外研版(三起)英语三上 全册教案

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课题:M1U1 I’m Sam. 教1、功能:问好和道别,简单的自我介绍 学 2、单词:hello, hi, goodbye, bye-bye, I, am, I’m(I am), 重Sam, Amy, Daming, Lingling 点 3、句子:Hello. Hi. Goodbye. Bye-bye. I’m Sam. 教I’m, Sam的读音 学 难点 Step 1: 组织课堂 Step 2:课堂用语 教 Step 3:Presentation and practice 1、T: Hello! I’m … Ss: Hi! I’m… 2、整体输入,介绍Sam, Amy, Daming, Lingling 学 3、AB 4、Listen and point. 程 5、Listen and say. 6、Act Step 4: Homework 序 Listen and repeat. 课题:M1U2 How are you? 教1、功能:见面问候 学 2、单词:good, morning, how, are, you, fine, thank 重3、句型:Good morning. How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 点 教I’m fine, thank you. 学 难点 Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1、Greeting T-Ss 2、Free talk Ss-Ss 教 Step 2:Presentation and practice 1、Listen to the song. 2、Learn the words: how, are, you, fine, thank 3、Practise: How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 学 4、Listen and point. 5、Listen and repeat. 6、Game: AB Ex1 7、Act: SB Activity 3 程 Step3: Song Step 4: Homework 1、Listen and reapeat. 2、AB Ex 2、3 序 课题:M2U1 I’m Ms Smart. 教1、功能:自我介绍和日常问好 学 2、单词:Ms Smart, too, and, boy(boys), girl(girls) 重3、句子:How are you? I’m fine. And how are you? I’m fine, too. 点 Thank you. 教1、boys and girls的发音和区别 学 2、And how are you? I’m fine, too.的正确朗读 难点 Step 1: Warm-up and revision 1. Sing a song. 2. Greeting with the teacher: (Try to say in English as more as you can.) 教 (1) S1: How are you? T: I’m fine. And how are you? (引导) S1: I’m fine, too. (2) T-S2,S3,S4 ( 当他们反问时,提示使用and, too) Step 2: Presentation and practice 学 1. 头饰:Ms Smart Hello! This is Ms Smart. (戴头上) Hello! I’m Ms Smart. T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Ms Smart. T: Hello, boys/girls/ boys and girls. 2. Play a game. Boys and girls (小竞赛) Boys Girls 程 (根据学生表现加分) 3. Listen and repeat. Step 3:Production Role play: Be a teacher. 序 (1) S1: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Ms/ Mr Zhang. (2) 小组活动: S1: Be a teacher. S2,3,4: Hello, Mr/Ms…I’m … Step 4: Homework 课题:M2U2 What’s your name? 教1、功能:问候下午好;询问他人姓名 学 2、单词:what, is , what’s(=what is), your, name, afternoon, Mr 重3、句型:Good afternoon. What’s your name? I’m Sam. 点 教1、afternoon和name的发音; 学 2、What’s your name?的灵活运用。 难点 Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1、Sing a song. 2、Free talk. 教 Step 2:Presentation and practice 1、Draw two suns. 运用图片、手势从morning过渡到Good afternoon. 2、Teach “What’s your name?” (1) T-S1: Good afternoon. I’m Ms Smart. 学 S1: Good afternoon, Ms Smart. T: (装做忘记名字的样子):What’s your name? S1: (T帮助) I’m… (2) T-S2,3,4 (3) 操练:开火车 程 (4) Listen and sing. Step3: Production 寻找4个好朋友:Sam, Lingling, Amy, Daming 游戏规则:事先在班上告之4个学生,请他们担任Sam, Lingling, 序 Amy, Daming,其他同学不知道,通过询问What’s your name? 来 寻找这4个小朋友。 Step 4: Homework 课题:M3U1 Point to the door. 教1、功能:发出指令和执行指令。识别教室里的物品。 学 2、单词:the, door, please, window, blackboard, bird 重3、句子:Stand up, please. Sit down, please. 点 Point to the door. 教1、Stand up, please. Sit down, please.的辨认 学 2、please和blackboard的发音 难点 Step 1: Warm-up and revision 2. Sing a song. Good morning. / Good afternoon. 2. Ask and answer. (以开火车的形式) 教 Step 2: Presentation and practice 1. 上课问候,呈现stand up和sit down词条。 2. 教学Stand up, please. Sit down, please. 3. Listen and do. (师生,生生) 4. 直观引入教室里的物品 学 5. Teach the new words. 6. Listen to the text and repeat. Step 3:Production 1. Listen and do. 程 2. Say and do. Step 4: Homework 1. 听读15分钟 2 识别教室里的物品。(小组完成) 序

课题:M3U2 Point to the desk. 教1、功能:发出指令和执行指令。 学 2、单词:desk, chair 重3、句型:Point to the … 点 教1. desk和door, bird和blackboard的认读 学 2. Point to the…的灵活运用。 难点 Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1、Listen to the song. Please stand up. 2、Revision. 看谁反应快 T先把U1的新单词door, window, blackboard, bird词卡贴在黑教 板上,T: Point to the door. Ss: 指向门,并请一学生在黑板上找出door的卡片贴在 门上,并让同学们一起念出“Point to the door.” (同样的方法复习其它单词) 以次导出desk, chair新单词 学 Step 2:Presentation and practice 1、Teach “Point to the desk/chair.” 2、Listen to the tape and point. 3、Listen, point and say. 程 4、Say and do the actions. Step3: Production 1、Play a game. 让学生在课前做好一个骰子,六面写上本单元 的单词:door, window, blackboard, bird,desk, chair。4人小组做序 游戏,每个组员滚动骰子,正面哪个单词,就用Point to句型说 出并指动作。 2、结合AB做练习 Step 4: Homework 熟读课文,家长签名 课题:M4U1 It’s red. 教1、功能:识别并描述物品的颜色 学 2、单词:my, it( it’s=it is), a, panda, red, blue, yellow, green, black 重3、句子:It’s red. My name is Panpan. 点 教1、green和red的发音 学 2、blue和black的认读 难3、正确说出red, blue, yellow, green, black五种颜色 点 Step 1: Warm-up and revision 3. Sing a song. “Please stand up.” 2. 游戏“Simon says” Point to the desk/blackboard/chair… 教 Step 2: Presentation and practice 1. 利用Point to the blackboard. 教学颜色:black 2. 利用词卡教学red, yellow, blue和green 3. 利用教室里的东西 学 Find and say. “It’s red/ yellow/ blue….” 4. Listen to the tape. Teach the words : my, a , panda, chameleon 5. Practice: What’s your name? My name is… 6. Listen, point and say. 程 Step 3:Production 1. Do SB Activity 3 in pairs. Point and say the colour. 2. 4人小组抢水彩笔,说出颜色 3. 卡片贴在黑板,眼明手快按卡片,巩固单词的认读 序 Step 4: Homework 1. 制作颜色卡片,说颜色 2 背诵或熟读课文 课题:M4U2 It’s a black dog. 教1、功能:描述身边物品的颜色 学 2、单词:cat, cap, dog, an 重3、句型:It’s a/an +物品+颜色 点 教1. cat和cap,dog和door的正确发音和区别 学 2. It’s a/an…的灵活运用 难点 Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1、Listen to the song. Please stand up. 2、Revision the colours. 教 Step 2:Presentation and practice 1、Lead in. Panpan变魔术(呈现新的语言) Listen to the tape. Question 1: What’s this? It’s a … 2、Teach “dog, cat, cap” 将door与dog区分开,可利用手势、实物; 学 cat与cap的区分,可利用 chant:I’m a cat, cat, cat in a cap, cap, cap. 3、Listen to the tape again. Question 2: What’s this? And what colour is it? It’s a …(操练) 程 4、Read after the tape. Step3: Production 1、A bag game. (4人小组活动) “ Which group can guess the thing?” 序 Put a cat, a cap or a dog in one bag. Give each group a bag Then touch and guess. 2、利用手上物品,编chant,如cat, cat, cat. It’s a red cat. 教学chant:Bob is an orange dog. 3、欣赏歌曲(利用以前教材中的歌曲) Step 4: Homework 1、画 a cat, cap, dog,并涂上自己喜欢的颜色 2、听读课文 课题:M5U1 How many? 教1、功能:询问物品的数量和8以内的回答 学 2、单词:many, how many, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, 重eight 点 3、句子:How many? One, tow, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. 教1、three, six和seven的发音 学 2、four和five易混单词的比较 难 点 Step 1: Warm-up and revision 4. Sing a song “Please stand up.”and say a chant “Bob is an orange dog.” 2. Say the colours. 教 Step 2: Presentation and practice 1. Lead in: 数动物Bob,教授1-6 2. 出示卡片,教授句子“How many?” 3. Guessing game,教授7-8. 学 4. Listen and say. 5. Practice: 听音数数 6. Play a game.“What’s missing?” 突出“three, four, five, six, seven” 程 Step 3:Production 1. Do SB Activity 1 in pairs. 2. Four in a group. “掷骰子“ S1:How manuy? S2-4:… 序 Step 4: Homework 1. 每天听读15分钟,家长签名 2 背诵或熟读课文,组长签名 课题:M5U2 Nine girls? 教1、功能:询问物品的数量和12以内的回答 学 2、单词:nine, ten, eleven, twelve 重3、句型:How many+名词复数 点 教1. eleven和twelve的正确发音 学 2. eleven和seven易混单词比较 难3. How many+名词复数的运用 点 Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1、Say the chant: “I’m a cat.” 2、PPT: count and circle. Review 1-8. 教 Step 2:Presentation and practice 1、Lead in.报数,教授9-12 2、大组内数男生,女生数,引入句子“How many boys? How many girls? 3、Listen and point. 学 4、Do SB Activity 4 Count and answer. 5、Listen and match. 难点的突破 Step3: Production 1、Draw “小指人“ 程 2、Learn the song. Step 4: Homework 序 课题:M6 U1 This is my school. 教1、功能:介绍学校和询问物品并回答 学 2、单词:this, pupil, school, English, classroom, that, teacher; 重3、句子:This is my …What’s this/that? It’s a … 点 教1、this, that和English的正确发音; 学 2、长句This is my English teacher, Ms Smart.的正确朗读; 难3、this和that易混单词比较。 点 Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1、Sing a song and say a chant. 2、Listen and do. T: Point to your desk/chair Ss: My desk/chair. 教 Step 2:Presentation and practice 1、Lead-in T:Lingling班上开展了制作海报的比赛,内容是介 绍自己的学校。她是如何介绍的呢? 揭题:M6U1 This is my school. Teach “this” and “school”. 2、Practise “This is my desk/ chair…” 学 Teach “classroom(手势)——This is my classroom.” 3、Listen and teach the new words. pupil——I’m a pupil.——teacher——English——English teacher— —This is my English teacher, Ms Chen. 4、Play a game. Louder or lower“声音忽大忽小” 程 规则:学生A走出教室,老师把单词卡片藏到学生B的课桌里, 全班学生根据A与学生B的距离来决定声音的大小,若A走得 离B越来越近,则全班的声音就越来越大。反之,越远越小声。 5、Introduce the school in pairs. First show a model. 6、Read after the tape. Teach What’s this/that? It’s a … 序 (that:手势——望远镜) Step3:Production 1、Do Activity 3 in pairs. S1: What’s this? S2: It’s a desk. 2、Play a jigsaw game in groups. 规则:学生事先准备,把图片剪成4块,拿出其中一块,让小组 成员猜。S1: What’s this? S2/3/4: It’s a desk/door/chair. Step 4: Homework (1) 每天听读15分钟,家长签名。 (2) 背诵或熟读课文,组长签名。 (3) 制作学校的海报。

课题:M6 U1 This is my school. 教1、功能:介绍学校和询问物品并回答 学 2、单词:this, pupil, school, English, classroom, that, teacher; 重3、句子:This is my …What’s this/that? It’s a … 点 教1、this, that和English的正确发音; 学 2、长句This is my English teacher, Ms Smart.的正确朗读; 难3、this和that易混单词比较。 点 Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1、Sing a song and say a chant. 2、Listen and do. T: Point to your desk/chair Ss: My desk/chair. 教 Step 2:Presentation and practice 1、Lead-in T:Lingling班上开展了制作海报的比赛,内容是介 绍自己的学校。她是如何介绍的呢? 揭题:M6U1 This is my school. Teach “this” and “school”. 2、Practise “This is my desk/ chair…” 学 Teach “classroom(手势)——This is my classroom.” 3、Listen and teach the new words. pupil——I’m a pupil.——teacher——English——English teacher— —This is my English teacher, Ms Chen. 4、Play a game. Louder or lower“声音忽大忽小” 程 规则:学生A走出教室,老师把单词卡片藏到学生B的课桌里, 全班学生根据A与学生B的距离来决定声音的大小,若A走得 离B越来越近,则全班的声音就越来越大。反之,越远越小声。 5、Introduce the school in pairs. First show a model. 6、Read after the tape. Teach What’s this/that? It’s a … 序 (that:手势——望远镜) Step3:Production 1、Do Activity 3 in pairs. S1: What’s this? S2: It’s a desk. 2、Play a jigsaw game in groups. 规则:学生事先准备,把图片剪成4块,拿出其中一块,让小组 成员猜。S1: What’s this? S2/3/4: It’s a desk/door/chair. Step 4: Homework (1) 每天听读15分钟,家长签名。 (2) 背诵或熟读课文,组长签名。 (3) 制作学校的海报。

