第一周: How to Make Effective Presentations

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How to Make Effective Presentations

1. Making a start

(1) The Outline

(2) A Strong Opener




2. Linking the parts

(1) 1-2-3 (Listing)

(2) Chronological Order

(3) Pros & cons

(4) Problem-cause-solution

(5) Comparison

3. Using visual aids

(1) Use visuals to support or summarize what you say.

(2) Only use key words, not lines of text.

(3) Avoid grammatical or spelling mistakes.

(4) Choose the kinds of visuals (pictures, tables, and graphs) that may be right for you.

4. Delivering the speech in the proper manner

(1) Don’t read from the visual.

(2) Make sure the audience understands the visual.

(3) Don’t face the visual, but face the audience as much as possible.

(4) Use proper body language:

Eye contact

Facial expression



5. Finishing off

(1) A brief, clear summary of what you have said

(2) A conclusion or recommendation (if appropriate)

(3) An invitation for questions or comments

6. Handling questions

(1) Listen carefully to the question

(2) Check whether you have understood the question --- rephrase or clarify if necessary

(3) Reply positively

(4) After you answer, check whether the questioner is satisfied

