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(一) 穿针引线长衣音 /i:/

① 常见字母及组合: e , ea , ee

② me/mi:/ he/hi:/ sweet/swi:t/ leaf/li:f/ clean/kli:n/ ③ eg: Keep it secret between you and me.

(二) 经典收小腹减肥急促短衣音 /i/ ① 常见字母及组合:i, e, y, ey, ay

② pig/pig/ begin/bigin/ busy/bizi/ money/ m?ni/ sunday/ s?ndi/ ③ eg: Please give me this ticket.

(三) 小开口45°音 /e/ ① 常见字母及组合:e, ea

② egg/eg/ pet/pet/ bread/bred/ breakfast/ brekf?st/ ③ eg: Let’s check in at a hotel.

(四) 大开口夸张90°音 /?/ (小名:大口梅花?) ① 常见字母及组合: a

② apple/?pl/ dad/d?d/

③ eg: Jack is bad at English, because he has never practiced speaking English in class. 额外财富:/e/ 与/?/的比较 bad bag bed beg

(五) 经典收小腹,减肥急促短啊音/ ?/ ① 常见字母及组合: u, o, ou

② son/s?n/ come/k?m/ bus/b?s / jump/d??mp/ touch/t?t?/ ③ eg: I would like to visit your country someday.

(六)大嘴啊音 /ɑ:/

① 常见字母及组合: a, ar

② car/kɑ:/ parden/pɑ:d?n/ start/stɑ:t / ③ eg: I would like to visit your country someday.

(七)重读卷舌音 /?:/

① 常见字母及组合: er,ir ur or, ear

②girl/g ?:l/ first/f ?:st/ work/w ?:k/ bird/b ?:d/ ③ eg: How many words have you learned so far?

(八)轻读卷舌音 /?/

① 常见字母及组合: er,ir ur or, ear

② forget/f ?get/ dollar/d?l?/ together/t?gee?/ ③ eg:You had better come over now.

(九)感叹祖国大好河山音 /?:/ /?/ ① 常见字母及组合: o, al ,oa,ore

② talk/t?:k/ ball/b?:l/ before/bif?:/ ③ fond/f?nd/ lock/l?k/ hot/h?t/

(十)小圆唇长屋、短屋音 /u:/ /u/ ① 常见字母及组合: o, oo,

② move/mu:v/ room/ru:m/ improve/impru:v/ ③ good/gud/ could//kud/ should/?ud/


第二节:双元音: (8)

(一) 嘴角咧到耳朵上 /ei/

taste/teist/same/seim/ cake/keik/ late/leit/

(二) 大嘴阿姨音 /ai /

prize /praiz/life/laif/ kind /kaind/ like/laik/

(三) 中嘴短衣音 /?i/

boy/b??/ choice/t??is/ enjoy/ind??i/

(四)舀水音 /?u/

show /??u / know /n?u / go /g?u / only/ ?unli/

(五)鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音 /au/

house /haus/ shout/?aut/ town/taun/ (六)/??/ /e?/ /u?/

dear/di?/ beer/bi?/ hear/hi?/ care/ke?/ share/?e?/ sure/?u?/ your/jue/



第三节:辅音:(26) (一) /p/ /b/

pea /pi:/ deep/di:p/ tip/tip/ bee/bi:/ beat/bi:t/ bit/bit/ (二)/t/ /d/

eat/i:t/ beat/bi:t/ bit/bit/ deep/di:p/ deal/di:l/ do/du:/

(三) /k/ /g/

key/ki:/ kid/kid/ kind/kaind/ big/big/ give/give/ egg/eg/

(四) /s/ /z/

best/best/ bus//b?s/ zero/zi?r?u/ zoo/zu:/

(五) /m/ /n/ /?/

money/m?ni/ room/ru:m/ morning/m?:ni?/ need/ni:d/ thin/θin/ morning/m?:ni?/ young/j??/ song/s??/ tongue/t??/

(六) /f/ /v/

fact/f?kt/ feet/fi:t/ fat/f?t/ give/giv/ have/h?v/ very/veri/ (七)/θ/ /e/

bath/bɑ:θ/ thought/θ?:t/ thank/θ?nk/ than/e?n/ that/e?t/ those/e?us/

(八) /?/ /?/

show/??u / shine /?ain / pleasure/ple?? / leisure/le??/

(九) /t?/ /d?/

change/ t?eind?/ cheer /t?i?/ job/d??b/ joke/d??uk/


/ h/ / ?/ / r/

have/h?v/ happen/h?p?n/

love/l?v/ letter//let?/ little world bread/bred/ red/red/ rush/r??/

(十一) / j/ / w/

year/ji?/ young/j?n/ yellow/jel?u/ wait/weit/ watch/w?:t?/ water/w?:t?/

(十二) /tr/ /dr/

train/trein/ try/trai/ tree/tri:/ dry/drai/ dream/dri:m/

单元长元音 /i:/ / ?/ /u:/ /?:/ /ɑ:/ 音 短元音 /i/ /?/ /?/ /?/ / ?/ /e/ /?/ 双元合口双/ei/ /ai/ /?i/ 音 元音 /??/ /a?/ 集中 /i?/ /e?/ /u?/ 双元音

轻辅音 /p/ 浊辅音 /b/ 轻辅音 浊辅音 鼻音 /ts/ /dz/ /m/ / t/ /d/ /?/ /?/ /n/ /j/ / k/ /g/ /t?/ /d?/ /?/ /f/ /v/ /θ/ /e/ / h/ /r/ /s/ /z/ /tr/ /dr/ 半元音 /w/


