暑假学案M3U1U2 Word 文档 - 图文

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M3U1 The world of our senses

课程目标解读 Topic Functions The world of our senses 1. Describing problems and feelings The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far. She could feel her heart beating with fear. A minute before, she had wished for someone to come along. Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still. 2. Describing weather Outside, wherever she looked the fog lay like a thick, grey cloud. It will be cloudy in the morning, with heavy showers around lunchtime. 3. Describing interpersonal relationship Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man with a beard. There may be more people lost today, and I?d like to help them. Vocabulary confuse, fog, forecast, observe, glance, nowhere, wherever, narrow, approach, darkness, hesitate, grasp, stare, anxious, grateful, aid, relief, reduce, volunteer, analyze, recognize, puzzle, sniff, ignore, sweat, distance,


thunder, lightning, wave, overhead, tap, suit, disability, hopeful, whisper, bite, contrary, flesh, attract, calm, panic, fist, likely, soldier, roll, loose, employ, compass, unlike in sight, wish for, reach out, watch out for, roll up Grammar 1. Introduction to Noun clauses Whether he?ll be able to come is not yet known. Polly didn?t know which way she should go. I?m interested in who that tall man is. The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far. The news that he couldn?t come made us upset. 2. Noun clauses beginning with that or if/whether She had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat. She wondered if/whether the buses would still be running. Skills and strategies By the end of this unit, students will be able to: 1. read the story entitled “Fog” and two articles about animals 2. listen to and understand a talk about a storytelling contest 3. discuss the five senses and tell a story 4. expand vocabulary related to weather Culture

1. Interpersonal relationship 2

2. Typical weather in different countries

Period 1 Welcome to the unit



2、学习怎样在日常生活中和学习中利用感官。 自主学习

Task Ⅰ According to the form below, talk about how we know about the world around us. We do see smell touch/feel

Task Ⅱ What would happen if people lost one or two of their senses?

How do people help those who can?t see? 我的疑问


With ears The sense taste


Task Ⅰ Answer the questions below each picture. Picture 1 The white part & the black part

Picture 2 How to find out the length of the two lines?

Picture 3 How can they prove whether the two lines are straight or not?

Picture 4 Are the symbols in Line b changeable?

Task Ⅱ Discussion

1. When learning English, what kinds of senses help us most?

2. Do you know of any disabled people who have made great contributions? 归纳整理 检测训练



Review the five senses once again and fill in the blanks according to your common sense.

When he got there, he ______ that there was a dark hole. He ______ into it, but could see nothing. He ______ with his ears, but could hear nothing, either. He ______ it for a long time. He felt something strange. He touched the side of the hole. It ______ hot. Suddenly some noises were ______ from the hole. It felt like someone was cooking inside. 课后巩固提升

Write a short passage about the sense(s) we use in one of the three situations.

Situation 1 We are left in the dark.

Situation 2 We eat something never tasted before.

Situation 3 The extraordinary senses of animals. 学习后记


Period 2 Reading




一些阅读策略。通过听、说、读、写等技能的综合训练,提高学生对文章的理解能力和语言用活能力。 学习目标


2、掌握并运用阅读技巧——故事的六要素。 3、学会缩写故事。 自主学习

Task Ⅰ Preview words in Reading

Task Ⅱ Choose the best answer according to the passage. 1. The text mainly talks about ______. A. Polly?s experience in a fog B. Polly?s school life in London C. Polly?s experience in a train D. what a person should do in a fog

2. The man who helped Polly out of trouble was ______. A. the man who watched Polly on the train B. an old man who always helps others in the fog C. the old man who made heavy footsteps behind her D. an old man who always gets lost in the heavy fog


3. 86 King Street is ______. A. the place where Polly?s college is B. the place where Polly?s friend lives C. the place where Polly lives

D. the place where Polly?s office situates

4. How did Polly planned to go back home at the beginning? A. By taxi. B. By train. C. By bus. D. By car. 合作探究

Task Ⅰ Reading strategy 1. Aspects of the whole story

2. Aspects of each part Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Parts 4-6

Task Ⅱ Decide whether the following sentences are true or false. ( ) 1. The fog was very heavy in the morning.


( ) 2. When she got to Green Park, the weather turned out to be fine. ( ) 3. Polly got to Green Park by train.

( ) 4. The old man carried an umbrella in his hand.

( ) 5. At first Polly thought the old man couldn?t see her face because he was blind.

( ) 6. After arriving at home, Polly invited the old man to her home for a rest and he agreed.

Task Ⅲ Fill in the blanks according to the Reading passage.

A Helpful Blind Man

Route to Polly?s home At the bus station Polly?s experience ◆There were no buses to King Street because of the (1)______, but she could take the (2)______ to Green Park. On the way to Green Park ◆Polly observed the passengers around her and felt (3)______ watching her. Along (4)______ ◆Polly heard footsteps getting (5)______ to her and felt (6)______ brush her cheek. ◆Polly (7)______ her way and an


old man showed up to help her. The man was blind and the fog didn?t affect his (8)______. On the way to King Street ◆The blind man chatted with Polly and led her to (9)______. ◆The blind man didn?t (10)______ for a while, but continued to help those who were lost.

Task Ⅳ Discussion

(Lines29-31) Then a man?s voice came out of the darkness. “Is anybody there?” Polly hesitated. At last she answered, “Hello, I think I?m lost.” The man offered to help her, but why did Polly hesitate? 1. What is your opinion on the old man?

2. What can we do to help those disabled like the old blind man?





Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the


country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said,“ Do come and see me at my house in the country.” So the City mouse went. The City mouse said,“ This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You should live in a nice house made of stone. You should have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city.”

The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, “ Run! Run! The cat is coming!” They ran away quickly and hid.

After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, “ I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy than to be rich and afraid.” 学习后记


Period 3 Language points




学习语言知识的过程,更是学生训练听说读写技能的过程。在本课中,教师注重操练形式的多样化,创设情景让学生充分练习重点语言点,课上以读模仿为主要训练手段,课后把语言点的掌握落实到书面。 学习目标

1、扎实掌握Welcome to the unit & Reading部分出现的语言点,通过实例,结合实际需求正确使用。 2、背诵课后重点句型(P61 1——5) 自主学习 Task Ⅰ Phrases in sight wish for come along hold her still watch out for come to one?s aid in relief be off pay back get across the road find one?s way around

Task Ⅱ Important sentences (P61 1——5)


我的疑问 合作探究 Task Ⅰ

1. As Polly observed the passengers on the train, she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat. 基础observe vt. 观察,注意到

Have you observed any changes in the city lately?

1) 搭配observe sb. doing/do sth. 看到某人正在做/看到某人做 observe that… 注意到…



2) observe 指带着目的观察,注意; glance 指不经意地瞥一眼,匆匆一瞥;

stare 后面常跟介词at,指凝视,目不转睛地看。 拓展

observe 还可以意为“遵守,评论” All members of the club must observe the rules. 运用


1) 他停车时看见一个陌生人正走进他家。

2) The woman was observed ______ him closely.

A. to follow B. follow C. followed D. being followed 3) 选词填空 observe, glance, stare I?m nervous because he is ______ at me. She ______ at her watch and left the room.

He always ______ the behavior of insects and studies their living habits.

2. As she walked along the narrow street, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

基础 approach 接近,靠近

As I approached my house, I saw a light on in the kitchen.

The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house. 拓展 approach 还可用作名词

1) All the approaches to the town are guarded by the soldiers. 意为:______

2) I was listening to music, so I didn?t hear his approach. 意为:______ 3) It?s not easy for such teenagers to get the right approach to this problem. 意为: ______ 运用

At the meeting they discussed three different ______ to the study of



A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways

3. The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far.

基础 副词that/this = so 常修饰far, high, long, much, many等词。 拓展

英译中 Never stay out this late, or you won?t be allowed to go out in the evening any more. 运用 英汉互译

1) I?m sorry. I really can?t climb that high.

2) Can you eat that much?

3) 这么糟糕的雾是罕见的。

4. She could feel her heart beating with fear. Polly heard it hit the step.

基础 beat vi. (心脏)跳到;打,敲(门,窗等) vt. 赢,打败(某人);(鸟的翅膀)拍,扑动

hit 击中;对准…来打,着重敲打或打击对方的某一点,通常是



The ball hit her in the left eye. Someone is beating at the door.

I won?t let the problem beat me; I?m sure I?ll find a solution soon. 拓展 strike 着重敲打,敲;打动,擦(火柴),钟敲响;某种想法突然出现在脑海等 运用

I can hear that the rain is ______ against the window outside. He ______ his head hard on the floor when he fell down.

When the clock ______ twelve, the students and teachers walk out of the classroom.

5. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 基础 连词once后省略主语she 和be 动词was


When (she was) young, Lily lived with her grandmother in the countryside.

While (I was) studying in the college, I made many friends. 拓展 此句型的结构:连词+v.ing/v.ed/adj./adv./prep. phrase, 主句 运用

Once __________ (躺在床上), he fell asleep.


I won?t go to the party unless ____________ (被邀请).

First aid, if properly done, can save a person?s life. 翻译____________ 归纳整理 检测训练 课堂目标达成

Task Ⅰ 用适当的介词或副词填空。

1. The cafeteria is always full of people ______ lunchtime. 2. I took a quick glance ______ my partner?s plan.

3. I?m feeling rather sleepy. I want to have a sleep ______ a while. 4. I must be ______ now. It?s time I went to school.

5. After a good breakfast you can step out ______ the morning air and feel wonderful.

6. The crowd laughed ______ relief as they heard the good news.

Task Ⅱ Choose the best answer.

1. ______ we go nowadays, we can see various ads. A. Whatever B. However C. Whenever D. Wherever

2. Those who suffer from headaches will get ______ from this medicine. A. pleasure B. defense C. safety D. relief

3. There are many such times when we ______ at books, but this is because we have been lost in thought.


A. stare B. guess C. glance D. notice

4. I am very ______ to my friends, Jack, for his encouragement and relief when I am disappointed.

A. grateful B. confident C. curious D. anxious

5. I think it ______ to let farmers have their own land. In that way, they can farm the land by themselves, and food production will be higher. A. no good B. makes sense C. no harm D. takes sense

6. My mother asked me to smile and keep ______ as she was taking a photo of me.

A. healthy B. still C. clean D. calm

课后巩固提升 Task Ⅰ 仿写句子

1. There was no one in sight.


2. I have to listen very closely to hear if some car is approaching. 当你接近这个城镇的时候,你将会看到中心的那个高塔。

3. Since other people can observe that I am carrying a stick, they can usually guess that I am blind and stay out of my way.



Task Ⅱ Creative writing, using “observe, approach, that/this, beat, 连词+分词等” 学习后记


Period 4 Word power


1、学习词性,拼写相同的词在不同语境中的意思和用法。 2、 复习描述不同天气的表达法,扩充学生的词汇量。 自主学习

Task Ⅰ Parts of speech --- 词性

-- He met me in Park Street and walked me the rest of the way home. -- That was nice of him. Why didn?t you invite him to come in and rest? Find more examples like “rest”:

Task Ⅱ Describe thunderstorm, rain, flood 我的疑问



Task Ⅰ Parts A&B on page 6

Task Ⅱ Practice

Decide the correct part of speech. sense

1. Doctors often ______ uneasiness in people. 词性:

2. Your ______ are the physical abilities of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. 词性:

3. I looked at the printed page, but the words made no ______. 词性: time

1. It will take you a long ______ to learn English well. 词性: 2. I have seen the movie three ______. 词性: 3. He ______ her as she swam a mile. 词性: sight A. 视力 B. 看见 C. 景象 D. 名胜

1. Some famous musicians have had little or no ______. 2. What a sad ______ it was after the war. 3. It was a fine chance to see the ______ of the city. 4. She would faint at the ______ of blood.


Task Ⅲ Describing the weather

1. Some adjs nouns to describe the weather or climate:

2. Some sentences used in a weather report:

The morning/afternoon will be …, with heavy showers around lunchtime. A thin mist/cloudy weather will develop. A thin mist will turn to fog.

3. Finish the exercises on page 7. 归纳整理 检测训练 课堂目标达成

Fill in the blanks with words from the sentences, changing the forms if necessary.

1. Please be ______. We have enough seats for everybody to sit on. 2. Every year we ______ trees on May, 12th. Trees and other plants provide us with fresh air.

3. Do remember ______ the flowers every day. It will die from lack of water.

4. The policemen ______ all the witnesses but none of them could give a definite answer to the question.


5. The old man ______ the two World Wars. He is a man of lots of experiences.

6. While I was ______ for my holiday last night, I found a pack of my clothes missing.

7. Don?t look back when a wolf is already on your ______.

8. The head of our school are ______ for Hong Kong on a visit to a school there. 课后巩固提升

Write a weather report for the next three days. Date 15 Sep (Sat) 16 Sep (Sun) 17 Sep (Mon) 学习后记


Period 5 Noun clauses





Temperature 22 21 22 30 30 27 Weather cloudy cloudy storm

3、熟悉引导名词性从句的连接词。 自主学习

Task Ⅰ 比较下列几组句子,注意斜体部分: 1. This is why he did it. This is the reason.

2. What surprised me most was his expression. The surprising thing was his expression.

3. She wanted to know if the buses would still be running. She wanted to know the answer.

Task Ⅱ Preview page 8. 我的疑问 合作探究

Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the underlined parts.

1. What he wants is a book.

2. It is so nice that we can learn this grammar point together. 3. I?m so glad that I can make friends with you. 4. This is why he did it.

5. Do you agree to the suggestion that we should have a trip in Tibet? 6. That he wants a book is certain.


7. I suggested just now we should take part in this competition. 8. Whether you like him or not doesn?t matter too much. 9. He doesn?t know whether you can sing it well. 10. The problem is whether you can sing it well.

11. The problem whether it is right or wrong has not been decided. 12. Please tell me who your monitor is.

Task Ⅰ Classify the clauses according to their function. 做主语:__________ 做宾语:__________ 做表语:__________ 做同位语:__________

Task Ⅱ Point out the conjunctions and their meanings.

Task Ⅲ Noun clauses as the object of a preposition.

She is always thinking ______(考虑) how she can do more for others. We are talking ______(谈论) whether we admit students into our club.

Task Ⅳ 关于同位语和抽象名词

Polly, a twenty-year-old young lady, was led home by an old blind man in a heavy fog.


The book A Brief History of Time was written by Steven Hawking, a great scientist.

The fact that Polly didn’t ask for the man’s name is a pity. 抽象名词归类:_______________________________

Task Ⅴ 同位语从句和定语从句 The fact that Polly told us is true.

The fact that Polly didn?t ask for the man?s name is a pity.

The suggestion that you made at the meeting attracted the media?s attention.

The suggestion that students should wear school uniforms has caused a heated discussion.

两种从句的区别:_____________________________ 归纳整理 检测训练 课堂目标达成

Finish the exercise on page 9.


将两个简单句合并成含有名词性从句的复合句。 1. Polly didn?t ask for the man?s name. That fact is a pity.


The fact ______ Polly didn?t ask for the man?s name is a pity. 2. Why did she leave home without saying a word? I often wonder. I often wonder ______ she left home without saying a word.

3. My question is this: should we have a few days off after the project is completed?

My question is ______ we should have a few days off after the project is completed.

4. He will attend the meeting. It is certain.

______ is certain ______ he will attend the meeting.

5. Our team is going to win the coming match. There is no doubt. There is no doubt ______ our team is going to win the coming match. 学习后记


Period 6 Noun clauses Ⅱ


1、进一步掌握名词性从句,学习怎样使用连词that , if/whether引导名词性从句。


3、学习语法同时加强语言知识的学习。 自主学习

Point out what kind of noun clauses they belong to.


1. I worry about whether he can pass through the crisis of his illness. 2. John said that he was leaving for London on Wednesday. 3. Who made the long distance call to him is not important. 4. The fact that we lack enough phones needs to be considered. 5. The question is what we should say to the callers.

6. They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.

7. The idea that England stands for Fish & Chips, Speaker?s Corner, Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.

8. Some people feel that Wales is an ancient fairy land. 我的疑问 合作探究

Task Ⅰ Page 10 1

可以使用that引导名词性从句的三种情况: 1、_________________________________ 2、_________________________________ 3、_________________________________

Task Ⅱ Page 10 2 用if 还是whether


1. I asked her ________ she had a bike.


2. ________ we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.

规则二:_________________________________ 3. We are worried about ________ he is safe. 规则三:_________________________________

4. I don?t know ________ he is well or not. / I don?t know ________ or not he is well.

规则四:_________________________________ 5. The question is ________ he should do it.

The doctor can hardly answer the question ________ the old man will recover soon.

规则五:_________________________________ 6. I don?t know ________ to go.


Task Ⅲ Page 10 3

一个动词有两个名词性从句作它的宾语,if / whether, that能否省略? _________________________________

Task Ⅳ Language points


1. Phrases make sense make the most of

ignore our senses of touch and smell rather than wear a nightshirt be pleasant to touch make one?s way to recover strength

It be / becomes impossible to do sth. sweat with fear ring out

2. rather than

原句:While having dinner, listen to some enjoyable music rather than watch television.

基础:短语rather than 是连词,意为“而不是”。例如 Rather than work in such bad conditions, he would give up. 拓展:

1) rather than连接主语时,注意主谓一致原则,此时与 as well as, along with 等用法一样。例如 He rather than you is wrong.


2) 常用的句型有:prefer to do … rather than do; would do … rather than do …; would rather do … than do … 等都解释为:宁可做… 而不愿意做…。例如

I prefer to go out for a trip rather than stay at home. The hero would die rather than disgrace himself.

He would rather paint the wall on his own than have a painter do it. 运用:

Rather than ______ in the crowded city, he prefers ______ in the countryside.

A. stay; live B. staying; live C. stay; to live D. stay; to living 归纳整理 检测训练 课堂目标达成 Page 11 A & B

课后巩固提升 翻译句子。


____________________ encouraged the students very much. 2、所有发明的共性就是它们改善了人们的生活。

What all the inventions have in common is ____________________.


3、有命令传来:所有美国士兵应尽快撤离伊拉克。 The order came that ____________________. 4、我们必须搞清楚是否我们的电脑系统已被破坏。 We must find out ____________________. 5、是否你走或是呆在家里并不会有多大影响。 ____________________ won?t make any difference. 学习后记


Period 7 Task Skills BuildingⅠ


1、学习怎样构思故事的情节,以及故事通常包括的三部分。 2、在听力练习中理解故事的基本要素。 自主学习

What kinds of story do you like reading? Why? Comedy story, science fiction, love story, detective or historical story? 合作探究

Task ⅠThree parts of a story (page 12) 1. Start includes ____________ Body tells about ____________ Ending tells ____________ 2. Practice


Find three parts of the story “Fog”. ____________ ____________ ____________

3. Finish A & B (pages 12-13), give the reasons why they put the paragraphs in such an order.

Task Ⅱ Completing a checklist

1. Listen to the teacher and complete the checklist in A (page 13). 2. Listen to a conversation, answer the questions in B (page 13). 3. Write the start of the story, using the answers in B. 归纳整理 检测训练 课堂目标达成

Translate the phrases and write sentences after the example. 1. in the distance 2. set sail for 3. manage to do

4. hear the thunderstorm overhead

5. This was the first storm I had seen while at sea.



根据故事的三要素(S, B, E),编写一个简单的故事,字数不少于50个单词。 学习后记


Period 8 Task Skills Building Ⅱ


1、通过使用带会话框,思维框等的图片,学习有效讲故事的技能。 2、开发学生的创造力,想象力,为一个故事添加结尾。 自主学习

Compare two stories, which one is more effective? Why? Big Head

“All the kids make fun of me” the boy cried to his mother. “They say I have a big head”

“Don't listen to them.” his mother comforted him. “You have a beautiful head .Now stop crying and go to the store for ten pounds of potatoes” “Where's the shopping bag?” “I haven't got one, use your hat.”



Task Ⅰ Four things to tell a story better 1. Speech bubble --- to show ____________ Thought bubble --- to show ___________ Sound bubble --- to show ____________ Caption --- to describe ____________ 2. Talk about the four pictures “ Alice and an alien”

3. Read the comic strip about a monster (page 14). Label the different ways of adding words to pictures.

Task Ⅱ Preparing a story with a surprise ending (page 15)


1. Draw the correct bubbles around the words or actions, and complete the captions for the five pictures using the correct forms of the words in the box. 2. Finish B.

3. Compare: which is the best picture with a surprise ending? 归纳整理 课后巩固提升

Write a short story with the title of “an unlucky/unfortunate frog”.



Period 9 Task Skills Building Ⅲ




2、学习使用形容词,副词,让所创作的故事更生动有趣。 自主学习

Task Ⅰ The function of the adjs Fill in the blanks with proper adjs. Everyone was ________. He is ________ in watching TV. She is a(n) ________ student. The ________ man is her boyfriend. He pushed the door ________. We found the problem very ________. He arrived home, ________. Tom sat in the corner, ________.

Task Ⅱ The function of the advs

The students watch him ________. (安静地) Time is ________. (到了)Let?s go. Life ________ (那里)is very dull. His invention is ________ (非常)useful. Henry sings ________ (相当地)well. ________ (也许)you?re right.

He ________ (通常)goes to school early.


I am ________ (总会)with you. 我的疑问 合作探究

Task Ⅰ Read the article(page 16) to circle all the adjs and underline all the advs.

1. What is the usage of adjs?

2. How to use advs and why?

Task Ⅱ Part A & B(page 17)

1. Divide the words into adjs and advs and fill them in the blanks. 2. Complete the last paragraph using your picture 6. 3. Present your story. 归纳整理


以My happy holiday为题,写一篇英语短文,注意运用形容词,副词,使文章更生动。




Period 10 Project


1、了解关于鲨鱼和鸽子独特的感官。 2、学习各篇文章的结构。




Task Ⅰ Animals are friends of human beings. However, some animals will cause trouble or danger to us in some situations. For example, when they are hungry or when they feel themselves in danger. Do you know some dangerous animals on the land? There are also some dangerous animals in the water.

Task Ⅱ Fast reading

1. How many different types of sharks in the ocean?

1. Do all of them attack humans?

2. What are the tips if a shark attacks you?

3. When are the enemy troops attacking the soldiers?

5. Why have pigeons been used since ancient times to carry the news or the mail? 我的疑问



Task Ⅰ Fill in the form according to the passage.

Shark Attacks

Dangerous sharks Only about 30 types of sharks have (1) ________. Three very dangerous sharks are: the white shark, tiger shark and bull shark. Three kinds of Shark attacks Some sharks (2) ________ people for fish, and attack them. Some sharks bite if they think you are (3) ________ to eat. Some sharks wait for people to swim by and then attack. Advice on (4) ________ of attacks Do not swim (5) ________. Do not go swimming in the ocean if you have a fresh (6) ________. Do not wear bright clothing or (7) ________. Stay (8) ________ when swimming. Advice on (9) ________ with Do not be (10) ________.


attacks Hit the shark on the nose with your fist. Stick your finger in the shark?s eye.

Task Ⅱ Shark attacks

Try to find the main idea of each paragraph: Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5

Task Ⅲ The wonderful world of pigeons Part 1 Part 2

Task Ⅳ Do you know any other animals that have their unique senses? 归纳整理


Find information about one animal. Food (what the animal eats) __________


