18春《英美文学选读》作业 - 4

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【北京语言大学】18春《英美文学选读》作业_4 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,"'I believe you are made of stone,'he said, clenching his fingers so hard that he broke the fragile cup. ...'You seem to forget,' she said,'that cup is not!'" .From the above quoted passage, we can find the woman's tone is very( ) . A、sarcastic B、amusing C、sentimental D、facetious

第2题,"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood /And sorry I could not travel both ..." In the above two lines of Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken, the poet, by implication, was referring to _______. A、a travel experience B、 a marriage decision C、 a middle-age crisis D、 one's course of life

第3题,We can perhaps describe the west wind in Shelley's poem "Ode to the West Wind" with all the following terms except A、tamed B、swift C、proud D、wild

第4题,Here are two lines from a ling poem: "Upon a great adventure he was bond, That greatest Gloriana to him gave." The poem must be_____. A、Beowulf

B、John Milton's Samson Agonistes

C、Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a County Churchyard D、 Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene

第5题,Hamlet by Shakespeare reflects the light of the English ______. A、Renaissance


B、Modernism C、Scientism D、Feminism

第6题,All the following poets belong to lake poets EXCEPT A、Wordsworth B、 Coleridge C、 Robert Southey D、 Shelley

第7题,Because of her sensitivity to universal pattens of human behavior, ______ has brought the English novel, as an art of form, to its maturity. A、Charlotte Bronte B、Jane Austen C、Emily Bronte D、 Henry Fielding

第8题,Who try a new creative method of \? A、Arnold Bennett B、John Galsworthy C、H. G. Wells D、Virginia Woolf

第9题,"The shepherd in Virgil grew at last acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks."(Samuel Johnson, "To the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield")The speaker here is ( ). A、cheerful B、ironic C、mysterious D、nonchalant

第10题,The poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is selected from____ A、A Witness Tree


B、 Steeple Bush C、 New Hampshire D、 A Further Range

第11题,In Robinson Crusoe,Crusoe read magazine everyday √、对 ×、错


第12题,There were many literary artists involved in the groups known as the Lost Generation. The three best known areSherwood Anderson, Ernest Hemingway and John Dos Passos. √、对 ×、错


第13题,By the end of his life Robert Frost had become a national bard and he received honorary degrees from forty-four colleges and universities and won four Pulitzer Prizes. √、对 ×、错


第14题,Fitzgerald became \man inside that legendary period. √、对 ×、错


第15题,Wordsworth's attitude towards the French Revolution changed at his later years. √、对 ×、错


第16题,The Scarlet Letter relates the conflicts between the society and the


individual. √、对 ×、错


第17题,Of all Dickens's novels, Nicholas Nickleby is regarded as his masterpiece. √、对 ×、错


第18题,In David Copperfield,Mr. Micawber is a rich squire who lives a comfortable life. √、对 ×、错


第19题,Daniel Defoe was born in a teacher's family. √、对 ×、错


第20题,Charles Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian Age. √、对 ×、错



