七年级英语上册 Starter Module 3 My English book Unit 3 Wh

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Unit 3 What colour is it? Ⅰ.Teaching model

Listening and writing

Ⅱ.Teaching aims

To recognize colours

Ⅲ.Teaching aids

Tape recorder,PPT

Ⅳ.Teaching steps

Step 1:Warming-up

1.Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.

2.Show some pictures of different colors and introduce the new words.

Step 2:Listen and point

1.Ask students to look at the pictures in Activity 1.

2.Play the recording and ask students to listen and point.

3.Listen and repeat.

4.Work in pairs.

—What colour is it?

—It's black,B-L-A-C-K,black.

Step 3:Look,read and match

1.Ask students to look at the pictures in Activity 2.

2.Have them look through the sentences.

3.Play the recording and ask students to listen and check.

4.Match the sentences.

1 What colour is the pen?a)It's red

2 What colour is the cat? b)It's yellow.

3 What colour is the pencil? c)It's white.

4 What colour is the flower? d)It's red,green and orange.

5 What colour is the dog? e)It's blue.

6 What colour is the bird? f) It's brown.

5.Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.


6.Listen again and say.

Step 4:Work in pairs

1.Ask and answer like this:

A:What colour is the…?


2.Have the students work in pairs.

Step 5:Write

1.Ask students to read the words in Activity 6.

2.Complete the table in Activity 6.

3.Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers.


(1)bag book desk pen pencil

(2)bird cat dog flower

(3)black blue brown green orange red white yellow

4.Ask students to read through the conversations in Activity 7 silently.

5.Fill in the blank.

(1)—What colour is the dog?



—It's ________.

(2)—What ________ is the flower?

—It's ________.

(3)—________ is the bird?

—It's red,green and ________.

(4)—What ________________?

—It's yellow.

(5)— ________________ the pen?

—It's ________.

(6)—________________ the cat?

— It's ________.

6.Listen and check.

Keys:(1)brown (2)colour,red (3)What colour,orange (4)colour is the pencil (5)What colour is,blue (6)What colour is,white

7.Ask students to do the following additions.

(1)red+yellow (2)red+blue (3)blue+yellow


Step 6:Homework

1.Copy the new words and expressions.

2.Recite the text of the Unit 3.

3.Finish the workbook.

4.Recite the notes and exercise points.

Blackboard Design

Unit 3What colour is it?

—What colour is it?

—It's black,B-L-A-C-K,black.



