
更新时间:2024-05-24 07:29:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




1. Jerry is very generous_______ (at, in, on, with) his money.

2. Please don’t get mad ________ (on, to, at, against) me.

3. Dane was quite agreeable_______ (with, to, in, about) my suggestion. 4. He was always attentive _______ (to, with, on, at) my ideas. 5. Fruit is rich_____ (with, in, of, for) vitamins.

6. She was very quick______ (about, at, on, in) bringing the dinner.

7. John was understandably awkward_____ (with, in, on, at) washing up. 8. She was eligible______ (to, at, for, about) an increase in salary. 9. His secret was safe_____ (from, on, with, in) them.

10. That book is identical_______ (in, for, with, of) an American one. 11. Donna was very quick________ (in, with, on, at) English. 12. She was deaf______ (of, to, at, on) his request to do her work.

13. Mr. Jones is very orthodox______ (with, at, of, in) his attitude to Shakespeare.

14. It was most presumptuous________ (of, at, in, on) them to behave like that. 15. Canned food may be deficient_______ (with, in, on, about) vitamins. 16. The weather is favorable__________ (to, in, on, for) football.

17. No one is exempt_______ (in, about, from, with) taxation in the United States. 18. The amount stated was exclusive_______ (from, of, in, on) tax. 19. Is the city noted_______ (in, about, on, for) its champagne?

20. They were averse_______ (on, to, at, after) my suggestion for free tickets. 21. Jock was completely devoid______ (of, at, in, to) humor.

22. My daughter was very sensible______ (to, at, of, with) his kindness.

23. His attitude was very destructive_______ (in, towards, about, to) achievement.

24. The bed was alive______ (in, with, to, on) bugs.

25. Mary is still inseparable______ (to, with, about, from) her mother. 26. Jim was impatient______ (of, with, at, on) his daughter.

27. Cathy was particular_______ (on, at. about, in) the jewellery she wore. 28. She is sick______ (in, for, on, with) flu.

29. I believe they are related_______ (on, by, with, at) marriage. 30. It is evident______ (of, at, to, from) his words that he is honest.

31. The director was critical______ (at, of, in, for) the way we were doing the work.

32. I’m useless______ (at, on, of, to) anything electrical. 33. You were right_______ (at, about, in, of) Jim.

34. She’s marvelous_______ (on, of, at, with) grammar.

35. My friend is very liberal______ (on, with, of, in) his thinking about that subject.

36. This small suitcase is perfect______ (at, for, in, on) weekend trips.

37. The man was positive______ (at, on, with, of) the time the accident happened.



38. The thought of war was repugnant_______ (at, with, to, on) Jack.

39. Our new house is very convenient______ (for, to, at, in) the office as I can get there in five minutes.

40. John got a job, so that he could be independent______ (with, of, from, at) his parents.

41. Vain people are susceptible_______ (for, to, at, on) flattery.

42. You can never be happy if you feel envious______ (at, with, of, to) other people.

43. Jack feels homesick______ (for, to, with, at) his own country. 44. I think Mr. Waugh is quite honest______ (at, in, of, with) you. 45. The dog seemed suspicious_______ (to, of, at, on) everybody.

46. Laura is very enthusiastic________ (on, to, about, of) her new job. 47. Mark isn’t deaf, but she is very hard______ (on, to, at, of) hearing. 48. The dialect was one peculiar______ (to, on, with, at) the North.

49. The jury decided that Susan was guilty_____ (on, by, of, with) murder. 50. Is this line parallel______ (at, to, on, of) that one?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The card entitled them______ (in, on, at, to) certain privileges. The tides vary______ (at, on, with, to) the moon. She admitted him_______ (into, to, in, at) her plans. The word derives______ (at, in, from, on) Latin.

He asked the operator not to trouble herself______ (on, about, in, at) looking up the number..

6. Harry swore______ (at, in, by, on) the Bible he was telling the truth. 7. He ruled_______ (on, under, over, in) the case very carefully.

8. Everyone blames you_______ (on, for, in, against) a certain mistake. 9. We have assigned you_______ (with, for, to, on) a particular task. 10. The surgeon operated_______ (on, at, with, for) him for appendicitis.

11. Miss Coleman hinted________ (on, in, at, for) the idea that she was wealthy. 12. The question admits_________ (on, at, in, of) several answers. 13. It’s rude to point_________ (for, at, in, on) someone.

14. She joined_________ (in, on, with, for) us in singing the song.

15. The movies actor does not try to conceal himself_____ (by, on, to, from) his admirers.

16. I disprove_______ (with, at, on, of) people who make all sorts of promises which they have no intention of keeping.

17. We are planning _______ (to, on, at, of) speaking to Mrs. Li next week. 18. I shall exempt them ______ (to, from, at, in) certain duties. 19. They will consult us _______ (with, at, in, on) the plan.

20. We can substitute garlic__________ (for, into, of, on) onion in that sauce. 21. She surrendered herself _______ (on, of, to, at) despair.

22. Some fool crashed _______(through, for, to, into)me from behind at the traffic lights.



23. The congress in the United States corresponds_________ (with, for, to, at) the Parliament in England.

24. It was a long time before I could dissuade him _____ (from, for, in, at) his projected course.

25. Julia went______ (for, into, on, about) the man a fit of temper.

26. At first they didn’t see______(out, through. Over, to) his deception.

27. I won’t ever do it again .I swear .Please don’t tell _______ (from, over, at, on) me.

28. Mrs. Robert got_____(to, after, over, at)her sickness very quickly.

29. The nurses must see _______ (for, to, into, out) the comfort of their patients. 30. Mrs. Jackson dotes ______(at, on, in, about) her husband 31. He provided ______ her in his will. 32. Ralph broke himself ___ smoking.

33. The man inculcated all his children _____ the spirit of patriotism. 34. He compared the girl ____ a flower.

35. We arm ourselves ______ possible danger. 36. A greengrocer deals ____ vegetables。

37. Civilization consist _____ having a constructive.

38. Rising from the seat, he drank _____ the health of his parents. 39. They were acquitted _______ blame for the mistake.

40. Cecil reckoned _______ inheriting a few thousand when his uncle died 41. This water tastes ____salt.

42. This illness may result ____malnutrition. 43. Have you account _____ all the breakages. 44. It dawned ____ me that I had been tricked.

45. They have not yet entered ______ serious negotiation. 46. Dick boasted ______ his success at billiards.

47. Jobs were not so easy to come _____ as they are now. 48. Do you think this scarf would go ____ my new dress. 49. If you stand here, you are likely to be shot ___.

50. His thesis treats _____ social changes between wars.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Have you decided to keep on _____ your university courses? The judge decided to check up_____ the prisoners. Mrs. Lewis is bearing up ______ her great sorrow. It’s very rude to talk back______ anyone.

In spite of the problem, the engineers are going to carry on _______ the project.

The news announcer cut in _____ the regular program to announce the election results.

The baby held on _____ her mother’s hand.

You should never break in ______ a private conversation. Parents always wait up _____ their children.



10. I’ll find someone to fill in_____ you.

11. You should always look out ______ the traffic. 12. Not many criminals get away ______ their crimes.

13. Robert worked hard so that he could get ahead ______ the others.

14. The great leaders of the world have always stood up ______ their principles. 15. The engineers are going through ______ their highway project, even though the expenses have risen

16. If you want to be trusted, you should never go back ______ your word.

17. If these new methods don’t work, we’ll have to fall back _____our old system. 18. We’ll continue to live up ______ our promises. 19. I will not put up _____ his laxness any longer.

20. This department isn’t profitable; we’ll have to do away_____ it.

21. The manager will have to hire two people to make up ______ the lost time. 22. You can bring a friend along ______ the party if you like. 23. Anyway he was dead. I couldn’t bring him back _____ life.

24. The Council greatly angered small shopkeepers by not bringing them in _____ the development of the city centre.

25. By talking about Scotland, Brown managed to bring the discussion round ______ salmon fishing.

26. Working in a mutli—racial community had brought him up______ the realities of intolerance.

27. He’s fixed himself up _____ a very smart flat on the sea---front.

28. We put it up_____ the committee that Frank should be made secretary.

29. My son is being given too much homework; I shall take things up ______ his form—master.

30. She always fills us in______ what her programme is.

31. I’m thinking of keeping my boys on ______ School until they’ve taken their A-level exams.

32. We brought them around _______ a different way of thinking. 33. The women had decked themselves out ______ satin frocks. 34. They filled me in _____ the latest developments. 35. Some trickster had fobbed him off ______ this story.

36. Someone had let an outsider in _______ our private arrangement. 37. You can put the shortage down_______ bad planning. 38. They put him up_____ some mad escapade.

39. You shouldn’t take your resentment out ______ me. 40. They put him up _____ President.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A magnet has attraction_______ iron filaments. I’m not in the mood______ going to the party. He’s got degree _____ chemistry.

A clerk must have patience ______ all customers.

There’s no point _____ going by car if we can park near the theatre.



6. She made a point ______ coming late so that everyone would look at her. 7. He takes pride _____ doing things properly. 8. Your team has no hope _____ winning. 9. I’ve had enough _____ his weather. 10. Julia shows great talent ____ acting.

11. Pop music has very bad effect ______ children. 12. I don’t like the idea _______getting married yet. 13. Her marriage ______ Smith didn’t last very long. 14. Nobody knew the reason _______ his disappearance.

15. There’s some confusion _____ whether the word can be left out. 16. By midnight the effect ______ the drops will have worn off.

17. A key ______ the back door is always kept on a high ledge above the door. 18. Pete thought a special license would give him immunity ______arrest. 19. There’s limit______ every man’s patience.

20. Since Harry is ill, we need a substitute ______ him. 21. The Hawkinses bought a horse ______$15,000.

22. English has a different expression ______the same idea.

23. The Japanese mountain climber had a narrow escape _____ death. 24. His familiarity ______ many modern languages surprised all of us.

25. While some species of whales are nearing extinction, many countries refuse to accept even a partial ban _____ whale hunting.

26. Vitamin C tablets, if taken regularly, may reduce your chances _____ getting a cold.

27. Some people feel a repugnance ______ his suggestion. 28. The Jacksons sent an invitation______ next Friday. 29. That is an exception _______ the rule.

30. He has made many accusations, but he has never given any proof _____ the truth of what he has said.

31. Joe takes great satisfaction ______ having a beautiful garden.

32. Parents sometimes feel that they have no influence _____ their children.

33. I had the privilege _____ attending a meeting on juvenile delinquency not long ago.

34. He felt sympathy ____ her misfortune. 35. My uncle is expert ______ electronics. 36. They sought shelter ______ the rain.

37. There was both similarities and differences _____ the tourist—attracting countries Italy and Greece.

38. A family must make provision ______ hard times. 39. Good boys and girls are a credit ______ their parents.

40. In many schools, students don’t have sufficient access _____the library. 41. What’s the punishment ______ speeding?

42. We must use every means possible for the prevention _____fire. 43. The English language has a close affinity ______ French. 44. The way you live is a disgrace _______your family.


