( ) 5. A. stone


B. cakes

C. wither C. presents

C. thirtieth C. dollar C. soft

B. thirteenth

( ) 4. A. purse B. wallet

B. smooth

( ) 6. A. swallow

B. walk

C. smell

( ) 7. A. What’s the weather like in spring? B. What’s the weather like in winter? C. What’s the weather like in summer? ( ) 8. A. I like Easter best. B. I like Christmas best. C. I like Santa Claus best. ( ) 9. A. It’s on the fifth of November. B. It’s on the fifth of December. C. It’s on the fifteenth of November. ( )10. A. How much are the crayons?. B. How much is the crayon? C. How many crayons?

II、Listen and choose the correct answer 选择正确的上下句:( )1. Can I feed them?

( )2. What do you like doing at the beach? ( )3. How much are the pears? ( )4. Do you like your new haircut? ( )5. He is a fireman.

( )6. What’s the weather like in summer? ( ) 7. What do you do at Chinese New Year. ( )8. When is the open day? ( )9. A hundred dollars. ( )10. The marbles are smooth.

III、Listen and fill in the blanks听音填词,一格一词:12%

1. I like autumn. It is warm. 2. The school fair is on 30th May. 3. These cards are two dollars each. 4. It is rough. It is a key.


5. I like listening to the waves. 6. We are sorry for teasing you.

IV、Listen and choose the correct answer 听短文,选择正确的答案:8%

Mark is Don’s classmate. He is Don’s friend too. He likes playing with Don.

Sometimes they go to the beach together. Mark also likes helping Don. He helps Don when other classmates tease him. After school that day, Don and Mark are busy. They do their homework. Then they go to Don’s home. They clean and tidy the house. They look after Don’s mum. Then Don thanks Mark. You’re a really good friend, Mark. You help me. You share things with me. Thank you. That’s what friends are for!

