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Part Ⅱ

Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked

A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

Antarctica has actually become a kind of space station—a unique observation post for detecting important changes in the world’s environment.S1 Remote from major sources of pollution and the complex geological and ecological systems that prevail elsewhere, Antarctica makes possible scientific measurements that are often sharper and easier to interpret than those made in other parts of the world.

Growing numbers of scientists therefore see Antarctica as a distantearly warning sensor, where potentially dangerous global trends may be spotted before they show up to the north. One promising field of investigation is glaciology. Scholars from the United States, Switzerland, and France are pursuing seven separate but related projects that reflect their concern for the health of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet—a concern they believe the world at large should share.

The Transantarctic Mountain, some of them more than 14,000 feet high, divide the continent into two very different regions. The part of the continent to the “east” of the mountains is a high plateau covered by an ice sheet nearly two miles thick. “West” of the mountain, the half of the continent south of the Americas is also covered by an ice sheet, but there the ice rests on rock that is mostly well below sea level. If the West Antarctic Ice Sheet disappeared, the western part of the continent would be reduced to a sparse cluster of island.

While ice and snow are obviously central to many environmental experiments, others focus on the mysterious“dry valley”of Antarctica, valleys that contain little ice or snow even in the depths of winter. Slashed through the mountains of southern Victoria land, these valleys once held enormous glaciers that descend 9,000 feet from the polar plateau to the Ross Sea.Now the glaciers are gone, perhaps a casualty of theThe Carnegie Foundation report says that many colleges have tried to be “all things to all people”. In doing so, they have increasingly catered to a narrowminded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision among their students. The current crisis, it contends, does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends. The problem is that in too many academic fields, the work has no context; skills, rather than being means, have become ends.Students are offered a variety of options and allowed to pick their way to a d

egree. In short, driven by careerism, “the nation’s colleges and universit


ies are more successful in providing credentials(文凭)than in providing a quality education for their students.” The report concludes that the special challenge confronting the undergraduate college is one of shaping an “integrated core” of common learning. Such a core would introduce students “to essential knowledge, to connections across the disciplines, and in the end, to application of knowledge to life beyond the campus.”

Although the key to a good college is a highquality faculty, the Carnegie study found that most colleges do very little to encourage good teaching. In fact, they do much to undermine it. As one professor observed:“Teaching is important, we are told, and yet faculty know that research and publication matter most.” Not surprisingly

30.It can be inferred from the passage that highquality college education calls for ____.

A) highquality faculties

B) a commitment to students and effective teaching

C) the cultivation of students’ interest in learning

D) dedication to research in frontier areas of knowledge

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

The U.S. birthrate began to decline in the middle 1950’s, resulting in a smaller collegeage population starting in the middle 1970’s.S4 Something else happened in the 1970’s: the price of oil increased tremendously, driving up the price of almost everything and making Americans aware that their large automobiles used a lot of gasoline. At the same time, foreign car manufacturers had beg

un to produce small fuelefficient cars in large quantities for the export market. Suddenly, the large, gasguzzling American cars were no longer attractive to American buyers, who began buying foreign cars by the thousands. The American automobile industry went into a recession. Thousands of automotive workers were laid off, as were thousands of people in industries indirectly connected with the autoindustry. People who are laid off tend to keep what money they have for necessities, like food and housing. They do not have the extra money needed to send their children to college. Their children cannot pay their own college costs, because during a recession they cannot find jobs. High unemployment means that more state funds must be used for social service—unemployment benefits and to aid dependent children, for example—than during more prosperous times. It also means, that the states have fewer funds than usual, because people are paying fewer taxes. Institutions of higher education depend on two major sources of income to keep them functioning: tuition from students and funds from the states. At the present time, there are fewer students than in the past and fewer state funds available for higher education. The colleges and universities are in trouble.

31.What is the main idea of this passage?

A) The rising of oil price drove up the price of everything.


B) There were many reasons why higher education was in trouble in the 1970’s.

C) Birthrate began to decline in the USA in 1950’s.

D) High unemployment caused a lot of social problems.

32.The phrase “laid off” can best be replaced by which of the following?

A) Poor .

B) Got rid of.

C) Removed. 

D) Unemployed.

33.American cars were not popular in their domestic markets because they were____.

A) small

B) gasconsuming

C) fuelefficient

D) not attractive

34.The colleges and universities were in trouble because of the following reasons except that ____.

A) they couldn’t get enough income to keep them running

B) young people couldn’t afford the tuition fees

C) keeping them running at the same level would cost much more

D) social services need more state funds because of the recession

35.All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ____.

A) young people couldn’t afford their own tuition in the 1970’s

B) it’s difficult for graduates from colleges to find a job in the 1970’s

C) fewer parents could afford to send their children to college because of the recession in 1970’s

D) Birthrate dropped in the 1970’s because of the recession

Passage Four

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

Within fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of huge industrial complexes for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning because everything that goes into the dumps would be made into something useful. Even the most dangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy if nothing else.

The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find

out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber as well.

Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and


separating the rubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: first, it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed; then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids; after that grounders and rollers break up everything that can be broken. Finally the rubbish will pass under magnets, which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final stage.

The first fullscale giant recycling plants are, perhaps, fifteen years away. Indeed, with the growing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.

36.The main purpose of the passage is ____.

A) to show us a future way of recycling wastes

B) to tell the importance of recycling wastes

C) to warn people the danger of some wastes

D) to introduce a new recycling plant

37.How many stages are there in the recycling process?

A) 3.

B) 4.

C) 5.

D) 6.

38.What is the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants?

A) To deal with wastes in a better way.

B) It’s a good way to gain profits.

C) It’s more economical than to dump wastes in some distant places.

D) Energy can be got at a lower price.

39.The first full—scale huge recycling plants ____.

A) have been in existence for 15 years

B) takes 15 years to build

C) can’t be built until 15 years later

D) will remain functioning for 15 years

40.Which of the following statements is true?

A) The word “rubbish” will soon disappear from dictionaries.

B) Dangerous wastes can be recycled into nothing but energy.

C) To recycle paper and rubber will still be impossible even with the new recycling methods.

D) Big cities will soon have their own recycling plants.



Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)

Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

41.You ____ her in office last Friday; She’s been out of town for two weeks.

A) needn’t have seen 

B) might have seen

C) must have seen

D) can’t have seen

42.This candidate has far more chances of winning the election than ____ recommended by the organizer.

A) that

B) the one 

C) whom

D) one

43.____ difficult it is to surmount the obstacles, we’re bound to achieve our goal.

A) As

B) How

C) So

D) However

44.Many a time ____ not to play with fire but he turns a deaf ear to the warnings.

A) the child being told

B) the child has been told

C) has been told the child

D) has the child been told

45.He ____ writing the paper now. He hadn’t written a single word when I left him ten minutes ago.

A) shouldn’t be

B) can’t have finished

C) can’t be

D) mustn’t have finished

46.Isn’t it lovely to think that I ____ myself on the sunny beach tomorrow at this



A) will enjoy

B) am enjoying

C) will be enjoying

D) shall enjoy

47.Don’t you know it’s the first time he ____ this kind of meeting?

A) attends

B) attended

C) has attended

D) is attending

48.If you ____ my advice, you ____ your failure now. You ____ your victory.

A) took ... wouldn’t cry over ... would celebrate

B) had taken ... wouldn’t have cried over ... would have celebrated

C) had taken ... aren’t crying over ... are celebrating

D) had taken ... wouldn’t be crying over ... would be celebrating

49.I would rather ____ out to look for a job instead of moping around here everyday.

A) to go B) going

C) went D) go

50.—I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like ____.

—I told you not to eat at a restaurant. You’d better ____ at home.

A) to throw up ... to eat

B) throwing up ... eating

C) to throw up ... eat

D) throwing up ... eat

51.He always dreams of ____ a chance for him to bring into full play his potential.

A) there being B) there to be

C) there is D) being

52.You should keep an eye ____ the slightest changes in the patient while the doctor is away.

A) for B) on

C) to D) about

53.____ is still a controversial issue.

A) If he is the right person for the job

B) That he is the right person for the job

C) Whether he is the right person for the job


D) He is the right person for the job

54.He has won the first place, ____ is clear from the expressions on his face.

A) that B) as

C) what D) when

55.His response was ____ that he didn’t say yes and he didn’t say no.

A) so B) what

C) what D) such

56.It’s time for us to ____ the traditional Chinese architecture.

A) preserve B) reserve

C) conserve D) deserve

57.I’m afraid taking a parttime job might ____ my time for study.

A) cut off B) cut into

C) cut down D) cut away

58.The innocent young man was ____ of robbing the bank.

A) sentenced B) charged

C) accused D) punished

59.People should behave ____ on such a solemn occasion.

A) respectedly B) respectfully

C) respectingly D) respectively

60.After second thought, she ____ a better solution.

A) came up with B) added up to

C) put up with D) made up for

61.I didn’t ____ to tell him the truth. He forced me into doing that.

A) expect B) suppose

C) hope D) mean

62.If this kind of animal becomes ____, our future generation won’t even have a chance to see it.

A) little B) scarce

C) rare D) short

63.Little kids are OK most of the time. But sometimes can become a real ____.

A) difficulty B) nuisance

C) worry D) anxiety


64.Early settlers in this land found great difficulty in ____ to the harsh living conditions.

A) adopting B) fitting

C) settling D) adapting

65.Cultural exchanges between the two countries help to ____ understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

A) increase B) raise

C) promote D) quicken

66.His downfall is ____ to other factors than this.

A) contributable B) attributable

C) deducible D) responsible

67.I think you should go to see a doctor, who may ____ to you proper medicine so that you can recover faster.

A) prescribe B) subscribe

C) submit D) prohibit

68.It pains us to see that our environment is ____.

A) degenerating

B) deteriorating

C) declining

D) depressing

69.The age of the students in this class ____ from eighteen to twenty.

A) changes B) alters

C) ranges D) limits

70.After finishing the paper, he ____ himself to have a good rest.

A) extended B) stretched

C) spread D) reached

Part Ⅳ

Translation (15 minutes)

Directions:In this part, there are four passages, each consisting of one or two sentences for you to translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the Reading Passages you have just read.You should refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context.

S1.(Para. 1, Passage 1)

Remote from major sources of pollution and the complex geological and ecological


systems that prevail elsewhere, Antarctica makes possible scientific measurements that are often sharper and easier to interpret than those made in other parts of the world.

S2.(Para. 1, Passage 2)

Students are offered a variety of options and allowed to pick their way to degree.

S3.(Para. 2, Passage 2)

Additionally, a frequent complaint among young scholars is that “There is pres sure to publish, although there is virtually no interest among administrators or colleagues in the content of the publications.”

S4.(Para. 1, Passage 3)

Something else happened in the 1970’s: the price of oil increased tremendously, driving up the price of almost everything and making Americans aware that their large automobiles used a lot of gasoline.

S5.(Para. 1, Passage 4)

Even the most dangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy if nothing else.

Part Ⅴ

Writing (30 minutes)

Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Should College Students Take Parttime Jobs? You should write in at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.

1. 人们对大学生打工的不同看法

2. 大学生究竟是否应该打工



Section A

1. M: I’d like to speak to Mr. Jones, please.

W: Sorry, sir. But Mr. Jones isn’t hear any more. Mr. Williams is in charge now.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

2. M: Wow, there’s a great deal of work for us to do.

W: Oh, it isn’t so bad as it looks. After all, the greater part of it has already


been done.

Q: What does the woman say about the work?

3. W: Can’t you knock on the door before you enter my office next time? M: Sorry, Mme. It’s just that I’m in such a hurry.

Q: How did the woman feel when she was speaking to the man?

4. W: Jane told me she would fly to Paris sometime this week.

M: Well, I saw her a minute ago at the supermarket.

Q: What can we conclude from the conversation?

5. W: Bob thinks you shouldn’t use your good knife to fix that.

M: Tell him it’s not his knife.

Q: What does the man imply?

6. M: How long will the party last? I’ve got a meeting to attend at 4 pm. W: You’ll be all right. The host will have an appointment at 3 pm.

Q: What do we learn about the man?

7. M: Why do you look so worried? Only one has finished ahead of you. W: I’ve promised my Mom that I’d be the first.

Q: Why is the woman worried?

8. W: My friend talked to me on the phone for two hours last night!

M: Is it toll free?

Q: What does the man imply?

9. W: Yes, we do have that color. But unfortunately we don’t have the medium size now.

M: In that case, I’ll have to take the blue one.

Q: Where does the conversation take place?

10.W: Why do you look so depressed?

M: Professor Smith said I might have to change another topic for my thesis. W: I told you that topic was too risky.

Q: What did the woman do?

Section B

Passage One

There Yale University professors agreed in a panel disussion tonight that the automobile was what one of them called“Public Health Enemy No. 1 in This

Country”.Besides polluting the air and congesting the cities,automobiles could cause heart disease “because we don’t walk anywhere any more,”said Dr. H. P.


Richard Weinerman, professor of medicine and public health. Dr. Weinerman’s sharp indictment of the automobile came in a discussion of human environment on Yale Reports, a radio program broadcast by Station WTIC in Hartford, Connecticut. The program opened a threepart series on “Staying Alive”.“For the first time in human history, the problem of man’s survival has to do with his control of manmade hazards,” Dr. Weinerman said.“Before this, the problem had been the control of natural hazards.”

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.

11.What is the main idea of the passage?

12.Why could automobiles cause heart disease?

13.For the 1st time,what does the problem of man’s survival have to do with?

Passage Two

A small dog brought disaster to a small English town last week. It was trying to cross a busy street but was too frightened to leave the strip in the middle of the street.

A truck drive parked his truck on the side of the road and got out to help it. While he was going to get the dog, his truck rolled down the street. It smashed into four parked cars, crashed through a fence, rolled down a bank and smashed into a row of houses. Only the driver was hurt. The dog bit him on the hand while he was carrying it.

Here is another story about dogs. A nineyearold child who nearly drowned while she was swimming in a home swimming pool, was saved by the family dog on Saturday. The child was alone in the large pool at the time.

The family of the dog said it would receive an extra large bone as a reward. Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.

14.What happened to the dog that brought disaster to the town?

15.Who was hurt in the disaster?

16.Where did the second story about dog take place?

17.What would be the reward given to the dog in the second story?

Passage Three

If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of year.

A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington, concluded from other men’s work and his own among people in different climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.

He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than is summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in summer.

Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring man’s mental abilities are affected by the same factors that


bring about great changes in all nature.

Fall is the nextbest season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking.

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.

18.What is the passage mainly about?

19.What is the best season for thinking?

20.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?


Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension

Section A

1. 【答案】C



儿,现在是Mr. Williams负责。由此可以推论出Mr.Jones以前是这儿的负责人。故答案C正确。

2. 【答案】D



还不是那么糟糕,毕竟,工作的大部分已经做完了。句子“ the greater part of it has already been done.”给了我们明确信息,把被动变为主动,意思即为“they’ve finished more than half of it.”故选项D正确。

3. 【答案】B



敲一下门?男士马上说:对不起,仅是因为我太匆忙了,问题问的是关于女士的态度。从女 士的婉转建议中“can’t you knock on the door ?”可推论出她有些生气。所以选B是正确的。

4. 【答案】D


【详细解答】对话中女士说Jane 曾告诉过她要在这个星期的某个时间乘飞


谎”并不确定,但是很明显Jane 今天不在巴黎。

5. 【答案】B


【详细解答】对话中女士对男士说:Bob 认为你不该用你那么好的小刀去

做修理那种事情。但男士说:告诉他这不是他的小刀。从男士的说话中,我们可以推断出男士认为Bob应该管他自己的事,言外之意为Bob是多管闲事。选项中词组“mind one’s business”是“管闲事”之意。

6. 【答案】C






7. 【答案】A





8. 【答案】C



则问:电话费免费吗?该句中“toll”意指长途电话费,“free”是“免费”的意思。由此 我们可以推论出:男士认为他们通电话的时间太长,得花多少电话费呀。

9. 【答案】D



中号的。男士则说:既然这样,我就买蓝色的。从此对话中的一些词语“color, size, take the blue one”,可以推知对话发生在百货商店里,是营业员与顾客间的对话。




professor Smith”让他不得不换一个论文的主题。然后女士又说:我早就告诉过你你写那 个主题太冒险了。从女士话中,我们推出她早就警告过男士了。由此,选项B为正确答案。 

Section B

Passage One






【详细解答】文章第一句即为主题句,此句中后半句“ the automobile

was what one of them called “Public Health Enemy No.1 in This Country”点明了文




【详细解答】从文章中的第二句话,“ because we don't walk anywher


e any more, ”可知以车代步容易引发疾病,影响人的身体健康。



【详细解答】只要听到此句,“For the 1st time in human history, the problem of man's survival has to do with his control of man-made hazards.”就知道人类是第一次处理人造公害的控制问题。

Passage Two




【详细解答】从文章的第二句话,“ but was too frightened to leave

the strip in the middle of the street.”可知,狗因太害怕而在路中央不敢移动。因 而选项C为正确答案。



【详细解答】从文章中此句话“Only the driver was hurt,”可知是卡车




【详细解答】从文章中此句“ while she was swimming in a home swimming pool, was saved ”,可知故事发生在家庭游泳池。



【详细解答】从文章中最后一句“ said it would receive an extra large bone as a reward.”可知这条狗所得的奖励是主人要额外地给它一大块骨头。

Passage Three






【详细解答】文章中的第一句就点明了主题,“ your intelligence varies from season to season.”可知答案B正确。



【详细解答】从文章中此句“Spring appears to be the best period of

the year for thinking.”可知答案D正确。




【详细解答】从文章中此句“This does not mean that all people are

less intelligent in summer .”可知选项A不对。文章中明确提及“summer heat”对人

的智力发挥有影响,故选项B也不对。选项C没有提及。而从此句“A noted scientist concluded that climate and temperature have a definite effect on mental ability.” 故选项D对。

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Passage One






【详细解答】见文章中第一句“ —a unique observation post for detecting important changes in the world’s environment”。从此句可知南极洲是唯一一个观测全球环境发生重大变化的一个点。因而选项D是正确的。





【详细解答】从文章中第四段中,我们可以找到这样一句“Now the glaciers are gone, perhaps a casualty of the global warming trend during the 10,000 years since the ice age.”可知选项C正确。





【详细解答】从文章中第二段第一句“ see Antarctica as a distant-early-warning censor, where potentially dangerous global trends may be spotted before they show up to the north.”,我们知道在南极洲可以观测到一些潜在的全球危险趋势。此意正好与选项C的意思吻合,故选项C正确。




【详细解答】从第三段最后一句“ the western part of the continent would be reduced to a sparse cluster of island.”可知此句为条件句,用的是虚拟语气,因而选项A中的事实句不正确。从第四段第一句中,可知,冰川和神秘“干谷”都是实验的重心,故排除B选项。根据文章最后一句,可以排除C。从第二段最后一句知选项D正确。





【详细解答】选项A) pace 放置,安置;B) notice 注意到;C) fix修理,安装,使固定;

D) judge 判断,判决,根据上下文以及句意,选项B符合题意。

Passage Two







,技能成为了教育的最终目的。从此句“ skills, rather than being means, have become ends.”可知选项B符合题意。









【详细解答】从文章中第二句“ ,they have increasingly catered to

a narrow-minded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision ”,可知 选项A正确。





【详细解答】从最后一段中此句“Teaching is important, we are told,

and yet faculty know that research and publication matter most.”可知,虽然被告 知教学重要,但是老师们都清楚,最要紧的是研究和出版。然后文章紧接着说“毫不 奇怪,过半人数的本科生不能毕业了。”









Passage Three











【译文】“laid off”可以用哪一个词来替换?







【详细解答】从文章中此句“ the large, gasguzzling American cars were no longer attractive to American buyers, ”可知美国汽车又大,又耗油,对美国消费者已没有吸引力了。文章中还说,外国汽车生产商们开始大规模生产一些省燃料的小型汽车用于出口,美国人开始批量购买外国汽车。所有这些,都可推出B正确。














生率下降与原文意思不符,故不正确。而选项A、B、C文章中都明确提到了。 Passage Four







看,选项A向我们展示一种未来废品循环利用的方式是正确答案。B讲述回收利用的重要性只在第一段提及,不是文章的中心。C向人们警告废品的危险性,文章没有提及。D介绍一个新的回收利用厂,不正确,因为文章没有向我们介绍一个厂,只是阐述了新的工程。 




【详细解答】从第三段,我们可以找到一些连接词“First, ; then ; after

that .Finally ”.由此可知共四步。故选项B正确。




【详细解答】从文章中最后一句“ ,with the growing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.”可知,主要原因是运送垃圾的交通费用不断不涨。因而C项:比到远处倒拉圾要省钱一些,或节约一些,故正确。




【详细解答】从文章最后一段第一句,“The first fullscale giant recyling plants are, perhaps, fiften years away.”可知要建立大规模的厂还有十五年的路要走。此句中“fifteen years away”的理解很关键。选项C中not until,“直到 才”意为“十五年后,才能建立”与原意相符。




【详细解答】选项A与原文第一段此句“The word rubbish could lose its meaning ”(单词rubbish 会失去原来的本义 )不符,故不对;B项与原文第一段中“Even the most dangerous and unpleasant wastes could provide energy if nothing else.”(那些最危险,最让人讨厌的垃圾,即使不能提供别的,也能提供能源。)不符,故不对。



Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure




【详细解答】选项A中needn’t have done 表示“本不必做 ”;选项B中

might have done表示“可能做 ”,选项C中must have done 表示“必定做过 ”,选项D中can’t have done 表示“不可能做 ”。选项D合乎句意。




【详细解答】A)that“那,那个”通常指物,指事,不指人;B)the one

“那一位,那一个”,特指某一个人;C) whom 关系代词,引导定语从句,通常在句中作宾

语成分;D) one “一个,人们”作代词时,类指“人们”。据题意B正确。




【详细解答】A) as 引导让步状语从句时,将从句的补语或状语置于句首

,如“Difficult as it is to ”,B) how “多么地”,引导感叹句;C) so表示“因此 ,因而”;D) however “无论如何,不管怎样”,根据句意,D正确。





前面应是一个分句,选项A可排除。状语“many a time”放在句首,句子要倒装。选项D是正确的。




【详细解答】A) shouldn’t do “不应该做 ”;B) can’t have done “

不可能做 ”;C) can’t do “不会做,不能做 ”;D) mustn’t have done 结构不常用。选项B合乎题意。








