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ReligionThe main religions are Catholicism(天主教) and Protestantism(基督教) in Germany. 在德国,人们主要信奉天主教和基督教

31.75 percent of the residents were Christian, 32.06 percent of people believe in the Roman Catholic Church (the end of 2002). 在2002年底,德国有31.75%的居民信 奉基督教,32.06%的人信奉的是天主 教

The Catholic dogma was to German nothing more than a set of rules. 天主教的教义对德国人无非是一套清规戒律. Roman Catholic priests(牧师) are not free to marry. 罗马天主教的教士不许随便结婚 The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble. 天主教会认为婚姻关系是不容解除 的。 Catholics believe in waiting till marriage. 天主教坚信初夜要等到结婚那天。 Germany's Christian heritage also shaped how people view the law. 德国的基督教传统也影响了德国人 对法律的看法.

Roles of men and women Germany women are enjoying a greater status, as they are holding up half the sky. 德国妇女的地位越来越高 了,发挥起半边天的作用 Current Prime Minister Angela Dorothea Merkel, is Germany's first woman prime minister。 现任总理安格拉· 默克尔多 萝西娅,是德国历史上第 一位女总理。

Angela Merkel

the prerequisite for success as Germany woman is to have achieved a suitable level of education.Women are gaining an increasingly prominent position in life - with particularly strong representation in political industries. 达到合适的教育水平是德国妇女们 成功的先决条件.在生活中,妇 女获得了日益突出的地位,尤 其是在政治中得到了强烈的体 现。

Levels of formality in language and behavior As we know,German is a race with the sense of superiority so they keep speaking own language and way of living. 众所周知,德国是 一个很有种族优越 感的国家,所以一 直保持他们自己的 语言和生活方式。

Food and drink In Germany, you can eat when the first dish arrived, but in America, you cannot eat until the last one arrived. 在德国,你可以在上第一道菜就开始吃,但是在美国,必须最后 一道菜上完了才能开始吃。 German like sausage, you can find 1500 kinds of sausage in German. Acid and salted flavor is their favo ones. The breakfast is the most important meal in the day.

Characters of German Making a point of observing principles and rules Paying attention to cleanness and orderliness of environment Being punctual and having a high standard for quietness of surroundings


German are very particular about the clothes. They like to wear suit . 德国人们很注重着装, 他们喜欢穿套装。

