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IELTS Speaking


2015 Sep - Dec.

济南新航道 教学部



1. Studies

1. Do you work or are you a student? 2. what major/subjects are you studying?

3. Why did you choose to study that major/those subjects? 4. Do you like your major/subjects? Why?/Why not? 5. Is it very interesting?

6. Are you looking forward to working?

7. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? 8. How did you feel on your first day in that school/university? 9. Do you think your school/university is a good place to study? 10. What is the most difficult part of your studies? 11. What is the most interesting part of your course? 12. Do you have a study plan for your future?

13. Compare the good learning ways in the past and now. 14. What are your extra-curriculum activities?

2. Work

1. What job do you do?

2. Why did you choose to do that kind of job? 3. Do you like your job? 4. Is it very interesting? 5. Do you miss being a student?

6. Have you ever received any training for your work/job before? 7. Would you like to change a job in the future?

8. What's the relationship between you and your colleagues?

3. Hometown

1. Where are you from?/Where is your hometown?/What's the name of your hometown? 2. Please describe your hometown a little.


3. Do you like your hometown? 4. How long have you been living there? 5. Is it a big city or a small place? 6. Do you like living there?

7. What do you like most about your hometown? 8. Is there anything you dislike about your hometown? 9. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? 10. Do you think it's a suitable place to bring up children? 11. What is the traffic in your hometown?

12. Is your hometown a good place for young people to live? 13. Has your hometown changed in recent years? 14. How do you think it might change in the future?

4. Home/Accommodation

1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?

2.Do you live in a house or a flat? 3. Who do you live with? 4. How long have you lived there? 5. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

6. (if you answer you haven’t lived there long) what’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? 7. Can you describe the place where you live?

8. Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 9. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

10. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?/Is it convenient for transport? 11. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 12. Please describe the room you live in

13. What part of your home do you like the most?/What's your favorite room in your house/flat? 14. In the future, what kind of place do you want to live in?

5. Clothes

1. What clothes do you usually like to wear?


2. Do/Did you wear the same clothes at school and at home? 3. Will you change your clothes when you go home today? 4. Did you have any special clothes to wear when you were a child? 5. How often do you go shopping for clothes?

6. What factors do you consider when you are buying clothes?

6. Colors

1. What colors do you like? 2. What's your favorite color?

3. What's the most popular color in China?

4. Are there any colors which have a special meaning in your country? 5. Do you like to wear light colors or bright (or dark) colors?

6. What's the difference between men and women's preference on colors? 7. Do colors affect your mood?

8. What color would you choose to paint your room walls? 9. Do you think different types of people like different colors?

7. Letters & E-mails

1. Do you write many letters or e-mails? 2. Who do you usually write to? 3. What do you usually write about?

4. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer? 5. How often do you write an email or a letter? 6. What are the differences between emails and letters? 7. Is it hard to think of what to write?

8. What kind(s) of letter/email do you think is/are the hardest to write? 9. How do you feel when you receive a letter or email?

10. What kinds of letters or emails are the most difficult to reply to? 11. What kinds of emails/letters do you receive that make you feel excited? 12. Which do you prefer, to make a phone call or to write an email? 13. Do you think people will still write letters in the future?

14. How do you communicate with others at work-by email or is it more convenient to


communicate face-to-face?

8. Handwriting

1. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer (typewriter or word-processor)? 2. Nowadays, how do most people write things?

3. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting? 4. When do children begin to write in your country? 5. How did you learn to write?

6. Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)? 7. How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting? 8. What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?

9. Weekends

1. What do you usually do at weekends?

2. What do other people in your hometown/country usually do at weekends? 3. When do you spend time with your family?

4. In your country, do men and women usually do the same kinds of things at weekends? 5. What did you do last weekend? 6. What are you going to do next weekend?

7. Is there anything new that you would like to do at weekends? 8. Do you like working at weekends?

9. Do you think weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child? 10. Is it important for people to have weekends off?

11. Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?

10. Public holidays

1. What public holidays do you have in your country?

2. Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivals (e.g., Christmas)? 3. Do you like public holidays?

4. Which public holiday do you like the most? 5. What did you do during the last public holiday?

6. What would you like to do during the next public holiday?

7. What do other people in your country usually do on public holidays?


8. Do you think public holidays are important? 9. Why do we need public holidays?

10. Do you think there should be more public holidays in your country?

11. Television

1. How often do you watch TV? 2. What's your favorite TV program?

3. Did you watch much TV when you were a child? (How much?) 4. What types of TV programs did you watch when you were a child? 5. What types of TV programs are popular in China?

6. Do you think watching TV is an important part of people's lives?

7. Do you think television has changed since you were a child/in the past few decades? 8. Has television changed your life in any way?

12. Sports

1. Do you like to watch sports on TV? 2. Do you play any sports?

3. Do you have a favorite sports star? 4. What's the most popular sports in China?

5. What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future? 6. Have you ever tried any dangerous sports?

13. Reading

1. Do you like reading?

2. What kinds of books do you like to read now? 3. What's your favorite kind of books? 4. Did you read much when you were a child?

5. What kinds of books did you like to read when you were young? 6. For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading? 7. Do you still keep these books?

8. Have you ever given others books as gifts? 9. Would you like to write a book in the future? 10. Do you think it's important to have public libraries?


11. When did you learn to read and write? And which one do you think is more necessary? 12. When do you think is good for children to learn to read?

14. Music

1. Do you often listen to music? 2. When do you listen to music?

3. How much time do you spend listening to music every day? 4. What kinds of music do you like to listen to? 5. What's your favorite kind of music?

6. How often do you listen to (that type of) music? 7. When did you start listening to that type of music? 8. Where do you listen to it?

9. How do you feel when you listen to that type of music? 10. Do you like listening to songs? 11. Do you like to listen to live music?

12. Have you ever been to a musical performance? 13. Have you ever been to a concert before?

14. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? 15. Is music an important subject at school in China? 16. Did you often listen to music when you were a child? 17. What kinds of music are popular in China? 18. Do you prefer music from CD or on the spot?

15. Shopping

1. Do you like shopping?

2. Do you spend much time when you go shopping? 3. What do you usually buy when you go shopping? 4. Would you like to work in a shopping center? 5. Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?

6. Do you like shopping for clothes or other goods on the internet?

7. What are the differences between men and women (or, young and old) when they are shopping?


16. Travelling

1. Do you like travelling?

2. In which season do you prefer to travel? 3. Where would you like to travel to?

4. Would you say your country welcomes travelers? 5. Would you say your country is a good place to visit?

17. Sleeping

1. How many hours do you sleep every day? 2.What time do you usually go to bed? 3. Is it necessary to take a nap every day? 4. Do old people sleep a lot? Why? 5. Do you always have a good sleep? 6. How to have a good sleep?

7. Do you like to get up early in the morning?

8. Can you sleep well if you are in a noisy environment? 9. Do you think staying up late is a good thing?

18. Museums

1. Are there many museums in your hometown?

2. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country? 3. Do you often visit a museum?

4. Did you go to any museums when you were a child? 5. When was the last time you visited a museum? 6. Do you think museums are important?

7. Do you think it's suitable for museums to sell things to visitors? 8. Do you like visiting museums in groups or single-handed?

9. Do you think going to museums and art galleries is beneficial for children?

19. Sky

1. Do you like to watch the sky?

2. What is the sky like at night in your hometown? 3. Do you like to watch stars?


4. Have you ever taken a course about stars? 5. Is it important to study stars? 6. What's your favorite star?

7. Do you prefer the sky during the day or night? 8. Where is a good place to watch stars?

20. Trees

1. Do you like trees/Do you like going into the forests? 2. What kind of trees do like?

3. Are there any important trees in your country? 4. Is there a forest near your hometown?

5. Would you like to live in a place that has lots of trees? 6. Where can one find trees/forests in your country?

7. Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few trees? 8. Did you ever climb trees when you were a child? 9. Have you ever planted a tree?

10. Do you think we should plant more trees? 11. Do you think trees are important?

12. What would you say are the benefits of having trees? 13. Do you think we should protect trees? 14. How can we protect the forests?

21. Teachers

1. Do you have a favorite teacher? 2. Why do you like the teacher?

3. What kind of help can you get from your teachers? 4. What kind of teachers do students like?

5. Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not? 6. Do you like strict teachers?

7. What's the difference between young and old teachers? 8. Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently? 9. What's the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates?


10. Would you like to be a teacher in the future?

22. Mathematics

1. When did you start learning math? 2. Do you like math? 3. Who taught you math?

4. Who is your favorite teacher so far? 5. Is math difficult for you to learn? 6. Do you like to use a calculator?

7. Were you allowed to use a calculator when you were in primary school?

23. Forget about things/Memory

1. What do you remember to do every day? 2. What helps people to remember things? 3. Why do old people forget about things easily? 4. Have you ever forgotten something important? 5. Are you good at remember things? 6. How do you remember things?

24. Time management

1. Are you good at organizing time? 2. How do you usually organize time?

3. Do you think planning is important for time management? 4. Why do you think some people pay to learn time management? 5. Do you think children should learn to manage time? 6. Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans? 7. How would you teach your children time management? 8. Do old people and young people manage time in similar way? 9. How do you feel when you are late?

10. When does time seem to move fast and when does it seem to move slowly?

25. Text messages

1. How often do you send text messages?

2. Do you text someone if he doesn't answer your phone?


3. Is there any chance when texting someone is better than calling him/her? 4. Have you ever had difficulty replying? 5. How often do you send text messages? 6. How often do you make phone calls?

7. Do you like to call your parents or send text messages to them? 8. Do you think text messages can convey the information well?

26. Transportation

1. What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? 2. How often do you take buses?

3. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains? 4. Is driving to work popular in your country? 5. Do you think people will drive more in the future? 6. Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

7. What will become the most popular means of transportation in China? 8. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation? 9. Which one do you prefer, by bus or on foot?

27. Vegetables & Fruits

1. What's your favorite vegetable and fruit? 2. How often do you eat fruits?

3. Are there any special fruits in your hometown? 4. Should we eat vegetables every day? 5. What kind of fruit do you like most? why? 6. What are the benefits of eating fruits?

28. News

1. Are you interested in the news?

2. Why do you want to know the latest news?

3. How important is it to you to get the news every day? 4. What sort of news are you most interested in? 5. How do you usually find this news?

6. Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news?


7. Do you ever get your news from the internet? 8. Do you often read newspapers?

9. What sections of the newspaper do you usually read? 10. Do you think newspapers are important?

11. Besides newspapers, what are some other ways people get news? 12. How important do you think the news is?

13. Which do you think is more important, domestic news or international news? 14. Would you say the news affects your life very much?

15. Are old people and young people interested in the same kinds of news? Why?/Why not?

29. Newspapers

1. Do you often read newspapers?

2. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers? 3. What kinds of newspapers/magazines do you usually read? 4. How old were you when you first started to read newspapers? 5. Do you think it is important to read newspapers? Why?/Why not? 6. Why do people read newspapers?

7. What different types of newspaper are there in China? 8. Do you care about the news? 9. Is the news important to you?

10. What kinds of news do Chinese people read in newspapers?

11. Do you prefer to read about domestic /local newspapers or international news? Why?/Why not?

12. What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers? 13. What influence do you think newspapers have on society? 14. Do you think the internet is a good way to get news? 新题:

1. Teamwork

1. When was the last time you worked with a team?

2. Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?


3. What's the most important thing for teamwork? 4. Do you like to be a leader?

2. Social network

1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use? 2. Are you a social person?

3. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites? 4. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website? 5. What kinds of chatting app or software do Chinese people like to use?

3. Swimming

1. Do you like swimming?

2. Is it difficult to learn how to swim? 3. Where do Chinese like to go swimming?

4. What's the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?

4. Film

1. Do you like watching movies?

2. Do you prefer watching foreign movies or Chinese movies? 3. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie? 4. Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a movie? 5. What kinds of movies do you like the most? 6. What was the first movie that you watched?

5. Photography

1. Do you like to take photographs? Why?

2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or have other people take photos? Why? 3. How long have you liked taking photographs? 4. How/why did you become interested in photography? 5. How often do you take photographs? 6. In what situations do you take photographs? 7. What kind of photos do you like to take? Why? 8. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery? 9. Who do you take photos of?


10. How do you keep your photos?

11. Do you keep your photographs on your computer? 12. Are there any photos on the walls of your home?

13. Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos? (If yes, which? why?)

14. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? Why?

6. History

1. Do you like history?

2. What historical event do you find most interesting? 3. Do you think history is important?

4. Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?

5. Do you think you can learn history from films or TV programs? 6. Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?

7. Can you name a person form history who you would like to learn more about? 8. Why would you like to learn more about him/her?

7. Help others

1. What was the last time you helped others? 2. Do you like to help strangers?

3. Did your parents teach you the importance of helping others when you were young? 4. Have you ever refused to help others? 5. Would you keep helping people in the future? 6. Did your family help you a lot?

8. Hanging out with friends

1. How often do you like to hang out with friends? 2. Who do you usually like to hang out with?

3. Where do you like to go when you hang out with your friends? 4. Do you like to go out with a big group or just few friends?

9. Being in a hurry

1. What was the last time you did something in a hurry? 2. Do you like to finish things quickly?

3. What kinds of things will you never do in a hurry?


4. Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?

10. Being alone

1. Do you like to be alone?

2. What do you like to do when you are alone?

3. Do you like to spend time with your friends or just stay at home on your own? 4. When was the last time you were being alone?

11. Countryside

1. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future? 2. What do people live in the countryside like to do? 3. What are the benefits of living in rural areas?

4. What's the difference between living in the city and living in the countryside?

12. Snacks

1. What kinds of snacks do you like to eat? 2. Is it healthy to eat snacks?

3. Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?

4. What was the most popular snack when you were young?

5. What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?

13. Names

1. Who gave you your name?

2. Does your name have any particular/special meaning? 3. Do you like your name?

4. In your country, do people feel that their name is very important? 5. Would you like to change your name? 6. Is it easy to change your name in your country? 7. Who usually names babies in your country?

8. Do you have any special traditions about naming children? 9. What names are most common in your hometown?



Ⅰ. People

1. Describe a person you know who is good at a foreign language 2. Describe a person you know who dresses well 3. Describe a kid who made you laugh 新题:

1. Describe a family member that you have spent the most time with 2. Describe a person whose job is important to the society 3. Describe a famous person in the news that you would like to meet 4. Describe a person who likes to travel by plane 5. Describe a person who does well in work.

1. Describe a person you know who is good at a foreign language You should say:

Who the person is

What foreign language he/she can speak How often the person uses the language And explain why this person can learn this language well Part 3:

What is the most difficult language to learn in the world? What are your English learning methods? Is it important to learn a foreign language?

Had the way people learn a language changed compared to the past? How to learn a language if you don’t live in the native language environment?

2. Describe a person you know who dresses well 16

You should say:

Who the person is How you knew this person What this person usually wears

And explain why you think the person dresses well Part 3:

What kinds of clothes are proper for work? Would you like to wear uniforms for work? Is it easy to buy cheap clothes in China? Do young Chinese shop on the Internet?

Do you like to go shopping on your own or with your friends? Should parents buy their children expensive clothes?

3. Describe a kid who made you laugh You should say:

Who the kid is What this kid did When it happened

And explain why it made you laugh Part3:

Why do some adults miss their childhood? Why do children feel happy easily?

In general, do children in China enjoy their childhood? Do you like to watch comedies?

What’s the best stage in one’s life in your opinion?


1. Describe a family member that you have spent the most time with 17

You should say:

Who this person is

What you like to do together

When you usually spend time together And why you spend so much time together Part3:

Who are more important to you, friends or family? Have you ever travelled with your family?

What kinds of family activities are popular in China? How to get along well with family members?

What do you usually do with your family during national holidays and festivals? In China today, what is the structure of the typical family?

What do you think are some of the advantages and disadvantages of big families as opposed to small families?

What are some of the pros and cons of three generations living together?

Whose responsibility do you think it should be to (financially) look after old people – the government’s responsibility or the family’s?

How much do you think people should be responsible for the welfare of their parents?

Do you think family relationships are important?

2. Describe a person whose job is important to the society You should say:

Who this person is What job he or she has How you knew this person

And explain why his/her job is important to the society Part3:


What jobs are well-paid in China? What jobs are poorly-paid in your country?

Do people who have different levels of income feel happy about how much they earn?

Do you think students who just graduate should have the same income as odl people?

What should schools do to help students survive in society well? Why do people sometimes become bored with their jobs?

What do you think employers or supervisors can do to help motivate their employees to perform better at work, besides giving them a pay raise?

If someone is bored in their job, is it easy for them to change to a different job? Do you think it’s good to change jobs frequently?

3. Describe a famous person in the news that you would like to meet You should say:

Who he or she is

What this person showed up on TV How you knew this person And explain why you want to meet him/her Part3:

What kinds of people can be seen on TV?

Do you think there is too much news about celebrity?

Do you think negative information in the news will have negative influence? What do people like about negative news? What is usually in the news in China? Is the information always true?

What is the difference between broadcasting news in the past and in the present? Do you believe everything said in the news? What kinds of news are popular in China?


4. Describe a person who likes to travel by plane You should say:

Who this person is How you knew this person Where this person travels to

And explain why this person likes to travel by plane Part3:

What are the advantages and disadvantages if travelling by plane? Is it god to live nearby an airport? Do Chinese people like to travel by plane?

What kinds of transportation do people choose when they go on a long journey? Would you like to travel by your own car in the future? Are you happy with the service on the plane in china? What kinds of people travel by plane in China? What do some people dislike air travel?

5. Describe a person who does well in work. You should say:

Who this person is How you knew this person What kind of work this person does And explain why this person can do well Part3:

Why do young people keep changing jobs?

What kinds of work do you prefer to do in the future? What kinds of work skills are important in China? Why do some young people prefer to be unemployed?


Is teamwork important at work? Is it easy to find a well-paid job in China? How should good employees be rewarded?

Ⅱ. Place

1. Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake, or the sea) that you enjoyed visiting

2. Describe a historical building in your country/hometown 3. Describe a park or garden you visited and liked/impressed you 4. Describe a café or restaurant 5. Describe a place to relax (not home) 6. Describe a place where you can read or write 新题:

1. Describe a foreign country you want to visit but haven’t been to. 2. Describe a house or apartment you want to live in 3. Describe a street you like to visit 4. Describe a place you visited but only for a short period of time

1. Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake, or the sea) that you enjoyed visiting You should say:

Where it was

Who you went there with What you did together there And explain why you liked to visit it Part 3:

Why do so many people like going to places with water such as lakes, rivers or the



What kinds of leisure activities do people like to do in places such as on the ocean, at a beach/a river/a lake etc.?

What are the pros and cons of traveling to the ocean?

As a leisure place, do you think the beach or the seaside is more suitable for children or for old people?

Do you think children and old people do the same types of things when they go to a beach?

What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?

Why do some people like water sports?

Do you think the government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?

Do you think that human activity is posing a threat to the oceans of the world? How important is water in people’s everyday lives?

2. Describe a historical building in your country/hometown You should say:

Where this building is How you knew it What it is like

And explain why it is important to your country/hometown Part3:

Do you think we should protect old buildings? How can people be attracted to visit historical places? How can we protect historical buildings?

What’s the most important historical building in your country?

3. Describe a park or garden you visited and liked/impressed you 22

You should say: Where it was What it looked like What people did there

And explain how you felt about the park/garden Part 3:

Are public gardens very important in China? Are there many public gardens in China?

Do you think there are enough public gardens in you hometown? What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city? Why do people who live in cities like public gardens、

Do you think governments should provide public gardens for people to visit? Do you think the government should spend more money on public gardens for the cities or for the villages and small towns in the countryside?

Do these gardens play the same role for old people and young people?

Do you think these gardens are more important for old people (eg., retired people) or young(er) people?

Do you think it’s more important to have public facilities, such as gardens and parks, for young people or for old people、

Do you think gardens are important for children to see and play in? Which do you think is more important, public gardens or private gardens? Do they prefer to grow flowers or vegetables?

If you had your own personal garden, which would you prefer to grow, vegetables or flowers? (Why?)

What do people in China like to do in the outside parts of their home, for example on their balcony or in their backyard?

4. Describe a café or restaurant You should say:


Where it is

What it is like there/What kinds of food and drink this place serves How often you go there And explain why you enjoy going there Part 3:

Do you prefer eating at home or in a restaurant? What do people like to have for dinner/lunch in China? Why do more and more people like to eat out?

Does it give people more status to eat out rather than eat at home? Do people go to restaurant more often than before? Do you prefer Chinese food or western food? Do men and women all like to cook in your country? Do young people like to eat traditional Chinese food?

What’s the difference between eating at home and eating in a restaurant? Are there many foreign restaurants in your country?

Which food do you think is healthier, restaurant food or home-cooked food? How would you introduce a foreigner to the food and food culture in your country? In your opinion, what is a healthy diet? What are some examples of unhealthy food? Do you think children should learn to cook? How should a person teach a child to cook?

When buying food (such as in a supermarket or food market), what do you think people need to pay attention to?

5. Describe a place to relax (not home) You should say: Where the place is What it is like

How to spend time there


And explain why you can relax there Part3:

How do Chinese people relax?

Why do some students think it’s hard to relax, even in a cinema? What should employers do to help their employees relax? Is relaxation important to students?

Which place is better for relaxing, an indoor place or an outdoor place?

6. Describe a place where you can read or write You should say: Where it is

How often you go there/How long you usually stay there What you usually do there

And explain why you think it’s a good place for reading and writing Part 3:

Who likes to read more often, young people or old people? Why do some young people dislike reading books in recent years? Are there many public libraries in China? What kinds of books should children read? 新题:

1. Describe a foreign country you want to visit but haven’t been to. You should say:

Where this place is What it is like

What you can do in this country

And explain why you want to visit the country



Why do (Chinese) people like to travel abroad? What can people benefit from international travel? What effects will tourism have on our environment?

What’s the difference between traveling abroad and studying abroad? Would you want to travel around the world in the future?

2. Describe a house or apartment you want to live in You should say:

Where this place is What it is like

When you want to live in there

And explain why you want to live in such a place Part3:

Do most Chinese people live in an apartment or house?

Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves? Do Chinese people like to rent a place to live? Would you live in a foreign country in the future?

How could government do to control the price of property?

How is modern home design (both inside and outside appearance) in your country different to that of the past?

In your country, what type of home do most people live in?

Do people prefer to live in modern homes or the older-style homes (e.g. … from 50 years ago)?

How are modern homes different from older homes? What do you imagine people’s houses will be like in the future?

Do you think moving to a new home can ever create/cause problems for people? What are the differences between living in a city and living in a village/town (or in the countryside)?


3. Describe a street you like to visit You should say:

Where it is

How often you go there What you like to do there

And explain why you like it Part3:

What kinds of streets are popular in China? Are there any famous streets in China? Is traffic jam a big problem in China? Why should people follow traffic rules? Do you like big cities?

What are the advantages of living in a city?

Do you think cities are more suitable for young people or old people? (or is it equally suitable for both of them)?

For old people, what are the good points and bad points of living in a city?

In some Western countries, some people move out of city to retire in the countryside. Why do you think they choose to do that?

Do you think most people, if they had a choice, would prefer to live in a house or a flat?

Do you think it’s important for students to live in a city?

Do you think it’s important for students to attend university or college in a city?

4. Describe a place you visited but only for a short period of time You should say: Where you went Who you went with What you did during the trip


And explain how you felt about this place Part3:

What do you do before you start your journey?

Do you prefer travelling on your own or with your friends? How do you usually plan your trips? Do you like long journeys?

Do you always like to visit a place you have been to again? Ⅲ. Event

1. Describe a time when you had a disagreement with your friend(s). 2. Describe a time when you were surprised to meet someone. 3. Describe a time when you got up extremely early. 4. Describe a positive change that improves your local area. 5. Describe an age/a stage you enjoyed mostly in your life. 6. Describe an educational trip you took. 7. Describe a special trip you would like to take in the future. 8. Describe a happy family event from your childhood that you remember well. 新题:

1. Describe an important conversation that had a great influence on you. 2. Describe a situation when you waited for something. 3. Describe a happy event you had recently. 4. Describe a long journey you took by car. 5. Describe a long walk you ever had. 6. Describe a time when someone or something made noise. 7. Describe a success in your life. 8. Describe a time that you forgot something important. 9. Describe a time when you watched the sky.


1. Describe a time when you had a disagreement with your friend(s). You should say:

What kind of disagreement it was When it happened What the result was And explain how you felt about it. Part 3:

How do you usually feel when others disagree with you? Do you like to hear different opinions?

Are you a person who often disagrees with others? How should young people communicate with old people? Do schools in China teach critical thinking?

Do you think a chat will be boring if there is only agreement?

2. Describe a time when you were surprised to meet someone. You should say:

Who this person was

When and where you met this person What you did together on that day

And explain how you felt when you met him or her (why you thought it was a surprise). Part 3:

Do you think it’s necessary to hang out with friends regular? Is it safe to make friends on the Internet?

Do parents in your country teach their children how to make friends? Why do some people get distant from their friends?

What’s the most important thing that people can learn from their friendship?


3. Describe a time when you got up extremely early. You should say: When it was

How early you had to get up Why you needed to get up And explain how you felt about it. Part 3:

Who usually get up early, young people or old people?

Do you think working late at night influence the next day’s work? Do young people in China stay up late at night? Is it easy to get up early for you?

What do you do to guarantee a good sleep? Can you sleep well if there is noise around?

4. Describe a positive change that improves your local area. You should say:

What the change is How the change works

What kind of problems the change improves And explain how you feel about the change Part 3

Do changes always lead to a positive result?

How has your hometown changed in the past ten years? Why it is difficult for some people to make a change in their life? Are there any changes you want to make this year?

What are the disadvantages of people knowing each other in a small village?


Do you think government should spend more money in making a city more beautiful?

5. Describe an age/a stage you enjoyed mostly in your life. You should say:

What the age/stage was

What you enjoyed doing back then Who you spent time with

And explain why you enjoyed that age/stage. Part 3

What are the popular things people like to do in their childhoods? What are the things that people under 18 years old should not do in China? How do people celebrate the start of their adulthood in your country? Do you think adults can be as happy as children? When should people get married?

6. Describe an educational trip you took. You should say:

Where this place was What you did there Who you went there with

And explain why you thought this trip was educational Part3:

What kinds of educational trips do you have in China? What's the role of the teacher in this kind of trips? Why do some parents want their kids to study at home? Do you think homeschooling will be popular in the future?


7. Describe a special trip you would like to take in the future. You should say: Where this place is

Who you would like to go with What you would do there

And explain why this would be a special trip Part3:

Are there any special places for visiting in China? Do Chinese people like to travel abroad? What can people benefit from travelling?

Do you like to travel on your own or with your family? Do you like to visit popular places or less-known places?

8. Describe a happy family event from your childhood that you remember well. You should say: What the event was When and where it happened What you saw and did

And explain why you remember that event so well. Part 3:

Describe a typical family in China.

What is the role of your mother and father in your family? At what age young people in China are considered adults? How to help children become mature? Is it good to have only one child?

Do you think teenagers should start working to make money for their families?



1. Describe an important conversation that had a great influence on you. You should say:

When this happened Who you were talking with What you talked about

And explain how this conversation influenced you Part3

How do friends communicate with each other?

What's the difference between having a conversation with a man and a conversation with a woman?

Do you think women like to chat more than men?

When men chat with other men, do they usually talk about the same things that women do when they chat with other women? What is the difference between chatting and gossiping? Who do you prefer chatting with, your parents or your friends? Do most people have just a small number of friends, or many friends? How do most people make new friends in your country?

Do you think people's abilities or intelligence is a factor when people become friends?

What qualities do you think a good friend should have?

Do you think it's possible to determine how sincere a person is the first time you meet them?

2. Describe a situation when you waited for something. You should say:

When and where it happened What you waited for How long you waited for it


And explain why you had to wait for it. Part 3:

1. Do you think patience is important? 2. Why is it difficult for children to be patient? 3. How to teach children patience? 4. Is being patient always positive?

5. Has technology made people less patient than before? 6. Why can people wait for something for a long time?

7. What factor can you tolerate when a friend is late for a long time? 8. What will you do when you wait for someone?

9. Would you easily feel angry when you wait for a long time? 10. Have you ever been late for meeting someone?

3. Describe a happy event you had recently. You should say:

When this happened What the event was Who was with you

And explain why you felt happy about it Part3:

How would you define happiness?

What kinds of things make Chinese people feel happy? Do you think people will be happy when they become richer? Why do some people say happiness never lasts long? What do you do when you feel unhappy? Do you think money can make people happy? Do you think rich people are always happy?

Are Chinese people happier than they were 30 years ago?


4. Describe a long journey you took by car. You should say: Where you went

How long it took you/What you did at this place Who you went there with

And explain how you felt about this trip/why you took that journey by car. Part3:

Why do people like to have private cars?

What are the differences between bicycles and private cars? Is it a good thing that everyone has their own cars? How to buy private cars in China?

What's the difference between men and women's preference on cars? What will cars be like in the future?

Are there many families that own private cars in China? Is travelling by car popular in China nowadays? Do you like to have a long journey?

Compare long-distance travel with short-distance travel? How can we make long journey by car more comfortable?

What do you think you need to pay attention to when take a long trip? What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling in a tour group?

5. Describe a long walk you ever had. You should say:

When this happened Where you walked Who you were with

And explain how you felt about the walk



What are the most popular outdoor sports in China? Why do some people dislike walking? Who is more suitable for walking?

Do Chinese people like to play indoor sports or outdoor sports? What are the benefits for children to play outdoor games? Would you say your hometown is a suitable place for walking? Did you like walking when you were a child?

In the future, do you think you will enjoy walking or will you prefer to use some form of transportation?

What do you think are the benefits of walking?

6. Describe a time when someone or something made noise. You should say:

When and where it happened

Who this person was/What this thing was Why they made noise/What kind of noise it was And explain how you felt about this noise. Part3:

Is noise pollution serious in China? Do you like to live in a noisy place? Do you like to go to noisy places? Where can you hear loud noise?

Do you think there is more noise in people's lives today than in the past? Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future? Do you like to go to places where there are many people? What would you do if your neighbors were noisy all the time?

7. Describe a success in your life. 36

You should say:

When and where this happened What you did

What difficulties you met And explain how you felt about it. Part3:

How to measure a person's success?

Do you think the way people gain success has changed? How do you define success? How to reward successful people?

What's the most difficult thing you have ever done? What qualities does a person need to have to be successful? Do you feel terrible when you fail to do something? Is failure a necessary thing in people's life?

8. Describe a time that you forgot something important. You should say:

What you forgot to do When and where this happened Why you forgot it

And explain what consequences you faced Part3:

What do people do to remember things? Why do old people forget about things easily? What kinds of tips do you use to keep things in mind? What kinds of things can people do to prevent bad memory? Do you think memory is important for language learning? What kinds of jobs require good memory?


How can technology help human improve our memory?

9. Describe a time when you watched the sky. You should say:

When and where this happened Who you were with What you saw

And explain how you felt about watching the sky. Part 3:

What can we do to solve air pollution?

Have you ever thought of travelling to outer space? What kind of people would watch planets to earn money? Would children be benefited from watching stars? Did you like to watch the sky when you were young?

Ⅳ. Object

1. Describe a small and successful company you know. 2. Describe an electronic machine you want to buy. 3. Describe a gift that took you a long time to choose. 4. Describe an educational TV program. 5. Describe something you do to help you keep fit. 6. Describe a picture or photograph in your family/you like most. 7. Describe something interesting that you want to learn more about. 8. Describe an indoor game (not sport) that you liked to play when you were a child. 9. Describe a paid job you/someone you know ever did. 10. Describe a team you have been part of. 11. Describe a movie you have watched in a cinema or at home. 38


1. Describe a useful thing that you once borrowed. 2. Describe a song that means something special to you. 3. Describe a special festival in your culture/country. 4. Describe an article about life that you read from a magazine or from the internet. 5. Describe an environmental law you would like to see in the future. 6. Describe a painting or a work of art in your school. 7. Describe an art or craft activity you did at school. 8. Describe an unforgettable advertisement (that you liked or saw or heard). 9. Describe a skill that you want to learn more. 10. Describe something you would like to do if you were given a day off.

1. Describe a small and successful company you know. You should say:

What the company is called How you knew this company

What kind of business this company does And explain why you think this company is successful. Part3:

What factors can affect a company's development?

Would you work for a small but successful company in the future? Is it hard to run a company in China?

Do you think online shopping will replace shopping malls in reality? What do you think the businessmen need most to run companies?

Which do you think is better, to go into a big company or to go into a small company for a job?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a family business?


2. Describe an electronic machine you want to buy. You should say: What it is

How/When you knew about it What specific features it would have And explain why you would like to have it. Part3:

How have modern science and technology changed our society/life?

What are the pros and cons of using modern device? Can you think of some modern machines or hi-tech equipment that people have in their homes today? Do you think teachers will be replaced by technology in the future? What kinds of technology impress you the most? Why do old people like to live in a traditional way?

Do you think children can be benefited from high technology? What will be the future development of electronic devices?

3. Describe a gift that took you a long time to choose. You should say:

What kind of gift it was Who you prepared this gift for How you chose it

And explain why it took you a long time. Part3:

How do you usually choose gifts for people? Do you think it's better to choose a useful gift?

How to choose a gift for people who already have a lot of things? Have you ever received a gift that you didn't like?


What are the differences between gifts given by males and females?

4. Describe an educational TV program. You should say:

Where this place was Who you went there with What you did there

And explain why you thought this trip was educational. Part3:

What kinds of educational trips do you have in China? What's the role of the teacher in this kind of trips? Why do some parents want their kids to study at home? Do you think homeschooling will be popular in the future? Do students enjoy travelling with teachers? What are the benefits of travelling with teachers?

5. Describe something you do to help you keep fit. You should say: What you do

When you started doing this How/When/Where you do it

And explain what benefits you get from doing this activity/how this activity helps you Part3:

Is staying healthy an important topic in your country? Is it really so important to stay healthy?

What activities do people in your country do in order to maintain their health? Do you think elderly people (over 65) pay more attention to staying healthy than young people? Why? How?


What do elderly people (in your country) do in order to stay healthy?

Do you think that exercise is the best way to stay healthy, or is paying attention to one's diet the best way?

Do men and women generally do the same things to stay healthy? Would you say food safety is an important health issue? Did you learn anything in school about healthy living?

Do you think that employers /companies should encourage their employees to do things to stay healthy?

Do young people do exercises less often than before? What kinds of sports are popular in China? What else people can do to keep fit besides sports? How do parents do to make their children like sports?

6. Describe a picture or photograph in your family/you like most. You should say: Which room it is in Who took/bought this What is in the photo/picture And explain why you like it. Part3:

Do you like to take pictures of yourself?

Do you think it's necessary for schools to open photography classes? How do people in your country organize their photos? Why do some people think old photos are more valuable? What's the difference between traditional and digital cameras? Would you take photography classes in the future? Talk about some interesting pictures that you have taken. Why do so many people like to take photographs (as a hobby)? Why do some people keep photographs for a long time?


What are the occasions when people take photographs?

Why do some people invade the privacy of celebrities by taking photographs of these celebrities?

7. Describe something interesting that you want to learn more about. You should say: What it is

How you would continue learning it Where you could learn it

And explain why you would like to learn more about it. Part3:

Can you suggest a way that people can study together?

Do you think governments should pay for old people to learn something? Why do old people give up their hobbies?

What are the difficulties that people may have to continue to learn something? What do you think of online learning?

Do you think learning materials on the internet are reliable?

8. Describe an indoor game (not sport) that you liked to play when you were a child. You should say: What the game was

When, where and with whom you usually played it How you played it

And explain why you still remember this game/why you liked this game. Part3:

What is the most popular game for children in China? What kinds of indoor games do boys/girls like?


What kinds of outdoor games did you like to play when you were young? What benefits do people get from playing games? What are the advantages of computer games?

Do you think children should play group games more often?

What are the differences between children's games and adults' games? What are the benefits from playing games with family?

In general, how is outside play for children different to playing inside?

Do you think the indoor activities and outdoor activities develop children's abilities the same way?

How have games changed in the past few decades? Why do many adults today not play games?

9. Describe a paid job you/someone you know ever did. You should say: What the job was

How you/the person found this job What you/the person did in this job

And explain how you/the person felt about this job. Part3:

Is it hard to find a good job in China?

What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview? Why do some people keep changing their jobs? What should a good employer do? Would you like to work at weekends? How would you define \

Do you think some jobs are more important than others?

Do you think people who are doing unpleasant or dangerous job should be paid more?

How do young people choose their jobs in your country?


What jobs are more popular among young people in your country? Do you think it's good to change jobs frequently? Why do some people dislike their jobs? Why do some people lose interest in their jobs?

10. Describe a team you have been part of. You should say:

When the team was formed Who else participated in it What you did together

And explain why you became part of them Part3:

Do you think group activity is good for children? What kind of children do not like team work? How can we select a team leader? Have you ever led a team before?

If you were a leader and your teammates didn't respect you, what would you do?

11. Describe a movie you have watched in a cinema or at home. You should say:

What this movie was

Who you watched this movie with What this movie was about

And explain how you felt about this movie/why you wanted to watch this movie Part3:

What's the difference between watching a movie at home and watching it in a cinema?

Do young Chinese like to watch foreign movies?


How would you define a good movie?

Is it important to have famous actors in a movie if the movie wants to be successful? Do you prefer to watch a movie at home or in a cinema? Would you say that cinemas will disappear in the future? 新题:

1. Describe a useful thing that you once borrowed. You should say: What you borrowed

Whom you borrowed this from What kinds of features this thing has And explain why you think it is useful Part3:

What do Chinese people usually borrow? Will borrow things make people uncomfortable?

What to do if you don't want to lend something to others? Why do people dislike lending valuable items?

What would you do if your friends didn't give back what they borrowed from you?

2. Describe a song that means something special to you. You should say:

When you first listened to this song How often you listen to this song What this song is about

And explain why you think it is special to you. Part3:

When do people in China sing songs together?

Is there a special occasion that people would sing songs together?


What types of songs do young children like to listen to? Why are some singers so popular in the world? Do people in China listen to songs from other countries? Where do Chinese people go singing? Is music an important subject in school?

Why do some people say that music can help people relax? Why do people of different ages like different kinds of music? What can people learn from songs?

3. Describe a special festival in your culture/country. You should say: When this festival is Who you celebrate it with What people do during this event And explain why this festival is special Part3:

Do you have \Do you think these traditions will be lost in the future? Do you think it's important to maintain traditional festivals? What is the value of traditions?

Which do young people prefer, traditional ways of doing things or new ways? Why? Should young people celebrate foreign festivals?

Why do more and more young people prefer to celebrate festivals with their friends rather than with their families?

4. Describe an article about life that you read from a magazine or from the internet. You should say:

When and where you read it


What the article was about How it was related to healthy life

And explain why you think it is a good or bad article. Part3:

Why do magazines have health-related articles? What do Chinese people do to keep fit? Do you play any sports?

Do you think children should learn how to live healthily? How do people get information about health in China? Are there any negative influences from the healthy information? Do you think sports can help people improve their health? How to keep a healthy diet?

Do most young Chinese have a healthy lifestyle? What kinds of things are unhealthy for people to eat?

5. Describe an environmental law you would like to see in the future. You should say:

What this law would be about How this law will take effects Why it is important to have this law And what change will happen because of the law. Part3:

Why do schools make rules?

What's the importance of obeying law?

What can parents and teachers do to help children follow rules? Is it a good thing to break rules sometimes?

Why do some people say that rules are made to be broken? Do you think children should follow all kinds of rules?


Do you think it is necessary for children to wear school uniforms?

6. Describe a painting or a work of art in your school. You should say:

When you first saw it Where you saw it What it looked like

And explain how you felt about it. Part3:

What are some examples of (the various forms of) art?

What forms of visual art (e.g., paintings, sculpture) are popular in your country? Do you think art adds anything to the lives of people?

How important is art in the culture of a country/an ethnic group?

Are there any differences between the art in your country and the art in Western countries?

Are there many art exhibitions in your country?

Do you think people should be able to see these exhibitions for free? Do you think the government should pay for the creation of art?

7. Describe an art or craft activity you did at school. You should say:

When this happened What you did in the activity Who you did it with

And explain how you felt about this activity Part3:

What kinds of traditional handicrafts are there in your country? Should children learn more about art?


Why do some people think it is difficult to understand art?

What can we do to make young people pay more attention to traditional art? Do you think it's important to cultivate an appreciation of art in children? Do you think art should be included in school curriculums? Why? How do you imagine that art will be taught in the future?

Have you attended any lessons about art? What have you learned from these lessons?

8. Describe an unforgettable advertisement (that you liked or saw or heard). You should say:

Where you saw/heard it

What kind of advertisement it was

What the contents of the advertisement were And explain how you felt about it/Why you liked it. Part3:

In general, what are the pros and cons of advertising? Do you think there's too much advertising in our daily lives? Do people in your country like advertisements? In what ways do advertisements influence people?

What are the different forms of advertising that we have in society today? Which of those do you think is the most effective means of advertising? Do you think most advertisements achieve their purpose? Why?/Why not? What types of advertisements do people remetmber most?

Some people say that the high cost of advertising adds to the price of products and that if advertising was banned, this would make products cheaper. Do you agree? Do you think the government should have more control over advertising? Do children pay attention to advertisements?

What do you think is the impact of advertising on children?

Do you think advertising a certain product can ever have negative effects?


