俞敏洪白手起家from Rags to Riches
更新时间:2023-08-05 18:22:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
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Yu Minhong Goes from Rags to Riches
Yu Minhong will never forget watching his father, a peasant and carpenter, collect bits of waste brick and stones and stack them up in the small courtyard of their rural home. What use was all this rubble and debris? The day Yu saw his father transform the stones into a small pen to shut in the pigs, hens and ducks, he was taken aback. At that time his family couldn't afford to purchase bricks.
Yu says his father's practical determination and foresight have influenced his whole life. "If you have a map in your head you can always turn stones into a building. If a pyramid was dismantled, it would just be a pile of stones. If you live your life without an aim it's just a heap of days."
Yu Minhong, or Michael Yu, epitomizes the rags to riches trajectories of those who have been able to grasp opportunities in rapidly changing China.
He said his father's patient stone-piling lesson had influenced him at three critical junctures of his career. He piled up days and days of hard work to eventually secure admission to university after two failures; he made a collection of English words so he
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