
更新时间:2024-07-05 08:05:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



Financial innovation negative (1) brings new financial innovation of financial risk.

各种衍生金融品本身就带有一定程度的风险,如市场风险、信用风险、操作风险等。 All sorts of derivative financial product itself with a degree of risk, such as market risk, credit risk and operational risk, etc.


Financial innovation has made financial product diversification, high technology adoption make financial assets have greater liquidity, plus financial tools with the characteristics of small, and the scale and the increasing trade increasing risk. ②金融创新使金融监管和货币下策的执行趋于复杂。

(2) the financial innovation has made the financial regulatory and monetary decision becomes complicated execution.


Because financial innovation, all kinds of financial products more and more become more and more difficult, the distinction, the traditional monetary measured and monitored using monetary levels of division, monetary aggregates and gradually failure monitoring of the size of credit difficulty and error, and further increase the likelihood that monetary policy implemented tend to stagnation or complex. ③金融创新可能导致金融投机的增加和引起金融泡沫。

(3) financial innovation may lead to the increase of financial speculation and cause financial bubble.


The profit driven by speculators may be more and more, all want to get \riches\opportunity, so speculative wind may daxing.


Meanwhile, some industrial capitalist or other wealthy also often put their funds to the financial sector in order to get financial profit, social resource more and more financial field, may cause stranded financial bubble production.

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1, international financial innovation of microscopic on international financial innovation risk microscopic risk, we can go from a single financial tools, a single bank or the company's Angle analysis, usually with financial tools of inherent risk has the following five types: (1) the market or price risk, which is in a period of exchange rates and interest rates due to changes in financial risk;

②信贷风险,即金融交易的一方由于破产或其它原因不能按照合同规定的条款履行义务,从而使得金融资产的持有人可能蒙受经济损失; (2) the credit risk, namely the financial transactions because of bankruptcy or other reasons either unable to perform obligations pursuant to the terms of the contract, which makes the financial assets holder may incur pecuniary loss;


(3) market liquidity risk, which is a kind of negotiable or transferable financial securities, cannot be in close to the full market value rapidly sell risk;

④结算风险,即在结算时交易方有可能得不到任何收益的风险,除了因交易对方不履行债务而引起债务风险外,技术上和经营上的困难也可能在交易对方有能力履行的情况下中断资金的交付; (4) settlement risk, be in namely when settle accounts trading party may not be able to get any money because of the risk, besides dealing party fails to perform his obligation and cause debt risk, technology and business outside the difficulties may also dealing party has the ability to perform in the case of delivery; interrupt funds


5 countries risk and passed on risk, because some specific countries economic or political reasons, making the most of the country's economic agent has no capacity to perform their international financial obligations, the risk for countries that risk and passed on risk.


2, the international finance innovation macro risk


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(a) interference, influences monetary policy implementation and implement monetary policy is the risk of world regulation of economic operation of the important national policy tools.

金融创新对一国货币政策执行与实施的干扰主要表现在以下两个方面:①金融创新影响货币供应量的计算与测定。 Financial innovation on monetary policy implementation and implementation of interference is mainly manifested in the following two aspects: (1) the influence of the money supply financial innovation calculated and determined.


First of all, financial innovation make monetary scope to define.


Traditional monetary measurement scope is easy to determine that narrow currency Ml and the M2;


Secondly, financial innovation influence the stability of the currency multiplier.

基础货币等于商业银行存人中央银行的存款准备金与流通中现金之和,是整个银行系统货币派生的基础。 Monetary base is equal to commercial bank deposit people of central bank deposit reserve and circulation is the sum of cash, bank system derived basis. Currency


Third, financial innovation speed up the currency speed.


In the economic growth and price level in certain circumstances, money supply is a determining factor currency speed.

②金融创新削弱了中央银行的货币政策效果。 (2) the financial innovation weaken the central bank monetary policy effect.


First of all, financial innovation make traditional monetary market under the balanced mechanism of interest rates decreased elasticity.

其次,由于通过金融创新方式筹集到的大量资金不能算作存款,不用缴纳法定准备金,金融创新削弱了中央银行存款准备金政策的效力.第三,金融创新削弱了中央银行贴现政策的效力。 Secondly, because through the financial innovation way to raise a lot of money not belong

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to, need not pay legal reserve deposits, financial innovation weakened the central bank reserve policy effect. Third, financial innovation weakened the effectiveness of the central bank discount policies.


(2) cause instability of the international financial system, first of all, for many years, the risk by traditional credit expansion and currency supply expansion way by the formation of the control measure, the total amount of currency and credit the principles, methods and monetary policy is facing new problems and challenges, this is largely affecting world financial monetary system stability.

其次,金融创新的发展增大了金融统计、监督和管理的难度,难以形成有效的防范国际金融风险的机制。 Second, the development of financial innovation increases the financial statistics, supervision and management difficulties, difficult to form effective prevention mechanisms of international financial risk.

第三,金融创新加快了国际资本流动,容易触发金融危机。 Third, financial innovation accelerated international capital flows, easy to trigger the financial crisis.

随着国际金融市场的发展和金融创新,资本流动已经成为国际金融形势动荡不宁的主要因素,因为它对国际收支和汇率经常产生严重影响。 Along with the development of international financial markets and financial innovation, capital flows has become an international financial situation unrest restless main factors, because the international payments and exchange rate often have a serious effect. 四、国际金融创新的经济影响金融创新由于其自身有着不同于传统金融业务的特点,对经济有其很大的深远影响。 Four, international financial innovative economic impact due to their own financial innovation has different characteristics of traditional financial business, the economy has its great influence.

既有正效应,也有负效应。 Both have positive effects and negative effects.

1、 金融创新的正效应 ①金融创新促进了金融的自由化和一体化。金融交易电子化使金融业日益渗透到社会经济生活的各个领域。由于金融功能的不断增加和完善,使金融业的成本大大降低,服务效率大大提高。由于金融支付手段和融资工具的创新,不仅使国内各金融机构联系在一起,而且不同国家的金融机构之间的业务往来日益一体化。资金流动和转移可在几秒钟内完成,形成了全球范围的融资格局,提高了融资效率,促进了经济发展。金融创新导致利率日趋自由化,并已成为一国金融业和经济稳定运行的重要手段。②金融创新提高了资源配置效率。金融创新

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