
更新时间:2023-04-20 06:46:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载









Community(社区) service is important for many reasons.Taking part and volunteering teaches sympathy and understanding.One of my favorite things about it is that there are opportunities and choices right in your very neighborhood.

When I was younger,I volunteered for a nearby animal shelter.At first I didn’t know many people there and wasn’t very c71f11ca3a3567ec102de2bd960590c69ec3d8bdter,as I got to know the animals and staff members I learned to enjoy my time there.It was a very rewarding experience and I got to do many things I wouldn’t have had an opportunity to do otherwise.

Sometimes when I was there I would see other kids taking part.Most of them were volunteering because they needed service hours for school.These kids sometimes just sat around waiting for their time to pass.But there were also others,who had apparently enjoyed their experiences,and wanted to do more afterwards.

Not only is community service fun and rewarding,it also looks great on a resume(简历) or college application.Sometimes community service is even required for high school c71f11ca3a3567ec102de2bd960590c69ec3d8bdst year in my life skills class we were asked to write a paper about whether we thought requiring students at a university to complete 75 hours of community service was a good idea.I wrote,“I don’t think that is too much as long as the students are given enough time and a variety of choices.”

As I move through life I will be always involved in community service,not just because it is important but also because it is something I enjoy and look forward to.So maybe it is the right time you should go out,volunteer your time and make a difference,even if your reward is only a nod or smile.

1.The writer began to enjoy volunteering at the animal shelter when he .

A.realized the importance of community service

B.witnessed some students wasting their time

C.got inspired by the enthusiastic volunteers

D.adjusted himself to the new environment

答案 D


2.What might be the writer’s attitude to the 75-hour community service required for a university student? A.Cautious. B.Approving.

C.Unconcerned. D.Doubtful.

答案 B

解析观点态度题。根据第四段最后一句可推知,作者对大学生要完成75小时的社区服务工作持赞成态度。故选B。3.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To introduce a growing trend of volunteering.

B.To reflect on one of his volunteer experiences.

C.To advocate participating in community service.

D.To make the benefits of community service known.

答案 C




It’s 3 o’clock and you’ve been hard at work.As you sit at your desk,a strong desire for chocolate overcomes you.You try to busy yourself to make it go away.But it doesn’t.Here is another situation.Perhaps you are not feeling well.The only thing you want to eat is a big bowl of chicken soup,like your mom used to make when you were sick as a child.Food cravings are a strong desire for a specific type of food.And they are normal.

Scientists at the website Ho w Stuff Works compare hunger and cravings this way.Hunger is a fairly simple connection between the stomach and the brain.They even call it simply “stomach hunger”.When our stomachs burn up all of the food we have eaten,a hormone(荷尔蒙) sends a message to one part of the brain,the hypothalamus(下丘脑),for more food.The hypothalamus regulates our most basic body functions such as thirst,hunger and sleep.The brain then produces a chemical to start the appetite.And you eat.Hunger is a function of survival.

A craving is more complex.It activates(使活跃) brain areas related to emotion,memory and reward.These are the same areas of the brain activated during drug-craving studies.So,some scientists call food cravings “mind hunger”.People often crave foods that are high in fat and sugar.Foods that are high in fat or high in sugar release chemicals in the brain.These chemicals give us feelings of pleasure.

In a 2007 study,researchers at Cambridge University found that dieting or restricted eating generally increases the possibility of food cravings.So,the more you deny yourself a food that you want,the more you may crave it.However,fasting is a bit different.They found that eating no food at all for a short period of time lessened food cravings.

So,the next time you crave something very specific,know that your brain may be more to blame than your stomach.

4.What is the function of the first paragraph?

A.To deepen the understanding of hunger.

B.To lead to the topic of the whole passage.

C.To report the discovery of craving study.

D.To remind readers of their own special food.

答案 B

解析细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句“Food cravings are a strong desire for a specific type of food.And they are normal.”可知,第一段是为了引出整篇文章的话题。故选B。

5.What do we learn about food cravings?

A.It means the stomach functions well.

B.It ensures a person survives hunger.

C.It shows food is linked to feelings.

D.It proves the brain decides your appetite.

答案 C

解析推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句“Foods that are high in fat or high in sugar release chemicals in the brain.These chemicals give us feelings of pleasure.”可知,食物与情感有关系。故选C。

6.What’s the likely result of dieting?

A.The increase of food desire.

B.The decrease of chemicals.

C.The refusal of fat and sugar.

D.The disappearance of appetite.

答案 A

解析推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第一句“In a 2007 study,researchers at Cambridge University found that dieting or restricted eating generally increases the possibility of food cravings.”可知,节食会导致饮食欲望的增加。故选A。7.What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.The findings of food cravings.

B.What hunger is all about.

C.The functions of brain areas.

D.What dieting may bring us.

答案 A

解析主旨大意题。根据第一段最后两句“Food cravings are a strong desire for a specific type of food.And they are normal.”可知,本文主要谈论饮食冲动的调查结果。故选A。



Students in the United Kingdom will be using textbooks almost identical(完全相同的) to the ones that students in the

Chinese city of Shanghai use from January 2018,in a bid to improve ailing mathematics test results.

The UK government will carry out the plan,worth US $ 54 million,which allows half of all primary school teachers to use the real Shanghai mathematics textbook series.As a result,the course’s 36 books will be adopted in their curriculum.The materials will be roughly the same,simply replacing Chinese Renminbi symbols with the British Pound’s.According to a Ne w York Times report,Shanghai students topped international standardized testing of mathematics in 2010 based upon a “mastery”(熟练掌握) approach to maths education.“Maths mastery involves children being taught as a whole class,building depth of understanding of the structure of maths,supported by the use of understanding of the structure of maths,supported by the use of high-quality textbooks,” the British government said last July.

With the help of funding up to £41 million,more than 8,000 primary schools—half of the total number in England—will receive support to adopt the approach,which is used by some of the leading performers in maths in the world,including Shanghai and Singapore.

Unlike many Western countries,Chinese students’ performance in mathematics is above average in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD).Data from the Programme for International Student Assessment released in 2015 by the OECD showed one in four students in Shanghai are top performers in mathematics.This means students can handle tasks that require the ability to formulate(确切表达) complex situations mathematically,using symbolic representations.The UK,however,has slightly lower numbers of top performers in mathematics than the OECD average.

“All the time,Asians have been learning from the Western education system,” Yong Zhao,a professor of education at The University of Kansas said as quoted by The Ne w York Times.“Suddenly,it’s the reverse(相反的情况).”

8.What does the underlined word “ailing” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.Competitive. B.Impressive.

C.Terrible. D.Stable.

答案 C

解析词义猜测题。根据第一段的内容可知,从2018年1月起,英国的学生们将使用与中国上海的学生们所使用的几乎完全相同的数学教材,再结合第四段中的最后一句可知,数学成绩最好的英国学生人数低于OECD的平均数,故英国采取此方法的目的是提高英国学生糟糕的数学成绩。ailing意为“每况愈下的,状况不佳的”。故选C。9.What makes Shanghai’s students stand out in mathematics tests based on the passage?

A.Adopting excellent teaching methods.

B.Simplifying complex maths concepts.

C.Valuing students’ independent learning.

D.Subscribing to high-difficulty textbooks.

答案 A

解析细节理解题。根据第二段第四句中的“Shanghai students topped international standardized testing of mathematics

in 2010 based upon a ‘mastery’(熟练掌握) approach to maths education”可知,上海的学生数学成绩优异得益于一种优秀的教学方法,故选A。

10.What does the content of Paragraph 3 mainly indicate?

A.Britain has a lack of high-quality textbooks.

B.Britain devotes a lot to advancing its education.

C.British education falls far behind that of Singapore.

D.British primary schools need people’s support most.

答案 B

解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“With the help of funding up to £41 million,more than 8,000 primary schools—half of the total number in England—will receive support to adopt the approach”可知,英国投入了多达4 100万英镑来支持英国半数的小学采用上海的数学教学方法,由此可推知,英国在发展其教育方面投入很大。故选B。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


How to Create Better Phone Habits

If you find yourself constantly checking your cell phone,you may have a problem with overuse of the cell phone. 11 Here are four tips on how to create better phone habits:

1.Put your phone away an hour before you go to sleep.Staring at a screen right before you try to go to sleep is going to make it more difficult to fall asleep. 12 Don’t try to sleep with it right next to your head because you will spend more time focusing on who might be texting you than sleeping.

2.Carry your phone in your bag or pocket.When you take your phone with you,don’t carry it in your hand. 13 This is especially important when you drive.Make sure your phone is hidden away when you drive so you are not tempted to look at it and text.

3.14 Think of the best times of the day for you to not be on your phone texting and make it a “no phone time”.Turn your phone completely off and put it away somewhere where you can’t get to it for a few hours.Forcing yourself to do this daily will help train your brain to not get anxious when you are not to your phone.

4.Pretend like your cell phone is a home phone. 15 Try pretending like your cell phone is a landline phone.Place it in one spot in your house and always leave it there and only use it there,instead of taking it with you everywhere you go. A.An hour before you go to sleep,text anyone you are talking to that you are going to sleep.

B.Cell phones are an annoying invention.

C.Have set times when you are away from your phone.

D.Turn off your cell phone before you leave your home.

E.Probably one of the major reasons you are addicted to texting is because you can take your phone with you anywhere. F.It can lead to reduced quality of personal relationships and lack of productivity in daily life.

G.Put your phone somewhere where you can’t see it.




12.答案 A

解析A项与第二段第一句“Put your phone away an hour before you go to sleep.”相吻合。故选A。


解析根据空格前的一句话和下文中的“Make sure your phone is hidden away”可知,此处应指把手机放在你看不到的地方。故选G。

14.答案 C


15.答案 E

解析E项中的“you can take your phone with you anywhere”与空格后的“place it in one spot in your house and always leave it there”相对应。故选E。




It happened to Susan Black in a cold winter.Everything seemed in a 16 those days.Both her parents suffering from depression,sending for a 17 became a common practice.As a woman in her 40s,it was a 18 job to be a teacher of 30 first-graders,who were always 19 ,and she’d tried all sorts of methods,but 20 to get them quiet in class...

Misfortunes were 21 one after another.After a long and tiring day at work,Susan dragged herself along,22 towards the parking lot.She came to the car,only to find she had locked her keys and cell phone inside. 23 kicking the tyre of the car,she sensed tears 24 her cheeks.

“What’s wrong?” a voice was heard.Susan looked up,and saw a young man with a 25 at his side.Susan stopped weeping and explained her situation,adding that 26 he called her husband,he wouldn’t bring her the spare car key,since he was working at the 27 end of the town and it was still not time to 28 the day’s work.“Call your 29 and tell him I’m coming to get the key,”the young man handed Susan his phone.“But that’s nine miles’ round trip...” said Susan.“There’s no time for 30 .I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

Two hours later,the motor rider returned with a big smile and 31 face,the key in hand.Susan 32 some money,but he refused.“Let’s just say I needed the 33 ,” with those words,like a 34 in the movies,he rode off into the sunset.

For Susan,the “cowboy” not only picked the key,but 35 her day,or rather,warmed the long and cold winter days.

16.A.battle B.row

C.mess D.hurry

答案 C

解析battle战役;row 行;mess混乱;hurry匆忙。那些天一切似乎一片混乱。in a mess一片混乱,故选C。17.A.worker B.psychologist

C.policeman D.lawyer

答案 B


18.A.tough B.rare

C.boring D.rewarding

答案 A


19.A.kind B.quick

C.happy D.noisy

答案 D


20.A.at heart B.in vain

C.on purpose D.with ease

答案 B

解析at heart内心里,本质上;in vain徒劳;on purpose故意地;with ease不费力地。她尝试了各种方法,但在课堂上让他们安静下来是徒劳的。故选B。

21.c71f11ca3a3567ec102de2bd960590c69ec3d8bding true B.piling up

C.going well D.running out

答案 B

解析come true变成现实;pile up堆起;go well进展顺利;run out耗尽。接连不断的不幸。故答案为B。22.A.looking B.marching

C.yelling D.heading

答案 D


23.c71f11ca3a3567ec102de2bd960590c69ec3d8bddly B.Randomly

C.Suddenly D.Wildly

答案 D


24.A.streaming down B.flowing past

C.showing up D.casting away

答案 A

解析参考上题解析。stream down往下流;flow past流过;show up露面,出现;cast away丢掉,浪费。根据句意可知选A。

25.A.bicycle B.car

C.motorbike D.taxi

答案 C

解析bicycle自行车;car小汽车;motorbike摩托车;taxi出租车。根据倒数第二段第一句“Two hours later,the motor rider returned with a big smile”可知,苏珊抬起头来,看见一个年轻人,一辆摩托车在他身边。故选C。

26.A.even if B.unless

C.just as D.whenever

答案 A

解析even if即使;unless除非;just as正如;whenever无论什么时候。苏珊停止哭泣,解释她的处境,并补充说,即使给她丈夫打电话,他也不会带来她汽车的备用钥匙,因为他在镇子的最偏远的地方工作,而且还没到结束一天工作的时候。根据句意可知选A。

27.A.wide B.deep

C.far D.long

答案 C


28.A.end B.forget

C.give up D.put off

答案 A

解析参考上题解析。end结束;forget忘记;give up放弃;put off推迟。根据句意可知选A。

29.A.friend B.family

C.daughter D.husband

答案 D

解析friend 朋友;family家庭;daughter女儿;husband丈夫。给你丈夫打电话,告诉他我去取钥匙。故选D。30.A.waiting B.hesitation

C.traveling D.delivery

答案 B

解析wait等待;hesitation犹豫不决;travel旅行;delivery递送。没时间犹豫,我将尽快回来。故选B。31.A.charming B.sweating

C.worrying D.encouraging

答案 B


32.A.received B.shared

C.offered D.loaded

答案 C


33.A.exercise B.help

C.reward D.lesson

答案 A


34.A.young B.stranger

C.motor rider D.cowboy

答案 D

解析参考上题解析。young年轻人;stranger 陌生人;motor rider骑摩托的人;cowboy牛仔。根据句意知选D。35.A.kept B.burnt

C.fixed D.built

答案 C






If words like beautiful and elegant apply to the majority of actresses in Hollywood,brainy and intelligent only apply to a few,one of 36. is Natalie Portman.Her first big break was The Professional.Portman was just 13 then.She played a girl who becomes friends 37. a hitman after her family is c71f11ca3a3567ec102de2bd960590c69ec3d8bdter,her role as Queen Amidala in Star Wars made her 38. international superstar.

By that time,she 39. (accept) by Yale University and Harvard University in the US.40. (prevent) her life from becoming a typical child actor in soap opera,Portman decided to take a break from acting to study psychology at

Harvard.And after 41. (graduate) in 2004,she continued to work for graduate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.42. is more amazing is that Portman co-authored two research papers that were published in professional scientific journals.

Portman’s educational background has influenced one of her 43. (project).Her company worked with the actress to start a program.The program aims at connecting girls aged 14 and older with 44. (success) women in science,technology,engineering and mathematics so they can meet,work with and learn from 45. .


解析考查定语从句。空格处引导定语从句,先行词是“a few”,表示那些称得上聪明、有头脑的为数不多的人中,Natalie Portman是其中的一位。先行词表示人,因此介词of后面的引导词用whom。


解析考查介词。句意为:她扮演了一位在全家被杀后和一个杀手成为了朋友的小女孩。become friends with sb.和某人成为朋友,符合语境。故填with。


解析考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处指正是因为在《星球大战》中Queen Amidala这个角色,使她成为一名国际巨星。此处是泛指概念,international的读音以元音音素开头,所以应用不定冠词an。

39.答案had been accepted/was accepted

解析考查动词的时态和语态。根据语境可知,主语“she”和动词accept之间是被动关系,故用被动语态;叙述已经发生的事情用一般过去时。根据时间状语By that time“到那时为止”可知,也可用过去完成时。故填had been accepted/was accepted。

40.答案To prevent

解析考查非谓语动词。句意为:为避免自己变成一个典型的肥皂剧童星,Natalie Portman决定暂时息影去哈佛大学学习心理学。此处表目的,故用不定式结构。故填To prevent。






解析考查名词复数。one of...意为“……之一”,后面用名词复数形式。故填projects。

















Dear Peter,

I’m terribly sorry to hear that you are ill and in hospital.How are you feeling now?

Our head teacher told me that you would be absent from school for half a month.Do relax and don’t worry about your studies.Some classmates are going to visit you on weekends and we are all willing to help you with your schoolwork if necessary.

We all miss you very much and wish you a quick and complete recovery.


Li Hua 第二节读后续写(满分25分)


Last year at Christmas time my wife,three boys,and I were on our way from Paris to Nice.Everything seemed to have gone wrong.Our hotels were “tourist traps”;our rented car broke down.On Christmas Eve,when we finally checked into a small hotel in Nice,there was no Christmas spirits in our hearts.

It was raining and cold when we went out to eat.We found a restaurant,where only two tables were occupied.A German family,and an American sailor,alone.In the corner a piano player listlessly(无精打采地) played Christmas music.In the whole place,the only person who seemed happy was the American sailor.While eating,he was writing a letter,and a half smile lighted his face.

My wife ordered our meal.The waiter brought us the wrong thing.I scolded my wife for being stupid.Her eyes were filled with tears.I felt even worse.Then the German father slapped one of his children for some small things,and the boy began to cry.

Just then,through the front door came an old French flower woman.Carrying her basket of flowers,she went from one table to the other.“Flowers,monsieur?Only one franc.” No one bought any.

Exhausted,she sat down at a table between the sailor and us.To the piano player she said,“Can you imagine,Joseph,soup on Christmas Eve?” Joseph pointed to his empty “tipping plate”.

The young sailor finished his meal and got up to leave.Putting on his coat,he walked over to the flower woman’s table.“Happy Christmas,” he said,smiling and picking out two flowers.“How much are they?”“Two francs,monsieur.” Pressing one of the flowers flat,he put it into the letter he had written,then handed the woman a twenty-franc note.“I don’t have change,monsieur,”she said.“No,ma’am,”said the sailor,“this is my Christmas present to you.”






Paragraph 1:

Then,straightening up,he came to our table

Paragraph 2:

E v eryone w as silent,w atching the sailor until he w as out of sight.


Then,straightening up,he came to our table.Holding the other flower in his hand,“Sir,” he said to me,“may I have permission to give this flower to your beautiful wife?” With a big smile on his face,he gave my wife the flower,wished us a Merry Christmas and left.What a magic!The tears left my wife’s eyes,and she even began to sing.

Everyone was silent,watching the sailor until he was out of sight.A few seconds later,happiness and laughter exploded throughout the restaurant like a bomb.The old flower woman jumped up,waving the twenty-franc note,and shouted to the piano player,“Joseph,my Christmas present!And you shall have half!” Joseph beat the keys with magic hands,playing a cheerful Christmas song.All of us joined in to sing the song.Christmas spirits came back.

