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Class___________ Name___________ Number___________21世纪教育网版权所有

? 从以下各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。

( )1. My grandpa is more than 75, but he is still in good health.

A. healthy

B. happy



( )2. –Would you like to go shopping with me, Tina? – Sorry, today is quite full for me.21教育网

A. relaxing

B. free

C. busy

( )3. Only twenty-five percent of the students in our class sometimes go to the movies on weekends..21cnjy.com

A. half

B. a quarter

C. twenty- five

( )4. It’s a good way to relax by exercising. But we don’t have much time for it.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】

A. swimming

B. playing sports

C. running

( )5. Don’t _____________ too late. It’s bad for your health. up

( )6. –The sunshine is coming ______________ the window. It is so warm in the room. 21*cnjy*com

A. through

B. along


A. look up

B. put up

C. stay


( )7. –Do you often use the Internet, Nancy? -- ____________. I don’t like it at all.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】

A. Sometimes

B. Hardly ever

C. Always

( )8. --- _____________ do you have your teeth cleaning, Tina? – Once a month.

A. How many

B. How long

C. How often

( )9. My good friend has piano lesson _____________ a week, on Wednesday and Friday.2·1·c·n·j·y

A. twice

B. second

C. once

( )10. ____________ my mother is very tired after work, she cooks dinner for us every day.www-2-1-cnjy-com

A. If

B. Although

C. But

全国中小学教育资源门户网站 | 天量课件、教案、试卷、学案 免费下载 | www.xsjjyw.com

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( )11. Mom, I have a toothache. I need to go to see the _____________.

A. dentist

B. doctor



( )12. My mother wants me ____________, so she always asks me to have milk and more fruit.21·世纪*教育网

A. to be healthy

B. to stay up late



study hard【出处:21教育名师】

( )13. After running for a long time, we all felt _____________and wanted to have a drink.【版权所有:21教育】

A. hungry

B. full

C. thirsty

( )14. If you want to be healthier, you have to exercise ____________ twice a week I think.21教育名师原创作品

A. at least

B. at most

C. at all

( )15. His little son is often ill because he usually _______________.

A. exercises

B. eats junk food

C. plays soccer

Unit 2 Section A

I. Words:

一次 ____________ 两次 ___________ 节目____________ 大概,也许__________ 忙的,满的 ______ 摇摆_____________ ( 过去式___________) 最小的,最少的_____ II. Phrases:

帮助做家务_______ 几乎没有_______________ 熬夜 ______________ 一周三次_________ 一个月两次_____________ 摇摆舞_____________ 上网____________ III. Sentences:

1. 你通常周末都干什么?我总是锻炼身体。

_____________________________________________________________ 2. 你多久看一次电影? 至少一个月两次。

___________________________________________________________3. 你的父母做运动吗?不做。他们太忙了。21·cn·jy·com

_____________________________________________________________4. 你多久熬一次夜? 从不,我总是早睡。www.21-cn-jy.com


Section B

I. Words:

咖啡_____________ 结果,后果_____________ 百分之。。。_____________ 电视______________ 虽然,尽管_____________ 凭借,穿过______________ 头脑,心智_________ 身体__________________ 在一起________________ 死亡______________ ( 现在时__________) 作家_________________

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