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第4章 语言学习者及他们的语言错误

4.1 复习笔记


1. Contrastive analysis 对比分析

2. Contrastive analysis (CA) hypothesis 对比分析假说

3. Non-contrastive errors 非对比错误

4. Creative construction hypothesis 创造性结构假说

5. Morpheme acquisition order 语素习得顺序

6. Internal syllabus and external syllabus 内部大纲和外部大纲

7. Intralingual errors and Interlingual errors 语内错误和语际错误




Ⅰ. Contrastive analysis

1. Transfer

(1) Positive transfer

(2) Negative transfer

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d235da0dedf9aef8941ea76e58fafab069dc445c 2. Contrastive analysis (CA) hypothesis

(1) Strong CA hypothesis

(2) Weak CA hypothesis.

Ⅱ. Non-contrastive errors

1. Intralingual errors

2. Interlingual errors

Ⅲ. Richards’s (1971) error types

1. Over-generalization

2. Ignorance of rule restrictions

4. False concepts hypothesized

3. Incomplete application of rules

Ⅳ. The creative construction hypothesis

1. Interference

2. Morpheme acquisition order

3. Findings

4. Two observations

(1) Error Analysis

(2) Internal syllabus and External syllabus

Ⅰ. Contrastive analysis (对比分析)

The rationale for this language-learning theory lies within behaviorism, and the belief that learning is a question of habit formation. Starting with describing

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十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 圣才电子书

d235da0dedf9aef8941ea76e58fafab069dc445c comparable features of the native language and target language (e.g. tense, words or expressions etc.), contrastive analysis compares the forms and meanings across the two languages to spot the mismatches or differences.


1. Transfer (迁移)

The behaviorists believed that when a new habit was learned, old (already learned) habits would have some effect on the learning process. The effects of one habit on learning another are known in psychology as the study of transfer. 行为主义学家认为,新习惯养成以后会对要学习的新知识产生影响。这个旧习惯对新行为产生影响的过程叫做迁移。

(1) Positive transfer (正迁移)

Positive transfer is where the two habits share common aspects, such that knowing one will help with learning the other.


(2) Negative transfer (负迁移)

Negative transfer is also called interference. Knowing one will hinder learning the other.


2. Contrastive analysis (CA)hypothesis (对比分析假说)

Definition :Those ele ments that are similar to the [learner’s] native language

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十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 圣才电子书

d235da0dedf9aef8941ea76e58fafab069dc445c will be simple for him, and those areas that are different will be difficult’.(Lado ) 定义:两种语言最不同的地方,学生最难掌握,相同的、类似的地方则比较容易掌握。 This hypothesis led to a very large number of research projects throughout the world, which aimed to compare various languages in order to identify potential learning difficulties.


(1) Strong CA hypothesis (强对比分析假说)

The early days of CA were heady ones, and it was believed that comparing native and target languages would tell you almost everything you needed to know to devise a language-teaching program. This extreme view came to be known as the strong CA hypothesis. Here is an expression of it from Lee (1968: 180): ‘the prime cause, or even the sole cause, of difficulty and error in foreign language learning is interference coming from the learner’s native language’

该假说认为通过比较本族语和目标语的不同,几乎可以知道要设计一个语言教学项目的所有东西。这个极端的观点就叫做强对比分析假说。Lee 这样描述,外语学习中的困难和错误的主要原因或唯一的原因来自于学习者母语的干扰。

(2) Weak CA hypothesis (弱对比分析假说)

This is more reasonable in its claims. It says that CA may help us identify and explain some learner errors once they have occurred . But the hypothesis is ‘weak’ because it does not claim any predictive power for CA, to foresee errors with any certainty in advance.

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十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 圣才电子书

d235da0dedf9aef8941ea76e58fafab069dc445c 该假说认为对比分析可以发现和解释学生犯过的错误。该假说之所以“弱”是因为它并没有声称对比分析能够提前准确预测错误。

Ⅱ. Non-contrastive errors (非对比错误)

Errors whose ‘origins are found within the structure of English itself’, o r the way it is taught; that is, in non-contrastive causes.


1. Intralingual errors (语内错误)

Intralingual, meaning ‘coming from within the language itself’. 语内错误指来源于语言自身的影响。

2. Interlingual errors (语际错误)

Interlingual meaning ‘coming from differences between L1 and FL’. 语际错误来自第一语言和外语的差异。

3. Non-interlingual errors (非语际错误)

Non-interlingual errors are developmental. This term is revealing, and points up an important characteristic of these errors that they are often similar to the errors made by children learning their L1.


Ⅲ. Rich ards’s (1971) error types (intralingual errors)(Richards 的错误类型)(语内错误)

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d235da0dedf9aef8941ea76e58fafab069dc445c 1. Over-generalization (过度概括)

The learner creates a deviant structure on the basis of his experience of other structures in the target language . (*He can sings )


2. Ignorance of rule restrictions (忽略语法规则)

Failure to observe the restrictions of existing structures’ (p. 175) (closely related to over-generalization) (*I made him to do it.)


3. Incomplete application of rules (规则不完全应用)

The occurrence of structures whose deviancy represents the degree of development of the rules required to produce acceptable utterances.(*You read much?)


4. False concepts hypothesized (概念的错误理解)

Faulty comprehension of distinctions in the target language. (*One day it was happened.)


Ⅳ. The creative construction hypothesis (创造性结构假说)

Dulay and Burt (1973) develop an alternative to CA which they call creative construction theory. They are particularly interested in errors the learner brings

