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★清华大学★英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果

人教版新目标英语八年级下1-5单元课文翻译 第一单元 Section A

图片 你认为人们家里将会有机器人吗?是的,会有的。我想家家有会有一个机器人。孩子们还去学校上学吗?孩子们将不再去学校上学。他们将在家中通过电脑来学习。

1a 人们家里见会有机器人。人们将不再使用钱。一切都将是免费的。 书只会在电脑上出现,而不会在纸上。孩子们将不去上学。他们将在家里通过电脑学习。 将会只有一个国家。 人们将会活到200岁。

1c 100年后人们还用钱吗?不,不用了。一切都将会是免费的。人们会活到200岁吗?是的,他们会的。

2a 1.将会有更多的人。2.将会有更少的空余时间。3.将会有更少的小汽车。4.将会有更少的污染。5.将会有更少的树。

2b 1.将会有更少的人。3.人们会更少的使用地铁。5.城市将会庞大且拥挤不堪。

2c 我认为将会有更多的污染。喂,我不同意。但我认为将有更少的树木。我同意。

Grammar Focus 将会有更少的污染吗?不,不会的。将会有更多的污染。将会有更少的树吗?对,会的。孩子们将不去上学。孩子们将在家中通过电脑学习。 将会有更少的树。将会有更少的污染。

3a五年前,拉萨在上高中。她踢足球。她有一只猫。 现在,拉萨在上大学。她弹吉他。她有一条狗。 五年后,拉萨将是一名医生(已婚的),她将打网球。她将有一辆跑车(一个孩子)。 3b 你认为拉萨五年后会做什么工作?我认为她会是一名医生。她将进行什么体育运动?

4 我认为将有更多的高楼。而且小轿车会更少并且公交车会更多。 Section B

2c 你住在哪里?我住在一套公寓里。

3a 十年后,我想我将成为一名记者。我将住在上海,应为我去年去了上海并且喜欢上了它。我认为上海真是一个漂亮的城市。作为一名记者,我想我会结识许多有趣的人。我想我将和我最好


3b 这张纸上写着:―十年后我将是一名工程师。‖我认为是林伟写的。是,是我写的。

4 我认为法国将会在下届世界杯赛中获胜。我不同意。我认为巴西下届将会获胜。 Self check

1当我长大了我想为自己工作。 我们的朋友在他们家里养一头宠物猪。工作面试时我需要看起来漂亮一些。 我们必须穿校服上学。 总有一天人们会飞到月球上去度假。


Just for fun! 你认为你下个月的生活将是什么样的?我的生活将

比现在好得多! Reading

Section2 你认为你将拥有自己的机器人吗?





(埋在)建筑物下面的人。现在看来似乎是不可能的。但在100年前,电脑、太空火箭甚至电动牙刷似乎也都是不可能的。我们永远都不知道未来会发生什么! 第二单元 Section A

1a 我父母每天都想让我呆在家里。我弟弟播放唱片声音太大。 我没有足够的钱。

2b 1.你可以给他写封信。2.也许你应当给他打个电话。3.你应当说对不起。4.也许你可以去他家。5.你可以给他一张球赛的票。a.那不容易。c.我不想令他感到惊讶。d.我不喜欢写信。e.我不想在电话里谈那事。

Grammar Focus 怎么了?我的衣服过时了。(1c也许你应该买些新衣服。) 怎么了?我和最好的朋友吵架了。我该做什么?你可以给他写一封信。 他该做什么?也许他应该说抱歉。他们该做什么?他们应该谈论一下他们的问题。

3a 我需要些钱去参加夏令营,我该怎么办? 哦,你可以找份兼职工作。我没有时间。 我有个主意,你可以从你哥哥那儿借些钱。不,他也没有钱。我想你应该向你父母要些钱。或者你可以卖掉你的唱片。不,我不卖。我喜欢我的唱片。或许你可以卖烧


3b 我需要一些钱给我家人买礼物。我该怎么办?哦,不。我不喜欢那样做。那我认为你应该去找一份兼职工作。这主意不错。 4 吉姆可以加入一个俱乐部。但他很害羞,也许那不是一个好主意。不错是个好主意。 Section B

1a 1.它们很新颖。2.它们很舒服。3.它们与我朋友们的衣服一样。4.它们很时尚。5.它们不贵。6.它们色彩艳丽。2a 我朋友的衣服比我的好看。我的朋友与我穿同样的衣服、留同样的发型。我不喜欢我朋友的衣服和发型。

2c 我认为埃尔伦应当告诉她的朋友买不同的衣服。为什么?因为朋友们不该穿同样的衣服。 3a 亲爱的玛丽:

我有个问题需要你的帮助。我原以为我在学校受欢迎,但是我发现我的朋友们正为我最好的朋友筹备一个生日聚会,他们并没有邀请我。除了我,班上每个人都被邀请了。我不知道哪儿错了,非常不安,不知道该怎么做。你怎么想,能帮帮我吗? 你的,孤独小孩

4 你把作业忘在家里了。你最好的朋友比你更受欢迎。你把运

动服弄丢了。 你不知道你的身份证在哪。 你不想上体育课。 你的父母经常吵架。

A.我最好的朋友比我更受欢迎。我该怎么办? B.你可以对人更友好一些。 C.你应该尽量风趣一些。 Self check

1 1..让我们打电话给乔并邀请他打网球。 2.你应该和你的父母谈谈你的问题。 3.我的朋友生我的气。我应该对他说什么? 4.我不想争论。让我们把它忘了吧。 5.我原以为我这次考试没及格,但我刚刚发现我及格了。 2亲爱的陈阿姨:

我的表妹与我同岁。她确实很好。我们相处的很融洽,但她总是借我的东西。上周她借了我的数学书而且还没归还。因此我不能写作业。我不想和她吵架,因为她是我最好的朋友。我不知道该怎么办。请你给我一些建议,好吗? 你的, 一个求助者

Just for fun! 他穿与我相同的衣服。我想成为独一无二的。你该告诉他穿不同的衣服。我说了,可他不听我的! Reading Section2 也许你应该学会放松!


她还会把女儿带去上钢琴课。疲惫的孩子们7点才能到家,他们很快吃完晚饭后又到写家庭作业的时间了。泰勒家的家长和许多英美的家长一样,他们带着孩子参加一个又一个活动,尽他们所能把孩子的生活添满。医生说很多孩子就生活在很大的压力下。老师们也抱怨课堂上有太多疲倦的孩子。大多数孩子都参加课后俱乐部。这些活动包括运动,语言,音乐和数学。心急的家长现在已经不是什么新鲜事了,但是现在的家长督促得有点太过了。家长看见其他家的孩子参加很多活动,所以他们就觉得他们自己的孩子也应该去参加。林达.米勒是住在伦敦的一位三个孩子的母亲,她就很清楚这中压力。她说,在一些家庭里,竞争在孩子很小的年龄时就开始了。母亲们在孩子很小的时候就把孩子送去参加各种课程,而且还老把他们和其他孩子比较。这是很疯狂的举动。人们不该这么硬逼孩子们。爱丽丝·格林博士也同意这个观点。她还说这些孩子长大后发现很难对自己的生活进行思考,因为家长过多地为他们计划了他们的人生。当他们成年后就不会自己计划自己的人生了。家长应该给孩子多一点属于他们自己的时间。一方面,孩子们需要组织好的活动,另一方面,他们也需要时间和自由来放松和更多的时间来独立完成一些事情。 3a 美国和英国的孩子参加许多课外活动。许多孩子出于压力之下。如今的家长们给孩子们的压力比以前更大了。孩子们应有自由时间来放松。

4a 你何时觉得有压力? 你该采取何种方式来放松?

第三单元 Section A

图片 那么飞碟来的时候你正在干什么?哦,我正站在图书馆前面。

1a 1.我在浴室。2.我在卧室。3.我在图书馆前面。4.我在厨房。5.我在我的理发店。6.我坐在理发店的椅子上。

1b a.站在图书馆前/在图书馆里学习 b.打扫房间/睡懒觉 c.做奶昔/做晚饭d.刚冲完澡/在电话中交谈e.吃午餐/理发

1c 飞碟到达的时候他正在做什么?当飞碟到达时,他正在睡懒觉。

2b 当飞碟着陆时,那个男孩在街上走。 当她看见外星人走出来时,那个女孩正买东西。当外星人在买纪念品时,女孩打电话给警察了。 当外星人在参观博物馆时,男孩给电视台打了电话。 Grammar Focus 当飞碟降落时这个男孩正在街上走。 当这个男孩正在街上走时,这个飞碟降落了。当外星人走出来时,这个女孩正在购物。 当那个女孩正在购物时,外星人走出来了。 3a 亲爱的杰克:



4 上星期上午九点钟你正在干什么? 我在睡觉。 你呢? 我在做作业。你在开玩笑。 Section B

2c 当约翰步行上学时,他看见书上有一只猫。

3 琳达很喜欢她的狗狗戴维。上周六她们一起去纽约。当琳达在火车站买报纸的时候,她的狗狗从盒子里跑开了。火车站很喧闹,琳达怎么找也找不到戴维。琳达大声叫着狗狗的名字,人们纷纷看着她,但狗狗并没有出现。琳达就报了警。就在琳达打电话的时候,戴维在火车站外遇见了另一条狗。警察在路上了,琳达仍旧在火车站走来走去,叫着戴维。她并没有想到去火车站外看看。最后,一个小男孩对她说:\你有没去火车站外找找?我刚才进站的时候看到一条黑色的大狗。‖琳达终于见到了戴维,他正和另外那条狗追逐嬉戏。在它们旁边有一座警亭。警察对琳达说:―我想,是我的狗找到了您的狗。‖

4b 上个星期天上午的十一点钟你在哪里? 我在公园。 你在哪里做什么?

Self check 1 1.当她看到车祸时,那个女孩正在购物。 2. 今天早上我是如此累,要从床上出去都很难。 3. 我到纽约的航班从北京国际机场起飞。 4. 当飞机着陆时,伦敦正在下雨。 5. 别叫喊!我能听清楚。

Just for fun! 昨晚当我睡觉时,一个飞碟着陆了。 你害怕了吗?不怎么怕。 Reading

Section 2 你是否记得你当时在干什么呢? 人们总能够回忆起当一个在历史上一 重大影响事件发生时自己在干些什么。例如,在美国很多同时代的人能够清楚的回想起自己在1968年4月4日--一个在 美国现代历史上举足轻重的日子在做什么,在这个灰暗的日子里,马丁路德.金博士在孟菲斯市遇刺。也许人们会不记得谁杀了马丁博士,他们知道自己当时在干什么。

就是一些日常生活事件也会被显得很重要,罗伯特.阿伦先已年过40,当他听见这个噩耗的时候他还是个学生,―那是个一望无垠,阳光灿烂的日子‖他回忆道:―铃响时我们正在操场嬉戏,我们老师要我们停止玩耍,他哽咽道,马丁博士10分钟前已经永远离开我们了,我们都不敢相信这是真的 ‖放学后他 和其他同学一言不发的 一起回家。


未出生。但是,在更近的时候,大部分美国人清楚的知道他们当时在干什么当纽约世界贸易中心被恐怖分子摧毁的时候。甚至这个日期--2001.9.11在许多美国人心中也占有重要的地位。 并不是所以的历史大事是糟糕的,许多美国人依然记得自己在1969.6.20人类第一次涉足月球的时刻做什么。远的不说,就看前几年。无数中国人记得他们当时在做什么当中国小伙杨利伟成为神州第一个宇航员。杨在2003.十月15.升空,在绕地22个小时后返回。当他回到母亲的怀抱的时候,他已被人们视为 民族英雄,同时名扬全球! 第四单元 Section A

1a 什么是连续剧?你知道那些连续剧? 你曾看过连续剧吗?连续剧里会发生哪些事情?

图片 马西娅说了什么? 我将在星期五晚上为拉娜举办一个令人惊喜的聚会。 我生马西娅的气。 我星期五晚上不去她家。 拉娜想她要到我家来学习。

1c 她说什么? 她说她将在星期五晚上为拉娜举办一个令人惊喜的聚会。

2a 3. 拉娜说她星期五晚上将不去马西娅家。

2b 马西娅将为你举办一个令人惊喜的聚会。本告诉拉娜说马西娅将要为她举办一个令人惊喜的聚会。 我不在生马西娅的气。拉娜说她不在生马西娅的气。 我将在星期五的晚上到马西娅家。拉娜说她将在星期五晚上到马西娅家去。 我将不举办聚会。马西娅告诉大家她将不举办聚会。 我将带一些饮料和零食到你家去。拉娜说她将带一些零食到马西娅家去。 2c 在昨晚的《年轻的生命》中发生了什么?

Grammar Focus 我生马西娅的气。她说她生马西娅的气。 我正为拉娜举办聚会。她说她正在为拉娜举办聚会。 我每个星期六到沙滩上去。他说他每个星期六到沙滩上去。 我明天给你打电话。他告诉我他明天/第二天给我打电话。 我会讲三种语言。她说她会讲三种语言。 3a 本周的《年轻的生命》


4 学生A:你在家。B和C正在B的家里做家庭作业。你想让B



学生C:你在B的家里做家庭作业。你带上了A的夹克。你认为今天上午应该会在公共汽车站遇见A并把夹克还给A的,但A没有到汽车站来。 Section B

1b 我不勤奋。真的吗?我认为你非常勤奋。 2c 你的数学老师说了什么?他说我比较勤奋。

3a 近来一切可好?但愿爷爷现在康复了。听到他上周感冒了我很遗憾。希望你们的身体都健健康康的.



4 你的成绩如何?嗯,我的数学老师说我勤奋。真的吗?你真幸运。我的数学老师说我懒惰。

Self check 1 你能带些音乐激光唱碟到晚会上来吗?我的朋友英语好,因此她经常帮助我制定我的学习计划。 她不知道外面正在发生什么事?我很冷,我能借你的夹克吗? 今天下午我想会看见苏,你有什么口信传给她吗? 2我最好的朋友是小李,但是上周在学校我们大吵了一架,她不跟我说话。这都开始于她问我她是否可以抄我的作业。我问她为什么要这么做,她说因为她忘了做。我说我觉得她抄我的作业不是个好主意。她问我为什么我觉得这不是个好主意。我说这是一个坏习惯的开始,她应该自己做作业。她对我发火,说她不想再做最好的朋友。我说好,我确定她……(这少个单词,不知道什么意思)她确实这样做了。昨天她告诉我她对她发火表示抱歉。她说如果她自己做作业会好得多。 Reading

Section 2 她说帮助别人改变了她的一生



山中的生活对杨磊来说是一次新的经历。它的村庄海拔2000米,起初稀薄的空气让他觉得很难受。食品非常简单,---- 教师一天三次都是粥。幸好,杨磊的母亲支持他,她说她和她的丈夫认为这是一种好的想法。―今天的年轻人有必要经历不同的事情。‖ 她说。

大多数小学生住在学校宿舍里。他们学习很刻苦。他们早晨5点起床一直学到晚上11点。他们喜欢有志愿者教师到那里。―你和他们之间没什么区别,‖ 杨雷说。―他们说我们像他们的大哥哥和大姐姐,并且他们感到很幸运。‖

一些学生可能不上高中或者大学。家庭贫困,通常也没有钱来读书。―我对此感到无能为力。‖杨雷说,―但是我能让我的学生开阔眼界,并且给他们的生活一个好的起点。‖ 他说他喜欢给孩子们的一生留下好的影响。

杨雷很喜欢他作为以为志愿者的日子.一年的支援生活结束后,他说在完成它的研究之后,他将返回该地区.他现在是甘肃平梁石墨高中的一名数学教师。 第五单元 Section A

1a 1.我想我要与凯伦和安一起去参加聚会。d.如果你那样做,你将会玩得很愉快。2.我想我要穿着牛仔裤去参加聚会。a.如果你那样做,老师们不会让你进去。3.我想我要乘公共汽车去参加聚会。b.如果你那样做,你会迟到的. 4.我想我要待在家里. C.如果你那样做,你会后悔的。

1C A: 我想我将呆在家里。B: 如果你那样做,你会感到很遗憾的

2C A: 好,什么时间是举行聚会的最好时间?B: 我们今天举行吧。A: 如果我们今天举行聚会的话,班上一半的学生将不会来 Grammar Focus

我想我将骑车去。 如果你那样做,你会迟到的。 我想我将呆在家里。 如果你那样做,你会后悔的。 3a 岁末聚会

我想要你们记住关于学校聚会的纪律。 不要穿牛仔裤。如果你穿的话,我们不会让你进去的。 不要把食物带进聚会。如果你带的话,老师们会将它拿走的。不要把其他学校的朋友带来。如果那样的话,老师们会要求他们离开。 聚会期间不要离开体育场。如果那样的话,老师们会打电话你们的父母。在聚会上不要乱跑乱叫。如果那样的话,你不得不离开。 请带上你的身份证。如果不带的话,你就不能参加聚会。

凯伦:你将要参加学校的聚会吗?迈克:是的我将要去。我将要穿上我的新牛仔裤。凯伦:你不能那样做。迈克:如果我那样做会发生什么事呢?凯伦:如果你穿的话,老师们不会让你进去的。你应当穿上你那条很棒的长裤。 迈克:这是个很好的注意。

3b A:我将去参加学校的聚会。B:我也是。我们带些零食去吧。A:噢,我们不能那样做。B:真的吗?为什么不能呢?A:如果我们们带零食,老师们会……

4 A:如果你去参加老人院,你将怎么做? B:如果我去那家老人院,我会带一些花去的。 Section B

2C A:我认为你应该上大学。B:但是如果我上大学,我就永远不能成为一名很棒的足球运动员了。 3a 如果我成为一名运动员,我会高兴吗?





3c 也许我会成为一名教师。如果我成了一名老师,我将和孩子们一起工作。我喜爱孩子,所以我会高兴。又是我也能到外面去工作。但我不会出名。


4 我想今晚去看电影。如果我去看电影,我就完不成作业。如果我完不成作业……1

Self check 1 1.我忘记了你的地址,我不记得如何到达你家。 2.如果我没有打扫房间,我妈妈将不会让我去见我的朋友们。 3.老师把我的手机带走了,因为我在课堂上使用它。 4.这个假期我准备和爷爷奶奶一起度过。5.你能为班上的聚会组织一些游戏吗?

Just for fun! 我想我要回家了。如果你那样做,他们将嘲笑你。为什么?有多少外星人把他们的头发染成棕色?哦,你说得对。


1a 竖向 1.你把书放在这样东西里。 2.篮球在全世界都很受欢迎。 4.我想成为一名著名的影星. 6.这是一位在太空工作的人。 12.从另一个世界来的人。 21.一位电脑程序设计者必须真正努力地学习数学。 23.十年前,我住在苏州。 横向 7.小心!那可能很危险。 8.把音乐声关小。

9.在中国这是一种幸运的颜色。 11.还没到停的时间。该开始了。 14.以前我有两个,但现在我只有一个。

17.我看不见,我想在我的眼睛里有一些东西。 18.我们可以乘自行车、公共汽车、小汽车、飞机或火车旅行。

19.我喜欢加法因此我喜欢数学课。 22.我喜欢听音乐和跳舞。 25.她总是获胜,她是出色的。

1b A 孩子们用这些东西在家里学习。B.它们是电脑吗?A.是的,它们是。

2a 机器人将做所有的工作。老师将到你家里来。人们将到月球上去度假。地球上将不会有很多人。

2c 学校的大火发生时你正在做什么?我在……

3 A:有什么问题?B:噢,我不知道。我没有许多朋友。A: 噢,你有许多事情可以做,加入俱乐部或者体育队。 B:好的。我


4. A: 我每天喜欢吃汉堡包。B:如果你每天吃汉堡包,你将会变胖。A;你喜欢做什么?我喜欢……


6. 李老师说:―我看到三个外星人从不明飞行物中出来。‖ 王军说:―当我看到窗外的不明飞行物时,我正在学习。‖ 马艳说:―我看到两名外星人在学校大厅里踢足球。‖刘明说:―当外星人走进餐厅时,我正在吃午饭。‖

★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果

新目标八年级下册英语期末复习之用所给单词的适当形式填空 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.

People will have robots in their____________(home). 2.

There will be_____(many) tree and _______(little) pollution in ten years.


Five years ago, Jim ____in high school. Today, he ______in college. In five year, he________(be) married. 4.

Which movies _____________(win) award next year? 5.

The boss often makes Tom ___________(go) to bed late. 6.

I helped my parents __________(do) some housework yesterday. 7.

Do you think it is good for animals __________(live) in a zoo? 8.

There are __________(hundred) of shops in the street. 9.

They think that robots_____(be) able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years. 10.

Kids won’t go to school if they __________(have) computers. 11.

We ___________(not leave) until we finish planting the trees. 12.

He usually ______(go) for a walk alone last term, but now he often

______(do) with his parents . 13.

My parents want me ___________(stay) at home every night. 14.

I _________(argue) with my best friend yesterday. 15.

Maybe you should ____________(buy) some new clothes. 16.

I need __________(get) some money to pay for summer camp. 17.

My friend has _________(nice) clothes than I do. 18.

Lucy is _________________(popular) than me. 19.

I don’t want ____________(have) P.E. classes. 20.

We ________________(go) skating next Sunday.. 21.

The station was _________(crowd) every day. 22.

He was at the_____________(doctor). He was ill. 23.

While John __________(walk), he saw a cat in the tree. 24.

She didn’t think about __________(look) outside the station. 25.

While he was _________(look) at the souvenirs, the shop assistant ________(call) the police. 26.

What____________(happen) at that time? 27.

A UFO landed while I____________(sleep) last night. 28.

My plane _____________(take) off at 2:10 p.m. tomorrow. 29.

When the UFO arrived, I was in the __________(barber) chair. 30.

The girl ________________(shop) when the alien got out. 31.

What ________he_________(do) when the UFO arrived? 32.

While they ______________(sleep) the telephone rang. 33.

They were ___________(surprise) at the news. 34.

My brother ______________(wash) his clothes at 8:00 a.m. yesterday. 35.

The plane _________(take) off an hour ago. 36.

The train ____________(come). Let’s _________(get) on it. 37.

There _____________(not be) any bread at home yesterday. 38.

I am better at reading than ___________(listen) in English. 39.

Miss Gao said I could do ________(well) in math next time. 40.

I was sorry ______________(hear) that she had a cold. 41.

I hope you’re in god ____________(healthy). 42.

That’s _____________(disappoint) news. 43.

Mom and Dad send ___________(they) love to my grandma.. 44.

__________(teach) changed the life of Yang Lei from Beijing. 45.

The thin air made her ________(feel) sick. 46.

There’s no ___________(different) between you and them. 47.

The village was 2000 __________(meter) above sea level. 48.

We do well in ___________(skate). 49.

My mother _____________(cook) when I got home. 50.

Kate told me she ____________(call) me tomorrow. 51.

It’s hard ____________(read) the mountain. 52.

____________(luck) we did OK this time. 53.

I did ______(bad) than Jim, but Mary did ___________(badly) of all. 54.

Many athletes give money to ___________(charity) to help people. 55.

How many__________(play) are there in a football team? 56.

If you play sports for a______(live), your job will be ______(danger). 57.

If I don’t finish my homework, my mother ________(not let) me out. 58.

The teacher ____(take) away mobile phone because I used it in class. 59.

How many _____________(visit) are there in the hotel? 60.

Li Ming studied law and later become a ___________(law). 61.

During the holidays, we enjoyed _____________(our) very much. 62.

There are many tall________(build) in the city of _______(Chinese). 63.

She doesn’t know what_______(do). Could you help________(she)? 64.

If you get up late, you ___________(be) late for school. 65.

That boy had to make a ______(live) by himself when he was young. 66.

__________you _________(sleep) last night?


Jack is the first one _________________(get) to school. 68.

She ________(have) been ___________(wait) for you since 3 o’clock. 69.

The school newspaper needs a ____________(writer). 70.

Mr. Smith is form America. He’s a _____________(foreign). 71.

My hobby is ______________(collect) old coins. 72.

Harbin is an interesting city with a_____________(color) history. 73.

If she works far away, she ____________(miss) her family. 74.

He likes stamps very much. He is a stamp ____________(collect). 75.

I have been collecting _____________(snowy) globes for seven years.


Thanks for ___________(help) me so much.. 77.

Next Monday will be his __________(nine) birthday. 78.

They would like__________(go) to the park. But they have no time. 79.

Hw long have you been__________(write) in English? 80.

They are very___________(interesting) in this movie. 81.

__________you _____________(watch) the football match last night? 82.

Look! Bill is____(run) fast .He_______(practice) running for 3 years. 83.

Would you mind_________(turn) down the music? ----Not at all. 84.

My father is at a _________(meet) now. 85.

Could you help me _________(feed) the dog? 86.

Mom bought me a pair of __________(shoe). 87.

Mrs. Brown enjoys _________(play) ping pong. 88.

She _________(buy) a dictionary last week. 89.

Li Lei often _________(help) Lucy learn Chinese. 90.

What _______you _________(do) since I last saw you? 91.

The police ______________(watch) him for several weeks. 92.

Would you mind ________(I) _________(smoke) here? 93.

____________ (drop) litter is never allowed. 94.

Etiquette means normal and polite social ___________(behave). 95.

Could you ask the bus driver to wait for five __________(minute)? 96.

How many __________(rule) of etiquette can you see being broken? 97.

I’ll try _____________(not be) late again. 98.

Please__________(not make) any noise here. We’re having a meeting 99.

What__________ she____________(do) when you saw her? 100.

The same thing____________(happen), so I get quite mad. 101.

Would you mind not______(cut) in line? ---Sorry, I’ll do it right now. 102.

Could you help ___________with ___________(she) homework? 103.

Could you ask the bus _______(drive)_______(wait) for five minute. 104.

Welcome to ___________ (we) school. -----Thanks! 105.

Sometimes she_________(get) mad. 106.

Why __________ you ___________ (not get) a camera? 107.

This is a _____________(person) letter of me, so you can’t read it. 108.

Today is my____________(brother) birthday. 109.

Our teachers are ________(friend). ----That_________(sound) good. 110.

Singing English songs made me ____________(improve) my English. 111.

When________you___________(give) her the present? Last Monday. 112.

Gift________(give) is different in____________(difference) countries


This kind of contest people in China_________(speak) English. 114.

How about __________(visit) the museum this afternoon? 115.

Why not__________(tell) him ______________(use) his own bike? 116.

Where is Mr Hu? He______________(go) to Japan. 117.

How long ____________you ______________(copy) the words? 118.

She won’t be able to find anything_______(eat) in a foreign country. 119.

I have had great trouble ___________ (understand) what he said. 120.

You can choose _____________(visit) Singapore. 121.

I____________(go) to London last year with my parents. 122.

There are many boats for __________(ride) for visitors to the island.


I have never been to USA. Neither __________(have) my sister. 124.

I don’t need ______(go) back to school , as we are still on holiday. 125.

The young athletic visitors can enjoy__________(skate) there. . 126.

At last we found the tiger__________(die). 127.

Jim made us ____________(agree) with him. 128.

His job is ____________(sell) computers. 129.

The man _______(fall) off his bike and_________(lie) on the ground. 130.

He wants ___________(travel) around the world. 131.

You are _________(Karen) friend , ___________ (be) you? 132.

It _________(real) cold today, isn’t it? 133.

The No. 15 bus stops here, _________(do) it? 134.

It __________(look) like snow, doesn’t it? 135.

Two people ____________(wait) in line to buy ice cream. 136.

Be careful not ___________(hurt) yourself. 137.

Mum isn’t at home .She ____________(go) shop ping. 138.

It ___________(rain) when school was over. 139.

If you finish ___________(do) your homework, you may watch TV. 140.

He has been waiting for ten _________(minute). 141.

He has been __________(swim) for ten years. 142.

Some ___________are _________(visit) the Great Well now. 143.

He didn’t finish_________(write) his test because he ran out of time. 144.

There are lots of boys ______________(play) football over there. 145.

_________(make) a meal at home is very interesting and full of time. 146.

She told me ____________(read) more books when I had time. 147.

I think it’s better for animals to live in_______(nature) environment. 148.

You’ll fail in the exam if you _____________(not work) harder. 149.

In the western part of China it’s often__________(sand). 150.

They have a lot of work ________(do). 151.

Tom really enjoys ________(play) football. 152.

We___________(go ) to the park if it’s fine tomorrow.


Be quiet! Our father _________(sleep). 154.

Lily ________(read) the book, hasn’t she? 155.

My mother ______________(cook) when I came in. 156.

Peter’s father___________(buy) a computer next week. 157.

When _________ it___________(arrive)? Three hours ago. 158.

Then he asked the policewoman for help, __________(do) he? 159.

Shall we go ___________ (swim) this afternoon? 160.

_________ you ever ________(be) there? 161.

She won’t study anymore if she _______(not get) money. 162.

I often get ________(annoy) when she talks to me while I’m reading. 163.

It always ___________(rain) in that village. 164.

One of their most important _____(require) is to speak English well.

★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果

八年级英语(下)第一单元 检测题 (1)

班级_____ 姓名_____________ 学号_______ 等级_______



1. Tom has __________ (few; fewer) Christmas cards than I. 2. They believe that there will be __________ (less; fewer) green trees in fifty years.

3. He is ill and he can eat _________ (more; less) food, so he gets quite weak.

4. The ________ (more; much) we get together, the ________ (happy; happier) we’ll be.

5. David has _______ (less; fewer) money than Anna has. B.把括号中的汉语翻译成英语。

6.—Do you have a little _______________(空闲时间)? —Yes, I do. Why? —I want to talk about something with you.

7.I think I will be in a high school _________________(四年以后).

8.—What do you think about in the future? —I think students will all study at home ________________(用电脑).

9.Which movies will _____________________(得奖) next year? 10.—Can you _________________(吹喇叭)? —A little.

—Then join us, please. C.理解句意,填补所缺部分。

11.Thursday is the f ___ day of a week.

12. Yesterday it rained very h_______ , so I didn’t go out.

13. My parents enjoy l in the countryside very


14. Do you have any l time? I want your help. 15. The computer is an important i . 16. There will be less p in 100 years. 17. We will have a long v after a few days. 18. Do you have a c card? 19. The other students kept their eyes c right away.

20. Their lives will be a lot b than it is now. 二、根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

21. She wants to be a _________ (science) when she grows up. 22. There is a tall _________ (build) in front of the post office. 23. I can do my homework by _________ (I). 24. Today is Sunday. Let's go ________ (skate).

25. Please buy some _________ (toothbrush) for them. 三、同步语法。


26. They ____________ (not have) any classes next week. 27. Betty _____________ (write) to her parents tomorrow. 28. Look at those clouds. It ___________ (rain). 29. He ____________ (read) an English book now.

30. Look! Many girls ______________ (dance) over there. B.按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。

31. They clean the classroom every day. (用tomorrow代替every day)

They _________ _________ the classroom tomorrow.

32. Will the flowers come out soon? (作肯定回答) _________, _________ _________.

33. We'll go out for a walk with you. (改为否定句)

We _________ _________ out for a walk with you. 34. Nanjing will have a fine day. (改为一般疑问句) _________ Nanjing _________ a fine day?

35. The students will work in the supermarket. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ the students _________? 四、单项选择。

( )36. — Will people live to be 300 years old? —_________.

A. No, they aren't B. No, they won’t C. No, they

don't D. No, they can't

( )37. There will be _________ pollution this year than last year.

A. fewer B. much C. less

D. many

( )38. I think people here are friendly. Do you agree _________ me?

A. with B. to C. on

D. from

( )39. —Where is Miss Wang?

—She went to Hainan Island last week and will return

_________ six days.

A. ago B. later C. behind

D. in

( )40. —_________ will they play? —They will play football.

A. What subject B. What sport C. What

food D. What language

( )41. I will see you again _________.

A. a day B. every day C. one day

D. everyday

( )42. I hope your dream will _________.

A. come true B. come out C. come in

D. come on

( )43. Everyone wants to _________ to the moon for vacations.

A. walk B. run C. swim

D. fly

( )44.This coat doesn't fit him well, as he has ____ a huge body and the coat is___small.

A. so; such B. so; so C. such; such

D. such; so

( )45. —How many birds can you see in the trees?

—I can see _________ birds in them.

A. hundreds of B. five hundreds C. hundred

of D. five hundreds of

五、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 46. 没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

No one knows what will happen _________ _________ _________.

47. 电脑如今被人们广泛地使用。

The computers _________ widely _________ _________ people today.


Which _________ _________ _________ is the nicest picture? 49. 他的叔叔是一名宇航员。他去年在太空站工作。

His uncle is an _________. He worked on a _________ _________ last year.

50. 我到临沂后,我就爱上了这座城市。

I _________ _________ _________ _________ this city after I got to Linyi. 六、完形填空。 A

We live in computer age (时代). People 51 scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago, 52 couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very 53 people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and 54 . But they can do a lot of work; many

people like to use them. Some people 55 have them at home.

Computers become very important because they can work 56 than people and make fewer mistakes. Computers can 57 people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to 58 . Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to 59 . Computers can also remember what you 60 them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our friends. Do you want to have a computer?

( )51. A. like B. as C. and D. with

( )52. A. students B. scientists C. teachers D. computers

( )53. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

( )54. A. cheap B. cheaper C. more expensive D. expensive

( )55. A. even B. still C. already D. yet

( )56. A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slower

( )57. A. help B. make C. stop D. use

( )58. A. write B. play C. study D. learn

( )59. A. sing B. study C. dance D. watch

( )60. A. put in B. put on C. put into D. put up B


In England winter is not very cold and summer is not very h 61 .There is a great d 62 between summer and winter. Why is it? England has a warm winter and a c 63 summer because it is an island(岛) c 64 .In winter the sea is w 65 than the land. The winds from the sea t 66 warm air to E 67 . In summer the sea is c 68 than the land. The winds from the sea t 69 cool air to England. The southwest winds blow over(吹遍) England all the year. They blow from the s 70 .So England has a lot of rain.

61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 七、阅读理解。 A

Peter was an inventor. His job was to invent new things, and he worked when he had an idea. His workroom was in his house, so he could work whenever he wanted to. Sometimes he worked seven days a week and sometimes he didn’t work for days. He did all his work right at home, but he left the house to go to meetings sometimes.

Peter usually got up at about five o’ clock. He made some tea and started to work at six. He drank tea all day—he couldn’t work without it—but he didn’t eat anything until in the evening.

First, Peter cleaned the workroom and turned on the

answer-phone because he couldn’t talk to people when he had an idea. Then he started to work. He usually had a rest after two or three hours, but he didn’t leave the workroom. He did something different to help him relax. Sometimes he did some exercise, and sometimes he listened to music. He usually stopped working at

about nine o’ clock in the evening. He thought about his work most of the time, even when he was out. He was interested in what was around him and he liked looking for new ideas and new problems to solve.

阅读短文,完成句子 71. Peter was an ______.

72. Peter did his work at home, but he left his house to have ______ sometimes.

73. When he was working at daytime he didn’t ______ anything until in the evening.

74. He ______ the answer-phone because he couldn’t talk to others.

75. To relax, he often did some exercise and ______ in his workroom. B

We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know about the history of the Internet?

Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks(网络) didn’t work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system(系统) had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way the computer network system would keep on working all the time.

At first, the Internet was only used by the government, but, in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers become cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software(软件) that made ―surfing(浏览)‖ the Internet more convenient (方便).

Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.

The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.


( ) 76. The Internet has a history of ______ years.

A. about 40 B. less than 30 C. more

than 45 D. nearly 35

( ) 77. Scientists set up a new network system to ______.

A. make the computer cheaper B. make the

system work well

C. make the computer go well D. develop

new softwares

( ) 78.The Internet was widely used in the ______.

A.1960s B.1970s C.1980s


( ) 79.The underlined words ―get on-line‖ in Chinese mean ______.

A.上机 B.上网 C.接线


( ) 80.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. In the 1960s computer network system went wrong


B. Computers are much cheaper than before. C. Today the Internet is used everywhere.

D. People had enough softwares to get on-line fifteen

years ago.




Unit 1

一、1. fewer 2. fewer 3. less 4. more; happier

5. less 6. free time

7. in four years 8. on computers 9. win award 10. play the trumpets

11. fifth 12. heavily 13. living 14. leisure 15. invention

16. pollution 17. vacation 18 credit 19. closed 20. better 二、21. scientist 22. building 23. myself 24. skating 25. toothbrushes 三、A. 26. 1. won't have 27. will write 28. will / is going to rain 29. is reading 30. are dancing

B. 31. will clean 32. Yes, they will 33. won't go 34. Will, have 35. Where will, work

四、36. B 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. B 41. C 42. A 43. D 44. D 45. A

五、46. in the future 47. are, used by 48. do you think

49. astronaut, space station 50. fell in love with 六、A) 51—55 ADABA 56—60 BAABC

B) 61.hot 62. difference 63. cool 64. country

65. warmer

66. take 67. England 68. cooler 69. take 70. southwest

七、71. inventor 72. meetings 73. eat 74. turned on 75. listened to music

76-80. ABDBD

八、One possible version:

I like English. I want to be an English teacher in ten years. I'll teach my students as well as possible. I'll give my lessons in as much English as I can. I'll try my best to make my lessons lively and interesting. Besides, we all like listening to stories. So I'll try often to tell my students stories in English, so that they'll be interested in English and can improve their listening. I believe that I can become a good teacher.

★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果

重庆一中2008年初三英语月考试题 第I卷(100分)

I. 听力测试 (共30分)

第一节:情景反应。(每小题1分, 共6分)

( )1. A. I am a teacher. B. I am your English teacher.

C. I am with your teacher.

( )2. A. It’s a quarter past eight. B. It’s March 14, 2008.

C. It’s Friday.

( )3. A. You are welcome. B. Don’t say so. C. That’s OK.

( )4. A. With pleasure. B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. Yes, Great!

( )5. A. It’s about 3 days B. It’s over 3000 kilometers. C. It’s hard to say.

( )6. A. I’d like to. B. I am full C. Yes, please.

第二节:对话理解。(每小题1分, 共6分)

( )7. A. On the table. B. Under the table. C. In front of the table.

( )8. A. 14 B. 40 C. 50 ( )9. A. Yes, he can B. No, he can’t C. I don’t know

( )10. A. Funny B. Interesting C. Moving ( )11. A. Because Amanda never lends her things. B. Because she can’t borrow things from Amanda. C. Because Amanda always borrows things from her and never returns.

( )12. Green B. Blue C. Red 第三节:短文理解。(每小题2分, 共18分)


( )13. That day the weather was ________.

A. windy B. cloudy C. rainy

( )14. Miss Brown was going to ________.

A. her home B. her friend’s home C. her


( )15. Miss Brown was afraid ___________.

A. because it was windy B. because she couldn’t find

her glasses

C. because it was raining and the traffic was bad

( )16. Miss Brown’s first thing was to _______.

A. turn on the radio B. drive slowly C. go to a


( )17. Miss Brown’s best idea was ________.

A. the first thing B. the second thing C. the

third thing (B)

生词:dustman n. 清洁工 ( )18. Tom was a ______ boy.

A. clever B. lazy C.


( )19. Tom’s father and mother were both ______.

A. teachers B. doctors C.


( )20. Tom said he wanted to be ______ when he grew up.

A. a doctor B. a scientist C. a


( )21. Tom thought the dustman only worked one day a week because ______.

A. one of the dustmen had told him before

B. Tom had seen the dustmen only on Thursday at his


C. Tom’s teacher told him

II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)

( ) 22. Excuse me, I forgot to bring my dictionary to school

today, can I use _____?

A. you B. your C. yours D. them ( ) 23. The number of the students in our class ______ 52. A. are B. is C. was D. were

( ) 24. The man is the 15-year-old boy’s father. I guess he must be _______.

A. fourteen B. fourty C. forty D. fortieth ( ) 25. Today ,on the bus, more and more young people would

make _____ for the old.

A. room B. a room C. rooms D. the room ( ) 26. – Mom, I have ______ money. I can’t even buy a pencil.

Could you give me some?


A. a little B. a few C. little D. few ( ) 27. –Daddy? Can I have a house with a yard?

–Sure, and on _____ sides of the yard, there must be many flowers.

A. both B. every C. all D. either ( ) 28. The boy ______ his father. Sometimes people say they are brothers.

A. takes after B. looks after C. comes after D. runs after

( ) 29. –Why don’t you come with us? – Not everyone feels like _________.

A. to play computer games B. play computer games

C. playing computer games D. plays computer games

( ) 30. –Wow, how beautiful the city is!

–Yes, these years Chongqing has _____ changed. It’s

more beautiful than before.

