高考英语二轮复习 专题限时训练(十六)夹叙夹议型完形填空配套

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专题限时训练(十六) [夹叙夹议型完形填空(二)]



It was a warm sunny Saturday afternoon some fifteen years ago. I __1__ to take my daughter to the local playground. As soon as we got there, my daughter headed for the __2__ and asked for a push. As I was helping my daughter to go higher and higher, I noticed another little girl trying in vain to get her own swing going. Her elderly grandmother was sitting quietly on a nearby bench and __3__ at me.

I walked over to the little girl and __4__ if she could use a push, too. She smiled and said “Yes!” I soon had her feet flying towards the clouds while she laughed happily. For the next two hours I found myself __5__ swings and playing games with my daughter and the little girl. By the time we headed home, I was __6__ worn out, but my spirits were still flying higher than those swings.

Two years later after a long day's work I went to __7__ my kids from the local grade school. __8__, I stood in the parents' waiting area watching for my children. Suddenly, I felt two tiny arms around my stomach. I looked down and there was the little girl from the __9__ smiling up at me. She gave me one more big hug before heading off to catch her school bus. As I watched her back, I didn't feel quite so tired anymore and my __10__ were once again rising in the Heavens.

In this life,every single bit of love we share __11__ its way back to us again. It may take seconds or it may take years. The law of love, though, is never broken. The love we share, the kindness we give and the __12__ we create will always come back to bless us.

1.A.offered B.attempted C.failed D.preferred

2.A.balls B.flowers C.swings D.crowds 3.A.glared B.smiled C.screamed D.laughed 4.A.asked B.wondered C.thought D.explained

5.A.pulling B.shaking C.making D.pushing 6.A.mentally B.simply C.physically D.mostly 7.A.pick up B.send for C.look after D.see off 8.A.Puzzled B.Satisfied C.Tired D.Worried

9.A.stadium B.playground C.classroom D.school 10.A.thoughts B.memories C.spirits D.feelings 11.A.clears B.finds C.fights D.feels

12.A.image B.idea C.joy D.value


I felt gloomy(沮丧) the other day.The weather had been dark and rainy, and I just didn't feel so positive.It happened to us all, I __1__.

As I was sitting at my desk, it __2__ to me that it was the birthday of a dear long-time friend—a single, middle-aged woman who has __3__ her past 30 years to nursing and loves her work.

Knowing that she doesn't have family in town, I decided to give her a ring.Sure enough, she was __4__ to work late into the evening, and wouldn't have much of a birthday this year.As always, though, she __5__ cheerful and was happy I called.

After I hung up, I couldn't stop thinking that she would really appreciate a little attention on her __6__ day.Still feeling a little gloomy myself, I __7__ to put it out of my mind, but as the day passed I still couldn't control the thought.I __8__ gave in, and that evening set off to the hospital with a card, a slice of cheese cake, and a bundle of flowers.

My friend's grateful smile and joyful exclamations told me I'd done the right thing and that I got a generous __9__ for the little effort it had taken.

When I got home, I realized that I had cheered up a lonely friend, and besides, my own gloomy feelings had also __10__.Making her day had made my own!

Making people happy on their birthdays isn't the only thing we can do to make their day.Life constantly presents us with __11__ to take an extra step or do a kind deed that will make a __12__ to someone.And the wonderful thing is that as we do, it changes things for the better for us too.

1.A.hoped B.said C.guessed D.doubted 2.A.happened B.occurred C.struck D.seemed 3.A.devoted B.paid C.donated D.spent

4.A.scheduled B.forced C.allowed D.forbidden 5.A.became B.remained C.looked D.sounded 6.A.common B.special C.boring D.busy

7.A.refused B.managed C.tried D.failed

8.A.eventually B.suddenly C.hesitantly D.immediately 9.A.award B.welcome C.treatment D.reward 10.A.disappeared B.grew C.continued D.decreased 11.A.places B.opportunities C.benefits D.abilities

12.A.world B.sense C.promise D.difference


How do you build a better world?The question has __1__ mankind for centuries.Many things have been __2__.Some have helped and some haven't.I think,though,that I was given a part of the __3__ just the other day.

My brother had just cleaned out his closet.It was something I needed to do as well even if I was afraid I might get lost in there and not find my way back out.When he brought over some of the extra clothes to my dad's house, he asked me to __4__ the clothes and see if there was anything I could use.I just picked out a few pairs of trousers to replace my worn-out jeans.I didn't like __5__ more clothes that I didn't need.I, instead, volunteered to take the rest of them over to the Goodwill store and donate them for him.

I __6__ his clothes in the back of my car and then decided to brave the clutter (杂乱) of my own closet to add to his donation.It was a scary sight inside.The __7__ was huge.Still, the thought of doing something good for another urged me on and kept me going.It took a long time, but I got it done.I was left with a much __8__ closet, but a much fuller heart.As I carried my own bags of clothes to add to my brother's, I couldn't help but __9__.Then I saw how we all can go about building a better world.

We can do it,one small __10__ deed at a time.We can do it, one inspiring __11__ at a time.We can even do it, one donated shirt at a time.We can build a better world with each act of love we share and good things we do.We can do it with helpful hands and __12__ hearts.We can do it with cheerful spirits and joyous souls.

1.A.puzzled B.affected C.worried D.bothered 2.A.proved B.solved C.tried D.changed

3.A.question B.result C.answer D.challenge

4.A.pick up B.look through C.put away D.tidy up 5.A.wearing B.buying C.keeping D.washing 6.A.loaded B.threw C.hung D.folded

7.A.scene B.quantity C.mess D.store

8.A.emptier B.lighter C.cleaner D.larger 9.A.cry B.smile C.think D.relax

10.A.kind B.difficult C.surprising D.rare 11.A.speech B.word

C.story D.experience

12.A.hopeful B.grateful C.tolerant D.caring


I have two friends who are eager for travel.There is a__1__of New York's Adirondack Mountains that is called the High Peaks.It consists of 46 mountains with the height of over 4,000 feet.

The Adirondack Mountain Club gives a small piece of land to anyone who climbs all the 46 mountains.My two friends decided to go for this __2__.It took them several years to accomplish it;it was hard to achieve.Many of the 46 mountains have __3__ and well-used walkways to their tops.However, others are not marked at all.These mountains are really hard to climb because travelers have to bushwhack (在丛林中开道)them using a compass and a map.

My __4__ had climbed 45 of the mountains.They had one left that was the __5__, requiring bushwhacking.They left their camp site early one morning and walked to the foot of the mountains.When they reached the foot they found that they had __6__ their compass and map in the camp.Rather than __7__ to the camp, they decided to bushwhack without the compass and map.For nearly ten hours they walked uphill __8__ heat, thick bushes and black flies.Finally, late in the afternoon they found themselves at the top of a mountain.They were exhausted but excited.But the excitement __9__ disappeared.They saw another higher mountain when they looked across the valley.They had climbed the __10__ hill!It was too late that weekend to correct their mistake.They had to wait another 4 months to climb the right mountain because it was also the remotest one.

Often in life we use great effort toward some __11__.But without the right map and personal compass, it is easy to get __12__.Knowing your life purpose gives you a powerful personal map and compass that makes sure you are always climbing the right mountain.

1.A.part B.story C.role D.side

2.A.praise B.award C.competition D.privilege

3.A.well-marked B.well-designed C.well-located D.well-decorated 4.A.students B.members C.friends D.colleagues 5.A.longest B.prettiest C.greatest D.highest 6.A.noticed B.left C.mended D.hid

7.A.going B.getting C.moving D.returning

8.A.enjoying B.expecting

C.experiencing D.observing 9.A.quickly B.finally C.slowly D.totally 10.A.lower B.opposite C.wrong D.useless

11.A.mountains B.goals C.honor D.reward 12.A.hurt B.puzzled C.lost D.worried




1.A 由下文可以看出,作者已经把女儿带到了操场,所以选offer,offer to do sth.意思是:主动做某事。attempt to do sth.试图/企图做某事;fail to do sth.意思是:没做成某事;prefer to do sth.意思是:宁愿做某事。

2.C 下文“I noticed another little girl trying in vain to get her own swing going.”有原词复现。句意:一到地方,女儿就直奔秋千,还一边喊着要我快推她一把。

3.B 从上下文可以看出,老奶奶是在向作者求助,所以四个选项中只有smiled符合语境。glare 怒视;scream 尖叫;laugh 大笑,嘲笑。

4.A 下一句She smiled and said “Yes!”告诉我们小女孩作了回答,因此四个选项中只有asked(问)符合语境,句意:我走到小姑娘身边问:需要我帮忙吗?wonder 想知道;think 想;explain解释。

5.D 文章反复出现push。句意:我陪着女儿和小姑娘荡秋千、玩游戏,不知不觉两个小时过去了。

6.C 推了两个小时的秋千,自然是筋疲力尽了,所以选physically,意为:身体上地。mentally精神上地;simply简单地; mostly主要地,多半地。

7.A 这里表达的意思是:去学校接我的孩子们。所以用pick up,意思是:(用车)接某人。send for派人去请; look after照顾;see off送行,送别。

8.C 由本段的“after a long day's work”可以看出,经过了一天的工作,“我”已经很疲劳了,所以选C,意思是:疲倦的。puzzled困惑的;satisfied满意的。

9.B 由上文可知,这个小女孩就是当时在操场上我们一块玩耍的那个女孩,所以选playground,句意:低头一看,那个曾经在小操场一起荡秋千的那个小姑娘正仰头向我笑呢。

10.C spirit 情绪。符合题意。thought思想; memory记忆;feeling感情,感觉。 11.B find one's way本意是:找到……的路。句意为:我们分享的每一份爱都会得到回报。这或许会花费几秒钟甚至是几年的时间。

12.C 上文作者讲述当年帮助小女孩后,带来了快乐和笑声,因此,这里选C,意思是:快乐。


【语篇解读】 天气阴暗而多雨的一天,“我”的心情极其不好。此时“我”想到了今天是“我”的一个单身的中年密友的生日。于是“我”先是给她打了电话,然后带上一些生日


1.C 今天天气不好,影响了“我”的情绪;“我”猜想别人也会这样。由此语境判断选C。

2.B 心情沮丧“我”一个人坐在桌子旁边的时候,突然想到今天是“我”一个密友的生日。It occurred to sb.that-clause意为“某人突然想到某事”,符合语境,故选B。

3.A 根据“loves her work”可知她热爱工作,自然她愿意将她过去的30年时间都用于做护理工作,devote … to doing sth.意为“将……献于做某事”,符合语境,故选A。

4.A 根据“…work late into the evening”可知,她被安排上夜班。be scheduled to do sth.意为“按计划被安排做某事”,符合语境,故选A。

5.D “我”在家,朋友在医院上夜班,且今天未见过面,自然“我”难以知道她今天的心情如何,故不选A、B两项。在电话里,“我”只能从她的声音感觉到她的情绪,故说:她听起来很高兴。故选D。

6.B 今天是她的生日,也就是她特别的日子,故选B。 7.C “我”尽力摆脱这种想法,但还是未能克服,故选C。

8.A 根据“…as the day passed”可知“我”花了好大一会儿功夫去摆脱那种想法,最后摆脱不了,才决定亲自去医院看她。由此语境判断选A。

9.D 上文提到的“…grateful smile and joyful exclamations”便是“我”得到的“回报”,故选D。

10.A 根据“Making her day had made my own!”可判断她的高兴也让“我”的沮丧消失了,故选A。

11.B 生活经常给我们做好事的“机会”,由此语境可判断选B。

12.D “我”的电话和礼物让“我”的朋友感到意想不到的高兴,即对她产生了影响。make a difference意为“要紧,对……有意义/影响”,符合语境,由此判断选D。


【语篇解读】 如何建立一个更美好的世界?作者在一次帮助哥哥处理收拾出来的不穿的衣物时得到了一些启示。

1.A 根据下文“Many things have been __2__ .Some have helped and some haven't.”可知,人们为了解决“如何建立一个更美好的世界”这个问题付出了很多努力,但是有些方法适用有些不适用,因此这个问题困扰了人类几个世纪,并未完全得到解决。

2.C 根据下文“Some have helped and some haven't.”可知,有些事情使世界变得更美好了,有些则没有。因此此处说的是:人们尝试地做了很多事情。

3.C 根据上文“The question”可知,作者最近得到了解决这个问题的一部分答案。 4.B 根据下文“…see if there was anything I could use.”可知,作者的哥哥让他看一遍衣服,看看有没有能用得着的。

5.C 根据下文“…volunteered to take the rest of them over to the Goodwill store and donate them for him.”可知,作者把剩下的衣服都捐了,因此,他不喜欢留着更多自己用不着的衣服。

6.A 作者把衣服装进车里,然后打算清理自己的橱柜,把不用的衣服也和哥哥的衣服一起捐了。

7.C 解析:根据上文“I was afraid I might get lost in there and not find my way back out.”及“…decided to brave the clutter(杂乱)of my own closet…”可知,作者的衣柜非常乱。

8.A 根据下文“…but a much fuller heart.”及“As I carried my own bags of clothes…”可知,作者收拾完衣柜,衣柜变空了,但是心里很充实。

9.B 根据语境可知,当作者把清理出来的衣服和哥哥的衣服放到一起时,想到把衣服捐出去能够为别人做点好事,作者忍不住笑了。

10.A 根据上文内容可知,作者是在做善事。因此作者认为一个小小的善举会使世界变得更加美好。

11.B 一句激励人心的话语会使世界变得更加美好。 12.D 根据“helpful hands”可知,我们可以用“帮助他人的手”和“充满友爱的心”建立一个更加美好的世界。


【语篇解读】 追求崇高的人生目标是好事,但如果没有正确的方向指引,就会像文中的这两位主人公一样,白白浪费时间和精力。

1.A 根据后文“…that is called the High Peaks.It consists of 46 mountains with the height of over 4,000 feet.”可知,“高山”是阿第伦达克山脉的一部分。

2.B 阿第伦达克登山俱乐部给登上所有46座山的人一小块土地作为奖励。

3.A 根据后文“…others are not marked at all.”可知,许多通道路标明确、经常有人通行。然而,有一些通道未被标记。

4.C 根据第一段“I have two friends who are eager for travel.”可知,文中的两位登山者是作者的朋友。

5.D 根据后文“They saw another higher mountain…”可推知,最后一座需要攀登的山是最高的山。

6.B 根据后文“…they decided to bushwhack without the compass and map.”可知,他们把指南针和地图落在了营地。

7.D 根据后文“…they decided to bushwhack without the compass and map.”可知,他们没有返回营地。

8.C 他们步行上山,经历着酷热、灌木丛生和黑蝇。

9.A 根据后文“They saw another higher mountain…”可知,他们虽然劳累却很兴奋。当他们看到了另一座更高的山时,他们兴奋感很快消失了。

10.C 根据后文“It was too late that weekend to correct their mistake.”和“…wait another 4 months to climb the right mountain because it was also the remotest one.”可知,他们爬错了山峰。

11.B 根据后文“Knowing your life purpose…”可知,此处说的是我们人生中的目标。

12.C 根据文章可知,没有指南针和地图,很容易迷路。

