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高速公路投资建设 / 特许经营 / 移交项目合同

(BT特许合同 / 工程总承包合同)



本合同系中译英,翻译:张云军 Translated from Chinese to English by Mr. CHANG YUNE-JUNE


of Signature:


第一章 项目概况 Article One Project Overview 第二章 投资资金 Article Four Investment Capital 第三章 特许经营权 Article Three Franchising Rights 第四章 土地征用 Article Six Land Acquisition 第五章 项目设计 Article Five Project Design 第六章 项目建设 Article Six Construction

第七章 项目运行与维护 Article Seven Operation and Maintenance 第八章 项目资产及产权 Article Eight Project Assets and Property Rights

第九章 项目移交 Article Nine Turn Over of Project

第十章 双方总体性权利、义务 Article Ten General Tittles and Responsibilities

第十一章 税收 Article Eleven Tax

第十二章 不可抗力和情事变更 Article Twelve Force Majeure and Circumstances Change

第十三章 项目公司 Project Company

第十四章 协议的生效和终止 Article Fourteen Effective and Termination 第十五章 保密条款 Confidentiality

第十六章 争议的解决 Article Sixteen Dispute Settlement 第十七章 附 则 Article Seventeen Miscellaneous

甲方(发包方):Party A ( Employer )

乙方(被特许方/承包商):Party B ( Franchisee / Contractor )

鉴于甲方通过特许经营方式,赋予特许经营者依法投资建设、经营、管理本项目的权利,并在特许经营期满后向政府(甲方)或其指定机构移交本项目。 鉴于乙方同意以依法取得特许经营权的方式投资建设、经营、管理本项目,并在特许经营期满后向政府(甲方)或其指定机构移交本项目。

甲、乙双方经过友好协商,就本项目特许经营权投资建设、经营、管理、移交等有关事宜达成以下一致意见,并签订本合同,以兹双方共同遵守。 WHEREAS party A, by the mode of franchising operation, grant the

franchisee with the rights of investment / construction, operation and management this project in accordance with law and transfer this project upon the expiration of franchising term to the government (party A) or the designed authority by government.

WHEREAS party B acknowledge and agree, by the way of acquirement of franchising rights in accordance with law, to make investment /

construction, operation, management and of this project, and transfer this project upon the expiration of franchising term to the government (party A) or the designed authority by government.

NOW THEREFORE THIS CONTRACT WITNESSES that parties hereto, through amicable negotiation on the concerned issues of investment /

construction, operation and management this project’s franchising rights, have reached the mutual agreement and enter into this contract for parties abide by.

第一章 项目概况 Article One Project Overview 本项目的详细情况见公路工程可行性研究报告。

The particulars of this project is referred to Study Report of Highway Construction Feasibility 项目名称:Project Name 项目地点:Project Place

项目内容:公路主线及连接公路主体(包含但不限于路基、路面、桥梁涵洞、防护排水、环保绿化、安全设施等)。附属设施(包含但不限于服务区及设施、停车场及设施、收费站及设施、养护区及设施、管理办公区及设施、收费系统、监控系统、通信设施(高速公路正常运行所必需)、供配电设施、广告设施等)。 Project Contents: Highway mainline and connecting road subject including but not limited to subgrade, pavement, culvert, drainage / protection, environment / greening and security facilities, et al. Ancillary

facilities including but not limited to the service zone with facilities thereof, parking lot with facilities thereof, toll station with facilities thereof, maintenance zone with facilities thereof,

administration zone with facilities thereof, toll system, supervision system, communication facilities which are necessary for expressway’s normal operation, power facilities and advertisement facilities, and so on.

项目规格及标准:本项目路线全长 公里,设计速度为 公里/小时,路基宽度 米,双向六车道高速公路技术标准建设,路面采用沥青混凝土,桥涵

设计荷载采用公路—Ⅰ级,其他技术指标应符合交通部颁发的《公路工程技术标准》(JTC B01-2003)中的规定。 建设期:本项目建设期为 个月。

Specification and Standard of Project: Total route length of project is kilometers, the design speed as kilometers / hour, the width of roadbed as meters, the construction standard of two-way six lanes of expressway, asphalt concrete pavement, bridge design load by highway – I, other technical indicators should be subject to the stipulations of Technical Standard of Highway Engineering (JTC B01-2003)issued by the Ministry of Communications.

Construction Term: the term of this project is months.

第二章 投资资金 Article Four Investment Capital

2.1 本项目投资预计金额为: 万元(以政府交通行政主管部门批准的初步概算为准),本项目的资金来源应符合国家产业政策和资金管理的有关规定。 The budget amount of this project investment is million Yuan, subject to the primary budget approved by the administration authority of communications. The funding sources of project should be in conformity with the relevant provisions of State’s industrial policy and fund management.

2.2 乙方应准备充足资金,确保本项目的资本金足额到位,以保证本项目工程建设的顺利实施。

Party B should prepare adequate and enough fund and ensure full fund in its account for the smooth implementation of project.

2.3 甲方有权监督乙方资金的到位情况。在建设期间,如果乙方由于资金不足的原因,导致未能按施工承包协议约定的支付期限支付工程款,经甲方同意延期 个月后仍拖延支付工程款超过 3 个月以上的,甲方有权终止本合同,并追究因此造成的经济损失。

Party A is entitle to supervise party B’s fund in its bank account. Provided that the failure of effecting Work’s payment in stipulation of contract during construction, due to party B’s inadequacy of fund,

and still delay the payment more than three months after party A’s consent of expiration of months, party A is entitle to effect termination of this contract and claim the compensation of economic loss consequent thereon or incidental thereto.

2.4 本项目的资金投入应按工程建设进度的需要,分期、分批按计划注入。在本项目全面竣工验收合格后,乙方根据批准的预算及实施过程中经审计认可的变更编制竣工结算,送甲方初审后,报审计机构审计。

The investment of fund to this project should, subject to the necessity of construction progress, be effected in separate terms and batches. Party B should, upon acceptance of full completion of this project, submit party A with the final settlement which are prepared in accordance with the approved budget and the alterations which are confirmed by audit during the implementation of Work for party A’s preliminary review before application of Audit Agency for auditing.

第三章 特许经营权 Article Three Franchising Rights 3.1 特许经营权内容:本项目的投资建设、经营、管理。

The contents of franchising rights are inclusive of invested construction, operation and management / administration.

3.2 特许经营权授予:依照本合同的规定,甲方代表政府在此将本项目的特许经营权授予给乙方。本合同签订后,乙方即获得对本项目进行投资建设、经营、管理的权利。

Award of Franchising Rights: Party A will hereby, pursuant to the provisions hereof, for and on behalf of Government, grant party B with the franchising rights of this project operation. Party B will, upon the signature of this contract, enjoy the rights of invested construction, operation and management / administration.

3.3 本合同授予乙方的特许经营权是独占性的,专属于乙方;甲方保证不将特许经营权的任何部分或全部再授予任何第三方。

