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9 2003

I.Reading Comprehension

This section contains two passages. Read each passage and then answer the questions given at the end of each passage, using the answer sheet provided.

Passage One

Hillary Clinton was in her element. On stage at Belfast’s Grand Opera House last week, flanked by volunteers and politicians’ wives, Clinton celebrated the role of women in the Northern Ireland peace process. In a confident speech , she urged her audience to keep pushing for a common-sense end to the ages-old conflict. On her last official overseas trip as First Lady, Clinton fondly recalled not only earlier visits to Belfast, but her travel around the globe. Now she’d come to say farewell and, as she put it, to “end one chapter in my life.” But traveling with the president on his victory lap around the British Isles last week, was opening a whole new book.

As the Clintons prepare to leave the White House, Bill isn’t the only one thinking about a legacy. Hillary has racked up a long list of First Lady “firsts”: first baby boomer, first professional woman, first to head a major government task force, first to testify before a grand jury. “Hillary Clinton is, in my estimation, the single most accomplished First Lady in American history,” say Carl Anthony, a former Nancy Reagan aide and author of “American First Families.” a bumpy ride. “She might say surviving is her greatest triumph,” says a friend. Now her election to the U. S Senate and a staggering new book deal prove that Clinton has not only survived-she’s thriving. So much so that Democratic presidential nomination in 2004.

Despite all her years on the national stage, much about Hillary Clinton remains a mystery-which may explain why Simon & Schuster last week bid an almost unprecedented $ 8 million to publish her memoirs. But friends caution that while Clinton will touch on the obvious travails of her champion fund-raiser-both for Democrats who love her and for Republicans who love to hate her-and could become an eloquent voice of opposition against the new Bush White House. Hillary has promised to serve out her six-year Senate term, a vow that still could leave her open for a presidential bid in2008. Still, friends insist she have no such plans.

But the idea could grow on her. Al Gore once But in a few years, with a solid Senate record on key committees like finance or appropriations, Hillary could be well positioned to challenge the notoriously stiff campaigner who already No matter what her ultimate ambitions, Clinton steps. When Hillary staked out an office in the West Wing and took charge of health-care reform, people thought she was overreaching. Yet while Clinton was wounded after the health-fiasco, she never abandoned her goals, quietly pushing initiatives on children’s health, adoption and foreign aid, among others.

After years of changing hairstyles and political strategies, Hillary, it seems, oman gets to make choices of her own-to work, to run for office, to stand by her man. So when Clinton sits down with Laura Bush, friends say linton is far more consumed with her own


new job in the Senate. She’s also zeroing in on a house in Washington. She won’t be staying at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue anymore, but she won’t be far away, either.

1. Explain the following sentences or phrases in English, bringing out the implied meaning, if there is any: (40 points)

1) Hillary Clinton was in her element.

2)... reminiscent of another Clinton...

3) But it’s been a bumpy ride.

4)... she’s already topping the whispering list of contenders for the Democratic presidential

nomination in 2004.

5)... seemed the natural heir of Bill Clinton’s legacy.

6) who already squandered the advantages of incumbency.

7)... has learned a thing or two about taking small steps.

8)... has finally found her groove.

9) It is a central tenet of Hillary land...

10)... she won’t be offering any how-to lectures.

2. Give a brief answer to each of the following questions: (15 points)

1) What does the author mean when he says: “Hillary was opening a whole new book.”?

2) According to the author, what has been Hillary Clinton’s greatest accomplishment as the

First Lady?

3) Does the author think that Hillary Clinton will eventually try to compete for the


Passage Two

The news that McDonald’s is being sued by Hindus and vegetarians for glazing their french fries with beef extract Not merely because I am a vegetarian myself, but because we have come to the stage when people in America now feel entitled to expect McDonald’s, to serve them something that is 100 percent vegetarian.

What an evolution! When I came to the United States as a graduate student in 1975, to be vegetarian was a crippling handicap. The only food I could eat at the dorm cafeterias (other than breakfast) was salads. There were the occasional tasteless boiled vegetables, meant to accompany the main dish, but to one accustomed to the flavors and seasonings of richly varied Indian cuisine, these were barely edible. When I fled the campus to seek culinary solace in the wider world, all I could find were pizzas and submarine sandwiches. Great Boston boasted but one Indian restaurant, and as an impecunious student I couldn’t afford to go more than once a semester. At the rare dinner parties I was invited to, the hostesses heaped carrots and peas on my plate-and, if I was lucky, mashed potatoes.

If that wasn’t bad enough, I discovered that most Americans associated vegetarianism with the counterculture, a fad for pot-addled hippies in beads and sandals chanting “om” between crunching on those leaves they weren’t smoking. Merely confessing I was vegetarian meant being seen, at best, as some earnest, otherworldly fringe figure, probably full of dubiously utopian ideas about world peace and the environment. No one believed I didn’t even like animals. I just did not want to chew on their corpses.

How things have changed. A way of life once confined to a few rarefied precincts of LA gone mainstream. According to the Vegetarian Times, 7 percent of Americans consider themselves


vegetarian-about 18 million people. A 1999 poll by the Vegetarian Resource Group found that 57 percent of the population “sometimes, often or always orders a vegetarian item when eating out.” And since trends are made by the young, it’s striking that 6 percent of 18-to 29-year-olds never eat fish, fowl or meat.

It’s become chic to shun meat. I recently attended a cocktail reception at a posh New York hotel where all the hors d’oeuvres were vegetarian, in honor of the chief guest, singer Paul McCartney. A celebrity-studded “Say No to Veal” dinner at New York’s Plaza Hotel was a sellout on May 20. Organic vegetarian restaurants are sprouting on both coasts. Supermarket shelves are stacked with cans of soup and beans labeled VEGETARIAN. More and more natural-foods companies are being established, and many are being taken over by major corporations, always quick to spot a future business opportunity. It doesn’t hurt that red meat is losing much of its allure these days, what with mad cow, foot-and mouth and all the rest. The animal-rights group PETA claims 19,000 Americans are switching to a meat-free diet every week.

It also doesn’t hurt, of course, that Americans have become more health conscious than ever. The American Dietetic Association reports that vegetarians “have lower morbidity and mortality rates from several chronic degenerative diseases than do non-vegetarians.” Soybeans not only give you protein, they’re important sources of is flavones that may help prevent some cancers. Vegetables have always been thought of as being good for you, but what has changed is that they have also become pleasurable to eat. Immigration in recent years has brought to America a wealth of new cuisines. Whose aficionados know what to do with veggies. Menus now offer vegetarian options that don’t involve a single steamed Brussels sprout- something only non-vegetarians can imagine a vegetarian wanting to eat.

One hundred and fifty years ago, that American original, Henry David Thoreau, had no doubt that “the human race, in its gradual improvement,” would stop eating meat. McDonald’s has apologized to vegetarians offended by its beef-flavored fries. Maybe the day is not too far off when it will be offering McSoyburgers, even in Peoria.

1. Explain the following sentences or phrases in English, bringing out the implied meaning, if there is any: (24 points)

1) ... sent something of a frisson through me.

2) ...the cathedral of the beefburger.

3) When I fled the campus to seek culinary solace in the wider world

4) ... has gone mainstream.

5) It’s become chic to shun meat.

6) ... was a sellout.

2. Give a brief answer to each of the following questions: (15 points)

1) What was like to be a vegetarian in the United States in the past?

2) What changes, according to this article, have taken place in recent years?

3) What, in your opinion, accounts for the choice of some people to become vegetarians?

Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese, using the answer sheet provided: (24 points)

1) A huge new business requires deep pockets, patience and a raison d’être.

2) When he’d get started on art subjects Laura would just hang on ever word.

3) All of these lovely things by which he had set great store...went for a song.

4) He tried to fire her into joining his applause, but she wouldn’t.


5) They are now playing the match which was snowed off at Manchester last Saturday.

6) One of the most expensive and cumbersome aspects of cellular service is “roaming,” which means using your cellular phone outside its home service area.

7) You’re going to be able to write. If I could just keep you under my thumb for four or five weeks I think I could make something out of you.

8) Early in life, some people become seized with the bizarre idea that we are constantly assaulted by invisible monsters called germs, and that we have to be on constant alert to protect ourselves against their fury.

Ш. Translate the following passages into English, using the answer sheet provided: (32 points)





I.Reading Comprehension

This section contains two passages. Read each passage and then answer the questions given at the end of each passage, using the answer sheet provided.

Passage One

On stage at Belfast’s Grand Opera House last week, flanked by volunteers and politicians’ wives, Clinton celebrated the role of women in the Northern Ireland peace process. In a confident speech , she urged her audience to keep pushing for a common-sense end to the ages-old conflict. On her last official overseas trip as First Lady, Clinton fondly recalled not only earlier visits to Belfast, but her travel around the globe. Now she’d come to say farewell and, as she put it, to “end one chapter in my life.” But traveling with the president on his victory lap around the British Isles last week, Hillary was opening a whole new book.

As the Clintons prepare to leave the White House, Bill isn’t the only one thinking about a legacy. Hillary has racked up a long list of First Lady “firsts”: first baby boomer, first professional woman, first to head a major government task force, first to testify before a grand jury. “Hillary Clinton is, in my estimation, the single most accomplished First Lady in American history,” say Carl Anthony, a former Nancy Reagan aide and author of “American First Fama bumpy ride. “She might say surviving is her greatest triumph,” says a friend. Now her election to the U. S Senate and a staggering new book deal prove that Clinton has not only survived-she’s thriving. So much so that she’s already topping the whispering list of contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004.

Despite all her years on the national stage, much about Hillary Clinton remains a mystery-


which may explain why Simon & Schuster last week bid an almost unprecedented $ 8 million to publish her memoirs. But friends caution that while Clinton will touch on the obvious travails of her champion fund-raiser-both for Democrats who love her and for Republicans who love to hate her-and could become an eloquent voice of opposition against the new Bush White House. Hillary has promised to serve out her six-year Senate term, a vow that still could leave her open for a presidential bid in2008. Still, friends insist she have no such plans.

But the idea could grow on her. Al Gore once . But in a few years, with a solid Senate record on key committees like finance or appropriations, Hillary could be well positioned to challenge the notoriously stiff campaigner who already squandered the advantages of incumbency.

No matter what her ultimate ambitions, Clinton has learned a thing or two about taking small hen Hillary staked out an office in the West Wing and took charge of health-care reform, people thought she was overreaching. Yet while Clinton was wounded after the health-fiasco, she never abandoned her goals, quietly pushing initiatives on children’s health, adoption and foreign aid, among others.

After years of changing hairstyles and political strategies, Hillary, it seems, has finally found her groove. It is a central tenet of Hillaryland that every woman gets to make choices of her own-to work, to run for office, to stand by her man. So when Clinton sits down with Laura Bush, friends say linton is far more consumed with her own new job in the Senate. She’s also zeroing in on a house in Washington. She won’t be staying at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue anymore, but she won’t be far away, either.

1. Explain the following sentences or phrases in English, bringing out the implied meaning, if there is any: (40 points)

1) Hillary Clinton was in her element.

2)... reminiscent of another Clinton...

3) But it’s been a bumpy ride.

4)... she’s already topping the whispering list of contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004.

5)... seemed the natural heir of Bill Clinton’s legacy.

6) who already squandered the advantages of incumbency.

7)... has learned a thing or two about taking small steps.

8)... has finally found her groove.

9) It is a central tenet of Hillary land...

10)... she won’t be offering any how-to lectures.

2. Give a brief answer to each of the following questions: (15 points)

1) What does the author mean when he says: “Hillary was opening a whole new book.”?

2) According to the author, what has been Hillary Clinton’s greatest accomplishment as the First Lady?

3) Does the author think that Hillary Clinton will eventually try to compete for the presidency?



1) Hillary was doing what she was good at and enjoying it.

2) Her speech reminded people of anther Clinton, former US president, Bill Clinton.


3) The road she has gone through is quite a tough one.

4) According to the rumor, she is the one who is most likely to run for the presidential election on behalf of the Democratic Party.

5) He seemed more probably to become the president after Bill Clinton.

6) …who (i.e. Al Gore) wasted the opportunities that he should have made use of during the period when he was vice president.

7) She has learnt a new way to achieve her aim, which is to start from the bottom and take small actions to avoid the overwhelming oppositions.

8) She has found out what she really wants to be and wants to do.

9) It is the main principle that she adheres to…

10) …She won’t try to teach Laura Bush how to be a good First Lady, or what should a First Lady do, or whatever.


1) The author means that Hillary is to begin a new chapter of her life. Though she is no longer the First Lady, she is elected to the Senate. And that’s her new starting point. As the hearsay goes, she will run for the presidential election in 2004.

2) Despite the overwhelming oppositions against health-care reform, Hillary has never abandoned her goals. By taking small steps, she has succeeded in pushing quietly initiatives on children’s health, adoption and foreign aid, which is her greatest accomplishment as a First Lady.

3) Yes. Though Hillary’s friends insist that Hillary has no plan for presidential election, the author believes that this idea can grow on her after some time and her role as a Senate will facilitate her efforts.

Passage Two

The news that McDonald’s is being sued by Hindus and vegetarians for glazing their french fries with beef extract Not merely because I am a vegetarian myself, but because we have come to the stage when people in America now feel entitled to expect McDonald’s, the cathedral of the beefburger, to serve them something that is 100 percent vegetarian.

What an evolution! When I came to the United States as a graduate student in 1975, to be vegetarian was a crippling handicap. The only food I could eat at the dorm cafeterias (other than breakfast) was salads. There were the occasional tasteless boiled vegetables, meant to accompany the main dish, but to one accustomed to the flavors and seasonings of richly varied Indian cuisine, these were barely edible. , all I could find were pizzas and submarine sandwiches. Great Boston boasted but one Indian restaurant, and as an impecunious student I couldn’t afford to go more than once a semester. At the rare dinner parties I was invited to, the hostesses heaped carrots and peas on my plate-and, if I was lucky, mashed potatoes.

If that wasn’t bad enough, I discovered that most Americans associated vegetarianism with the counterculture, a fad for pot-addled hippies in beads and sandals chanting “om” between crunching on those leaves they weren’t smoking. Merely confessing I was vegetarian meant being seen, at best, as some earnest, otherworldly fringe figure, probably full of dubiously utopian ideas about world peace and the environment. No one believed I didn’t even like animals. I just did not want to chew on their corpses.


How things have changed. A way of life once confined to a few rarefied precincts of LA has gone According to the Vegetarian Times, 7 percent of Americans consider themselves vegetarian-about 18 million people. A 1999 poll by the Vegetarian Resource Group found that 57 percent of the population “sometimes, often or always orders a vegetarian item when eating out.” And since trends are made by the young, it’s striking that 6 percent of 18-to 29-year-olds never eat fish, fowl or meat.

I recently attended a cocktail reception at a posh New York hotel where all the hors d’oeuvres were vegetarian, in honor of the chief guest, singer Paul McCartney. A celebrity-studded “Say No to Veal” dinner at New York’s Plaza Hotel was a sellout on May 20. Organic vegetarian restaurants are sprouting on both coasts. Supermarket shelves are stacked with cans of soup and beans labeled VEGETARIAN. More and more natural-foods companies are being established, and many are being taken over by major corporations, always quick to spot a future business opportunity. It doesn’t hurt that red meat is losing much of its allure these days, what with mad cow, foot-and mouth and all the rest. The animal-rights group PETA claims 19,000 Americans are switching to a meat-free diet every week.

It also doesn’t hurt, of course, that Americans have become more health conscious than ever. The American Dietetic Association reports that vegetarians “have lower morbidity and mortality rates from several chronic degenerative diseases than do non-vegetarians.” Soybeans not only give you protein, they’re important sources of is flavones that may help prevent some cancers. Vegetables have always been thought of as being good for you, but what has changed is that they have also become pleasurable to eat. Immigration in recent years has brought to America a wealth of new cuisines. Whose aficionados know what to do with veggies. Menus now offer vegetarian options that don’t involve a single steamed Brussels sprout- something only non-vegetarians can imagine a vegetarian wanting to eat.

One hundred and fifty years ago, that American original, Henry David Thoreau, had no doubt that “the human race, in its gradual improvement,” would stop eating meat. McDonald’s has apologized to vegetarians offended by its beef-flavored fries. Maybe the day is not too far off when it will be offering McSoyburgers, even in Peoria.

1. Explain the following sentences or phrases in English, bringing out the implied meaning, if there is any: (24 points)

1) ... sent something of a frisson through me.

2) ...the cathedral of the beefburger.

3) When I fled the campus to seek culinary solace in the wider world

4) ... has gone mainstream.

5) It’s become chic to shun meat.

6) ... was a sellout.

2. Give a brief answer to each of the following questions: (15 points)

1) What was like to be a vegetarian in the United States in the past?

2) What changes, according to this article, have taken place in recent years?

3) What, in your opinion, accounts for the choice of some people to become vegetarians?



1) …made me excited.

2)…the biggest and most popular producer of hamburger.


3) when I went out of the campus to find some place that cooked better.

4) It has become a pretty dominant trend. A large number of people are vegetarians now.

5) It has become elegant and stylish for people not to eat meat.

6) In the event all tables in the restaurant were booked up. That is to say it was welcomed. 2.

1) In the past there were few restaurants that served special food for vegetarians. What was worse was that people considered vegetarians weird and vegetarianism counterculture.

2) In recent years more and more people become vegetarians and vegetarianism has become chic and sort of mainstream. Consequently, various special foods for vegetarians are sold everywhere and served in the restaurants.

3) Firstly, vegetables are nourishing and healthy. According to the experts’ studies, vegetarians tend to have a healthier and stronger body. Secondly, nowadays it is no longer safe to eat meat. Animals may be infected with diseases such as foot-and-mouth and mad cow disease. Thirdly, now many people advocate the protection of animals and thus consider the behavior to eat animals inhumane.

Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese, using the answer sheet provided: (24 points)

1) A huge new business requires deep pockets, patience and a raison d’être.

2) When he’d get started on art subjects Laura would just hang on ever word.

3) All of these lovely things by which he had set great store...went for a song.

4) He tried to fire her into joining his applause, but she wouldn’t.

5) They are now playing the match which was snowed off at Manchester last Saturday.

6) One of the most expensive and cumbersome aspects of cellular service is “roaming,” which means using your cellular phone outside its home service area.

7) You’re going to be able to write. If I could just keep you under my thumb for four or five weeks I think I could make something out of you.

8) Early in life, some people become seized with the bizarre idea that we are constantly assaulted by invisible monsters called germs, and that we have to be on constant alert to protect ourselves against their fury.


1) 开创一番新事业需要雄厚的资金与无比的耐心,还要清楚此事业值得开创的理由。








Ш.Translate the following passages into English, using the answer sheet provided: (32 points)






1) Nowadays university students suffer great pressure from their studies. All of them, except senior students who have begun to look for a job, are always busy with their studies. They are reluctant to participate in campus organizations and clubs, physical exercises or any other extracurricular activities, and unwilling to care about things that have nothing to do with studies. In conclusion, they are like robots. They will feel guilty if they go to the cinema while their roommates are studying in the library until it is closed late at night. Thinking of the day that has passed without any gain, they will feel too uneasy to have a good sleep. They are so occupied with their studies that they have no time to enjoy their lives or to do any other things to develop themselves in an all-around way. University studies have deprived them of too much personal happiness and health.

2) In the past, people were not fully aware of the impact of pollution on the environment. It was simply regarded as a sort of hateful thing that blackened houses and dirtied rivers. Until recently people has come to realize that pollution poses a threat to people’s health. The threat is great enough to affect the existence of many living things even including that of human being.

