
更新时间:2023-09-22 14:41:01 阅读量: 经管营销 文档下载




①He wasn't telling the truth. He lied again/He was lying.


②She lied to us about her job. 她就她的工作对我们撒了谎。

③Your watch must be lying. 你的表肯定不准。

【注意】表示这一意思时,lie可用作名词。我们一般说tell a lie或tell lies,而不说say/talk/speak a lie(或lies)。再如:Lies cannot cover up facts.(谎言掩盖不了事实。)如要说“我痛恨说谎话”,可以说I hate lying或I

hate telling lies,一般不说I hate lie或I hate to lie。hate to lie尽管句法正确,但似乎含有“虽然不愿,但仍不得不说谎”之意。


①He's still lying in bed. 他还躺在床上。

②He felt tired, so he went and lay down for a rest.


③His books lay open on the desk when I went in.


④Snow lay thick on the fields.


⑤Don't leave your things lying about. 别把东西四处乱丢。

⑥The city lies in the north of China. 那座城市位于中国的北部。

⑦His success lay in hard work. 他的成功在于努力。


①He laid his shoulder on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的肩上。

②Don't lay the glass on the corner of the table.


③Mother laid the baby gently on the bed.


④John laid the table. 约翰摆好餐具。

⑤The hen is laying an egg. 母鸡在下蛋。




When she came several days later, she found that all things still _______ where she had _______ them.

A. lay; laid C. lay; lain

B. laid; laid D. lying; lain


【分析】正确答案选A。第一空填lay,它是lie(位于,在)的过去式 lay;第二空 laid,它是 lay(放,置)的过去分词,句意为“……她发现所有东西还在她当时放它们的地方”。请注意 lie, lay 的以下用法及词形变换:

(1) lay 有两个常见意思:一是表示“放”、“摆”(及物),二是表示“下(蛋)”(及物或不及物)。如:

Lay your coat on the bed. 把你的外衣放在床上。 Are your hens laying yet? 你的母鸡下蛋了吗?

Will you please lay the table for dinner? 请你摆好餐具准备吃饭好吗? (2) lie 有三个主要意思:一是表示“躺”或“平放”,二是表示“位于”,三是表示“说谎”。用于以上三义时,均为不及物动词。如:

Don’t lie in bed all morning. 别一个上午都躺在床上。 The book lay open on the desk. 那本书摊开着放在桌上。 Don’t lay your coat on the bed. 不要把你的外衣放在床上。 The small town lies among the mountains. 小镇位于群山之中。 I’m sorry I lied to you. 我很抱歉向你撒了谎

(3) 这两个词经常被混淆的有时不是其意思,而是其词形。注意下表所示:

lie lie lay 意 思 躺,平放,位于(vi.) 说谎(vi.) 放(vt.),下蛋(vi.&vt.) 现在分词 lying lying laying 过去式 lay lied laid 过去分词 lain lied laid

请做下题(答案均为B) :

(1) The hens _____ 50 eggs last week, but this week they aren’t _____. A. lay, lying C. lay, laying on the desk.

A. lying, lay, laid C. lie, lied, lay

B. lying, lied, laid D. lay, lied, lain B. laid, laying D. lied, lying

(2) The girl ______ on the ground _____ to me that had _____ the purse

