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Module 1

Unit 1 It was my birthday on Saturday.

◆ 教材分析 本模块以Amy读来自伦敦朋友的信作为引子,复习一般过去式和一般现在式第三人称

单数的动词变化。本单元要求学生掌握句型What are you doing? I’m…,另外要求学生对英文书信的格式有了解,对于大地点(城市、国家)前用in,在小地点(home/park…)前用at等进行练习。 ◆ 教学目标 【知识目标】

掌握本课单词: well, soon, tell, dear, love 句型:What are you doing? I’m … It was my birthday on Saturday.

Here is a photo of… Tell me about ...

【能力目标】能听懂会说本课的句型,能够运用所学句型。 【情感目标】尝试用英语书信的形式与朋友沟通。 【文化意识】



◆ 教学重难点 ◆ 1.单词:well, soon, tell, dear, love Buckingham Palace(读音) 2.能够运用所学句型

Write to friends and talk about ourselves. 【教学难点】


◆ 课前准备 ◆ Tape recorder, Multimedia ◆ 教学过程 Step1. Warm-up

T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?

Did you have a good summer holiday? 引导学生回答: Yes, I did. T: Let’s talk about your holiday! Where were you in the summer holiday? S: I was in Beijing/Shanghai/London. T: What did you do in summer holiday?

S: I read some books, watched the film, played football and did many other things. T: You did so many things in summer holiday. You had a wonderful holiday. Presentation activity:

T: Look at this picture. Where is the pig’s desk? Is it here? S: No.

T: It was here, but it’s not here now. Where is his desk? S: It’s there now.

复习一般过去时的用法:一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,重点讲解be动词变was 和were的规则。 Step2. Presentation

T: I know you had a wonderful holiday. You must have got a new friend. Amy has got a new friend, too. She received a letter from her new friend. 1. Let’s watch the book again and answer the questions. What is Amy doing? She’s reading a letter. Where does Lucy live? She lives in London.

知识拓展: 介绍伦敦的标志性建筑,如:London Eye, Big Ben, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge等。

T: What can you see in London? Let’s me show some pictures about London. 2. Listen again and think about these questions. 1) What day was Lucy’s birthday? It was Lucy’s birthday on Saturday. 2) Where were Lucy and Zara? They were at Buckingham Palace. 3) What day was Lucy’s birthday? It was Lucy’s birthday on Saturday. 4) What is she like?

She’s got long, black hair. She’s very nice. …

3. Listen and repeat the text.

跟读过程中,学习 “dear, well, of, soon, tell, love”,可进行适当的练习。 Step3. Practice

Talk about your new friend.

Eg: This is my new friend. She’s Lily. She’s got short, brown hair. She’s very nice, and she always helps people. I like her very much. Practice in group.

Who can talk about yours? Step4. Sum-up

This class we learned a letter from Lucy. Let’s retell together. 单词:well, soon, tell, dear, love 重点句型:1. What is she doing? She’s reading a letter.

2. What does she live? She lives in London. 3. We were at Buckingham Palace. Step5. Homework 1. Recite the letter.

2. Describe your good friend to your parents.

Module 1

Unit 2 I’ve got a new friend.

◆ 教材分析 本课以Amy回复来自伦敦朋友的信为基础,巩固Unit1句型I’ve got…, 并学习描述人

的体貌特征的句型:主语+have/has(a/an)+体貌特征的形容词+名词和性格特点的句型:主语+be动词+表示性格特点的形容词,要求学生对于体貌特征和性格特点的词汇有所掌握,并了解相关的国家,如:England, Russia, America等。 ◆ 教学目标 1. 复习巩固以前学习过的如何介绍自己,如: I’m from…My name is … I’m … years old. I like…

2. 要求能听懂会说的词汇:traditional, America, American, China, Chinese, Russia, Russian,

England, English.

3. 会用句型:I have got a new friend, too.

句型:I got +其他. She’s got short hair.

句型:主语+have/has(a/an)+体貌特征的形容词+名词 She’s very clever.



◆ 教学重难点 ◆ 重点单词和句型的熟练掌握。 【教学难点】

要求能听懂会说的语言结构:Thank you for your letter. The weather in Beijing isn’t cold .It’s warm. I’ve got a new friend. Her name is … Here is a photo of … and …

◆ 课前准备 ◆ Tape recorder, Multimedia ◆ 教学过程 Step1. Warming-up

Sing a song 《CHILDREN FROM CHINA ARE CHINESE》 Step2. Review (1) T: whose photo is it? S: It is a photo of …and … T: And who can describe Lingling?

S: Lingling has got short, black hair. She’s very nice. Step3. Presentation

(1) Show a PPT about the flag of China, England, and America, Russia. Let them guess and teach. (2) And play a game .T put four maps back on the Bb, T: turn and ask S: Where do you live? S: answer: I live in …

(3) Then T give four maps to four Ss , and others guess S1: You live in … S2: You live in …

(4) T: teach Chinese, English, American, and Russian. T: OK, you live in China, so you are Chinese.

(T put ‘Chinese’ card on the Bb)and you live in England, you are English.(T put ‘English’ card on the Bb)

(5) Listen the book page6,and match the letter to the photos. Step4. Homework

1. Do the exercises on activity book. 2. Describe your good friend to your parents.

Ss read and repeat. (group by group, two by two, roll by roll) T: Read well, look at stay, ei ei stay, stay, stay.

(say, stay, play, stay, I point, you read.) (group by group, two by two, roll by roll) Ss read and play game: bomb words 4)

T: You are brilliant! now look at the picture, who can tell me raining day plus stayed at home = ? Ss: Boring!

T: Yeah! What a boring day! Read after me, boring, boring, boring. Ss: Boring, boring, boring Step 3. Practice 1. Look and say

T: What does he do? (Show picture) Ss: Play football, ride bike……

T: Very good, now, please use I usually…but I didn’t… make sentences. Who want to have a try? You can choose any picture you want, ok? S1: I usually…but I didn’t… S2: I usually…but I didn’t…

T: Good, I like you so much. And the key points are: I / He/ She / They usually …

But I / he/ she / they didn’t … yesterday.

Now it’s time to finish our class, please write down your homework, good bye! Ss: Good bye! Step 4. Homework 1. Recite the sentences.

2. Describe your good friend to your parents.

Module 4

Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper.

◆ 教材分析 本单元是以Chinese inventions为题的对话,具体内容是:教师在课堂上向学生介绍中

国的四大发明中的造纸术和印刷术。学生在与教师的互动中谈论印刷术在印刷书籍和报纸方面的应用,Sam展示了他印刷的报纸。词语学习目标是学习printing, print的区分, 名词paper,动词invent, print 以及它们的过去式,形容词:important, 复习paper, people等名词。本课是继续学习过去时态的表达方式,主要语言结构:Chinese people invented...的理解与运用。 ◆ 教学目标 【知识目标】

1. 四会掌握本模块八个新单词:

invent, paper, important, printing, print, bicycle 2. 熟练掌握词形变化:

invent—invented; print—printed printing(现在分词) 【能力目标】

1. 熟读提供的文本材料,鼓励背诵; 2. 熟练掌握习惯用语:

What a good idea! That’s right. You know. Like this. 3. 熟练运用中心句型: Chinese people invented paper. 【情感目标】

知道古代中国人的四大发明(paper making, printing, compass, gunpowder),对于全世界是个巨大的贡献,培养民族自豪感。


◆ 教学重难点 ◆ 1. 单词:invent, paper, important, printing, print

2. 能够运用所学句型: Chinese people invented paper. 句型: 主语+invented+某物. 【教学难点】

在以前学习过去时态的基础上,进一步学习部分动词的过去式及其在文中的运用。如:Invent—invented, print—printed等。 ◆ 课前准备 ◆ Tape recorder, Multimedia ◆ 教学过程 Step1. Warm up 1. Greeting!

T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Ms Liu!

2. 复习国家和国籍规则变化。

China---Chinese America---- American England---- English Russia---Russian 并根据PPT图片猜一猜各个都是哪个国家人。 Step2. Presentation

1. Do you know what important things did Chinese people invent? 学生汇报:Chinese people invented important things. Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented printing. 2. 出示单词卡片:paper, printing. 在学习单词paper 后,

T: Here is a video about how to make paper. Look! (观看录像 “蔡伦造纸”)

出示单词卡片:print,学习新单词,进而学习过去形式printed,并渗透printed 的 ed 发音与paint的 ed 发音相同。 在学习单词printing 后,

T: Now, let’s play a game. Take out a piece of paper and your coin. Put the paper on the coin. Then

draw on the paper with your pencil. What can you see? Just now you printed.

T: 在英语里,有的动词后面加上 ing就把动词变成了与它意思相同或相近的名词。比如 dance---dancing swim---swimming 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Practice reading in group. Step3. Practice

T: Chinese people also have other important invention. Look, can you talk about them? A kite, a flute, chopsticks Step4. Task fulfilling

a. 出示美国及英国的重要发明,让学生替换练习。

b. T:Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people didn’t invent the bicycle. Chinese people didn’t invent the telephone. Chinese people didn’t invent the telephone. Chinese people didn’t invent the telephone. Can you say like this? 引导学生用否定形式说一说。 Step5. Summary

T: What have you learn today? 让学生自己总结今天学到了什么? Step6. Homework 1.听录音,读对话。 2.记住本单元的新单词。


Module 4

Unit 2 He invented this bicycle.

◆ 教材分析 本课主要的语言功能是谈论国外人类过去的发明:自行车和汽车。通过学习历史发明,

学生能够正确理解内容并朗读课文,能够运用所学方位词正确描述事物的位置。本课主要方位单词是:beside, between, 句型结构是:It’s +表示地点的介词的短语。

◆ 教学目标 1. 掌握目标语句:It’s beside the house.

学习新词:right, between, bicycle, mouse, beside, man并能用目标语句练习说; 2. 理解文章的内容,能将学到的词汇融于目标语句进行练习,能熟读重点句型,并有感情的表演对话,能够描述某人、某物的位置。

【教学重点】 1. 词汇:

◆ 教学重难点 ◆ right, between, bicycle, mouse, beside, man 2. 目标语句: It’s beside the house.

句型:It’s +表示地点的介词的短语. 【教学难点】

如何用正确的语言进行对话表演,如何熟练背诵本课的重点句型。 ◆ 课前准备 ◆ 录音机,单词卡片,POWERPOINT 课件。 Step1. Warm up 1. 智慧树

课件出示大树图片,树上有单词,快速说出单词并说出单词的过去式。 (通过快速说单词环节,复习单词的过去式) 2. Chant

Invent invent invented Chinese people invented paper. Print print printed I printed this newspaper.

◆ 教学过程

Module 6

Unit 2 He didn’t come back.

◆ 教材分析 本课通过讲述“神笔马良”的故事,学习动词不规则变化的一般过去时的否定句,学

习重点句型:能理解并会应用一般过去时的否定结构:主语+didn’t+动词原形+其他。He took Ma Liang away. He didn’t come back. 另外通过故事学习引发学生兴趣,树立正确价值观和乐于助人的品质。 ◆ 教学目标 【知识目标】

1. 能够听说认读 angry, only, took away, say (said).

2. 能够听说读写 He took Ma Liang away. He didn’t come back. 【能力目标】

引导学生用一般过去时的肯定形式和否定形式,为大家讲一些英文的小故事。 【情感目标】


◆ 教学重难点 ◆ 【教学重点】 能够听说读写 say (said) He didn’t come back. 【教学难点】

运用一般过去式为大家英文小故事。 ◆ 课前准备 ◆ VCD、单词卡片、课件 ◆ 教学过程 Step 1. Warm up

Free talk

T: Do you want to have a magic paintbrush? S: Yes!

T: If you’re Ma Liang, you have a paintbrush, and what will you do with the magic paintbrush? S: …

Step 2. Presentation 1. Listen to the tape.

What happened then? Let’s listen to the tape. 学生回答课文问题,学习单词和句型: 1)angry

T: The bad man took the magic paintbrush. He paint gold, but it made a snake. Look at the picture, is he feel happy? 出示angry的图片。 S: No. He was not happy.

T: Yes, he was angry. 做出生气的样子。读angry,学生模仿老师做的动作并读单词。 看表情对比 happy 和angry

T: Look at my face, say the words as quickly as you can. S: 根据老师的表情,快速说单词。 2)only

T: Why did the bad man feel angry? S: The magic paintbrush didn’t help him. T: Did the magic paintbrush help Ma Liang? S: Yes, it did.

T: The magic paintbrush only helped Ma Liang. 突出 only 的发音出示单词卡片并领读,让学生体会意思。 3)took away

T: And then, what did the ban man do? S: He took Ma Liang away.

T: 出示卡片,took away, 并领读,做动作演示,让学生体会意思。 板书句子:He took Ma Liang away. 指导学生读读句子 。 4)said

Game: I say a word or sentence you must say: You said, … T: 老师小声说I say “angry” . S: You said “angry”. T: 老师小声说 I say “only”. S: You said “only”.

T : 老师大声说 I say “took away”. S: You said “took away”.

T: 老师大声说 I say “He took Ma Liang away.” S: You said “He took Ma Liang away”.

游戏结束时,老师出示两张卡片say和said, 通过刚才的游戏,既复习了新学的单词和句型,还对比这两个单词,再用卡片加以巩固,学生容易掌握。 5)He didn’t come back.

T: The bad man went to the sea, he went to the sea in his ship. Did he come back? 老师出示坏人在大海里翻船的图片,帮助学生理解。 S: No. He didn’t come back.

老师板书句子:He didn’t come back. Step 3. Activities and practice Listen and repeat.

Now, Listen and repeat the whole story. Read it to your partner. Look at the pictures and talk about the story with your partner.


其目的是为了培养学生概括、复述课文的能力,同时也注意引导学生看图说话,为以后的讲故事作铺垫。 Step 4. Summary

学生根据板书来总结这节课的主要内容,并在老师的引导下用chant的方式巩固重点知识。 Angry, angry! The bad man was angry. Only, only! It only helped Ma Liang.

Took away, took away! He took Ma Liang away. He went to the sea. He went to the sea.

He didn’t come back again.

Step 5. Homework

1. 和同学合作演一演神笔马良的故事。 2. 为爸爸妈妈讲一个英文小故事。

Module 7

Unit 1 Did you take Amy’s doll?

◆ 教材分析 本课主要学习用“Did you…?”询问过去是否发生过某事,并进行肯定或否定的回答。

运用过去时态的句子,在句型中操练达到熟悉程度上,培养学生的口语交际能力。 在反馈练习中,培养学生独立分析和解决问题的能力。 ◆ 教学目标 【知识目标】

能够听说读写单词:doll, matter, lost, found, key. 能够听说认读单词:did, didn’t, matter.

能够听说读写句子:What’s the matter? Did you…? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 【情感目标】教育学生要做善良的人,当别人伤心难过时应给予安慰。


◆ 教学重难点 ◆ 能够理解行为动词一般过去时的一般疑问句的运用。

学会用“Did you +v….?”询问过去的行为并能够进行正确的肯定否定回答。 【教学难点】

掌握一般过去时的一般疑问句及其回答,并能在真实情景中运用。 ◆ 课前准备 ◆ 多媒体课件、单词卡片

◆ 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. 师生问好。

2. 老师向学生介绍自己昨天都做了哪些事。 What did you do yesterday? Yesterday, I …

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. T: Did you watch TV/ play football/ go swimming? 引导学生回答 Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

2. 教师出示先课文一幅图,小猪的妈妈丢了东西。学习单词lost和matter, 并根据课文补全对话。

T: The boy lost his hat, so he was sad. What do you want to say to him? 引导学生对他说 Don’t worry. 同时进行情感渗透。 3. 学习课文。

(1)出示Amy 着急找东西的图片,巩固单词 matter。Amy这么着急,为什么?看课文录像或听录音,回答问题:What’s the matter? 通过学生的回答学习单词 doll.


(3)默读课文,找出包含“did” 的句子。反馈给老师并进行小组朗读。 (4)老师展示课文图片并提出问题让学生回答: What’s the matter? Did Sam find her doll? Did Lingling find her doll? Did Amy find her doll?

Step 3 Consolidation and extension Do a survey.

昨天你的同位都做了哪些事?做个小调查吧。 A: Did you…?

B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.


Step 4 Consolidation Fill in blanks:

老师给出学生一篇文章让其填空,复习今天学习的when, what对过去时的提问。 Step 5 Homework

a. To copy word and key sentences three times. b. Make a survey after class: What did they do last Saturday? Where did they go? When did they go?

Module 8

Unit 2 Where did you go yesterday?

◆ 教材分析 本单元的语言功能是询问与描述过去发生的事情;本单元以介绍伦敦为主线,通过老师

询问Amy “Where did you go…?” “What did you go…?”,使学生能够在真实的语言环境中用英语询问对方昨天的活动情况,询问与描述过去发生的事情。 【知识目标】

能听、说、认读本课的重点单词: look, took; 能正确使用动词过去式;

能利用What did you do? Where did you go? 询问别人过去做的事情。 【能力目标】

正确描述和询问过去发生的事情。 【情感目标】

◆ 教学目标 培养学生学习的兴趣,鼓励学生积极合作。 ◆ 教学重难点 ◆ 【教学重点】 能够运用所学句型: Where did you go yesterday? I went to the zoo. 【教学难点】

能够熟练运用所学句型。 ◆ 课前准备 ◆ Tape recorder, Multimedia ◆ 教学过程 Step1. Warm-up

1.小组汇报交流周末的事情:What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go? 2.Chant: 《Where did you go?》Listen and repeat. Step2. Presentation 1. 出示Amy的图片:

(1)T : Where did she go yesterday? She didn’t go out. She stayed at home. (2)What did she do at home? She played the flute. She practiced a lot. (3)Listen and repeat.

(4)Group work:小组合作,回答问题。 Step3. Practice 说说自己的周末:

T: Just now we talk about Amy. Now let’s talk about our weekend. Who wants to show us your weekend?


(1)Ss: What did you do at the weekend? (2)S1进行表演。

(3)其他学生说出表演的内容。 Eg: Liyun went to the zoo at the weekend. Step4. Consolidation

教师引导学生回答“What do you usually do at the weekend?”让学生将平时周末所做的活动罗列出来。点击课件,指着上个周末问学生“What did you do at the weekend?”鼓励学生用学过的过去式回答。 Step5. Homework


Module 9

Unit 1 What happened to your head?

◆ 教材分析 本单元教学主题为What happened to your head? 本节课学生将学习用“What happened

to……?”来询问别人发生了什么事情,并能根据一定的场景来回答,摔倒,受伤,摔下来等并学习短语a bike ride, 和thirsty, watermelon, carry,bump这几个单词。 ◆ 教学目标 【知识目标】

口语操练中复习和巩固已学的词汇和句型;掌握新单词thirsty,carry,watermelon,bump 以及短语a bike ride.同时要求掌握句型What happened to……?以及了解fall off,, fall over的区别。 【能力目标】



1. 激发学生学习语言的兴趣,培养合作意识与创新精神;

2. 教育学生能够正确对待和处理日常生活中发生的事故,对学生进行安全教育,培养学生的



◆ 教学重难点 ◆ 1. 能听懂会说 What happened to your head?听懂会说happen, bump, ride, thirsty, watermelon。 2. 对句型What happened to your head?的掌握以及在生活场景中的运用。 【教学难点】

区分单词:fall over和fall off

◆ 课前准备 ◆ 单词卡片、水果图片、教学课件、CD-ROM ◆ 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings.

2. Review the simple past tense. Step 2 Presentation

1. Enjoy a riddle.(出示单词卡教授watermelon并活跃课堂气氛)

2. 展示 Daming, Sam骑车的图片,提出问题:What did Daming and Sam do yesterday? 学生回答后,老师给予肯定,同时说But we can say another way, they went for a bike ride. 3. 教读bike ride配上骑自行车的动作。 4. Do you like ride a bike?

So, let’s go for a bike ride. Follow me. Go! 逐步加快动作。

停下来后问学生, Are they thirsty? Are they hungry? 教读thirsty。 5. 骑自行车非常的累,口渴,那我们的Daming和Sam同样也是这样的。 展示出课文的第二幅图。

6. 展示课文的第三幅图,教读carry,演示给学生看Sam carried watermelon on the bike. 再请学生演示把watermelon放在Sam 的自行车上。

7. 像Sam这样骑自行车是非常危险的,我们可不能这样哦。Then what happened to Sam? 展示出课文的第四幅图教读,Sam fell off his bike and Daming bumped his head. 教授fall over 和fall off的区别。 Step 3 Practice

自读课文,学生小组内分角色表演,然后班内展示。 Step 4 Homework 1. Listen and retell the story.

2. Try to tell an accident about yourself for your classmates.

Module 9

Unit 2 I bumped my head.

◆ 教材分析 本单元是是第一单元的延伸和巩固,第一单元已经学过了what happened to you?及其回答。本单元在第一单元的基础上练习第三人称的询问和回答。学生已经对过去时有了一定的了解和掌握。本模块在学生原有基础上,对过去时态进行巩固延伸。 ◆ 教学目标 【知识目标】

学会与运用what happened to you/she/he? I/He/She...理解并准确运用单词 happen, bump, cut, finger, knee 以及短语fall over. 【能力目标】

能听懂会说本课重点句型,并能运用这些句子交流及对话。能准确表述一次事故。 【情感目标】


