论文写作 TEM8模拟

更新时间:2023-03-17 21:03:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Many people enjoy very active, physical recreation like sports, camping and fishing. Other people prefer to spend their leisure time participating in more intellectual activities like reading, listening to music, collecting stamps or watching films. Write an essay of about 400 words, comparing a physical pastime with an intellectual one and explain why you think one is better than the other to a person of your age.

In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.


一. 条件:体力型娱乐活动与脑力型活动相比较/有人认为前者更重要/有人认为后者更重要.

二. 要求:两种观点选其一,谈对你这种年纪的人哪种活动更有价值.

三. 写作分析: 该题为熟题,凡学生都有体会和见解.为写作方便,两种活动都应理解为工作,学习之余的娱乐活动. 观点可自定,但必须能自圆其说.体力与脑力之间的关系不能孤立地谈, 应考虑年龄,职业,身体状况,精神状态等因素. 因此,文章应采取辩证的观点,重在分析. 若用演绎法,应先表明观点,然后逐条说明理由;若用归纳法,则应先分析利弊,最后得出结论.

What Do We Need: Physical Recreation or Intellectual Activities /

Let’s Take More Intellectual Activities

Many people are inclined to take active physical recreation, like sports, camping and fishing in their leisure time, while others would rather participate in more intellectual activities, like reading, listening to music, watching films and so on. Although it is unreasonable and impossible to tell which one is absolutely better than the other, in my opinion, it seems more advisable for the young people about 20~25 years old to take the latter which is in accordance with their unique characteristics.

First, compared with physical activities, intellectual ones become more urgent and important. Since the young generation full of energy are at their highest points to learn and explore, there is no doubt that they should make full use of their golden age to enrich knowledge, cultivate their mind, broaden their vision, and develop their tastes. Thus, they will be more creative and contributive to the society as they set out to their own careers.

Second, intellectual activities are more helpful for the young people to contact with their surroundings, of both the past and the present. For example, through reading one can learn about the wisdom and philosophy held by great figures in history, which may guide him to lead a more intelligent way of life. Watching films or listening to music can help a person grasp the contemporary cultural tendency and accordingly keep pace with the fast-developing world. It is obvious that simple physical exercises cannot achieve all of these. Finally, in my opinion, intellectual activities can offer people opportunities to release from

the tense mental work and obtain relaxation and entertainment from a “different world”. Through theses intellectual recreations, people can, to some extent, release themselves from the frustration, depression or tension in professional work and get a calm mood.

Of course, I want to make it clear that I don't mean physical activities are less helpful to life than intellectual ones. People should have their own choices on the basis of their different life styles, characters, hobbies and health. Yet, for the young people of my age, I suppose the latter will be more practical and meaningful.

Take more intellectual activities when you are young, which will benefit you for your whole life.

Physical Activities, Better for Intellectual Workers

For persons at their twenties or thirties who take up intellectual work, the most effective way for recreation, from my point of view, is participating in physical activities rather than intellectual ones. In particular, for us young people who take brain-labored jobs, it is better to have some physical recreation like sports, camping, fishing, than intellectual ones.

As for intellectual activities such as reading, listening to music, collecting stamps or watching films, they can offer people opportunities to release from the tense mental work and obtain relaxation and entertainment from a “different world”. Through these intellectual recreations people can, to some extent, release themselves from the frustration, depression or tension in professional work and get a calm mood.

However, most people still feel a little bit tired even though they’ve had their refreshing intellectual pastime. The point is that they do not obtain physical recreation. When you are reading, listening to music or watching films, maybe you are mentally relaxed but I don’t think you are physically released. Such situations are very common among people who are engaged in intellectual work, who highlight the intellectual pastime while ignore the physical one.

From my personal experience, physical recreation is much more interesting and helpful than intellectual one for young people who spend most of their time in mental work. I’m fond of reading novels and listening to music in my leisure time. Yet, when I come back to my academic books after my mental recreation, it often happens that I still feel tired, my back is sore, my eyelids are heavy. Following my friend’s advice, I try to take up more physical activities in my free time. I exercise gymnastics in a sports center and jog for twenty minutes every morning and sometimes go to climb mountains to be closer with nature. Never have I felt so refreshed! Recreation lies in a complete change from your present situation to another different situation. Many famous scientists passed away in their young ages due to their poor health and lack of physical exercise.

So, to ensure your efficiency at work and effective recharging of your “batteries”, why not try to participate in more physical recreation? You will surely benefit a lot from your newly discovered hobbies.

