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英语试卷 2016.5

第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)


第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. Who is the man looking for? A. Tami. B. Dr. Maxwell. C. Alison Simpson. 2. What will the woman probably do? A. Call the airline soon. B. Stay at home for a while.

C. Leave for the airport before lunch.

3. What does the man think of his current book? A. It’s exciting. B. It’s relaxing. C. It’s long. 4. When does the man hope to see the woman? A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow night. C. Tomorrow afternoon. 5. What does the man mean? A. He didn’t put in any sugar. B. He added some natural flavors.

C. He also thinks the coffee tastes strange. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why is the woman upset?

A. Her order isn’t ready yet. B. The man forgot her order. C. Some guests will be late. 7. At what time will the wedding start? A.10:00. B.10:30. C.12:00. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Who lived in Los Angeles?

A. The woman’s aunt and uncle. B. The man’s grandparents. C. The woman’s parents. 9. What will the speakers do next? A. Have a walk. B. Go hiking. C. Try to catch some fish. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What did the man study in college? A. Art history. B. Medicine. C. Business.


11. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. They’re neighbors.

B. They’re salesman and customer. C. They’re teacher and student.

12. What is the man’s advice for the woman? A. Doing what her father suggests. B. Exploring all the possibilities.

C. Making a decision as early as possible. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. How does the woman want to pay? A. In cash. B. By credit card. 14. What does the man think of PayPal? A. It is free. B. It is popular. 15. Where is Venmo accepted? A. At many small shops. B. At most large stores. C. At a lot of restaurants.

16. What does the woman offer to do for the man? A. Download the app. B. Send him an invitation. C. Lend him some money.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What is the weather probably like? A. Hot. B. Dry. 18. Where did Matt begin his journey? A. In England. B. In California. 19. How many hours was Matt’s longest flight? A. Fourteen hours. B. Sixteen hours. 20. What will Matt do next?

A. Interview someone. B. Share his experiences.

C. With her smartphone. C. It isn’t very fast.

C. Rainy. C. In Hawaii.

C. Sixteen and a half hours. C. Plan on another journey.

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分35分)

第一节:单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. Her husband went so wild that he was desperate to know why he had been kept ________estate sales up to now.

A. in defense of B. in ignorance of C. in possession of D. in recognition of

22. Do not make complaints about being left out ________you shy away from sharing your joys and sorrows with others. A. when B. unless C. once D. until 23. —Andy, how do you find your present occupation ?

—Just so-so. I’ve decided to resign my job this July, by when I ________for five years. A. have worked B. will be working C. worked D. will have worked


24. Step on it, or you won’t complete the graduation essay in time. If you take the term ―step on it‖ ________, it will bring disastrous consequences. A. alternatively B. seriously C. literally D. sensitively 25. — How shall we go to Pudong International Airport?

— By subway! Trying to call a taxi in such rush hours ________spell a frustration. A. should B. will C. can D. has to

26. Following the hot ―A4 Waist‖ trend, ________Chinese women posted their photos to prove they were as skinny as an A4 sheet of paper, the ―iPhone6 Legs‖ have taken the Chinese Internet by storm now. A. that B. which C. where D. what

27. A great collection left in private hands was the subject of crazy bidding at Sotheby’s in Hong Kong on Wednesday, which ________HK $ 502m, well over twice the top estimate. A. fetched B. charged C. afforded D. valued

28. Such a passionate speech ________at the school opening ceremony that we each were deeply moved and strongly inspired. A. did he make B. he made C. had he made D. he had made 29. —It seems that people are becoming more and more selfish.

— How much happier life would be if we ________to the values of the past! A. would return B. had returned C. return D. were to return

30. What matters most is not to ________more products but to polish up the quality and reduce the cost. A. make out B. turn out C. take out D. give out

31. ―Wallet threat‖ is the ________act of pulling one's wallet out as a sign of willingness to pay for a meal

that was assumed to be a treat. A. reluctant B. initial C. aggressive D. appealing

32. ________from the Song Dynasty, the Confucian Temple of Nanjing has now developed into a famous

scenic spot, ________sightseeing, shopping and tasty foods. A. Having dated; featured B. Dating; featuring C. Dating; having featured D. Dated; featuring

33. Getting your ________in order is a good way not to waste energy on meaningless matters.

A. potentials

B. privileges

C. prejudices

D. priorities

34. Tony always works out development schemes faster than others. Is it ________he graduated from a top university ________counts?

A. because, that B. that, which C. that; that D. why, what 35. —The car crash hasn’t brought any traffic inconvenience, has it?

—Yes. The road ________with several miles of vehicles within a few minutes. A. has been blocked B. was blocked C. had been blocked C. is blocked 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


For the past 2 years, I’ve had the privilege of traveling to various countries in Asia, specifically Indonesia and China. These trips weren’t the 36 vacations that last for roughly two weeks and 37 hurrying from one destination to the next. 38 , I was completely absorbed in the culture, staying in both Indonesia and China for approximately 6 weeks.

After two continuous years of 39 to the Asian countries, however, I’m staying at home. My desire to travel, 40 , makes me incredibly impulsive(冲动的). One day, I was watching my old


friend Andrew Zimmern travel to Cambodia. I watched him taste the special foods and 41 down a massive man-made lake, staying with locals trying to find dinner. The 42 the show ended, I ran upstairs to my computer and looked up plane tickets to Phnom Penh(金边). It’s 43 , I know.

I apologize for this sob story that’s been a good portion of my article. Let me try to 44 things around.

Though I’m upset about not being able to travel for the summer, staying in place does have its 45 . I graduated from high school just recently. As I walked across the stage, reaching out for my high school principal’s hand with my right and taking my 46 with my left, I graduated. As I walked across the stage, suddenly I realized I had just completed one of the most important 47 in my life. I was soon entering the real world, but I had one last summer that see-sawed in between the real world and the world my 48 and I had just left. I had one last summer to make memories with high school friends that I 49 recall during old age.

50 , I am pleased to say I have found a job this summer. I work at the Seneca Hill Animal Hospital and Resort where I look after dogs whose owners have left for summer vacation. The work may be hard, but at least I’m 51 .

All in all, life at home so far has not been all that 52 . I’m spending time with old friends, and earning for myself. Although I would have wanted to spend the summer in a magical land with 53 foods, languages, and people, I have to realize that life is what you 54 of it. That’s why I’m going to make my time at home the best 55 I’ve ever had. 36. A. original B. critical C. typical D. magical 37. A. consist of B. account for C. amount to D. make up 38. A. Otherwise B. Thus C. Indeed D. Rather 39. A. returning B. escaping C. attending D. catering 40. A. in contrast B. in fact C. in consequence D. in all 41. A. fly B. flee C. flow D. float 42. A. way B. day C. second D. fact 43. A. pitiful B. sympathetic C. enthusiastic D. imaginative 44. A. hang B. turn C. move D. get 45. A. rights B. limits C. downs D. ups 46. A. diploma B. license C. prize D. scholarship 47. A. memories B. achievements C. stages D. homework 48. A. teachers B. parents C. associates D. peers 49. A. would B. ought to C. must D. shall 50. A. Surprisingly B. Particularly C. Additionally D. Temporarily 51. A. compensated B. comforted C. occupied D. depressed 52. A. colorful B. complicated C. interesting D. difficult 53. A. familiar B. foreign C. fancy D. fashionable 54. A. think B. love C. make D. take 55. A. experience B. vacation C. job D. trip

第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



56. Which buttons directly control the movement of the Rocket Ball? A. LAUNCH and FLIPPERS B. STAR and FLIPPERS C. START/PAUSE and FLIPPERS D. LAUNCH and SELECT 57. The most action-packed variation would be__________. A. Game One with a blue star B. Game Two with a black star C. Game One with a yellow star D. Game Two with a red star 58. Rocket Ball could best be described as a game of__________. A. space voyage B. quick response C. skills & strength D. scientific knowledge


第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)

81. 请阅读下面文字及图表, 并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

\my four year old daughter was an uncomfortable wake up call. How had I let the shiny electronic box in my hand take so much of my attention that it could even interrupt a short bedtime story with my precious children?

It's no exaggeration to suggest that our mobile devices are in danger of taking over our entire lives. Time magazine found that 68% of users take their devices to bed with them, 20% check their phones every ten minutes and one third report feeling anxious when briefly separated from their beloved gadget. According to Osterman research, 79% of respondents take their work-related device on vacation and 33% admit to hiding from family and friends in order to check Facebook and Twitter. It's hard to deny that these are worrying trends.


1. 用大约30字概括上文和图表的主要内容; 2. 结合上述信息, 用大约120字论述:

(1)科技的发展是否意味着人们生活更幸福。(选择“是”或“否”并论述你的观点) (2)你认为在生活中应当如何处理人和科技的关系。 【写作要求】

1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3. 不必写标题。 【评分标准】




1—5 CBABA 6—10 ACABC 11—15 ABCCA 16—20 BCBCB 21—25 BADCC 26—30 CAADB 31—35 ABDCB

36—40 CADBB 41—45 DCABD 46—50 ACDAC 51—55 ADBCB 56—58 ADB 59—61CDB 62—65 ADBC 66—70 CBACD 71. Procedure(s) / Process / Steps 72. Analyzing / Analysing 73. exceeds / surpasses/ overtakes 74. burying 75. opposite / contrary 76. control 77. Failure / Lack / Absence 78. made / accounted 79. though / although 80. focused 参考范文:

A father’s concern that smartphone is depriving him of his precious family time does not stand alone. Favorable opinions as there are, the majority of Americans today view technology as hazardous. (31 words)


However, no pains, no gains. The world evolves as human technology leaps forward, along whose process there is bound to be sacrifices. The definition of happiness may vary, but a more connected, convenient, and creative society is undeniably nothing a modern man wouldn’t have desired. With digital devices booming around, we are given so many choices that our minds have been freed to a degree our ancestors could never anticipated.

That being said, to make sure technology doesn’t get in the way, you need to unplug from the information highway and share your journey with your family and friends from time to time. A balance between man and computers will lead to an ultimate happiness. (115 words)


True, a high-tech world seems a new Eden, but it won’t last any longer than the old one. Putting down their phones, lifting up their misty eyes, and waking up at night, people suddenly realize that, with all their family living by, they are alone. Children forgot how and why they should return their parents’ love because it were never given; classic literature is left rotten on the shelves because no one bothers to look away from their screen.

To stop yourself getting ―high‖ instead of ―happy‖, read a book, go outdoors, or simply pay a visit to your parents. There are things to pursue in life other than thumbing up tweets. Enjoy a tech-free day and see what real happiness means. (122 words)


录音原文: Text 1

W: Hello, this is Dr. Maxwell’s office. My name is Tami. How may I direct your call?

M: I’d like to speak with Alison Simpson, please. (1) She’s a nurse there, but I believe she’s on her break now. It’s about our son Jimmy. Text 2

M: What time is your flight today?

W: Well, it was supposed to leave at 2:15 p.m., but the airline just called and told me it was delayed until 7:15 p.m. At least this way, I can take my time and have lunch at home. (2) Text 3

W: You like reading a lot, don’t you?

M: Yeah, I find it very relaxing. The one I’m reading now is really exciting. (3) W: It’s that good, huh?

M: Oh, yeah. Ever since I started reading it, I haven’t been able to put it down. Text 4

W: I’m sorry to call so early, but I wanted to let you know I’ve come down with something and won’t be able to come into work today. I should be fine by tomorrow afternoon.

M: No problem. We’re having an office party tomorrow night, so I hope you’re well enough to come! (4) Text 5

W: Bradley, this coffee tastes a little strange. What did you put in it?

M: It’s actually what I didn’t put in it, Rachel! We consume away too much sweet stuff these days. (5) It’s time for us to get back to natural flavors, don’t you think? Text 6

W: I’m here to pick up the flowers for Anna.

M: I’m sorry, but those won’t be ready for another two hours. (6)

W: She’s getting married in two hours! I need time to bring them back so that I can set them up before the guests come. (6) (7)

M: We haven’t even started putting them together yet. We told you on the phone they’d be ready by noon. It’s only 10:00. (7)

W: Is there another flower company that can deliver them in the next thirty minutes? M: I doubt it. Flower companies don’t normally do rush orders. Text 7

W: It’s nice and quiet out here in the countryside.

M: My grandpa used to take me fishing here when I was five.

W: My parents never took me anywhere when I was little. I guess we went to Los Angeles to visit my aunt and uncle a few times when I was in sixth and seventh grade. (8) But other than that, we just stayed at home.

M: It’s important to slow down and breathe some fresh air once in a while. W: Absolutely. So, what’s the plan for the rest of the day?

M: I figured we could go hiking and then have a picnic on the top of the hill. (9) W: Awesome! (9) Text 8


M: So, what do you want to study when you go to college, Megan?

W: I’m not sure, Mr. Sanders. My dad would be excited if I studied medicine, but that sounds too difficult. I’ve always been interested in art, but I’m not sure if I want to be a professional artist. M: Well, you could study art history. That was my wife’s major, you know. W: Really? What did you major in?

M: Oh, I always wanted to be a businessman, so that’s what I did in college. (10) It’s not for everyone, but I liked it. I wish I had taken some other classes, though. If you have a chance to learn about a bunch of different things and then make a decision, I think that would be your best bet. (12) W: That’s good advice, Mr. Sanders. Thanks!

M: My pleasure. If you want to talk more, come next door anytime you want. (11) W: I sure will. Thank you! Text 9

M: OK, your bill comes to thirty-six dollars.

W: Well, I never carry cash on me any more. Can I just Venmo it to you?(13) M: What does that mean?

W: Venmo is an app that you download for your smartphone. (13) It connects to your bank or a credit card, and you can transfer money to other people in about ten seconds.

M: What? That’s fast! I’ve used PayPal before, but it sometimes takes several minutes for the transfer to be completed. (14) Plus, they charge you a fee for sending the money.

W: Venmo is free if you use a checking account. But if you use a credit card, I think they charge you a small fee.

M: That’s cool. I never use my credit card, anyway. So, what can I do with the money once it’s there? Can I use Venmo at stores?

W: You still can’t use it at most restaurants and big chain stores, but a lot of smaller shops accept it. (15) It’s getting more popular all the time. M: All right, how can I sign up for Venmo?

W: Download the app from the App Store, and I’ll email you an invitation to join. (16) Text 10

Good morning! I’m Samuel Davis, and this is the ten o’clock news report. I hope everyone is having a fine Monday morning. It’s getting pretty wet out there, so grab an umbrella and stay dry! (17) I’m here today with Matt Miller, who has completed his 29,000-mile journey in just six weeks, with a total of 180 hours in flight. Beginning in California, he made twenty-five stops in fourteen different countries including England, Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Thailand. (18) His final trip was a sixteen-hour flight from Hawaii back to California, just half an hour less than his longest flight from Samoa to Hawaii. (19) Born in South Dakota, Matt is a freshman at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and has said that as a child he was scared of flying. All of that changed when he received his pilot license at just seventeen. After that, he only spent a few years planning everything out before beginning his journey around the world. Matt is here with us today for an interview. Welcome Matt! First, why don’t you tell all our listeners about the craziest thing you saw during your adventure? (20)


