2017中考王中考英语命题研究(贵阳)练习 九年级(全) Units 13—14

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九年级(全) Units 13—14


类别 词 汇 攻 关 2.harm→(形容词)__harmful__ 3.transport→(名词)__transportation__ 4.inspire→(名词)__inspiration__ 5.graduate→(名词)__graduation__ 6.care→(形容词)__caring__ 7.last→(副词)__lastly__ 8.manage→(名词)经理__manager__ 10.our→(名词性物主代词)__ours__ 11.thank→(形容词)__thankful__ 12.cost→(过去式)__cost__ →(过去分词)__cost__ 13.create→(形容词)__creative__ →(名词)__creativity__ 14.overcome→(过去式)__overcame__ →(过去分词)__overcome__ 短 语 归 纳 2.参加__take__part__in__ 3.关掉__turn__off__ 4.付费;付出代价__pay__for__ 5.扔掉;抛弃__throw__away__ 6.好好利用某物__put__sth.__to__good__use__ 7.拆下;摧毁__pull…down__ 8.上下颠倒;倒转__upside__down__ 9.恢复;使想起;归还__bring__back__ 10.在……方面起作用__play__a__part__in__ 11.砍倒__cut__down__ 12.代替;而不是__instead__of__ 14.建立__set__up__ 15.连续几次地__in__a__row__ 16.弄得一团糟(一塌糊涂)__make__a__mess__ 17.沉住气;保持冷静__keep__one's__cool__ 18.信任__believe__in__ 19.首先__first__of__all__ 20.渴望;渴求__be__thirsty__for__ 21.在……前面__ahead__of__ 22.对……有责任心;负责任课标考点要求 1.wood→(形容词)__wooden__ 9.congratulate→(名词)__congratulation__ 1.起作用;有影响__make__a__difference__ 13.对……有害__be__harmful__to__

__be__responsible__for__ 23.出发;启程__set__out__ 24.分离;隔开__separate__from__ 句 型 再 现 So together,our actions can __make__a__difference__ and __lead__to__ a better future! 2.如果它们的数目降至过低,它会给所有海洋生物带来危险。 If their numbers __drop__ too low,it __will__bring__ danger to all ocean life. 3.到目前为止,没有科学研究显示鲨鱼鳍对健康有好处,所以为什么吃它们呢? __So__far__,no scientific studies __have__shown__ that shark fins __are__good__for__ health,so why eat them? 4.对于带小孩子的父母来说,使用公共交通工具很难…… It's difficult __for__ parents __with__young children __to__use__ public transportation… 5.来自香港的杰西卡·王使用人们不再穿的旧衣服来制作袋子。 Jessica Wong from Hong Kong __uses__old clothes that people don't wear anymore __to__make__ bags. __Not__only__can__the__art__ bring happiness to others,__but__it__also__shows__ that even cold,hard iron can __be__brought__back__to__ life with a little creativity. 7.现在到了毕业的时间了。 And now it's time __to__graduate__. 8.感谢你们今天来参加第三中学的毕业典礼。 __Thank__you__for__coming__ today to attend the graduation ceremony at No.3 Junior High School. 9.但伴随着困难,也有很多令人兴奋的事情等着你们。 But __along__with__ difficulties,there will also be many exciting things __waiting__for__ you. 10.虽然现在你们不得不走向各自的方向,我希望在几年后,你们能够回我们学校参观。 __Although__ you have to go your separate ways now,I hope that __in__a__few__years'__time__,you __will__come__ back to visit our school. 语法 1.因此,我们齐心协力就能带来变化,创造更加美好的未来! 6.艺术不但能够给他人带来快乐,而且也说明只需要一点创造力,即便是冰冷、坚硬的铁也可以产生活力。

结构 2.状语从句。 1.复习used to、现在进行时态、被动语态、现在完成时、情态动词和非谓语动词的用法。



1.(2016贵阳92题)All students __are__thirsty__for__(thirsty)knowledge because it will give them wings to fly. ( C )2.(2012贵阳38题)When you leave the reading room,you should remember to ________ the lights. A.turn on B.turn down C.turn off

( B )3.(2015贵阳适应性考试32题)Bob's mom is happy to see that he is full of energy and ________ knowledge. A.is famous for B.is thirsty for C.is familiar with ◆状语从句

( B )4.(2016贵阳45题)The little boy is saving every coin________he can buy his mother a present on Mother's Day.

A.even if B.so that C.as soon as




afford为动词,意为“花费得起;能够做;承担得起(后果);提供;给予”。如:I thought he afforded a big house.我认为他买得起大房子。

afford指“给予”时,可接双宾语。如:My parents afford me nearly all the things.我的父母几乎给予我一切。 afford to do sth.是负担得起做某事,通常和can(could),can't(couldn't),be able to连用。如:She can hardly afford to wait for another hour.她几乎做不到再多等一小时了。


1.Her mother cannot__afford__(买得起) her a new dress.

2.They walked because they __couldn't__afford__(花费不起) a taxi. 3.We aren't poor but we can't afford __to__buy__(buy)a house like that.

She has been doing this for a few years now.现在她一直在做这件事好几年了。


(1)“have been+现在分词”,是现在完成进行时。表示现在以前这一段时间里一直在进行的动作,这动作可能仍在进行,也可能已停止。

It has been raining since last Sunday.



现在完成时可以表示一个已经完成的动作,而现在完成进行时则表示一个正在进行的动作。 I have read the book.我读过这本书。 I have been reading the book. 我一直在读这本书。 【温馨提示】


How long have you worked/been working here?你在这儿工作多久了? 【考点抢测】

( C )4.(2013玉林中考)—Dave,we will leave in 10 minutes.Are you ready? —No,I ________ our guide book and towels yet. A.don't pack B.didn't pack C.haven't packed

She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.无论题目多么



no matter how意为“无论怎样”,引导让步状语从句,相当于however。此外no matter what/when/where/who意为“无论什么/何时/何地/谁”,相当于whatever/whenever/wherever/whoever。例如:It's good to meet other people who want to learn English,no matter how good their English is.去接触一下别的想学英语的人是很有好处的,不管他们的英语怎么样。


( C )5.(2016东营中考改编)Shanghai Disney Park will be opened on June 16.But the tickets for the first day have ________sold out.

A.ever B.never C.already

( B )6.(2012东营中考)No matter what happens,the fact that Huangyan Island belongs to China will ________ change.

A.ever B.never C.still


保护环境 ◆写作导图

从全国近五年环境保护相关话题书面表达的命题来看,通常有三个角度的内容: 1.记叙你参加过的一次环保活动。


3.我们能为环境保护做些什么呢?以“环保从我做起”为话题谈论节约资源、垃圾分类、循环利用等。 结合贵阳考情,可以预测第三种命题角度出题机率更大。


常用句型:Everyone should protect the environment. And the world will become much more beautiful.

推荐句型:→If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment,the world will become much more beautiful.

常用句型:We should plant many trees,and we can live better.

推荐句型:→①We are supposed to plant more trees in order to live better in the future. →②If we plant more and more trees,we will live better in the future. (一)开头句

1.It is very important to take care of our environment. (二)中间句

2.It's our duty to protect our environment. 3.We should not throw litter onto the ground.

4.We should not spit in a public place/cut down the trees. 5.We are supposed to plant more flowers and trees. 6.We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin. 7.Trees are very helpful and important for us. (三)结尾句

8.Recycling trash is also important.

9.Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.Something must be done to stop the pollution. 10.It's necessary to save water.

11.It's everyone's duty to love and protect the environment. ◆写作模板

On具体的时间morning,人物and I decided to do something to 目的.First,we具体的行为and then we具体的活动and advised others not to建议别人不要做一些破坏环境的事情.We feel a little作者的感受but happy because作者为自己所做的事情感到自豪.Everyone should作贡献to protecting our environment.



Place Train station Time From 8:00 to 12:00 on Saturday morning Activities Clean the benches,pick up the rubbish,sweep the ground Feeling A little tired but happy 【审题指导】 细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以下信息:




4.词数应不少于80词,不得出现真实姓名、校名。 【范文点评】

Bob, ①I'm__writing__to__tell__you__about__a__voluntary__activity__last__week.We got to the train station at 8 o'clock on Saturday morning.②My__classmates__and__I__decided__to__do__something__to__make__it__cleaner__and__tidier.③First,we__cleaned__the__benches,and__then__we__picked__up__the__rubbish__and__advised__others__not__to__throw__rubbish__here__and__there.At noon,we swept the ground together and then we left. ④We__were__a__little__tired__after__long__hours__of__hard__work,but__we__were__still__very__happy. I hope everyone will ⑤make__a__contribution__to improving the environment of our city. Hope to write soon.Best wishes! Yours, Wang Lei ②动词的复合宾语结构,make sth. adj.,make it cleaner and tidier“使……更清洁、更整洁”,增加 了文章的可读性; ③固定词组cleaned the benches,picked up the rubbish等的运用彰显小作者词汇之丰富,也是增分的亮点; ④点明主题并升华,a little tired but happy“有点累但是很高兴”; ⑤make a contribution“为……作出贡献”。彰显了小作者词语运用的娴熟,也给文章增色不少。 ①开门见山地引出事件;

